When Wen Cai heard that there were beautiful women in the woods, he stretched his neck and looked inside.

An arm stretched out and grabbed his clothes.

Wen Cai was so frightened that he screamed, Jiang Lin was really speechless to this senior brother.

Jiang Lin stretched out his hand and pulled it out, pulling out the younger brother who lacked a tendon.

But he is now gray-blue and spitting in his mouth.

It was the first time Jiang Lin saw him after playing with monsters until he vomited.

The brothers really lived up to their names, either lacking root tendons or lacking roots.

"It's my brother, is there any help for him?"

"Senior brother, carry him in. Wake him up, the boy will urinate a lot."

Jiang Lin gave Wen Cai a look. Only Wen Cai and Shao Genjin are boys here, but Shao Genjin's crotch is a little wet, so I guess they have been scared to pee long ago, and they are gone.

After the lack of root tendons was awakened, Jiang Lin said: "Take him to the town to get kidney-tonifying) (essential medicine, and buy some boy eggs."

Shaogenjin nodded again and again, and rushed to the town with his younger brother on his back.

"Junior brother, what should I do with this banana essence?"

Jiang Lin took a look at the surrounding banana forests. The essence of a plant is not the same as that of an animal. Without being visible, the demonic energy of the former is hidden in the roots, that is, hidden in the ground, and Jiang Lin cannot sense it. s position.

"This Banana Banshee won't show up unless he leads him, only the place) (Men can lead it out."

Qiu Sheng patted Wen Cai unkindly and said, "Ha, junior brother, it's your turn to play a role this time."

"Why me? I don't go, in case my first) (second time) is taken by a monster, how will I see people in the future?"

"Alright, your senior brother, I was beaten by a female ghost. It's cool, don't want it."

Did you instigate your brother and sister like this?

Jiang Lin was speechless to Qiusheng. Back then, the female ghost was in love with him, so she didn't suck him dry. This guy thought it was all about playing ghosts and demons.

"Senior brother, I noticed that you look more and more like a bastard."

Wencai's nose is crooked, you are shameless, I still want it.

"Blessings are shared, and difficulties are shared. You two go together. I remember that the whips of the two of you are still remembered by the uncle. You don't want to do business? Have you become fat?"

When they heard Jiang Lin's words, the two of them felt dizzy. The smell of rattan was really refreshing.

Not long after, Wen Cai was dressed in red and green, pretending to be a groom, holding a red rope and a dragon and phoenix candle in his hand.

Following Jiang Lin's instructions, the two lit the red candle, threw the red rope into the banana forest, and lay on the bed and under the bed.

Jiang Lin climbed up to a big tree in the distance. Although his yang energy was restrained and the Heavenly Master's imposing manner was not obvious, he still put a breath-holding talisman on himself for the sake of insurance.

I don't know if the Banana Banshee is cool enough or if she is aware of the danger and refuses to appear.

"Why are the five beautiful wives in the family still waiting for me, you are more likely to be full than a monster? Don't you want to send a boy?"

Jiang Lin was a little impatient, and just after his thoughts passed, there was a gust of wind on the ground.

Chapter two hundred and twentieth life-saving means

Jiang Lin didn't leave immediately. The plant goblin could escape as long as it touched the ground. The floor in the wooden house was made of wood. As long as the Banana Banshee entered the house, it would be easy to kill her.

Wen Cai, who pretended to be asleep, got his spirits up and swore that he would never lose his boy body.

Although Jiang Lin and Qiu Sheng are no longer in the same place) (Male, but there is definitely a difference between the two.

That's right, Wen Cai wants to follow Jiang Lin as an example. Although Jiang Lin is an old fritter, he is the first in the family. , must not learn Qiusheng.

One end of the red rope was tied to Wencai's toe, but he was uneasy, so he ignored the slight movement of the red rope.

"It's almost dawn, chicken) (Brother, hurry up and call..."

Wen Cai's heart was broken, and he could not wait to close his eyes and open them again, and the sky would dawn.

"Hurry up and find your daughter-in-law. After you find it, you will no longer be a boy, so you won't have to seduce the banshee and ghost."

The big-hearted Wen Cai had no idea that the banshee he feared was approaching.

Banana Banshee's movements were very fast. She followed the red rope on the ground and manifested her body directly above Wencai.

A girl in a red dress, dressed up enchantingly and exposed, appeared.

The banshee's hair seemed to have used Rejoice, and it flew freely without the wind. She smiled and greeted Wen Caiming below.

"so beautiful."

Although Wen Cai made up his mind to follow Jiang Lin as an example, Jiang Lin's concentration is really unmatched by ordinary people. Seeing the great body of the banshee above, Wen Cai's shameful Shi Geng.

There is a piece of white flowers, and there is a big white moon retreat that can play for a year.

"No, my Tong Zhen is going to be given to my daughter-in-law!"

Wen Cai shook his head and reached out to greet Qiu Sheng under the bed, but Qiu Sheng fell asleep under the bed.

I also dreamed of the female ghost Xiaoyu and Annie from Jiuquan Town.

Wen Cai was about to speak, but his limbs and mouth were entangled by the banshee's red cloth.

Pulled by the banshee, he gradually moved away from the bed.

"No, you're not my daughter-in-law, woohoo~"

Wen Cai cried, he was going to be sorry for his future daughter-in-law, it was over.

"Junior brother, come and save me, my innocence falls on you."

Wen Cai prayed that Jiang Lin would come to rescue him quickly.

The banshee thought that Wen Cai was moved by happiness and cried, and moved faster.

She kicked off Wencai's shoes and landed on Qiusheng's face.

Qiu Sheng, who was awakened from a dream, snorted and died, and got out of the bed.

"Mom, Wen Cai lost) (I'm dead!"

At this time, Jiang Lin also came to the door of the house and probed to see the situation inside.

Nima, before one o'clock) (Is there no need for drama?

Jiang Lin was very speechless. It turned out that he thought the banshee was full, but he didn't expect her to be so thirsty.

As soon as she came in, Wen Cai was entangled with her.

Looking at Qiusheng who had just crawled out from under the bed, Jiang Lin was really depressed, what are you doing, the banshee is here, don't you know!

Jiang Lin didn't choose to show up. They didn't bring many guys, so they couldn't close the window in the wooden house. In order to prevent the banshee from escaping, Jiang Lin wanted to kill her at once when she was distracted or ran away with the door. .


The banshee screamed, and she was pissed by the talented boy.

Afraid that he would lose his body, he would be scared to pee, and there was no one else in Wencai.

Across the trousers, it turned into a small fountain, madly feeding on the banshee.

The power of the boy's urine is very fierce, and the lethality is not small, especially for this kind of big monster who has just advanced by external force.

Jiang Lin almost burst out laughing. In his previous life, he had also watched the movies played by his roommate in the dormitory, and it was very similar to the current scene.

It's just that Wencaizi is a thing that can subdue demons.

"You can consider letting Wen Cai cultivate the boy Sa Yang. This means of saving lives, my Yan Zhihe is willing to bow down."

Jiang Lin was still very convinced of Wencai, and even though he was wearing clothes and cloth, he could still savor the sun.

After being touched by the boy's urine, the red cloth contaminated with evil energy caught fire, and Wen Cai fell down.

Ignoring the shackles of being thrown, Wen Cai only felt that he had no love for life.

No face to face, who will settle him.

"Daughter-in-law, I'm sorry for you."

Poor Wencai, who has never experienced it before, can't tell the difference between peeing and another kind of behavior, he thinks he's lost.

The banshee hovered in the air for a few seconds, but she didn't respond that she was on fire.

She knew that a man was in a hurry, but she had never seen him in such a hurry at this juncture.

"It's alright, Senior Brother help you get revenge!"

Seeing Wen Cai crying, Qiu Sheng was also a little ashamed. He turned his shame into strength, holding a mirror in his left hand and a peach wood sword in his right hand, to seek justice for Wen Cai.

"Junior brother, this banshee made you shameless. As a senior brother, I must kill this banshee."

It was rare for Qiusheng to be so active, and Jiang Lin didn't act immediately. If the banshee escaped from the window, he would show up immediately, and it would be better to escape from the door.

Of course, it is best not to run away.

Although Qiu Sheng is good at skills and has a certain foundation in Taoism, he is still a little reluctant to deal with a big demon.

Even the Banana Banshee who has just become a big demon.

The peach wood sword in Qiusheng's hand was covered with talisman paper, and as long as it touched the body of the banshee, it could cause a lot of damage to her.

However, since Banana Banana can become a big demon, her intelligence is definitely higher than that of zombies.

Not with a sword?

She has ranged attacks.

The red cloth in her hand was like a piece of training, and the Banana Banshee controlled it to wipe it on the peach wood sword, and all the talismans on the sword fell off.

Without the magic talisman, the power of the peach wood sword has been reduced a lot, and it is effective not to touch the body of the banshee like before.

It needs to be stabbed or hacked to inflict damage on her.

"Look at the demon mirror!"

The peach wood sword was ineffective, so Qiu Sheng took out the mirror in his arms.

Banana Banshee involuntarily looked at the mirror in Qiusheng's hand, and she saw that the mirror inside was no longer a flowery girl, but an ugly wrinkled face.

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