He has no time to go to Xiangxi this year.

"it is good."

"You can also guide Chili's cultivation when you have time. Is there too much gap between her cultivation and yours?"

"Uh...I will."

Jiang Lin was a little helpless, his master still wanted to hug his disciples and grandchildren.

However, he also understands Zhang Han's feelings of wanting to hold his disciples and grandsons. When people reach a certain age, their psychology will change accordingly.

Now that Zhang Han has his disciple, he is basically retired, and there is nothing else to do except study his own formation technique and exchange experience with Jiu Shu.

When people are free, they want their children and grandchildren around their knees.

It is a pity that even if Chen Yuxiu is a little higher, the winning rate is only a little higher, not because he wants to be saved.

As for cultivation, Jiang Lin had already handed over the complete Moon Gold Sword Technique to Chen Yu, and it shouldn't take long for her to progress to the level of a Taoist.

Five days later, Jiang Lin gave Daoist Qianhe and the others a lot of Yang Yin Talismans, Flame Paper Cranes and Lightning Talismans, and asked them to carry them.

Jiang Lin wouldn't let them help him run away in vain. Some of these talismans were reserved for them, and the other part was sold on behalf of them.

The talisman that Jiang Lin took out for sale was not as powerful as the one given to Daoist Qianhe and the others. Even so, he could sell at least [*] oceans for a single flaming paper crane.

The three of them were very happy. Daoist Qianhe was originally going south and north, while Master He Yixiu wanted to walk around.

With these guarantees, their safety is basically no problem.

On the day, Jiang Lin went to the county seat.

He was going to see Nianying, and at the same time he wanted to know what the marshal was looking for him for.

Nianying came to Yizhuang for one reason that he wanted to see Jiang Lin, and another reason that the commander had something to discuss with him. Unfortunately, when he came to him, he had already "disappeared".


In the living room of the Commander's Mansion, Nianying's eyes were red when she saw Jiang Lin.Her love opened up because of Jiang Lin, but she never thought that parting would be forever.

When she received Chen Yu's letter, Nianying couldn't believe it. Now that she saw the living Jiang Lin, she couldn't help but cry.

Seeing that there was no one around, Nianying approached Jiang Lin timidly, and finally hugged him.

"Here comes the boss."

Hearing Jiang Lin's words, Nianying was so frightened that she quickly left his embrace.

"Master, it's really nice to see you."

The commander greeted Jiang Lin warmly, and Jiang Lin was somewhat baffled by his enthusiasm.

Aren't you rivals in love with my master?Why are you being so polite to me this time.

"Nianying, let the kitchen prepare the banquet. Jiang Lin is here today as a VIP."


Jiang Lin didn't know why the commander had such a good attitude towards him.

"Master, tell me something."

He is a Taoist priest, this commander has soldiers and spears, and he is so polite to himself. Could it be that he has encountered something evil again?

The commander smiled, rubbed his hands, and said, "Master, I have something to discuss with you."

"Sir, please speak."

"It's like this. Now that the country is troubled by internal and external troubles, Little Japan has a lot of ambitions for our country. It won't be long for a peaceful life. I'm probably going to end my life after eating and sleeping."

After listening to the first half of the commander's words, Jiang Lin thought that the commander's ideological awareness had improved a lot, but after listening to the second half of the sentence, he always felt that what the commander said before was from where he heard others.

But what the commander said was true, a peaceful life would not last long, and the Republic of China had been in the midst of internal and external troubles.

The commander told his subordinates to retreat, and then continued: "Now the above has issued a task, let us find out how many ancient tombs are in the area under our control. According to the meaning above, we want to use it as a military salary, and also to protect it. ."

Jiang Lin was stunned when he heard the words, but he soon realized that the army's robbery of tombs has been used for military pay since ancient times.

However, does this big man want him to help rob the tomb?

Are you kidding me?

"At this time, an order has been issued to let us secretly organize scholars to infer what ancient tombs are, and it is estimated that construction will start next year."

"Master, if you want me to rob the grave with you, I guess you are looking for the wrong person."

"Daoist, Daoist, don't worry. It's not for you to rob the tomb, but for you to protect it."

It’s really the brain that gets into the water, the cerebellum raises fish, you rob your graves, and I take action to protect them, it’s not the same as me helping you rob your graves.

Jiang Lin felt that this handsome man was really an idiot.

"Anti-zombies are trivial matters. We have dynamite and tung oil."

No matter how powerful zombies are, are they not afraid of guns, grenades and bombs?Always be afraid of fire.

Jiang Lin raised his brows, this handsome also knew that zombies were afraid of fire, it was not easy.

"We want you to protect it because in other places, there have been cases where the Japanese have stolen our cultural relics. Japan's demons are very powerful. Some of our colleagues met in the tomb and died very badly. It's even more hateful. Yes, some ancient tombs were discovered by them. They didn't have time to go in, so they set up a formation outside. The soldiers could only carry guns, and they couldn't break the formation. They couldn't grab them at all."

"These 13 brats, come to our country to steal Chinese treasures, and are they still setting up arrays outside the ancient tomb?"

Going to someone else's house, isolating other people's treasures and waiting for them to come back, this Japanese is an arrogant one.

Jiang Lin was so angry that he almost laughed, did he really think that there was no one in China?

Chapter two hundred and thirty

The national treasure of the country, whether it is official archaeological protection or private tomb robbery, is basically still circulating on its own land. If private tomb robbers want to sell them abroad, they must eat peanuts.

But Toyo's demons come to steal the national treasures on this land, what are they?

The Republic of China's military strength is backward, and internal and external troubles can be ignored, but this Japanese demon really thinks that the Taoist priests of the Republic of China are also gone?

Jiang Lin didn't want to intervene in the wars of this era, but the demons of Toyo came, and Jiang Lin really didn't mind slaughtering them.

"Master, is what you said true?"

Jiang Lin looked at the commander, if this guy was put up by someone, he wouldn't forgive him lightly.

"We are basically brother-in-law, how could I lie to you."

"Okay, when the commander leaves next year, I will set off with you. I won't go into the ancient tomb, there is a Japanese demon formation, and I will break it for you. I will not meet the Japanese who rob the tomb. You're welcome, but that's all."

The commander robbed the tomb, Jiang Lin had no intention of helping, all he did was to prevent the cultural relics from being obtained by the Japanese, and if he met the Japanese demon, he would be killed.


For Jiang Lin's answer, the commander is not particularly satisfied. Jiang Lin is willing to go, but it doesn't involve the Oriental Devils, and he won't make a move.

"Daoist, you see that Nianying grew up with me since she was a child. Maybe she will marry you as a concubine in the next two years..."

The commander smiled embarrassedly, and played a family card with Jiang Lin.

"You mean if I don't help, I won't let Nianying see me?"

The commander shook his head quickly, how dare he threaten Jiang Lin now, Jiang Lin's current ability is greater than that of Douchiying.

"Master, if there is a problem that you can't solve, I can also take action. But I have conditions."

Jiang Lin felt that if he married Nianying, he would always have a relationship with Dashuai. In that case, it would be better to make a deal.

He wants to use the power of the commander to find the treasures of heaven and earth and Zuo Ci's tomb. Now the amber mirror of Emei is unknown. If they want to find it, they don't know how long it will take.

"You said."

"I will ask you to use the power of your subordinates to help me inquire about a dead person's tomb, and then help me find some things, medicinal herbs."

"That's fine."

The commander readily agreed, not borrowing his soldiers, but just looking for something.

After digging into Jiang Lin to help, the handsome is in a very good mood.Since he heard the wind, he asked Nianying to find Jiang Lin to prevent Jiang Lin from being poached by others. Later, when he learned that Jiang Lin had "passed away", he was still considering whether to find Jiu Shu.

After Jiang Lin returned from the county seat, he told Jiu Shu and Zhang Han about the situation. Both masters supported his decision.

"These Japanese pirates want to invade my China and plunder my Chinese treasures. Hehe, I don't know what it was like to be rushed into the military camp by zombies."

Zhang Han mentioned an old story. He and Jiu Shu both experienced the Sino-Japanese War. At that time, Zhang Han accompanied his master to travel around Fengtian (Shenyang). He was young and vigorous. When he saw Japanese pirates slaughter his compatriots, he led a few zombies into the Japanese army. camp.

"Although the ancestors instructed not to harm ordinary people with Taoism, I think the ancestors would be very happy to kill some oriental demons."

Like Zhang Han, Jiu Shu is also extremely resentful of those inhuman Japanese cubs.

Since both the master and the uncle had no opinion, Jiang Lin was relieved.

Four months passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period of time, Jiang Lin was free for a month, and the rest of the time he studied formations and feng shui.

After reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles, Jiang Lin has all these experiences, and it is very fast to learn this knowledge again.

When the business came to the door, Jiang Lin took it, took Chen Yu and Qiu Sheng Wencai with three hundred and three, and let them take action to solve it, and he sat in charge.

Although Qiusheng and Wencai have improved slightly, compared to Chen Yu, they are still far behind.If it weren't for the fact that Sanbaisan was just a child, he would be stronger than Qiusheng and Wencai.

Daoist Qianhe also sent a substitute for the medicinal materials. Jiang Lin used a demon king's heart as a guide to refine his own corpse poison and make it into medicinal liquid. can wake up.

Zhang Han and Ninth Uncle's tea was also added by Jiang Lin, and their white hair gradually turned black.

These are all gratifying things. The only thing that makes everyone sigh is that Xiaohong's mother died in another Renjia Town.

"Three hundred and three, have you finished writing today's five hundred big characters, five hundred small characters and five hundred words?"

Jiang Lin pushed open the door of Three Hundred and Three. Now Jiang Lin not only taught the Three Hundred and Three Ways, but also taught him to read and read.

The Three Character Classic, the Hundred Family Surnames, the Thousand Character Characters, and Zhu Zi's Family Instructions are all three-hundred-three homework that must be copied every day.

"It's finished."

"Okay, this is the Lanting Preface I found for you, practicing calligraphy."

Jiang Lin taught the three hundred and three posts by hand. Seeing that the little guy was a little unhappy, Jiang Lin rewarded him with a head-scratcher.

"A man can be handsome, but he must write beautifully."

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