"It is Tom's honor to do things for the master."

Panlan Tiger King was very spineless to flatter Jiang Lin, he was afraid that Jiang Lin would give him a bite.

Although he admits that he has good teeth, King Panlan has no idea to bite Jiang Lin.

Seeing the cowardly behavior of the colorful tiger king, Jiang Lin also smiled.

He manifested the secret of the corpse, and he was not worried about revealing it. The secret poison slave curse was not for nothing.

Riding on the back of the colorful tiger king, Jiang Lin went to meet Ninth Uncle and the others.

"Jiang Lin, are you alright?"

Seeing Jiang Lin's return, Jiu Shu and Zhang Han breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, those puppies were bitten to death and burned clean."

Whether it was a chariot or a gun corpse, it was burned by the real fire of the sun, and all became molten iron and ashes.

Before Jiang Lin left, he deliberately asked Panlan Tiger King to sweep the gravel to cover it up, and those little Japanese couldn't find it.

"In this case, we will stay here for a few hours first, and then go back after dark."

Because he was carrying a lot of gold, silver and jade, Master Hong Jinbao suggested to travel at night in order to prevent accidents or let the wind out.

Jiang Lin helped Zhang Han to bandage the wound, and asked Master Hong Jinbao which camp the Japanese army who had just come to steal the treasure belonged to and where it was located.

"Lin Zi, what do you want to do? You still have to go to the military camp alone?"

"No, it's just that the Yin-Yang Dao's magician is not dead, I'm just not reconciled."

Jiang Lin didn't say what was in his heart, otherwise Zhang Han and Jiu Shu wouldn't have let him go anyway.

After night fell, everyone sat on the back of the tiger and rushed back to the dojo.

Master Sammo Hung removed the materials and artifacts, and checked them roughly.

These treasures are very hot, and the burial items of the generals of the Jin Dynasty are very rich.

Jiang Lin took out a bag of tea from his luggage and gave it to Master Hong Jinbao. When he entered the black hole of time and space, Master Hong Jinbao also lost some Yangshou in order to avenge him.

Jiang Lin always remembered this incident. He had planned to wait for Daoist Dian to wake up, and then he came to visit the master, but he didn't expect that the plan would not catch up with the changes.

These tea leaves are soaked in medicinal liquid and then sun-dried. If you drink it regularly, you can restore the life of Master Sammo Hung.

As for interfering with yin and yang and life and death, Jiang Lin did not worry too much.

Jiang Lin then took another handful of oceans and asked his servants to go to the cattle and sheep farm to buy six animals, five animals and three sacrifices.

"Master, we have also shared some of the materials on this red scorpion. The bones can make a good spirit sword, and we can take the rest away."

Zhang Han looked at the batch of materials distributed to Master Hong Jinbao, and felt a little pain in his heart. These are all valuable things.

Master Hong Jinbao was not polite either, he put away the materials, and he planned to move the dojo to a place far south.

Now the Japanese army in the north is showing signs of being ready to move.

When the city gate catches fire, it is easy to bring disaster to Chiyu.

Jiang Lin can also feel that now the Japanese demons are going to plunder treasures everywhere first, and the Fengtian Incident is not too far away.

After resting for two hours, Jiang Lin recovered some spiritual power, and left the dojo with the colorful tiger king, and rushed to the camp where the Japanese army belonged.

Beheaded King Abe Ye, took his equipment, and destroyed the battalion by the way.

The Japanese barracks were stationed on the border between the two provinces, waiting for the soldiers to return with a full load.

Because they were far away from the station, they simply set up a tent and rushed back to the station when the treasure arrived.

However, they did not wait for the treasure under the golden tomb, but instead Jiang Lin and a giant colorful tiger.

Whether it's the colorful tiger king or Jianglin, it doesn't take much effort to sneak into the Japanese army camp.

Tiger King also turned into the size of a house cat and followed Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin didn't plan to scare the snakes. He first probed the traces of King Abe Ye and the destruction of the camp, and he will talk about it later.


There were faint cries and calls for help from children from the military tent in front, and the voices were very weak.

Jiang Lin flashed over and saw an outrageous scene.

He has heard of people)...(Meat steamed buns, and steamed buns with human blood, but he never thought that he would see someone eating sashimi, and the material is not fish!

Jiang Lin felt that his anger rushed directly to Tianling, he dodged into the tent, and put the corpse aura of his fingertips on the soldiers who were cooking meat, making them stiff and unable to move for a while.

"Eat them, eat them slowly, and let them watch."

After instructing the King Banlan Tiger, Jiang Lin freed the bound little boy. He cut his fingertips, refined his blood with Yang Yan, and dripped the corpse poison essence on the boy's terrible wound.

As long as it is handled properly, the poor child can survive.

Feeling the freezing cold killing intent on Jiang Lin's body, the Tiger King Pan Lan was terrified.

The wound on his body was no longer so painful. The little boy woke up from the fright. He looked at Jiang Lin who was holding him, and shouted, "Please, big brother, save my sister quickly."

Jiang Lin closed his eyes, spread out his spiritual sense, and then walked out of the military tent with the little boy in his arms.

In another tent, a group of Japanese soldiers were viewing a work of art, the little boy's sister.

"flower girl……"

"Yo Xi~"

When the two soldiers finished speaking, there was no sound.

They have a bullet hole in their forehead.

Then, bullet holes appeared in the heads of all the soldiers who were appreciating the artwork.

Jiang Lin didn't need a gun to kill people, bullets were enough.

The little boy in his arms had fainted, and his sister was tied to the pole of the military tent, and it was not suitable for children to watch.

To loosen the tie for the girl, Jiang Lin covered her with the clothes on the ground.

"younger brother."

The girl sat on the ground feebly, her brother's arms and calves were covered with white cloth and blood oozing.

"Don't be short-sighted."

Jiang Lin stretched out his leg, and the girl slammed his head into his leg, saving her the fate of being hit and killed.

"You're still innocent, it's not easy to live, don't think about yourself, think about your brother."

Jiang Lin handed the little boy into the girl's arms and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to kill the Japanese."

With more than [*] bullets and [*] lives, the Japanese in the entire military camp became the souls of Jiang Lin's subordinates.

Not even the soul can escape.

These are not human things and deserve eternal life.

Jiang Lin asked Panlan Tiger King to follow him, so that these people would not die without their entire bodies.

"Master, it feels good to shoot watermelons. You shoot one, I'll shoot one..."

Jiang Lin gave the stupid tiger a look and let him understand.

After sending the girl and her younger brother until dawn, Jiang Lin gave her some money and said, "I'll give you the money and go to the south to escape."

After Jiang Lin's solution, the girl finally stopped thinking about it.

It's not that she was spoiled by the Japanese. It's time to marry someone with hatred for the Japanese.

"Brother, thank you for saving us. I don't know the name of the benefactor."

"I'm not your benefactor, I'm your compatriot."

Jiang Lin turned around with a smile, and disappeared into the woods with the colorful tiger king.

"Sister, I will be like my big brother in the future, killing the Japanese and driving them out of China!"

Chapter [*] Entrusted

"I didn't expect that Abe forced Wang to run very fast."

Jiang Lin felt sorry for this trip. He killed enough people. In order not to arouse suspicion, he also asked Tom to tear up all the corpses, even smashing their heads, but a few magicians of Yin-Yang Dao were not in the camp.

Anyway, the persecuting king has already destroyed the foundation of the king, Jiang Lin decided to meet the dog's life that directly ended the persecuting king.

"I'm still thinking about Japan's three artifacts. If it melts, the three treasures can be improved to a higher level, and even the Japanese golden wheel buried deep in the Kunlun Mountains can be improved."

The Kunlun Mountains are rich in spiritual energy, so Jiang Lin did not take out the golden wheel of the sun. In this era of the end of the law, the spirituality of treasures will gradually disappear.

After returning to Master Hong Jinbao's dojo, Jiu Shu and Zhang Han didn't ask Jiang Lin what to do, they believed that Jiang Lin would listen to their instructions.

As long as he doesn't use Taoism to harm others, Jiang Lin has his own considerations for doing things.

The three of them brought a few bright artifacts and set out on their way home.

Ten days later, they returned to Renjia Town. As soon as they returned to Yizhuang, Sanbaisan ran out and hung on Jiang Lin's body like a koala.

The Daoist woke up.

Jiu Shu and Zhang Han were very happy when they heard the news. Daoist Dian saved Jiang Lin that he had been wandering in the gate of hell. If Dao Dian kept falling asleep, they would feel guilty for a lifetime.

At noon, Ninth Uncle asked Wen Cai to get a table of dishes, and Zhang Han and the others also ate at Yizhuang.

Daoist Dian was also deeply surprised by Jiang Lin's experience. It turned out to be another opportunity, and he even broke through to the realm of the Celestial Master.

"Senior Brother Hangu, Jiang Lin has now become a Celestial Master, but even the ancestor Yan Zhi didn't reach this level. You can also consider the matter of recognizing the ancestor and returning to the ancestry. It doesn't mean that Jiang Lin has to leave Chen. Daoist."

At the banquet, Daoist Dian also shared his thoughts. In fact, his thoughts were the same as those of Ninth Uncle and Daoist Qianhe, and they all wanted Jiang Lin to return to Maoshan.

Now Jiang Lin is basically the pinnacle of Taoist cultivators in the end of the law era. The ancestors of Maoshan are dead and people are alive. There is no reason for such a good inheritor to appear. Begging to recognize the ancestors and return to the ancestors.

"Originally this year, I wanted to go back to Xiangxi to discuss this with the teacher, but this is not a delay because of these things. I will take Lin Zi back next year to convey your message."

Zhang Han also felt embarrassed. It would be fine if Jiang Lin's qualifications were mediocre, but now that he has become a Celestial Master, he can't make up his own mind.

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