"Husband, I made black chicken soup for you."

Jingjing brought in two bowls of chicken soup and put them on the table.

"Little Junior Brother, you have a share too."

"Sister Jingjing is so nice."

Three hundred and three hung on Jingjing like a koala.

"I always eat your sister-in-law's tofu."

Jiang Lin pulled Sanbaisan over and slapped him on his patpat.


"You are a jerk, you are not allowed to jerk."

Three hundred three covered his PP and looked at Jiang Lin with a pout.

"Husband, it seems that Master Hong Jinbao has sent a letter. You go to Uncle Shi's place in a while, and they tell you to come over. I think they look a little serious."

Jiang Lin nodded, leaned close to Jingjing's ear, and asked softly, "Is it still itchy?"

Jingjing's apricot face turned pink, and she shook her head slightly.

It appears that the drug is working.

Jiang Lin was relieved and put the spoon to Jingjing's mouth and said, "Drink a little."

Jingjing took a sip, her face filled with happiness. Since her marriage to Jiang Lin, she has also improved her diet and stopped being a vegetarian all the time.

After drinking the chicken soup, Jiang Lin went to Yizhuang next door.

Since Uncle Jiu looked solemn, something should have happened.

When Jiang Lin arrived at Yizhuang, Ninth Uncle told Jiang Lin that Master Hong Jinbao wrote to say that he had encountered a thousand-year-old red horn.

"Millennium red glutinous rice?"

"Yes, it is a general of the Jin Dynasty. It should have been ventilated by the war horse after his death, and one was buried in the tomb. The one who opened the tomb was the Eastern Demon Road."

Jiang Lin slammed his fist on the table and scolded, "These bastards are a scourge on our country."

"Master Hong Jinbao suppressed the entrance to the tomb with the formation of mountains and rivers, but I'm afraid it won't last for long. Let's prepare ourselves and pass tomorrow."

The thousand-year-old red scorpion is more difficult to deal with than the thousand-year-old zombie king. This time, Jiu Shu and Zhang Han have to pass.

Ordinary zombie kings can be called millenniums, basically because their strength has reached that level, and they may not really survive for a thousand years.

But this thousand-year-old red scorpion is different. He was born in the Jin Dynasty and is really not far from the thousand years.

Ninth Uncle and Zhang Han are going, Jiang Lin has no opinion, and it is estimated that he will not be able to stop it.When he got to Master Hong Jinbao, he would just take care of him more.

There were already two demon kings at home, and Xiaohong was also sent by Fat Bao, so Jiang Lin didn't have to worry too much about his daughter-in-law.

"After a few months of idle time, the battle is about to begin again, and the fierce man Jiang Hansan is coming back again."

Chapter [*] Attribute integration?


As soon as he left the door of Yizhuang, Jiang Lin saw the two sisters, Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu, returning from shopping.

Seeing the cat in Ren Zhuzhu's arms, Jiang Lin frowned slightly.

The domestic cat held by Ren Tingting jumped out of Ren Zhuzhu's arms at once, and his legs trembled.

Its owner is a great devil who protects his wife.

The rat king got out of Ren Tingting's pocket, and looked at his buddy with a smile. He only dared to stay in his pocket honestly, and this desperate buddy dared to let his mistress hold him.

"Don't have another time."

Seeing Jiang Lin leading the two mistresses into the door, the Panlan Tiger King let out a long sigh of fright.

"Stinky boy, you still want to see my joke, neng kill you."

"You still worry about yourself. Tiger leather soup is very nourishing. I think the owner needs it."

Since following Jiang Lin, the brotherhood of these two demon kings has disappeared, and everything is about fighting for favor.

When the two of them saw that Jiang Lin had given Xiaohong many treasures to practice, they knew that Jiang Lin had the ability to provide them with practice.

Compete!Let the mistress blow the wind, and maybe you can get a thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum.

"I'm mad at me, biting you to death."

"Look at your discoloration."

The two demon kings staged a cat-and-mouse battle at the door.

Jiang Lin packed up the utensils he needed to bring and went to the mountain alone.

"It's been a long time since I touched the system."

Jiang Lin really felt a little bit nostalgic about upgrading.

Jiang Lin (code-named zero): the [*]th generation disciple of the Chen Dao School

Physique: Brutal body

Cultivation Realm: Celestial Master

Corpse Level: Green Zombie

Exercise: Yang Mian Jue (Level [*])

Body Refinement: Green Rigidity (Not Getting Started)

Swordsmanship: Bone Sword (Third Stage - [*]st Layer)

Charms: Inducing Yang Talisman (Perfect), Yang Finger Sword (Perfect), Lightning Magic Talisman (Perfect), Breathing Talisman (Level [*]), Antidote Talisman (Level [*]), Fire Talisman (Level [*]), Fire Talisman (Level [*]) Level), Voice Transmission (Level [*]), Secret Poison Slave Curse (Level [*])+

Violence value: [*]

"Upgrade your swordsmanship first."

His bone sword has been raised in the body for thousands of years, and the time to upgrade it once is enough.

After ten consecutive clicks, Yu Jianshu was upgraded to the fourth stage, the first level, which consumed a quarter of the savage energy at once.

This time against the thousand-year-old red scorpion, ordinary bronze swords or even thousand-year-old peach wood swords are not necessarily useful.

In order to cause damage to it, in addition to the Yang Finger Sword, Jiang Lin also needs a weapon to protect himself.

"Accepted two demon kings, although a ray of life and soul is in my hands, but for the safety of Tingting and the others, I filled the secret poison slave curse."

Jiang Lin would not allow Ren Tingting, Chen Yu, and the others to have any accidents. The demon king is a demon after all. If there is a phenomenon like Tiangu spit out the moon, such as the lunar sun breaking three times, the demon king may go mad, and they may be in danger.

The level of the slave curse is higher, as long as the cursed person has a little idea of ​​​​returning, it will be sensed by the curser.

First clicked twice, and the anger value consumed [*] points and [*] points respectively, Jiang Lin was relieved to click.

He remembered that when he first upgraded the slave curse, it cost [*]. If he calculated this amount, he couldn't be mad.

"It is estimated that the entry-level level is the most difficult, and it will consume five times more suffocation. It's full!"

The slave curse consumed more than [*] points of hostility, but Jiang Lin didn't feel distressed at all, and now he was relieved of all worries.

Before that, he had never benefited the Panlan Tiger King and the Sky Mouse King, just based on this consideration.

It's okay to give them benefits, but only after making sure that both are completely harmless and fully obeyed.

Looking at the remaining [*] points of hostility, Jiang Lin ordered a body training formula.

"The first level is [*] points, which is acceptable, but I don't know how much the next level needs."

Jiang Lin almost fainted after he ordered the upgrade of the Body Refinement Technique. Every cell in his body, except for the bones, seemed to be in pain.

The pain of tearing inside and outside came from the back.

Jiang Lin couldn't hold back and roared.

The muscles of his body suddenly bulged, and the blood surged inside, like a humanoid mad beast.

The epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue, and nerve tissue in Jiang Lin's body seemed to have been reorganized.

Half an hour later, Jiang Lin lay on the ground weakly and climbed into the pool.

This time, what he excreted from his body was no longer a corpse odor, but a toxin.

After soaking in the water for an hour, Jiang Lin regained his strength and returned to the shore.

His body seemed to be carved out of Lantian beautiful jade, no matter the lines or outlines, the complexion also turned into a light rose color.

"I think Nianying should like the smell on my body more."

Jiang Lin couldn't help laughing when he smelled the peculiar fragrance emanating from his body. He was a big man, and he even had body fragrance.

"The first level is to change blood for meat, and the next level is to wash the marrow and cut the bones?"

Jiang Lin's whole body relaxed, and his muscles returned to slack, just like a newborn.

But even so, he was immune to musket attacks.

After re-investigating the system, Jiang Lin found that there were even more words after the corpse level.

"Attribute integration?"

Attributes?Is it the ability of zombies?

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