As for the remaining three magicians, Ninth Uncle's thin camels were bigger than horses, and they firmly suppressed them with their fists and feet so that they couldn't take care of them.

"Damn, I finally know why Chili loves Linzi so much, he is so fierce!"

They are both Celestial Masters, Jiang Lin's spiritual energy is almost consumed, and it is really convincing to beat Abe Ye Wang like this.

Ninth Uncle and Master Hong Jinbao are also eye-opening. They have all seen the zombie king being beaten up, but Tianshi was beaten by fat, and they have never seen it.

Abe Yewang's heart was extremely broken. What kind of person is he? He originally thought that he was good enough, but he didn't expect that this time in the middle-earth group, he knew that he was a sand wall.

The baby is heartbroken.

"Mother Sa, my son wants to cry."

Jiang Lin really forced Abe to beat the king so much that he didn't even recognize his mother.

"Let you pretend to be 13, I'll let you pretend!"

King Abe Ye's limbs were broken by Jiang Lin, and his bones were trampled to pieces.

The celestial masters in the end of the law are basically the figures at the top of the pyramid. Of course, Jiang Lin did not forget to destroy the foundation of King Abe Ye.

Just as Jiang Lin was about to cut off King Abe's head with a bone sword in his hand, with a "whoosh", the bullet flew past him.

"Sniper rifle!"

Chapter [*]: The group is destroyed, and the death is clean

Jiang Lin could no longer care about reaping the life of King Abe Ye, and the bone sword in his hand swerved abruptly, blocking the flying bullets with the tip of the sword.


The bullet was redirected, passed through Zhang Han's arm, and spattered with blood.

Jiang Lin didn't care about the weight of his hands, and slapped Master Hong Jinbao and Ninth Uncle to the ground.

Panlan Tiger King was covered in blood. It stepped back and stood upright, slapped the panting Tengu on the ground, then turned around and blocked in front of Ninth Uncle and the others.

In another battlefield, the fire spirit was destroyed because its main Dao base was destroyed, and the spiritual power was difficult to continue, so it had to be submerged into the body of King Abe Ye to recuperate for him.

The three-legged Golden Crow snorted and fluttered away, grabbing the long arm of the fire spirit mecha with both feet, and the toe claw of the third foot slammed, directly unloading half of the arm of the fire spirit, absorbing it. within his own body.

Following that, the three-legged Golden Crow also turned into a sky of fireworks because the spiritual power in Jiang Lin's body was completely exhausted and returned to Jiang Lin's body.

The four treasures in the air were returned to the hands of the two of them. Seeing the three magicians drag King Abe Ye and flee back, Jiang Lin wanted to chase them forward.

Kill the boss to explode the SS-level artifact.

But in mid-air, a rocket launcher shot down at the colorful tiger king in a parabolic trajectory.

Jiang Lin flipped two stones up on the soles of his feet, kicked them up, and the rockets exploded in mid-air.

In less than a minute, military vehicles and Japanese soldiers showed their heads in the distance.

The machine guns in the car swept toward Jiang Lin and the others, bullets densely packed like raindrops, hitting Pan Lan Tiger King.

However, the body hair of the colorful tiger king is like steel needles, and it is difficult for these bullets to hurt him.

Although Jiang Lin was invulnerable, he had to think about Uncle Ninth and the others, and in front of them, he was not very good at showing his defense.

That ability is too perverted. If Ninth Uncle and the others asked why they were not afraid of guns, Jiang Lin would not be able to explain it.

He also hid behind the colorful tiger king, picked up the boulder on the ground and threw it forward and upward.

Humanoid trebuchet.

"Jianglin, this is adjacent to Shandong, and the Japanese officers and soldiers can pull it here, we need to retreat quickly. This way they don't dare to chase after them."

Master Hong Jinbao has a better understanding of the situation here. In the area bordering Shandong, the Japanese army is very arrogant, but it will not easily cross the border too easily.

"Master, how are you?"

Jiang Lin hurriedly checked Zhang Han's gunshot wound. Fortunately, it was only a traumatic injury, and a shred of meat was removed by the bullet.

"It's okay, it's better than a zombie's scratch."

Jiang Lin's eyes flashed with chills, making Jiu Shu and the others feel that the air was much cooler.

"Uncle Shi, only these 13 brats are allowed to shoot and kill the Taoist priests, and the patriarch is not allowed to use Taoist priests to deal with them?"

Jiang Lin suddenly changed his face and asked Ninth Uncle with a smile.

Little brats, don't think that you are the only ones who have guns, he also has Gatling in Jianglin.

Looking at Jiu Shu's frowning brows, Jiang Lin didn't make him embarrassed. Using Taoism to harm others would damage Yin's virtue, and it would reduce Yang's longevity.

Even these little Japanese are not human.

If it was just Uncle Ninth himself, he might have used Taoism to deal with these Japanese soldiers, but Jiang Lin's words, he would not give up.

"Master, I will take you back to a safe distance first. The treasures here must not fall into the hands of the Japanese."

Jiu Shu and Zhang Han's expressions changed, Jiang Lin was going to deal with these soldiers by himself?

"Don't worry, I just want them to see what it's like to be a tiger. Isn't it, Tom?"

"Master, don't worry, if I don't let these brats talk, I'll change my name to Elvis."

"Well, let's go back first, Lin Zi, you must be careful."

Zhang Han also knows the importance. There are probably countless treasures in the golden tomb. If this is taken away by the Japanese, they will only be able to expand their armaments and oppress our compatriots.

The six of them grabbed the hair on the other side of the Panlan Tiger King and hung it on the tiger's belly. The Panlan Tiger King opened his mouth and took the previous materials into his mouth, and galloped away in the direction of the province.

"No Taoism, no body training, little Japan, we'll see you later."

The green light in Jiang Lin's pupils flashed away. These scumbags united with the Yin-Yang Dao, and I don't know how many Taoist monks and monks wanted to eat peanuts.

In the war between countries, Jiang Lin didn't want to interfere too much, it involved the secret, but the Japanese put a gun on his forehead, and if he didn't fight back, he wouldn't be called Jiang Lin.

After sending Ninth Uncle and the others ten miles away, the Pan Lan Tiger King unloaded the materials on his body and rushed back with Jiang Lin on his back.

When they got back to the cemetery, the Japanese soldiers were assembled and ready to go down to the golden tomb to retrieve the treasure.

"Come on, eat whatever you want, and throw me a machine gun."

Although he could kill these devils with his corpse, Jiang Lin still wanted to use his own way to heal his body.

"It's such a happy decision to use his own way and give him back."


Panlan Tiger King jumped out directly, one patty with one palm, and began to kill.

Jiang Lin caught the flying machine gun, like Stallone, and kept pulling the trigger.

For the first time, Jiang Lin felt that it was really cool to kill a Japanese devil, and it was so refreshing!

He not only wants to kill, but also to grab ACE!

"Little Japanese, come and shoot with Grandpa."

Jiang Lin, who was holding the machine gun, was a madman, and there was no such thing as stepping back. After he was corpse, he could eat the gun like peanuts.

Taoist priests can't harm people with Taoism. I'm sorry, Jiang Lin is still a zombie king, a zombie king with a machine gun.

Looking at the corpses of the devil all over the place, Jiang Lin blew the muzzle of the machine gun.

Eighty kill streak achievement achieved.

"It's a pity that those oriental demons have run away. Run? You can run and monks can't run away from the temple!"

"Tom, can you eat people, can you eat souls?"

"Although he is a demon, he is generally not swallowed for fear of being punished by heaven."

"I'm afraid of a bird, swallow it for me. If there is a catastrophe, I will find a way to block it for you."

If they don't kill it, they will disappear completely.

Japan's Yin-Yang Dao has a secret technique, which can restrain the soul and train the soldiers, and simply let these Japanese soldiers die.

Although it was Jiang Lin's order, King Panlan didn't dare to swallow too much, and Jiang Lin didn't force it.


A zombie roar resounded through the four fields, and Jiang Lin's zombie teeth were completely bucked out.

"My mother-in-law~"

The King Panlan was so frightened that his legs went weak. Its owner turned out to be a Zombie King, or a Zombie King that can appear during the day.

No wonder it has always felt that Jiang Lin has an extremely dangerous aura, and that kind of aura is not necessarily possessed by a Celestial Master.

It turned out to be the king of the zombie king.

"Dreaming, it must be dreaming."

The colorful tiger king kept hypnotizing himself, it was definitely living in a dream.

Jiang Lin's mouth and nose suddenly burst into a huge suction force, and strands of souls drilled out of the Japanese soldier's body, all of which entered Jiang Lin's body.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin piled the bodies of these devils together and set them on fire together with the chariot.

Burn it clean and destroy the corpse directly.

The group was destroyed and died extremely cleanly.

"Accompany me to the tomb and move treasures."

Panlan Tiger King was still a little dizzy, and suddenly there was a feeling that he accompanied the king like a tiger, but it was a tiger, or a tiger king.

This feels so fucked up.

"Go back and treat you."

Looking at the colorful tiger king with a huge cloth bag on his back, Jiang Lin smiled. He had to make this guy work at night.

For others, whoever provokes him, Jiang Lin might even go back.

But for little Japan, it's not enough to go back.

Chapter [*] I am your compatriot

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