
Mingjing was blessed by mana, which directly broke the face of the banshee. The banshee could not tolerate her ugly appearance, and wanted to absorb the yin energy to restore her appearance.

But Jiang Lin had been waiting outside for a long time.

Dodging and rushing out, the Yang Finger Sword directly pierced the banshee's heart.

Letting this banshee out of the house, it is not easy to catch her. In the movie, Uncle Ninth took a lot of effort to catch her.

The Banana Banshee suddenly let out a shrill scream, and then her hands and feet began to melt, and finally turned into a pool of pus, the same color as a banana leaf.

"After waiting for so long, I solved it with one sword. What a shame."

Jiang Lin was about to tell Qiusheng and Wencai to leave, but another scene of hot eyes appeared in the wooden house.

Wen Cai leaned against Qiu Sheng's arms, crying like a little girl.

It's like a daughter-in-law who hasn't been through the door has been smeared with blood, and then lies in her lover's arms and weeps.

"I went and got goosebumps."

Jiang Lin couldn't take it anymore, and asked Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai to spread their knowledge.

You are such a big man, and you still don't know anything about these things. After marrying a daughter-in-law, you stare at me with big eyes?

Stare at who is pregnant) (pregnant?

Qiusheng was also quite speechless. He saw Wencai crying and it was dark and dark. He didn't expect that nothing would happen.

The belt of Nima's trousers has not been untied, you are losing your hair.

"Eh? So I'm still a child."

"[-]% pure child."

"Go away quickly."

Jiang Lin really can't stand the foundation between these two living treasures) (Love, quickly flash people.

On the way, the three of them happened to meet Shaogenjin, who came back, and took the reward. Jiang Lin kept a share, and Qiusheng and Wencai split the rest.

The ninth uncle didn't come out. It is estimated that the link between the brothers and the little zombie to steal the ninth uncle's money is gone.

"You are not allowed to say I peeed my pants."

Wen Cai knew that he had not yet become an adult, and after getting excited, he was afraid that he would be told about his pants.

"No. Your boy's water gun is so powerful, not only the banshee is afraid, but I am also afraid. It is so strong through the cloth."

Qiusheng laughed and screamed, this Wencai's life-saving means are too strong, and he is also willing to bow down. Without a guy, the damage he did to the banshee is really not as good as Wencai's.

Chapter [-] is like thunder

Wen Cai was mocked and wanted to find a hole to drill.

Jiang Lin looked at Wencai, and sighed in his heart, people who practice Taoism are afraid of being timid.When encountering demons, ghosts and monsters, you should first counsel half, even if the strength is higher than that of demons, how much power can you exert.

I am afraid that among the four disciples of Ninth Uncle, if Wen Cai has been like this, it is estimated that he will not be able to walk on this road for a few years.

Looking at Qiusheng again, Jiang Lin felt that he didn't make much progress either. This time Wencai was about to have an accident, and he just crawled out from under the bed. Sooner or later, he would either harm others or himself.

"If you have the opportunity, let these two senior brothers grow up with each other."

This time when Jiang Lin came back, he realized that Uncle Ninth was a very emotional person. He was only half of Uncle Ninth's disciple. Without the news, Uncle Ninth's hair turned white.

If an accident happened to Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, the two direct disciples, the old man didn't know how sad he would be.

"Senior Brother Wencai, your courage needs to be practiced, so you can't let your uncle worry anymore. And senior brother Qiusheng, you too, please be more prudent. Uncle, he has aged a lot this time. I have an accident and can come back. How about the two of you?"

Both Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai bowed their heads. Their master had no partner, and he had long regarded them as sons.

The two of them knew in their hearts that this time Jiang Lin disappeared, Ninth Uncle seldom beat and scolded them, and always said to write it down.

Even if he really took the cane whip, he shook his head and sighed after a few strokes.

"Think about it for yourself, and think about it for your uncle."

Jiang Lin was just a junior and he didn't want to teach Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai more lessons.

Returning to Yizhuang, Jiu Shu asked about the specific situation, and he was relieved to learn that the matter was resolved satisfactorily.

"Qiusheng Wencai, you rest early, and tomorrow I will go to Wuliu Village, a neighboring village, to see the feng shui there."

Look at Feng Shui?Could it be the village where the Western zombies are?

"Uncle Shi, I'll go there tomorrow, you can rest at home more."

Jiang Lin wanted Ninth Uncle to work less, after all, he lost a lot of life to deal with ghost witches.

Before restoring Jiu Shu's body, Jiang Lin wanted to let Jiu Shu feel at ease to take care of his body.

In fact, Jiang Lin has stayed in Emei for so long, and he already has a gully in his heart. He is completely able to build a high house. Now, as long as he puts the ancient books of Maoshan in front of him, within three months, Jiang Lin will be able to surpass Jiu Shu in terms of knowledge.

Even if he has not studied Feng Shui in detail, the so-called "familiar with [-] Tang poems, even if you can't compose poems, can sing", Jiang Lin read books for two hundred years in Emei, not for nothing, and he and Li Yingqi are immortals In those years as a companion, I have seen many famous mountains and rivers, and my eyesight is not low.

Worried that Jiu Shu was afraid that he would not be able to do the job, Jiang Lin discussed with Jiu Shu about his experience in feng shui.

Even Ninth Uncle was surprised by some of Jiang Lin's insights.

"You are also a Celestial Master, and now you can take charge of yourself. Uncle Shi is very pleased."

Ninth Uncle's eyes were a little warm, Jiang Lin stopped him for something in the Banana Garden, and Jiang Lin also let him rest for the Wuliu Village affairs.

He did not teach this half of the disciples wrong.

"Go back quickly, Chili and the others are still waiting."

"Uncle, please rest early."

Jiang Lin said peace, and then returned to the Taoist temple next door.


Chen Yu had been waiting in the yard, and this time Jiang Lin almost never returned, which made her very afraid that her husband would have another accident.

"Chili, does your arm still hurt? I'll take the slave curse for you."

Because Jiang Lin always used the slave curse to report Chen Yu's safety, a strange curse mark appeared on her arm, which caused pain.

Jiang Lin wanted to help her last night, but his daughter-in-law was unwilling.

"I don't want it. It's hard to understand. Didn't you make it disappear, and now the arm is healed. This is the testimony of the two of us having a relationship. I don't want you to explain it."

Chen Yu put her face on Jiang Lin's shoulder and looked at the full moon in the sky.

"Husband, Tingting seems to be jealous of me. Go and coax her. There is a slave curse on her body, but she doesn't, so she can't sense your presence."

Chen Yu stuck out his tongue and let Jiang Lin worry about Ren Tingting.

It turned out that Tingting was jealous, no wonder she kept pouting.

Jiang Lin smiled, his daughter-in-law was jealous, that's a good thing.


Jiang Lin knocked on Zhang Han's door.

"Lin Zi, what's the matter? Why don't you care about my wife and go to me?"

Jiang Lin: "..."

"The disciple wants to learn some formation techniques and discuss with the master."

Jiang Lin wanted to accompany Zhang Han to talk, but he was kicked out and threw him a copy of the formation experience.

There are three kinds of unfilial piety, and no one is the greatest.

In the middle of the night, I don’t go to create people, learn what kind of formation.

When he thought of creating a human being, Jiang Lin's heart was quite depressed. Li Yingqi was the only one of his five daughters-in-law, but because the body was in the white jade coffin, the fetus could not grow.

The remaining daughters-in-law don't know when they will win the lottery.

After returning to the room, Jiang Lin waited for Ren Zhuzhu and the others to fall asleep, and hurt Ren Tingting specially, and the vinegar was turned into sugar water.

On the second day, Jiang Lin asked Qiusheng and Wencai to take the guys and set off to Wuliu Village.

"What about a long eyebrow?"

The village head of Wuliu Village brought the squires of the village to greet him, but there was no trace of Uncle Jiu.

Why are there so many young guys here?Can they help the village to see Feng Shui?

"Why didn't the eyebrows grow up?"

The village chief's face was not very good-looking, and his expression was a little disappointed.

Qiusheng explained: "My master is sick, so I asked my junior brother to come over."

"This is my junior brother, Daoist Li Yang, who has won the true inheritance of my master. It is very powerful."

Wen Cai also took the opportunity to brag that although Jiang Lin didn't have any halo blessings on him, Jiang Lin really regarded them as senior brothers and it was worth to brag about.

"Li... Daoist Li Yang?"

The village chief's eyes widened, and he kept looking at Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin was a little stunned, how could this look be so respectful.

"I'm really fortunate to meet Daoist Li Yang. Daoist priest, you entered the town in Tengteng Town to save people and kill the zombie king. You are really a model of righteousness."

"It's like thunder."

Not really, Jiang Lin doesn't understand it anymore. It is estimated that the people in the circle know about his affairs in Tengteng Town. How can the village chief of Wuliu Village also know about it?

Jiang Lin didn't know that he was so famous because good things didn't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles.

Not many people really know what he did in Tengteng Town, but as soon as he disappeared, outsiders thought he had fallen, and the news spread, and even what he did in Tengteng Town with him.

Even ordinary people like the head of Wuliu Village have heard of it.

If Jiang Lin knew that his fame spread because he was "dead", he would have died.

Even Ninth Uncle and the others didn't know that Jianglin had become famous in the outside world, but the reputation was accompanied by words such as "It's a pity to die young" and "Heaven is jealous of talents".

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