And Jiu Shu and his brothers are not all as enlightened as Jiu Shu.

Ninth Uncle drank a glass of wine and asked, "Senior Brother Hangu, are you still brooding about what my senior brother said back then?"

Ninth Uncle's big brother?

Isn't that the guy named Shi Jian?Is it the one whose cultivation base is relatively high, but whose mind is not right?

What kind of festival did he have with his master back then?

Seeing Jiang Lin frowning, Uncle Jiu said, "When your master was traveling, he was called a Maoshan traitor by my senior brother. I couldn't see it, and I contradicted him in public. , and have never been contacted again.”

"It turns out that there is such a thing."

"Later I encountered a life-and-death crisis. My senior brother didn't care about me. It was your master who saved me. For this reason..."

Jiu Shu looked at Chen Yu, but was interrupted.

"Cough cough, eyebrows, too much to say."

"Could it be related to Chili's mother? Isn't that my wife?"

There is material, there is definitely material here.

Thinking so, Jiang Lin wanted to ask, but Zhang Han glared back.

In the afternoon, Daoist Dian called Jiang Lin to his room.

"Jiang Lin, it's all thanks to you this time."

Daoist Dian never thought that he would still be alive. At that time in Tengteng Town, that black thunderbolt was wrapped in the power to shatter the void. If it weren't for the inheritance mirror for body protection on his chest, most of the power rebounded. It is estimated that it will be torn apart on the spot.

"Uncle, you are serious. This is a matter of nephew. You help nephew save a catastrophe, even if it costs a lot, I have to rescue Uncle."

"You kid, have filial piety."

There are a few black lines on Jiang Lin's forehead. Who is so filial to you?

Daoist Dian smiled, and then his face became a little disappointed. In their line, he was the only one left with a mirror of yin and yang. Originally, Master's teaching was that the mirror is in the person, and the mirror destroys the person, but Jiang Lin finally woke him up, so he couldn't go to death.

"I want to go and sweep Master's grave, but I haven't gone back for many years, maybe [*] years."

When he thought that he was the only bare commander left in his lineage, Daoist Dian was also sighed.

"Jiang Lin, my master is also half a bucket of water, and he can't teach him anything anymore. Now you teach him to read and write every day, and he also learns foreign languages. He doesn't fail to practice martial arts and boxing. I want to hand him over to you. I'll go. Accompany Master."

Daoist Dian looked at Jiang Lin, and then at Sanbaisan, and felt that it was better for him to follow Jiang Lin than himself.

The Three Hundred and Thirty Pure Yang Art was given by Jiang Lin, the mind art of the Sword Mastery was given by Jiang Lin, and the Yang Yin Talisman was also taught to him by Jiang Lin.

Daoist people really feel that it is too embarrassing to be a master.

"Master, I don't want it. I'll go with you to sweep the tomb of the master and accompany the master."

There were tears in Sanbaisan's eyes, and Master finally woke up. He was leaving again, and he didn't want him anymore.

"Wozi, what's the use of following Master? What Master has taught you over the past few years is not as good as what your senior brother has taught you over the past few months."

"I don't want to learn from him, I want to follow the master."

Three hundred three cried and shook Daoist Dian's arm, and Dao Dian's face turned angry and said, "Don't cry, it's not that Master will not come back in the future."

Daoist Dian is very firm, and if he doesn't agree with the three hundred and three, he will be expelled from his teacher's door.

"Jiang Lin, I will give you the full power of the baby. I also told you clearly that I asked him to be with you, that is, to drag you. If he reaches the age of marriage and I still don't come back, it's up to you. Don't bully. he."

"Isn't there an uncle. What do I bully him for? Both the uncle and the master are precious."

Jiang Lin finds it strange that he is at best a senior brother, and he is the master of three hundred and three major marriage matters.

After that, Dian Dao Ren said goodbye to Jiu Shu and packed his luggage.

Ninth Uncle also knew the character of Dian Daoist, so he decided that no one could say anything, so he gave him some panchuan.

"Uncle Dian, you bring these flaming paper cranes, and these three packets of tea, you must drink them."

Speaking of which, Daoist Dian had saved Jiang Lin's life, so Jiang Lin didn't begrudge anything.

"It's time for me to go to the master and pay my respects. I haven't gone back for [*] years."

Under the influence of Daoist Dian, Jiu Shu also wanted to go to the teacher's gate to have a look.

"Master, do you want to go far?"

"I want to go outside the Great Wall."

"Then wait for next year."

Jiang Lin was worried that Uncle Ninth would travel far away, at least he could take care of him again.

Three hundred and three cried and cried, and ran back to the house, feeling that there was no support.

Jiang Lin stayed with him until late, and finally fell asleep directly in his room.

At night, Sanbaisan woke up, his long eyelashes fluttered, looked at Jiang Lin, and murmured, "Master, he doesn't want me anymore, I don't know if I'm grown up, do you want me?"

Three hundred three had a dream. In the dream, he no longer needed to wear a robe to reconcile the yin and yang, and put on a flowery dress.

Chapter [*] Obituary of Xiaoleiyin Temple

In the morning, Jiang Lin got up and took Sanbaisan to the door to absorb Chaoyang Ziqi, and then taught him to practice boxing.

Since Diandao Ren handed this baby to him, he will do his best to teach it.

"Practice Chen Dou Gong of Chen Dao School today."

"I do not want."

Three hundred and three pouted and refused, Chen Dou Gong needed to be performed closely, and he was embarrassed.

"I want to practice Wing Chun."

Wing Chun is Wing Chun, as soon as the Dian Taoist left, Jiang Lin also wanted to rely on the porcelain doll.

It didn’t take long for Yizhuang to come, and the commander brought news to Jiang Lin that a thousand-year-old ginseng appeared in the county town, and it was produced in Changbai Mountain.

Qiusheng and Wencai just came out, and when they heard the news, they were happy.It just so happened that Uncle Ninth needed to recover his spiritual power in the past few days, so they also wanted to take a half-day leave, shouting that Jiang Lin would bring them along.

Uncle Jiu was awakened by these two living treasures and came to the door.

Because of Daoist Dian's recovery and the return of his body and spirit, almost all of Bai's hair turned black, and Ninth Uncle picked up the rattan whip from the room again.

The family's youngest junior and junior brother Three Hundred Thirteen wakes up every day to practice boxing with Jiang Lin. These two bastards go to bed every night, either yelling at Zhenzhen or shouting at Shanshan.

Net hair big spring dream.

Thinking about being lazy during the day.

"Master, that's different. The younger brother got up early, and the younger brother got up. They both slept together. This can't be regarded as the younger younger brother getting up early."

"That's right, if Junior Brother hugs us to sleep, we can get up so early."

Hearing Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng sing in harmony, Jiang Lin's head was full of black lines.

Why don't he hold you to sleep, it is estimated that his wife can kick him out of bed.

Corpse eaters, you!

"Who wants to sleep with our husband?"

Chen Yu also arrived at the door, and when she heard Qiusheng and Wencai's words, her face became sullen.

As Jiang Lin's first partner, Chen Yu protects Jiang Lin very much.

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai suddenly felt that they had been attacked.

"Yes, who wants to rob our husband."

Ren Zhuzhu put her hands on her hips and stared at Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai with cold eyes.

After that, Ren Tingting and Jingjing also walked out holding hands, glaring at the two brothers.

Crit ×2, ×3, ×4.

Without Jiang Lin to accompany him at night, his four daughters-in-law usually get up early, usually only after mealtime.

As for why he woke up so late, he had to ask Jiang Lin.

"Ah oh..."

Zhang Han yawned and said, "Who wants to sleep with my son-in-law?"

Damn, it's not going to last, it's just a joke, the four daughters-in-law and the husband are going to kill.

"Master, look at other people's masters and protect your apprentices."

Ninth Uncle snorted, and then said angrily, "Why don't you look at other people's apprentices?"

Early in the morning, Jiang Lin and the others ate steamed buns. Qiusheng and Wencai had better food, and they ate braised pork with rattan.

"The four mistresses are good. The mistresses are really getting more and more youthful and beautiful. They are really embarrassed by the moon."

The rat king stood at attention and gave a gentleman's salute to Ren Tingting and the others.

"Whoops, Jerry is so good."

Ren Zhuzhu held the rat king, and Scallion pointed at its belly.

It is obviously a rat king, why do you have to pretend to be a guinea pig?

The colorful tiger king's face was covered with thick disdain, contempt, great contempt.

At home, unless it is in danger, the two demon kings will manifest their bodies, usually in the form of transformations.

With a light snort in his heart, the colorful tiger king saluted Jiang Lin and said, "Master, if there is anything you need to tell me, Tom is willing to saddle up."

"Just be optimistic about your home, you will perform well, and your benefits will not be lost."

Afterwards, Jiang Lin interceded for Qiusheng and Wencai and asked them to accompany him to the county town.

After instructing the two demon kings to watch the house, Jiang Lin went out with the two senior brothers.

"Look at your squeak, didn't you just go out with the master, what's the squeak?"

"Little one, you know shit. I went out with the master to kill the enemy on the battlefield, and shed blood and sweat for the master. It's like you, you know how to play cute and play tricks every day to please the mistresses. I let you watch me today. Eat chicken, the thousand-year-old ginseng stewed chicken!"

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