Jiang Lin greatly appreciated the reaction of the colorful tiger king.

"Thank you, master."

The colorful tiger king grinned, this flattery was right.

King Abe Ye's face sank, but he did not break out.

"It seems that several of you are toasting and not eating?"

"Turtle, what kind of shit are you, and you don't eat toast?"

Zhang Han spit, this oriental demon is such a powerful official.

"Middle-earth will become your land? I think Japan will become our special administrative region. After you say three times, get out, or stay forever."

Jiang Lin felt a slight tremor on the ground. I am afraid that there will be soldiers rushing here. He is not afraid at all, but the nine uncles behind him are still flesh and blood.

"It seems that I don't need to say more. Since this is the case, I will accept your souls and make them into ghost soldiers."

Abe Yewang's slender eyes suddenly opened, and an astonishing momentum erupted.

"Jiang Lin, this group of people is estimated to have been sitting on the mountain watching tiger fights, and they have only appeared until now, watching our spiritual power is almost exhausted."

Ninth Uncle reminded softly that among the four, only King Abe Ye's cultivation base can be seen, and the other magicians are equivalent to the level of Taoists. If they dare to appear in front of them, they must be ready to take advantage of the danger before their spiritual power has recovered.

Jiang Lin nodded slightly, if it wasn't for the fearlessness, these chop sueys would probably still be hiding.

"Tom, a few inconspicuous ones are handed over to you."

Jiang Lin gave an order, took a step, and faced King Abe Ye.

"Your name is King Abe Ye, change your name, it's more appropriate to force the king."

Jiang Lin persuaded him with good words, but before he could figure out the situation, he spoke out loudly, hoping that this persecutor was not just a mouthpiece.

Abe Ye Wang glanced at the demon king, and a contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Shikigami, Tengu."

Behind him, a strange-looking beast spirit appeared, with white hair, a red face and a long nose. It looked like a dog and had a pair of wings on its back.

"Jie Jie."

Tengu sneered and stood in front of the colorful tiger king. The two were similar in size and aura.

The curvature of the corners of Abe Yewang's mouth became wider, as if the winning ticket and Zhizhu were in the same hand.

"Shikigami, Fire Spirit."

As soon as the voice fell, a [*]-meter-tall humanoid monster appeared behind King Abe Ye. Its shape was like a steel mecha, its head was like an upside-down clothes support, and its arms were extremely long. The "Mecha" is red all over, like flowing magma, and the air around it is strongly distorted.

Uncle Jiu, Zhang Han and the others' faces sank. Jiang Lin had used up very little of his spiritual power when he dealt with Hongqi before. Even if he could deal with King Abe Ye, he might not be able to resist this strange fire spirit.

The situation has taken a turn for the worse.

"Jiang Lin, you go first."

Ninth Uncle clenched the bronze sword in his hand, trying to cover Jiang Lin's retreat.

"Lin Zi, take care of Chili and let her have a baby as soon as possible."

Zhang Han also stood side by side with Jiu Shu and wanted to give Jiang Lin a chance to escape.

Chapter [*] Ye Wang?It's almost like a king

"Jiang Lin..."

Just as Master Hong Jinbao was about to speak, he was interrupted by Jiang Lin.

"What are you doing, Master, is your son-in-law so unbearable? Uncle, Master, step back and restore your spiritual power."

Jiang Lin gave Zhang Han and Ninth Uncle a reassuring look, then looked at the Tiger King Panlan, and said, "If you win, you will be lucky, and you will eat chicken tonight. If you lose, go back to Siberia and die there. There is no such useless pet."

"I want to eat chicken!"

Panlan Tiger King let out a roar and rushed towards the Tengu.

"Is this your reliance?"

Jiang Lin looked at Abe Ye Wang, who had been smiling all the time, and suddenly felt that this fellow owes a lot of kicks, just like eating half a step with a smile.

With a seal in his hand, Jiang Lin once again condensed the spiritual power in his body, and the three-legged Golden Crow of more than fifty meters appeared again.

Feeling the existence of the Fire Spirit, the three-legged Golden Crow seemed to be provoked, and the golden light in his eyes was staring at the Fire Spirit.

"Hehe, I wonder how long your spiritual power will last?"

Abe Yewang looked at Jiang Lin with a smile, and continued: "There is an old saying in China, called the end of a strong crossbow, one cannot wear Luzheng."

"If you can't wear Lu Zhan, it's okay to wear you."

"You Chinese people like to talk big the most."

"Do you Japanese like Japanese the most?"

Jiang Lin quietly looked at this Abe Yewang costume 13.

"Of course we Japanese like the Japanese, could it be possible that we also like the guy from your branch?"

"Well done."

Abe Yewang has learned some broken Chinese, and it is impossible for him to appreciate the breadth and depth of this language.

"Three-legged Golden Crow? Very good, Sunrise Fusang, this three-legged Golden Crow should return to its hometown."

Not understanding the meaning of Jiang Lin's words, King Abe Ye did not argue with words. He looked at the three-legged golden crow behind Jiang Lin, which was the legendary holy bird.

King Abe Ye was quite excited. If his fire spirit could devour this three-legged Golden Crow, his strength would be even higher.

"Returning to our hometown, we don't have your children and grandchildren in China, all the Japanese who bullied our ancestors. Do you know who your ancestors were? Two thousand years ago, Xu Fu brought boys and girls east from this land. Although I don't want to recognize it. You, come, call the ancestors to come and listen."

Jiang Lin's words were like a hammer, hitting Abe Yewang's tail.


"Eight, you nut, flutter!"

Annoyed, Abe Yewang sacrificed a long sword and a pea-shaped jade.

The cloud sword of the sky and the eight-foot Qionggou jade.

"Damn, it's just a rmb krypton gold player."

Jiang Lin slandered that King Abe Ye not only has a shikigami and a spirit, but also has an SS-level artifact in his hand.

It is simply the equipment trench of the six gods.

Even if Ninth Uncle and Zhang Han break through to become Celestial Masters, they will suffer a big loss in this battle.

Seeing that the corners of Abe Yewang's mouth raised an arc again, Jiang Lin's heart was not disturbed, and he even wanted to laugh a little.

What's wrong with the krypton gold player, he's a cheater.

Thought he wasn't equipped?

Even NPC Li Yingqi was taken home by him to warm the bed.

Wanting to crush Jiang Lin with equipment, Abe Yewang is not qualified enough.

Holding his palm in the cloth bag, the Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword and the Snow Mountain Sun God Pearl appeared in Jiang Lin's hands.

He had never used these two treasures before, because he wanted to retain the power of the three elements.

The Snow Mountain Sun God Orb had already been overwhelmed and shattered in half before, and it was repaired by Jiang Lin with the sun's real fire mixed spiritual power. He didn't want to use it unless it was a last resort.

You can't take it out now.

The four treasures hovered in the air and confronted each other. Jiang Lin did not delay, and rushed towards Abe Yewang. He now lacks spiritual power in his body and needs to avoid fighting with Abe Yewang. If his spiritual power is not good, he will rely on force.

He didn't immediately use the bone sword. For these Japanese people, Jiang Lin felt that it was difficult to understand the hatred in his heart without hitting him in the face.

"Courageous and resourceful, in addition to being the master of Yin-Yang Dao, I'm also a great master of karate..."


Before Abe Ye Wang finished his words, Jiang Lin gave him a slap in the face.

"Karate? It's just evolved from the Chinese Tang Shou."

"How can Theo!"

King Abe Ye couldn't bear it. He, a dignified master of karate, was slapped.


Jiang Lin gave him another slap.

"Karate? I'm so bad, I'm sorry, I've practiced Jeet Kune Do."

Relying on his being a karate master, Abe Yewang was approached by Jiang Lin. He didn't know that Jiang Lin had a speed, strength and reaction that surpassed that of humans.

He definitely shouldn't, he just shouldn't let Jiang Lin get close.

Jiang Lin is not only open in Taoism, but also in martial arts.

As long as Jiang Lin is willing, the Taoist Dragon Slayer who has become a zombie can be beaten to death by him, not to mention this Abe forced king.

I want to use magic tricks, sorry, Jiang Lin refused.

If King Abe Ye used magic to protect himself at first, Jiang Lin would be a little constrained. The spiritual power in his body could only be supplied to the Three-legged Golden Crow, and he would use the blasting sun two or three times at most.

"I heard that you are also a Celestial Master?"

Two minutes later, Jiang Lin grabbed King Abe Ye by the collar and asked.

This Abe Yewang seemed to pretend that he had not been beaten for many years until he met Jiang Lin.

Not only was he beaten, he was beaten badly, his face was swollen like a pig's head, bruised everywhere, and three front teeth were lost.

"Pinch, I'll let you pinch!"

Abe Ye Wang also pointed to his mouth and prepared to chant a spell, but Jiang Lin broke two fingers directly.

Hearing the screams of King Abe Ye, Tengu wanted to rescue him, but was entangled by King Panlan Tiger, and Huo Ling wanted to attack Jiang Lin, but was knocked over by the three-legged golden crow with one wing.

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