"I said the two old masters, don't go up and make trouble, you have to distract the master, maybe you have to beat me."

Having seen Jianglin open up, King Panlan is convinced that even if Jianglin loses to this red scorpion, he will still be able to protect himself.

And Jiang Lin asked him to protect Jiu Shu and Zhang Han, instead of letting him help, he must have confidence in himself.

Ninth Uncle: "..."

Zhang letter: "..."

The two really wanted to try what it's like to rub a cat, and rub a latte brush.

On the other hand, in order to reduce Hongya's mobility, Jiang Lin held a bone sword and greeted Hongya's joints.

Jiang Lin was very brave, jumping up and hitting Hongxian's knee.

Hongqi was too big, so Jiang Lin took advantage of its inconvenience to move around and attacked around it.

He didn't know how many times he had swung the Zhenggu Sword, but the front knees and back of the popliteal fossa were densely marked with sword marks, and bones could be seen deep.

But Rao's sharpness of the bone sword is also difficult to damage the bones of Hongya.

Countless big pits were smashed into the ground by the red scorpion, and every time it was hammered, an ordinary Taoist priest could be smashed to pieces.

But unfortunately, Hong Yu couldn't touch Jiang Lin at all, he was too slippery.

With a "bang", one leg of Hong Yu finally couldn't bear his own weight, and half-knelt in front of Jiang Lin.

"Master, Tom, trap it for me!"

Master Hong Jinbao had already seen Jiang Lin's intentions. He threw a pocket mountain statue, chanted a spell in his mouth, and then threw a talisman paper on Jiang Lin's body.


The gravity of the area where Hongya was located suddenly increased several times, and the colorful tiger king took the opportunity to jump up, and the huge body knocked Hongya down.

The weight of its own plus the weight of the giant tiger, and the gravity doubled several times, and the red dragonfly did not get up for a while.


Jiang Lin's wrists converged, condensing the Yang flames in his body, and lined up against Hong Yu's face.

Turtle School Qigong - Yang Yan!

"Master Uncle, Master, Fire Attack!"

Feeling that his spiritual power was almost exhausted, Jiang Lin asked Jiu Shu, Zhang Han and the others to quickly leave the fire formation.

This red glutinous rice is simply too meaty, so far there is no residual blood.

"Nine Swords of Dugu!"

Jiang Lin jumped up with the bone sword in his hand, turned over and spun toward Hong Yu's back.

"Master, let me help you!"

The colorful tiger king waved Jiang Lin's fork)...(With his open legs, Jiang Lin turned his sword into an electric drill.


The back of the red glutinous rice was painful, and the strong sense of crisis made it slam the ground with both palms, sending the colorful tiger king and Jiang Lin flying.

"Holding the sun! It's impossible not to open the university."

The spiritual power in Jiang Lin's body suddenly gathered, and he decided to finish his work in one battle.

Feeling Jiang Lin's explosive momentum, Pan Lan Huwang suddenly shuddered, too wide and scared.


A twenty-foot tall three-legged golden crow jumped out of Jianglin's body, and pressed the thousand-year-old red glutinous rice to the ground and rubbed it.

The cries of the red scorpion and the clear snoring of the golden crow reverberated all over the world.

"Then...what the hell is that?"

Master Sammo Hung couldn't believe that the three-legged Golden Crow, more than fifty meters high, was really created by Jiang Lin?

Jiu Shu and Zhang Han were equally shocked. Although Jiu Shu had seen the three-legged Golden Crow, it was not so big at that time.

The Golden Crow gathered its wings, pinched Hongya's shoulders with both feet, and slammed the third claws towards Hongya's back center.

Hongqi's heart was exposed, protected by the crystal rib.


The wings were spread out, and nearly a hundred Yang-fingered swords under the Golden Crow's wings were fired in unison, rushing towards Hong Yu's back heart.

Uncle Ninth didn't care about being shocked, and urged the Lihuo Formation.


Jiang Lin pulled Ninth Uncle and Zhang Han and ran towards the front, jumping down.

Behind them, an earth-shattering explosion sounded, and the Yangzhi swords that were gathered together exploded at the same time, and the flesh and blood of the red scorpion flew all over the floor.

The wind and smoke have quieted down, and the five-meter-high red stick has become a stick, and its limbs have been blown away.

But even so, the thousand-year-old red horn is still shaking like a patient suffering from epilepsy.

"It's really hard to kill!"

Jiang Lin jumped up, held the skeleton sword upside down, and plunged into the half-damaged heart again. The green skeleton sword was surrounded by fiery flames, making Hongya's heart roar.

After that, Jiang Lin threw three Explosive Flame Talismans into it.

Chapter [*] Abe Yewang

As the blasting Yang's voice resounded again, a system alert sounded in Jiang Lin's mind.

"Pop, kill the red 犼, get [*] points of anger."

"Damn it! Hongyi is so difficult to kill that he is one-third more hostile than the Zombie King in Tengteng Town?"

Jiang Lin was very suspicious of whether the system was malfunctioning. How strong is this red scorpion, at least the anger value must be doubled.

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Lin was still quite depressed, and he lost a lot.

However, looking at the scorched corpse all over the ground, he was relieved, at least killing this red corpse without paying the price of bloodshed, but a lot of spiritual power was consumed.

If he were to deal with this red dragon by himself, it would be very difficult. Without the help of the previous formation, Jiang Lin felt that even if he made a big move, he would only leave the red dragon with blood, and it would be unfortunate for him to kill it. To consume until the spiritual power is exhausted.

This time, the thousand-year-old red scorpion was killed, and even Jiang Lin needed half a day to recover his spiritual power, and Ninth Uncle and the others would not be able to recover within three or four days.

Now the richness of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is not as strong as it was more than a thousand years ago.


Zhang Han collected the remnants of the red scorpion on the side, not even letting go of the hair on the ground. The rune made of this hair is much better than the hair of the demon king.

"Tom, help to clean up, the bones and blood of this red scorpion are of great use."

Jiang Lin swung his sword and chopped off Hong's head, and took out a red ball of liquid under its throat.

This thing can be used as medicine, although Hongqi is strictly a kind of corpse monster, but this liquid Jianglin cannot touch it.

The evolution of the human form is different from the evolution of the human form. Jiang Lin didn't want to be covered in hair and look like a beast in the future, although his daughter-in-law said he was a beast every day.

Jiang Lin brought a lot of jade boxes, containing red liquid balls and bone marrow of red glutinous rice, and Tom helped to bundle and pack the rest.

"Master, uncle, let's take out the treasure from this golden tomb. Keep some as a reward, and donate the rest to the poor people."

The golden tomb has already been opened, and if they don't take it, it is also a waste of money for warlords or tomb robbers. It is better to leave it in their hands and do some good deeds.

"Seeing money is not greedy, Yimei, Hangu, this disciple of yours is really good."

"Master, look at what you said, and you don't look at whose son-in-law this is."

Zhang Han's face is proud, what is a master, being a master and a father-in-law, this is the reason why the fat water does not flow to outsiders.

"Master, Master, don't get busy for now."

Jiang Lin turned around and saw King Abe Ye and three yin-yang magicians who were walking towards this place.

The costumes of the four were strange, with uniform high hats, like those worn by black and white impermanence, and they were also wearing Japanese-style magician costumes, which were very different from the characteristics of Middle-earth.


Jiang Lin narrowed his eyes and secretly quickly refined his corpse poison to replenish his spiritual power.

These people are from the yin and yang way of the East, and one of them has reached the level of a Celestial Master.

"I can't believe that there are such monks in the Middle Earth in the end of the law."

Abe Yewang still had a smile on his mouth, and glanced at Master Hong Jinbao and the others, and finally landed on Jiang Lin.

King Abe Ye and the three magicians behind him stopped seven or eight meters in front of Jiang Lin.

"I am King Abe Ye, the master of Yin and Yang Dao."

Folding the fan in his hand, King Abe Ye briefly introduced himself, and then said: "Although I think it is unlikely, I still want to say it. It is not easy for you to practice, so it is better to be loyal to our emperor. Sooner or later, the Middle Earth will be the land of our Yamato nation. The person in charge is Junjie, what do you think?"


Zhang Han asked Jiang Lin aloud, and most of the people who spoke bad Chinese were foreigners. As for whether it was East or West, he couldn't tell.

"That's right, it's that national flag that looks like a woman's shield)... (Shu Bao-like country."

"What treasure do you protect?"

Only then did Jiang Lin realize that his metaphor was too avant-garde, so he explained it: the moon used by a woman]...[Jingdai.

"Pfft haha..."

This time, even Uncle Jiu couldn't hold back.

"Daoist Zhina, what are you laughing at? Our Lord Ampere..."

A magician behind King Abe Ye's face turned cold, but before he could finish speaking, he flew out.


Without Jiang Lin's action, King Panlan kicked a stone and hit the magician on the forehead, causing him to faint on the spot.

"Go back and add chicken thighs for you."

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