Grandma is big.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "Two senior brothers, after you robbed a woman from God, you want to rob a woman from a zombie again?"

This Qiusheng has been single for a long time, and he looks good when he sees zombies.

Chapter [*] The price of love is higher


The Western Zombie is very angry, he can understand Chinese.

Qiusheng and Wencai want to rob his wife.

"Your opponent is here."

Jiang Lin wrapped the body of the Western Zombie with the Yang Yan whip, preventing him from attacking Qiusheng and Wencai.

"Uncle, pay attention to the next two brothers, let them feel some pressure, and don't be in danger."

"Okay, I also intend to make the two of them suffer a little so that they will have a long memory."

Ninth Uncle just watched Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai perform, and he would take action if there was danger.


Western zombies let out a roar, dear, kill those two idiots for me!Physical castration] [cut!

"Master, Junior Brother, something is wrong with this foreign woman."

Qiusheng felt that something was wrong. This female zombie was too fierce, and she always greeted them between the two groups.

To cut off offspring.

"Who told you to look at other people's wives?"

Don't care about your own eyes, still staring at the female zombie) (Watch around, you deserve it.

Jiang Lin teased in his heart, and then looked at the Western zombie in front of him.

Generally speaking, Western zombies can fly, and their intelligence is relatively high, but their physical bodies are weak, but this one Jiang Lin is facing is obviously different. It is extremely fierce.

Its strength is comparable to that of the elite zombie, and it is comparable to that of the royal zombie that Qianhe Dao Changyun had. Moreover, the defense of this western zombie is also very strong, and it is more fierce than the movie.

A big rock fell, and not even the skin was broken.

But for Jiang Lin, these advantages are nothing, he doesn't even need magic, just rely on garlic water and silver cross.

The voice of the female zombie was always heard in his ears, which made Jiang Lin feel a little uncomfortable.

Turning their heads, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai on one side gradually gained the upper hand by virtue of their tacit understanding and the guy in their hands.

But these two guys seemed to deliberately keep her from killing.

Just let her scream.

I have to say, the female zombie's voice is very tempting] [Charming power, it's so easy to be uncontrollable.

"Two brats, I'll let you play!"

Ninth Uncle, an old boy, felt uncomfortable, grabbed the wooden stick on the ground and greeted Qiusheng and Wencai.

Jiang Lin is also a black line. These two living treasures are very fun to play with female zombies.

Deserves to be repaired by Ninth Uncle.

How can Western Zombies tolerate others playing with their wives, and call them such a sellout] [Soul, it's going to pounce on Qiusheng and Wencai.

Jiang Lin didn't immediately stop it this time, the two living treasures looked too relaxed.

"Junior Brother, Master, help."

The Western zombie husband and wife get together, and Qiusheng and Wencai's situation takes a turn for the worse.

"Don't you like to play? Keep going."

Ninth Uncle didn't urge Jiang Lin. For their Taoist priests, they were always careful no matter what.

Whether he can kill or not, he still wants to play with it, that is, the old birthday star drinks arsenic.

His two apprentices owe a lesson.

"Don't dare, don't dare, don't dare again."

The two living treasures cried out for mercy, they just hadn't seen the foreign woman, just to satisfy their curiosity, why is the foreign woman's voice so nice.

Haven't seen the grandmother?Haven't you seen a beautiful foreign woman, is the dean Maria not a foreign woman?

"Junior brother, don't dare anymore, hurry up, your life is about to die."

Jiang Lin shook the Yang Yan whip in his hand, directly tied the Western Zombie and dragged it over.

The ninth uncle also kicked the female zombie over and rescued Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, who were bruised and embarrassed.

"Go back and see if I don't kill you two!"

The Western Zombie was teased over and over again, and was also mad, trying to swallow Jiang Lin alive.

The silver cross in Jiang Lin's hand turned slightly, and the bright and clean silver surface reflected the moonlight, causing the Western Zombie to squint.

Splash when you get the chance.

The garlic water from the two bamboo tubes was poured directly onto the face of the Western Zombie, and the disfigurement was not discussed.


The Western Zombie was almost blind, screaming terribly, and its arms swayed wildly, destroying the surrounding broken walls again.

Jiang Lin pointed out a few yang fingers, bombarded the heart of the Western zombie, and then projected the silver cross in his hand towards its heart.


The female zombie, who was losing ground in the hands of the ninth uncle, roared and flew over.

She stood in front of her husband with her body, and was pierced through her heart by a silver cross.

However, Jiang Lin's strength was too great, and the silver cross was castrated, pierced into the heart of the Western Zombie, and nailed the two to the ground.

The female zombie turned her face to look at her devastated husband, wiped the garlic water from its face with her palm, and her own hands were corroded and white smoke appeared.

Jiang Lin and Ninth Uncle looked at each other and felt a little touched.

In fact, zombies are not completely devoid of humanity. Local zombies have a love for licking calves, while Western zombies have love.

"Life is precious, and love is more expensive. I hope you will have an afterlife, and then be a couple again."

Jiang Lin took out a flaming talisman, threw it at it, and ignited the bodies of the zombie couple.

The native zombies are free from the reincarnation of the six realms, that is, they are either immortal, or they have no afterlife after death.

But whether the same is true of Western zombies, Jiang Lin has not yet studied.

"You two, collect their ashes and let the village chief give them to someone to scatter into the sea."

You can't sleep at the same time in life, and you need to be at the same acupoint in death.

Jiang Lin can be considered to have completed this couple, it is not that they cannot sleep together, but that they cannot survive in the world.

After dealing with the Western zombies, Jiang Lin, Jiu Shu and others went to the town hall.

After knowing that the zombies were eliminated, the villagers of Wuliu Village were extremely happy, and the reward was not difficult at all.

Of course, most of them were created by the village chief, and it was his relatives who created the zombies.

Afterwards, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai said that the church was a bat nest and suggested burning it.

Jiang Lin looked at the two senior brothers, and seemed to think that Shanshan and Zhenzhen had no way out. There was no church, and they were still nuns and profane.

Although he knew Qiusheng and Wencai's careful thoughts, he did not object to the burning of the church. The place was very evil, so it would be better to burn it.

After the successful conclusion of the matter, Jiang Lin and the others returned to Renjia Town.

That night, Qiusheng and Wencai made the sound of ghost crying and wolf howling.

Don't you like to be called by foreign grandmothers?You can also call a few times to listen.

On the second day, Daoist Qianhe returned to Yizhuang with three hundred and three.

They have already rushed back, but Jiang Lin did not expect to come earlier than them.

When he knew that Jiang Lin had become a Celestial Master, Daoist Qianhe was even more excited than Ninth Uncle.

As long as Jiang Lin is willing to officially enter Maoshan, their lintel will be happy.

On the same day, Master He Yixiu also came, Jiang Lin was safe and sound, and the big stone in their hearts fell.

Chapter [*] The request of the commander

"Don't cry, Uncle Shi will get better. Uncle Qianhe has used his personal connections to find medicinal materials. Uncle Simu and Master Yixiu are also helping. If there is a medicine that can be replaced, Uncle Dian will be fine. got up."

Jiang Lin picked up the [*] who was crying, and promised him that he would definitely save Daoist Dian.

As for those medicinal materials, Jiang Lin told the two uncles that they would find or obtain information at all costs.

Chen Yu and the others were numb and itchy. Although it was not a big problem, they were always uncomfortable.Because of this ups and downs, Zhang Han and Jiu Shu have lost their lives for several years.

Regarding Chen Yu and the others' bodies, as well as the lifespan of Ninth Uncle, it was worth whatever the cost.

A few days later, Daoist Qianhe and the others would set out in different directions to inquire about the whereabouts of those rare medicinal materials for Jiang Lin.

Three hundred three was afraid that his master would not be able to wake up, and his little painted face was pressed against Jiang Lin's chest, still whimpering.

"The little guy has really long eyelashes."

Jiang Lin put the sleeping three hundred and three into the bed, and just left the room when he met Zhang Han.

"Lin Zi, I have already written back and said that I will return to Xiangxi next year."

Zhang Han originally planned to take Jiang Lin back to Xiangxi to meet other colleagues in the second half of this year, but because of such an incident, Jiang Lin also had to go out to find some materials, which could only be postponed until next year.

Among these medicinal materials, some are spiritual medicines such as the Millennium Ganoderma lucidum, but the other part is the coffin fungus, the heart of the demon king, etc., all of which need to be obtained by Jiang Lin after getting the news.

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