Afterwards, Jiang Lin looked at the Panlan Tiger King again. He was extremely intelligent, and he was quite knowledgeable about the situation.

"So, are you willing to serve me as master?"

"My lord, of course Xiaohu is willing, since I looked at you more in the woods back then..."


A majestic and colorful tiger, Jiang Lin felt goosebumps when he said such nauseous words.

"After the transformation, enter this curse array, and then separate out a ray of life soul and make a soul contract with me."

Jiang Lin turned around and drew the pattern of the Secret Poison Slave Spell with his blood essence. It was not impossible for the Colorful Tiger King to survive, he just needed to give full play to his own value.

It's not bad to have a demon king as a pet.

The two-foot-tall, colorful tiger king then transformed into a house cat with gray-blue fur.It's just that it stands on two legs, just like a human, it walks upright, and its limbs also take the shape of a human, with a layer of white hair growing on it.

Jiang Lin didn't feel strange about the transformation of the colorful tiger king. Not all monster transformations were exactly the same as people, and some of them would retain their own characteristics.

"Where's the king character on your head? You look like a cat."

"Uh... lord, I am a Siberian tiger with no king on my head."

The colorful tiger king rarely transforms. After he transforms, almost all the white hair on his body runs up his belly, and his body is gray-blue. In addition, there is no "king" on the top of his forehead, which makes him look like a cat and three points Just like a tiger.

Obviously it can roar the mountains and forests, why does it have to change its shape and meow meow meow?

"If the lord doesn't dislike it, the mice in the lord's house will be handed over to Xiaohu in the future."

The King Banlan Tiger didn't delay, he stood directly in the curse formation, and separated a ray of life and soul.

In the future, its life will be completely in Jiang Lin's hands, but no matter what, it is much better than dying now.

The longer one lives, the more afraid of death, not only for humans, but also for birds and beasts.

"This guy has a brain, and he has the right to judge."

After enduring a short period of pain, King Panlan stood behind Jiang Lin with his hands on his hips, looking at King Rat.

The rat king was anxious. It wasn't that he didn't want to run, but the colorful tiger king, the boss of the three saints of Kunlun, didn't choose to run. What does this mean?

Run fast, die fast.

When this human being did not burst into aura, it was normal, but when it showed its momentum, it was like a giant spirit god.

"Boss, boss, the little mouse has eyes but doesn't know Mount Tai, and his heart is blinded by lard, so he dares to go to the idea of ​​​​playing the palace treasures. I ask the boss to give me a way to live, and the little mouse is also willing to obey the boss."

The Rat King, with a length of more than three meters and a tail, kowtowed on the ground like pounding garlic. It was originally more clever than the Panlan Tiger King, but when Jiang Lin Senhan's eyes fell on it, the Rat King sadly found his head. I got stuck, so I could only plead guilty.

"I already have a house cat."

The beard of the colorful tiger king moved. He was a tiger king, not a house cat.

But at this moment, it didn't dare to think about it.


The Tiger King Panlan cooperated very well and let out a cat meow. According to folklore, cats are also the masters of tigers.

"Big brother, although this cat brother also has the strength of a demon king, his body size is still too large. The big brother is unparalleled, there must be many sisters-in-law at home, and I can be their bodyguard."

With that said, the rat king also transformed into a little mouse the size of a slap.

Like the colorful tiger king, it stands upright like a human, with complete hands and feet, and its hair is tawny.

"Big brother, look at my size, and I don't take up space. If you put a drill in the big sister's pocket, no one wants to hurt them."

The mouse boy folded his hands together and continued to beg Jiang Lin for mercy.

"Is that what it transforms into?"

Jiang Lin asked the colorful tiger king behind him.

"Yes, the lord, it has escaped many life-and-death crises with such a body shape, and before becoming the demon king, he also confuses many old demon kings."

Jiang Lin: "..."

Are you sure that you are the three saints of Kunlun and not cats and mice?

"Enter the curse formation."

If King Tianmo was granted amnesty, he was more active than King Panlan, and he was dominated by Jianglin.

"In the future, house cat, your name is Tom, and mouse boy, your name is Jerry."

Chapter [-] Return to Renjia Town

"In the future, you can just call my master, and go and peel the long worm's cramps and skin, keep the muscle and skin, the snake's gallbladder, the snake's teeth, the inner alchemy, and the blood for me."

Listening to Jiang Lin's instructions, Tom and Jerry felt their hairs stand up. If they didn't surrender today, they probably wouldn't be able to leave any bones and scum, and there would be no way for them to drop a corpse.

"By the way, that snake's whip was burned for me. If it doesn't burn to ashes, I'll ask you two."

Damn it, it's so scary, I'm going to be a eunuch when I die.

The colorful tiger king grunted and mourned for his former brother.

Li Yingqi's primordial spirit is relatively weak, and his body is still the same as before because of the medicinal liquid.

"Master, don't leave this time."

The necklace on Li Yingqi's chest made her voice.

"If you don't leave, you won't leave in the future."

Jiang Lin held the Lingxi Heart Pendant, and then his fingernails grew out, opening his heart.

"Master, what are you doing?"

"Your primordial spirit is very weak. I am afraid that something will happen to you, so I will nourish you with my blood."

Jiang Lin kissed the pendant, removed it, and inserted it into his heart.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin controlled the white jade coffin with snake tendons, and fixed it on the body of the Manifested Tiger King. With the treasure of the Fire Flood King, he rode the tiger to the south.

On the way, Jiang Lin inquired about the Ice Palace formation.

Fifty years ago, the Snow Mountain Sun God Orb burst, half of it was stopped by the Fire Flood Dragon King, and the other half disappeared, causing the Dragon Qi to leak. Since then, the three Demon Kings have become interested in the Ice Palace.

Thirty years ago, the three big monsters attacked the formation, forcing the amber mirror to shift, and flew out of the ice cave, missing their whereabouts. One punch.

When they talked about the past, the two demon kings were trembling all over. If they knew that there was a woman in Jianglin, and the horror of Jianglin, how could they dare to attack the ice palace.

"I'll write it down for you first, and I'll make a guilt for me later."

The chill in Jiang Lin's eyes made the two demon kings shudder.

Panlan Tiger King was especially afraid, and didn't dare to bump into any bumps while running.It is also a smart demon king, will Jiang Lin believe his own words?That is, it does not believe in itself based on some inferences and conjectures.

Half a month later, Jiang Lin came to Renjia Town again.

"Be honest with me, don't manifest the body at will."

Jiang Lin let the two demon kings stay outside Yizhuang first, and carried the white jade coffin to the door of the Taoist temple.

After leaving for a thousand years, Jiang Lin really felt a sense of timidity when he returned home.

"Master, uncle, Chili, Tingting, Zhuzhu, Jingjing!"

The two demon kings were stunned when they heard Jiang Lin's cry. How many mistresses did they have?

"Master, how many sisters do I have?"

Li Yingqi's question came from Jiang Lin's heart.

"Not much, four or five."

Li Yingqi: "..."


Several knocks came out.




Fortunately, Zhang Han and Ninth Uncle were both there, and his daughter-in-law was also at home. Jiang Lin's eyes were a little sour.

Daoist Qianhe is not as fast as him, and Ping An has not reported back.

"Master, the disciple is unworthy, and it makes your second elder worried."

Jiang Lin bowed to Zhang Han and Ninth Uncle, and the second old man's hair turned a lot whiter.

"Just come back, just come back."

"Senior brother!"

Qiusheng and Wencai also ran out. Seeing Jiang Lin, Wencai's eyes were red.

Jiang Lin was hugged by five flowers alone, and several daughters-in-law pushed his master aside.

"Husband, is this?"

Chen Yu looked at the white jade coffin on the ground.

"This is your sister."

Jiang Lin took Li Yingqi out of the coffin.

"Go back to the house and talk. By the way, you two, come to see the old master and the mistresses."

The two demon kings turned into a gust of wind and came to them, stood at attention, and said in unison, "Hello, two old masters, and four mistresses."

Zhang Han and Jiu Shu were stunned, this cat and mouse turned out to be two demon kings!

"Jiang Lin, have you become a Heavenly Master?"

Ninth Uncle stayed on the spot as if struck by a lightning bolt.

Knowing that Jiang Lin brought two demon kings here, Uncle Ninth sensed Jiang Lin's cultivation, and he couldn't see through Jiang Lin.

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