Jiang Lin was very excited. He didn't know that the system could integrate those attributes for him.

"The system is going to add attributes to me. After this corpse, I will no longer be a naked zombie."

Jiang Lin is looking forward to what attributes the system can give him, so that he can reverse the function of the dead body meridians in his body.

In the thousand years of traveling, Jiang Lin has made many conjectures, waiting for the results to verify.

Keep upgrading!

After calming down his excitement, Jiang Lin clicked the upgrade symbol behind the exercise.

He has collected a lot of strange fires, and there will be no situation where the cultivation technique will not move up for the time being.

It took [*] points of malice to upgrade the Yang Mian Jue. This time, not only was a large amount of heaven and earth aura absorbed and compressed, but Jiang Lin’s own corpse poison was also refined and filled into the spiritual energy liquid in his dantian. in the ball.

In the end, the psychic fluid ball was compressed again to the size of a pigeon egg.

The color of the three-legged Golden Crow has dimmed again, and it is likely to be transformed into black in this way.

The three fire rings around it are more red, and the cross-sectional diameter of the fire ring has increased a little.

With the remaining [*] points of hostility, Jiang Lin raised the fire-collecting charm to level [*]. It is estimated that it will not be long before he will collect the strange fire again.

"Husband, you smell so good."

Chen Yu came to Jiang Lin to answer his doubts about his cultivation, only to find that Jiang Lin had undergone some changes.

The complexion is pale, healthy white, very clean, and the skin on the body is a seductive) (the color of a person.

More importantly, he had a scent all over his body, which made her unable to resist approaching.

"No matter how fragrant it is, it is not as fragrant as you."

"I hate it, don't, the door is not closed..."

On the second day, Jiang Lin and Jiu Shu and Zhang Han set off together.

The King Panlan Tiger was also taken away by Jiang Lin. When dealing with the thousand-year-old red scorpion, it can share the pressure for Jiu Shu and Zhang Han to prevent accidents.

The [*]nd chapter of the attack on the red glutinous rice

Master Sammo Hung was in the border of Hebei. Jiang Lin and the others wanted to take the train, which would be much faster, but they couldn’t bring all their equipment, so they had to hire a horse-drawn carriage.

When Jiang Lin was resting, he also combined his knowledge of Hongqi and asked Jiu Shu and Zhang Han how to deal with corpses like this.

As a result, the answer is that you can only use the power of the array to slowly grind.

The thousand-year-old red rice is too difficult to deal with. Ninth Uncle once heard his master say that in the Ming Dynasty, there was still a celestial master. At that time, a red rice appeared, but it has not reached the level of a thousand years. As a result, there are only The three Celestial Masters left at once.

If the thousand-year-old zombie king is compared to an adult, then the thousand-year-old red scorpion is a beast, or the overlord among beasts.

Imagine how many people can handle a tiger.

"Hope Master Hong Jinbao is safe and sound."

In addition to worrying about Master Hong Jinbao, Jiang Lin actually has some small expectations in his heart. Although the Millennium Red Root is extremely dangerous, the more dangerous things are, the higher the value they contain.

The coffin fungi of the thousand-year-old zombie king are all valuable things in the world, not to mention the thousand-year-old red glutinous rice?

For the medicinal herbs that Jiang Lin needs to find, this thousand-year-old red glutinous rice can provide several copies.

"Since Hongya has appeared, this time we will bring out all our strength. Jiang Lin, don't feel bad for the talisman in your hand."

Zombies are not quite the same as zombies. Zombies can’t be active during the day, but X, as long as they have a certain age, they are not afraid of sunlight.

Therefore, the disaster caused by this red glutinous rice is far greater than that of the zombie king.

We must use twelve points of strength to destroy it.

"I know."

Seven days later, Jiang Lin and his party came to the north of Hebei, and they went straight to Master Hong Jinbao's dojo after inquiring about the way.

Master Hong Jinbao was not there, only his two disciples Tianming and Tianzhao were in the dojo.

"Senior Brother Yimei, Senior Brother Hangu, and Junior Nephew Li Yang. You guys are tired of traveling, you should rest here for half a day, but something happened at the Golden Tomb..."

"The two junior brothers don't need to say, just take us there."

Uncle Ninth did not intend to rest, and wanted to go to the ancient tomb as soon as possible to find out the specific situation.

On the way, Tianming and Tianzhao also told Jiang Lin and others about the situation.

The one who came to rob the tomb this time was a Japanese yin-yang mage. During the process of robbing the tomb, they woke up with a thousand-year-old red horn, and then ran away by themselves.

It’s okay to run away, and he turned back and destroyed the formation arranged by Master Hong Jinbao.

If he didn't get the bright utensils in the tomb, he released the red scorpion.

"This group of people who are afraid that the world will not be in chaos."

Jiang Lin's eyes lit up with chills. Since he was near here, he would be embarrassed. He took the lives of these son-in-laws.

When Jiang Lin and the others arrived at the Golden Tomb, they saw Master Hong Jinbao with disheveled hair, many scars all over his body, and his aura was a little sluggish.

Ninth Uncle hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Master, how is the situation?"

"Lin Jiu, you are here. Jiang Lin, you kid..."

The news of Jiang Lin's return, Jiu Shu has informed Master Hong Jinbao through a letter.

Master Hong Jinbao didn't talk much with Jiang Lin and others, so he informed them of the situation here.

The thousand-year-old red scorpion is very difficult to deal with, and its strength is incomparable. This morning, because the formation was destroyed, it stuck its head out of the cemetery.

Master Hong Jinbao borrowed the power of the mountain god to form a titan of the earth, and then pressed it back to the cemetery.

Jiang Lin felt the shock of the ground, and knew that the thousand-year-old red glutinous rice was impacting in the cemetery, and I was afraid that the repairing formation would not last long.

"It's not too late, we'll set up the formation immediately."

"Master, take a break first, restore your spiritual power, and leave it to me and Master."

"it is good."

Master Hong Jinbao nodded, and was about to take a break when he turned his head and glanced at Jiang Lin.

"You...you became a Celestial Master?"

"There is another chance, it's just a lucky breakthrough."

Jiang Lin smiled, and then set up a formation around the cemetery together with Ninth Uncle and Zhang Han.

Master Hong Jinbao looked at Jiang Lin's back, and he was also emotional. In the age of the end of the law, there is still a Celestial Master, and he is still so young.

Really terrifying.

Tianming and Tianzhao were also stunned when they heard Master Hong Jinbao's words.

This young man, who was much younger than them, turned out to be a Celestial Master?

In this era of lack of spiritual energy, there is actually a Celestial Master appearing?It's really astonishing.

Although the Master Kuhua of Xiaoleiyin Temple is also at the level of a Celestial Master, his old man is almost a hundred years old.

What did this offspring eat to grow up?

"Master, why is there something wrong with the cat he brought?"

The colorful tiger king sat on the side, and its task was very simple. If the thousand-year-old red scorpion came out, there was no need to deal with the corpse, and all the attention would be on protecting Zhang Han and Ninth Uncle.

Pan Lan Tiger King glanced at Tianming, the hair all over his body stood up, and said, "Who are you calling a cat?"

It's not happy anymore, it's okay for the owner to treat it as a cat, and everyone else treats it as a cat?

It's really the tiger king who doesn't show his power, and people think it's a house cat.

"Demon King?"

Master Sammo Hung's eyes widened, he was not like his apprentice, he had no eyesight.

It's enough trouble to have a thousand-year-old red scorpion here. When did another demon king come?



Panlan Tiger King immediately withdrew his aura and turned into a house cat, lying on the side.

The tiger king meowed and turned into a cat in seconds.



Master Hong Jinbao and his two apprentices stayed there. This demon king recognized Jianglin as the master?

Also so obedient.

The three of them were completely messed up in the wind, and even Master Kuhua couldn't take a powerful demon king as a pet.

Regarding the matter of the demon king, Jiang Lin explained to Master Hong Jinbao without distraction. He is now cooperating with Zhang Han and Jiu Shu to arrange a great formation.

Because they had discussed what kind of formation they needed to use before, the speed of the formation was also very fast.

Multiple trapped formations, attacking formations, and weakening formations were all laid out by three people in just a quarter of an hour.


The earth suddenly shook, the ground in the middle of the cemetery cracked open, and a red glutinous scorpion with a height of more than six meters jumped out from the ground.

The thousand-year-old red scorpion still has a human-shaped outline, standing upright like a human being. It has only sparse cloth strips hanging all over its body. It is covered in red hair. The hair on its head is even brighter as blood. of fog.

"My Nima, is this the strange species of the Red Giant?"

Seeing the appearance of the thousand-year-old red glutinous rice, Jiang Lin instantly thought of the ape giant in the anime Attack on the Giants.

As soon as the red glutinous rice came out, it was entangled by the dharma rope and fell into the ground.

Jiang Lin, Ninth Uncle, and Zhang Han each took out ten talisman papers from their hands. As soon as their spiritual power was activated, the talisman papers burned, and the three of them projected them onto the thirty wrestler dolls in the formation.


With a loud roar, the bucket-thick arm grabbed his feet, the rope was pulled up, and half of the thirty wrestler dolls exploded in an instant.

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