The security team found that there were too many of them, and the nuns were not enough. They reported to the captain. The security captain didn't even listen, and they set the foreign temple on fire.

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai saw that the nuns looked like flowers and jade, and immediately learned from Jiang Lin to protect weak women.

In the end, the security captain knew that they had made an oolong themselves.

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai searched the church and found nothing unusual, so they showed the nuns some tricks in the church.

The bat nest is in the church, but unfortunately the two boys don't think about bats at all, but people.

Jiang Lin thought that with Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, it would be easy to find the bat nest in the church, but he still overestimated the reliability of Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai.

After drinking a cup of tea under the canopy, Jiang Lin set off to find a new source of water.

For finding water sources, Jiang Lin still needs to use tools such as a compass. Before, he looked at the water under the canopy, analyzed the direction of the water source, roughly determined several places where water sources might appear, and set off to look for it.

Using iron rods to open holes in the groundwater, the river forest differentiates the Yin Huotan Qi in its own body and controls it to travel backwards along the groundwater.

After working for more than four hours, Jiang Lin consumed a lot of spiritual energy, and finally found a new water source.

"This mountain is the source of water, and the four waters return to one source. Opening a well here means turning on the tap. After noon, you just need to dig the well according to the mark I sit on. Make no mistake, you are all Keep an eye on it."

Jiang Lin placed the flags at the four corners of the well, and marked the center. At the same time, he also instructed the village chief and others.

Then he walked into the woods beside him, and dozens of golden lights jumped out, and the bat corpses fell on the ground.

"Look back at the church and ask Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai to keep an eye on this place. It should be fine."

Jiang Lin remembered that the bats in the forest moved the marked position in the movie. Now that he has killed all the bats in the woods, let Qiusheng and Wencai watch them carefully, and it is estimated that Western zombies will not appear.

Even if the Western zombies appeared, Jiang Lin would be able to kill them, but now Jiang Lin doesn't have that kind of mind. He wants to relax for a while. After the physical problems of Daoist Dian and Uncle Jiu are resolved, everything will be said.

Even the system attribute upgrade, Jiang Lin did not rush to get it.

Let's let him sleep here forever. After dealing with the water problem here, Jiang Lin has to go back to Renjia Town to see a doctor.

Zhang Han suspected that he had a problem in some way, and he must see a doctor for him. All appointments were made in the afternoon.

Not yun not yu specialist.

"Then let's come back after lunch."

"it is good."

Qiusheng and Wencai ran over and shouted, "Junior Brother, I didn't find the bat nest."

"The church has been searched carefully, no, except for the dean of the retreat room who did not let in, all other places have been looked at."

drunk!The bat is in the retreat room. The two boys didn't go in. Where did they see the bat?

"Village Chief, I'll go to the church to take a look. Two brothers, please look at the signs here, and don't leave until the ground is broken."

"That priest, we are waiting for you at the Tianqinglou in the village."

"The Taoist priest is really responsible, and he is indeed a master apprentice of the one-brow Taoist priest."

Seeing that Jiang Lin did not hesitate to make another trip to find the bat nest, the village chief and others complimented Jiang Lin's attitude towards doing things.

"Senior brother, I have a crush on the nuns in the church, but Master often says that they are different from each other. What should I do?"

Wencai stood in the sun and had nothing to do, so he chatted with Qiusheng.

"What are you afraid of, chase after you if you like. Junior brother can marry Jingjing, why can't we chase nuns?"

"Junior brother is really lucky. The believer married him, and the believer married him."

Having said that, the two looked at each other in unison.

"What about the believers?"

No, you have to hurry up!

If Jiang Lin dragged the church nuns again, wouldn't they have to drink the northwest wind again.

"There's no one here, who would move the sign here for no reason, let's hurry up. Otherwise, the good impression we finally left will be overshadowed by the light of the junior brother."

"Yes, yes, Junior Brother is too charming."

After Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai left, a burst of bats flew in the air and moved the sign set up by Jiang Lin.

These bats were the same group that hid in the church retreat.

When Jiang Lin arrived at the church, all the bats in the retreat room had already flown away.

"President, you really won't let me in to see?"

When Jiang Lin arrived at the church, he wanted to enter the priest's retreat room, but the dean Maria refused to let him, saying that it was the holy place of the church.

"Then the dean should think about it. The bats found in the water source are the closest to here. The security captains would rather kill the wrong ones than let them go. If they can't completely guarantee that there are no bats in the church, I'm not sure they won't let them go. Will burn the church."

Jiang Lin spread his hands. He was not going to pretend that there was a fire in the retreat room like Uncle Jiu in the movie.

Either let him go in to see it, or the church will inevitably be burned down, and he let Maria choose.

In the end, Maria gave in and smashed open the door of the retreat.

There is also the dead bone of a monk and a burnt Bible. Jiang Lin frowned. He did not find the existence of bats here.

Not even bat poop.

In fact, even if there are bats here, they will not leave their feces here, and the retreat room is also a holy place for them.

"Aren't there Western zombies?"

Since there are no bats, he doesn't have to worry about it anymore. When he goes back after dinner, Qiusheng and Wencai will watch the ground breaking.

After Jiang Lin left the church on his forefoot, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai rushed to the church. After knowing that Jiang Lin had never seen any of the nuns, the two were relieved.

"Qiusheng, teach us how to play."

"Okay, call me a nice one."

The two living treasures threw Jiang Lin's words out of the blue and picked up their sister in the church.

After Jiang Lin had eaten, he left Wuliu Village first and returned to the Daotang.

The workers in Wuliu Village started to open the well at two or three in the afternoon, and in the evening, a body was dug up.

"Hey, hey, who of you has moved your bearings!"

Qiusheng and Wencai came out of the church, remembering that they still had to supervise the work, but when they looked up, the position of the well was [*] meters away.

It's really over!

Qiusheng and Wen Cai's heads are getting bigger, and what Jiang Lin told them was screwed up!

"Why did you dug the well here, and where is the flag set by the Taoist priest!"

The village chief and others waited for the temperature to cool before going up the mountain, and only when they went up the mountain did they find that there was something wrong.

A body was also dug up.

As soon as the corpse was hung up, the sky changed. In June, baby face, is this the reason for the weather or the corpse?

The village chief's face turned pale.

Chapter [*]: The Resurrection of Western Zombies

"Senior brother, what should I do? Yesterday, my brother persuaded us well, and today we stabbed such a basket. He told us not to leave before we broke ground."

Wen Cai was out of ideas for a while, they made a mistake, Ninth Uncle would beat and scold them, but Jiang Lin wouldn't.

But Jiang Lin was disappointed in them, so he might as well beat and scold them.

"What are you all doing!"

Qiu Sheng was full of anger, and the flags were well placed. Even if he and Wen Cai were not there, they couldn't dig anywhere else.

It rained heavily, thunder and lightning rang out, and the dirt on the corpse was washed away, revealing the face of a mummified corpse.

With the sound of thunder, the corpse stood up abruptly, and then fell down again.

"It's a zombie."

Qiusheng's mind was a mess, and he didn't know how to tell Jiang Lin.

"Two little Taoist priests, this... how can I do this?"

Seeing the appearance of the zombie, the village chief almost sat on the mud floor in fright.

His eyes were red, and he had fangs. He was at home.

"Hurry up and burn it! Burn the corpse with lychee branches. Let's go back to Junior Brother."

Regardless of whether this zombie will be resurrected or not, as long as it is completely burned, there will be no major problem.

No matter how unwilling Qiusheng is, he still has to call Jiang Lin back with Wen Cai.

If Master finds out about this, the long-lost rattan whip will have to bring loving touch to their brothers and sisters.

"Okay, let's burn it!"

The village chief used to scold the workers who were digging the well, and then told the security guards to burn the bodies after the rain stopped.

"Cousin, they are going to burn the body, Ruby..."

"Don't worry, I will give it to you as a wedding gift. Come on, bring the body to the town hall."

After the body entered the town hall, the security captain and his cousin closed the door and started to take the ruby ​​from the cross with a saw.

"Come on, they're coming. Oops, I warn you, if you can't show it, don't think I'll marry you."

"Is your head useful? Hurry up and pull it out."

The saw was caught, and the captain's cousin cursed in a hurry.

In the end, the security captain couldn't take it anymore, so he yelled at his cousin, covered a statue with a sheet, and let his subordinates burn it.

How did Qiusheng and Wencai know that the body had been dropped.

The two were relieved to see the "corpse" being burned.

Jiang Lin, who returned to Renjia Town, did not know that there was a problem in Wuliu Village. When he returned to the Daotang, he was stabbed by Zhang Han with a silver needle and took a few drops of blood with a bamboo tube.

"Wait a minute, I'll look for an eyebrow."

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