"Oh, Daoist Li Yang will definitely be able to resolve the matter in our village. He is even praised by Master Hong Jinbao, the master of Feng Shui."

The village chief changed his previous attitude, and even kept his stature very low.

Being so famous, I have a headache.

Jiang Lin really has no pursuit of fame and the like, and he still likes to keep a low profile.

"It's just a thin name. Since your village needs a look at Feng Shui, let's go check it out."

"Master, please."

The village chief and other squires respectfully invited Jiang Lin to go up the mountain. As for Qiusheng and Wencai, they were basically ignored.

"There is a very thin dragon spirit, the village chief, the pattern of Wuliu Village has something to do with dragons."

Jiang Lin had felt the qi of the evil dragon, and had slept in the dragon cave for seven hundred years. He was all too familiar with the qi of the dragon.

Even if Uncle Jiu stood here, he might not be able to feel the extremely thin dragon spirit in Wuliu Village.

Really has the ability!

Before entering the village, they knew that the pattern of their village was related to dragons.

The village chief became more convinced of Jiang Lin's abilities.

Chapter [*] There is a problem with the water

Qiusheng and Wencai saw that there were many ladies in the crowd, so they could not walk. In this era, basically, the parties to the marriage were either from their own village or from neighboring villages.

They might find their other half here.

Wen Cai is even more eager to be courteous. If he can find a daughter-in-law as soon as possible, he doesn't have to be a jerk.

Well aware of the temperament of the two living treasures who can't walk when they see a girl, Jiang Lin didn't bother to pay attention to them, and followed the village chief and them up the mountain.

"Village chief, your village is surrounded by mountains, with a golden plate offering auspiciousness on the left, water pouring into the middle hall on the right, with the Hua Ting Heyu in the front, and Jingshan Jade in the back.

Jiang Lin walked around the mountains around the village with the head of Wuliu Village.

"But recently, the six animals in the village are uneasy for no reason, and the population is sickly. Is there a problem with Feng Shui?"

"The air here is smooth, the wind is blowing, and there is no problem with the wind."

Jiang Lin's spiritual sense was already very sharp, and he knew that the problem here was not the wind without having to sense the direction of the wind.

"Master, since there is no problem with the wind, is there a problem with the water?"

"Go and see the water source."

"Why is it so heavy?"

Jiang Lin went on the road and found that Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng were like two coolies, carrying a heavy basket, and Qiu Sheng was also carrying a bicycle.

What bike are you carrying?What a bike!

The black line at the end of Jiang Lin, why did these two treasures come here?

Live single life.

"What are you two doing? Are you looking for a job in the village? Is it to make money or to make money? It's better to move bricks to make money."


Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai pouted, they just wanted to impress those girls, but they didn't expect to be said to be the hard work brought by Jiang Lin.

"If you want to get a daughter-in-law, you must first develop your skills. You can't carry things back to your wife. What people want is a husband who is a husband, not a cow, two big brothers."

Jiang Lin was also speechless, and now Qiusheng and Wencai are still not clear.

Taoists marry their wives, relying on their own skills.There are so many monsters and monsters, and it happened that the girl or some family was in trouble in this regard, and she saved the family by virtue of her ability.The grace of saving life, maybe there will be further progress.

He and Ren Tingting are not like this.

Even the weaker Daoist Qianhe of the older generation is almost forty now, as long as he is willing, he will marry the big girl.

Just because he has the ability.

"Qiu Shengwencai, why are you running so fast? It's not escaping."

The security captain of Wuliu Village shouted in the back with a Western umbrella, and then ran over to shade his cousin.

Although Wuliu Village is not as large as the town, the people here are relatively wealthy and the population is large. Although the sparrows are small, they have all the internal organs, including the township office and the security office.

The captain's cousin was dressed in flamboyant fashion, and was also wearing a gauze skirt.

hey hey~

This Qiusheng and Wencai dedicated themselves to this woman, and she was still the captain of the security guard, a little hoof who was greedy for money and did not love herself.

Are all the good girls in the world extinct?Qiusheng didn't matter, Wencai also wore a basket with clothes and a handkerchief and silk scarf.

"Put it down for me. Do you still want to go to the morning glory pot to loosen the soil? Go up and find a water source for me."

Jiang Lin was really ashamed.

"These things are for everyone and the village chief, so they carry it for everyone, not me."

The security captain came over and took tea from the basket, ready to send it to his cousin.

"Cousin, are you hungry or not, come and eat a foreign layer cake."

"A little bit."

The captain's cousin looked very reserved, but after the captain turned around, he swallowed a sandwich with almost no chew.

"Cousin, do you want a thousand-layer cake?"

"A little bit."

The security captain was very attentive, and came to turn over the basket again.

"Wait a minute, the thing is back to you, take it."

"To serve everyone."

Qiusheng and Wencai unloaded their belongings to the security captain, and they felt ashamed themselves.

"What? I don't care for anyone, for my son!"

Qiusheng and Wencai gave up their picks, which made the security captain look unhappy.

Why are all the security captains a virtuous person? Jiang Lin was also drunk and said such things in front of so many people.

It seems that this security captain and her cousin are really made in heaven, fish looking for the same bay, turtle looking for a beach.

Jiang Lin followed the village chief to check the water source. As Jiang Lin expected, the pattern of water flow here is a golden dragon chasing a pearl.

After listening to Jiang Lin's remarks, the village chief and his party admired Jiang Lin even more.

"Whether there is a problem with the water, just look at Dragon Ball."

Jiang Lin didn't have to think about the development of the plot in the movie. With what he had learned and telepathy, he found the Dragon Ball under a stone in the water.


"There is a problem with the water in your village."

Jiang Lin didn't say much. If the bat body is found again, it will be the same as the plot.

Checking the aquatic plants in the water, as well as the dead fish turning their stomachs, Jiang Lin said, "There is a problem with the water in this area, please inform the villagers not to drink it."

"Where's the captain?"

Now that the problem has been roughly confirmed, the matter of finding the bat will be handed over to the security captain.

Paomazi asked his senior brother to be a coolie, and he was so idle that he found some work for him.

"There are snakes!"

Not far away came the cry of the security captain, and the voice became sharper.

He tried to get some water to wipe the mud off his boots, but the handkerchief fell into the stream.The security captain fetched the handkerchief and fell into it himself. When he got ashore, he was scratched by the bushes and vines immersed in the water.

This idiot thought he was entangled by a snake.

He rolled and ran to the shore, and the dead vines on his legs drove the bushes, and the whole was pulled out of the water.

There are hundreds of bat corpses hanging upside down on the bushes, making people feel numb, especially those with intensive phobia.

Jiang Lin, the village chief and others rushed over, and some who had never seen this battle turned pale with fright.

All the villagers drink here is the water, and when they think of so many bat corpses soaking in it, many people vomited on the spot.

"Master, what should I do?"

The village chief was also panicked for a while, these bat corpses looked so strange.

"Send someone to fish up all the bats in the water, burn them, and then check to see if there are bat corpses in other locations, and burn them, otherwise the water source will be useless. In addition, let the security captain and the others go to the nearby area to find out if there are bat dens. I'll find another source of water for you."

"Burn, burn me!"

The security captain was very angry. It was these bats that scared him to pee. Fortunately, he fell into the pond earlier, otherwise he would be a joke for the whole village.

"Two senior brothers, you and the captain go to find the bat nest."

Jiang Lin remembered that the bat den was in the nearby church, and it was better to count on the security captain than to count on the sow to climb the tree.

Chapter [*] No matter how you tell me

"Master, drink tea."

When they reached another mountain, the village chief asked someone to set up an awning, and the group respected Jiang Lin and were deeply impressed.

It is really impossible to look at people, and the sea water cannot be measured.

Who would have thought that this young Taoist priest, although only in his twenties, could be so capable.

Jiang Lin also sat in the awning and rested for a while. He came to do business, not to serve.

On the other side of the mountain, the security captain took people to the church.

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