Shanshan was so frightened that she was lying on Qiusheng's chest, looking very attractive.

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

Qiusheng patted Shanshan's back with pain in his eyes.

"This Qiusheng seems to be really emotional."

Jiang Lin can only hope that Qiusheng will stop messing around with men and women in the future.

"Junior brother, if there are zombies, you will shoot again, really I am here!"

Jiang Lin had never seen Wen Cai so brave before, and his aura didn't look like a coward at all.

"It's what the younger brother said. The daughter-in-law didn't carry things, she had to show her ability."

Wen Cai saw that Qiu Sheng was holding Shan Shan in his arms so quickly, it was as if he had been injected with a large dose of stimulants.

"Follow me."

Jiang Lin asked Qiusheng to follow him. He was worried that his literary ability would not be enough.

But when he looked inside, Jiang Lin realized that he was thinking too much. Wencai used the French net to wrap a lot of bats. He picked up a few Yang Yin Talismans and shot them above.

"Really, where are you, come out, it's alright."

Several little nuns and Dean Maria emerged from under the coffin under the retreat room.

"Written talent?"

"Come here, there are Western zombies."

With a real cry, he ran behind Wen Cai.

Mary and several other little nuns also ran out of the retreat room.

They were all frightened by the swarms of bats.

"Two brothers, burn all these bats, we are waiting for Western zombies here."

Jiang Lin originally planned to ask Qiusheng and Wencai to send these nuns away, but he was afraid that they would encounter Western zombies on the way.

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai's movements were several orders of magnitude faster than before. The two wrapped many bats with the French net and used a fire net array to burn most of the bats in the church to death.

The rest who fled in all directions were dealt with by Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin looked at Qiusheng and Wencai, these two guys climbed up the stairs and up the wall without showing much tiredness on their faces.

Men and women are not tired to work together. In fact, they do not need to be matched. The women are watching, and the men are not tired.

Jiang Lin waited until dawn, but none of the Western zombies came back.

"No, according to the habits of Western zombies, they will definitely sleep in the coffin here, otherwise where would he rest?"

Chapter [*] Zombie Couple

Because there were still Maria and others in the church, Jiang Lin did not wait any longer.

He asked Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai to find a place for Maria and the others, and went to the town hall by himself.

After Jiang Lin and the others left, the Western Zombie in mid-air was wrapped in his cloak, and his face was covered with bats, blocking the sunlight for it.

Swarms of bats flew to the church with Western zombies.

Jiang Lin asked the village chief for a few people and went to the well.The place where the Western zombies are dug out needs to be cooked well, otherwise it will pollute the new water source.

Jiang Lin used Yang Yan to bake the bottom and surrounding areas of the pit for half an hour, and then used a dozen or so Yang Yin Talismans to set up a Yang Gathering Formation at the bottom of the pit. Finally, he had people fill in the soil and dig the well again.

His busy work is not in vain. This time, because of the appearance of zombies, he will charge five times.

Of course, after solving the Western Zombies.

In the past, Jiang Lin thought that he had a small family property, but now he wants to support his wife, and he has to look for a coffin for burial, which is impossible without money.He really can't afford that little money.

About Zuo Ci, Jiang Lin also asked Jiu Shu. According to Jiu Shu's words, he had little relationship with Mao Shan.Therefore, this old demon, Jiang Lin will not let go.

As long as the physical problems of Uncle Jiu and the others are solved and the lifespan lost is restored, Jiang Lin will go to find Zuo Ci's tomb and bring back the coffin.

"Jiang Lin, what's going on?"

"Master, why are you here?"

"You didn't return all night, and a few disciples-in-law woke me up early in the morning."


Chen Yu and the others hadn't recovered much yet. They were scrambling to sleep next to Jiang Lin at night. Now that Jiang Lin had only returned for two nights, he had disappeared, which scared them a lot.

"It's Master... Father."

Qiusheng and Wencai placed Shanshan and Zhenzhen, and when they came here, they saw Jiu Shu, so frightened that they couldn't say anything.

"Huh? What did you guys do to Jiang Lin again?"

Ninth Uncle really knew his two apprentices too well, and when he thought of the notices posted in the village, he could guess the matter by seven or eight points.

Qiusheng and Wencai did not dare to hide it, so they explained the matter to Jiu Shu.

"Okay, braised pork in rattan tonight."

Jiang Lin is considered independent) (The first battle to solve the problem was screwed up by these two stinky boys. Even if the ninth uncle didn't fight himself, he also had to fight for Jiang Lin.

"Let me supervise the digging of the well first. You go back and report to Chili and the others to be safe."

In order not to let his wives forget, Jiang Lin went back to Renjiazhen Taoist Church first.

After returning home, several daughters-in-law complained that he did not return home at night.

Jiang Lin washed his feet, undressed, and lay down on the bed. He didn't sleep all night. He slept during the day and thought about the zombies at night.

"Wives, sleep with me for a while, Zhuzhu, Jingjing come over."

"Jingjing, the steamed buns are fermented." Jiang Lin glanced at Jingjing badly.

"Husband!" Jingjing blushed and blamed Jiang Lin.

After sleeping until the afternoon, Jiang Lin looked at the white jade coffin by the wall and said, "There is still an amber mirror to find."

He is temporarily using the Heavenly Dragon Sword and the Sun God Pearl to nourish Li Yingqi's body, but the effect is not as good as the Three Treasures Gathering.

"Daughters-in-law, take you to shopping. Chili, bring a gold bar. Tingting, contact your former housekeeper and let him take care of the two demon kings."

The two demon kings have now become his slaves, and Jiang Lin will also give them some benefits. After all, the higher their cultivation, the better for him.

When they arrived in the town, almost all the men's eyes fell on Ren Tingting and the others, and finally turned to Jiang Lin's face.

Shopping with the four beauties, the Dujianglin family in Renjia Town.

Feeling the envious gazes around her, Ren Tingting said, "Husband, if you are free in a while, go to the county seat to see. Nianying has been crying for a long time when she heard the news that you are dead."

"Yes, husband, she has been here many times, and every time she returns disappointed. Although I have already sent a letter to her, it would be better for her husband to come and see."

Chen Yu has no small emotions about the possibility of having another sister soon. She has a good impression of Nianying, and the bed at home is big enough.

"I'll be there in two days."

Jiang Lin did not expect that the little girl who was always tugging at the corner of his clothes would have such a deep affection for him.

Accompanying four wives to do a hand-chopping party, Jiang Lin brought some food for the two demon kings - fresh blood of six animals.

"When I'm not here, these mistresses are your gods. If you make a mistake, I will cramp and peel the two of you."

The two demon kings nodded like pecking at rice, and repeatedly promised to protect the mistress of the house.

Jiang Lin said hello to Ren Tingting and the others and went to Wuliu Village. Zhang Han wanted to go over to take a look, but Jiang Lin refused.

Ninth Uncle didn't have a particularly good way to deal with that zombie. In the movie, this Western zombie is a strong thief, and it didn't matter much if the gunpowder exploded. In the end, Ninth Uncle used the swamp to bury it.

Jiang Lin felt that it would be enough to let Uncle Ninth assist him, and he would take care of the laborious work.

At Wuliu Village, Jiang Lin found Jiu Shu and Qiu Sheng Wencai. They had prepared garlic water and a cross-shaped peach wood sword.

Ninth Uncle even asked the village chief to melt a few pieces of silverware into the shape of a cross for Jiang Lin to use.

There were zombies in the village, and it was the security captain who caused the trouble, his relatives, and the village chief did not refuse. Anyway, after killing the zombies, the silver cross would be returned to him.

"Jiang Lin, I heard Qiusheng say, you didn't wait for the Western Zombie yesterday, and it didn't go back to church?"


Finding the Western Zombie was not too difficult for Jiang Lin. As long as he walked around the village a few times and was at a certain distance from the Western Zombie, he could sense its general direction.

It's just that Jiang Lin didn't want to spend so much effort, so he could use the corpse aura on the broken cross to track him.

All the expenses for clearing the zombies will be reimbursed by Wuliu Village, and Jiang Lin directly proposed to put the Kongming lanterns to look for the traces of Western zombies.

"it is good."

Ninth Uncle didn't have any opinion either. Jiang Lin had never seen Kongming Lantern's search for things, so Ninth Uncle just happened to let Jiang Lin observe it.

Qiusheng and Wencai prepared the materials, and Uncle Ninth began to practice the method. Uncle Ninth explained the method while he was doing it. Jiang Lin learned very quickly.

The flame inside the lamp was roaring, and the Kongming lantern was slowly rising. Jiang Lin, Jiu Shu and others followed the Kongming lantern to find the Western zombies.

"The suspension bridge here..."

Jiang Lin came to the outside of the village and found a broken wooden suspension bridge, the same as in the movie.

"Maybe there really is a female zombie."

The crowd crossed the bridge, and when Kongming Lantern stopped in a deserted forest, they found the figure of a Western zombie.

It was feeding a mummified corpse on a stone platform with snake blood and was wearing a woman's clothes.


The female corpse absorbed the blood, and her body quickly returned to its original appearance.

Really a zombie couple.

Jiang Lin couldn't help but wonder if there would be little Western zombies between foreign zombie couples.

"Wow! Foreign female zombies are much more beautiful than our female zombies. Junior brother, leave this female zombie to me and Wencai."

Qiusheng did not expect that a mummified corpse could develop so beautifully in such a short period of time.

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