Seeing that Jiang Lin's face was not very good-looking, the village chief was also embarrassed. Jiang Lin told them to keep an eye on the workers, but they all fell on deaf ears.

"Master, please take a seat."

The village chief quickly poured tea for Jiang Lin and asked him to sit down.

"Village chief, hurry up to collect garlic, mash it into a paste and mix it with water, it can deal with zombies."

"And making silver in the shape of a cross, which can be used as a weapon."

Before Jiang Lin spoke, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai spoke up first, and they also wanted to try their best to save the mistakes they made.

They have encountered Western zombies in Jiuquan Town and know how to deal with them.

"Alright, alright, security team, hurry up."

"I need to know the specifics."

Although [*]% of the zombies that appeared were probably the Western zombies in the movie, Jiang Lin still wanted to confirm, he also wanted to know how he dug in the wrong place.

"I remember that I set up the flag and set the four corners, and I told you that the location is there, don't dig the wrong one. When the body was dug up, my junior brother also ordered it to be burned in time."

Qiusheng and Wencai were at fault, but not the direct cause of the zombies' appearance.

The village chief's face was full of embarrassment, and the appearance of zombies was really not Jiang Lin's fault.

The water source was found for them, the location was determined, and they were warned. After the body was dug up, Qiu Sheng also asked to burn it.

The village chief murmured for a while before telling the whole story.

He didn't know how the zombies appeared, the corpses were burned.

"Village chief, what we burned was not a corpse, but a bronze statue in the township office."

At this time, the members of the security team dared to hide it. After they burned it, they cleaned the ashes and found that the corpse had become a burnt bronze figure.

"Junior brother, that is the captain of the security guard. After the body was carried into the town hall, he didn't know what to say in it, and he refused to carry the body out."

Qiu Sheng pointed at the security captain who had been drilling behind the crowd, and the squires of the township office all looked at him.

"He unpacked the body."

Wen Cai's brain seemed to be much more active than before, and he reacted at once.

This time, the village chief and the security captain were related, and he did not dare to commit public anger, so he directly relieved the security captain.

"Master, this is from a zombie."

The village chief wrapped the broken silver cross in cloth and placed it on the table, with the ruby ​​embedded in it.

Although it hurts, the village chief has dealt with Ninth Uncle after all, and knows that if he wants help from the Taoist chief, he must tell everything.

If he didn't take out the silver cross and gemstone, if he concealed the clues, the Taoist priest might really have left halfway.

"Sure enough, it's a Western zombie."

So far, Jiang Lin has encountered three Western zombies, Renjia Town, Jiuquan Town and Wuliu Village where Zhuzhu is located.

But looking at the grip marks on the silver cross, Jiang Lin concluded that this Western zombie should be the most powerful.

"It's fortunate that you didn't put it away, village chief, otherwise the corpse gas on it would invade the human body, causing serious illness or corpse transformation. Especially the edges and corners. If you get wounds, wait to turn into a zombie."

Hearing this, the village chief immediately saw sweat on his forehead, thankful that he didn't mean to swallow it.

"Everyone in the village has been bitten to death. If they are bitten to death, their corpses should be burned immediately. If the bites are dealt with in a timely manner, otherwise, after the corpse changes, not only will they die, but also the people around them will die."

Jiang Lin's eyes turned to the security captain's cousin.

Chapter [*] NB's Senior Brother

"The village chief, she and the captain were in the township office together before."

Seeing the chill in Jiang Lin's eyes, Qiu Sheng immediately understood that there was something wrong with the security captain's horse.

Her mouth shape was different from usual, and it seemed that she had two big buck teeth in her mouth.

When everyone heard this, they stayed away from this greedy woman.

"Written talent!"

Qiusheng took a drink, filled the bamboo tube with the garlic water brought by the security guards, and rushed towards the greedy woman.

Wen Cai took out two flame paper cranes from the cloth bag and projected them at her.

With a sound of explosion, the captain's cousin was stunned by the explosion, and then a puddle of garlic water splashed on her face.

The greedy woman screamed, hunched over her face, and her face no longer had any shape, as if it had been splashed with strong acid.

Qiusheng turned in the air, held the peach wood sword upside down, and stabbed it at the back of his heart.

It seems that this time, it seems that Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai have changed a lot.

Jiang Lin was also satisfied with Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai's performance.

Cooperate quite tacitly.


The security captain rushed out and saw the fangs in his cousin's mouth, and he backed away in fright.

Dare to be greedy for any kind of money, and to end up like this is also self-defeating.

Jiang Lin then asked the village chief to dispose of the woman's body.

"Master, why are there Western zombies in our village?"

"That's because foreigners came."

Why there are Western zombies, of course, is because there are Westerners first, and then they become zombies.

"Junior brother, do you think there is a problem in the church?"

When Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai heard Jiang Lin's words, they were shocked. Could it be that Western zombies go to church?

"I guess something went wrong there."

Jiang Lin didn't know why there were no bats hiding in it when he went there today, but now it seems that there is still a problem in the church.

He looked at the pair of living treasures, why did they react so much.

How did Jiang Lin know that Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were attracted to the nuns in the church?

"Master, did you go to burn the church?"

The village chief knew that there was a problem with the church, and there were zombies, and he was extremely disgusted with foreign culture.

It's okay to come to spread foreign cultures, and leave a scourge on their land.

"It's useless to burn, I'll go take a look."

Wuliu Village is so big that Jiang Lin and the three of them can't protect them. Instead, it's better to take the initiative and take the initiative.

"Then junior brother, let's hurry over there."

After instructing the village chief to gather the crowd and protect themselves with garlic and silverware or a cross-shaped weapon, Jiang Lin and Qiu Shengwen went to the church.

In Jiang Lin's impression, it seems that after the resurrection of this Western zombie, he either went to the church or went to resurrect another Western female zombie.

Perhaps this is also the case. After Qiu Sheng and the others left, there were no casualties in the village for the time being.

Otherwise, Jiang Lin's face wouldn't be as good-looking as it is now.

"Junior brother, when we get to the church, can you let Wen Cai and I show it?"

Show it, okay, anyway, the pot has the two of you.

When Jiang Lin was about to nod his head, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.Show to whom?

"You two, did you go to church when you were overseeing?"

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai both smiled shyly and lowered their heads.

"You two, they are nuns. I remember that nuns cannot marry."

"I have spoken to them. They just made a temporary wish. They can't get married before the expiration of the wish. If they don't choose to continue to be nuns after the end, they can still get married."

I rely on you two, people take you as friends, but you even turn around and ask others if they can marry.

Wen Cai said: "Those foreign devils are really shameless, they preach the word when they come to preach, and they say that nuns are God's women. In the foreign country, it's fine for God to accept foreign wives, and they come to us to accept concubines. It's really not a thing. , I really want our patriarch to resurrect and kick them both feet."

"Kick in the face!"

"Senior brother, when did you become so insightful?"

Jiang Lin sneered, and felt that what Wen Cai said was really unreasonable. He had heard of him who lived in Taoism and never got married, but there was no such absurd statement.

"Wencai is right, why haven't I heard of any foreign woman who is willing to be the girl of our ancestor. To be a nun is to be a woman of God. It is better to become a monk or a nun. After all, it is not a woman of Buddha."

Jiang Lin looked at Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, who had indignant expressions on their faces. Could it be that he, the two senior brothers, really wanted to snatch women from God?

I fuck!Good NB good NB.

In Jiang Lin's view, the introduction of foreign cultures in this era can also be regarded as a kind of aggression.Unfortunately, at this time, the dross of the national culture has not been removed, and the essence is not visible, which is a very embarrassing state.

"Support you in spirit. Steal him! Let the gods go to their own mother-in-law!"

At this moment, Jiang Lin could not attack these two senior brothers. He seemed to feel that these two senior brothers were really different.

Not a bad thing.

After the three came to the church, bats flew in and out of the church, densely packed.

A nun was in the yard, covering her body with a bamboo basket to resist the bite of bats.


Hearing the little nun's cry for help, Qiu Sheng, like a wild horse, slashed at the bats with a peach wood sword, and threw the flaming paper cranes in his hand, causing the bats to fall to the ground.

A fierce, wild horse-like man.


Seeing Qiu Sheng running back with the little nun Shanshan, Wen Cai also seemed to be slapped with blood.

"In it, it's all bats."

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