When Panlan Tiger King knew that Jiang Lin had gone to get the medicinal herbs, he felt as if he had been beaten with chicken blood. Today, he could not only add chicken legs, but also eat chicken.

Thinking of Jiang Lin nodding to him before he left, the Tiger King Panlan was overwhelmed with excitement.

Thousand-year-old ginseng can increase cultivation.

"No, I can't let this stupid tiger take the credit alone. I also want to show my strength to the master."

The King of the Mouse has a sly-eyed look. He remembers that Jiang Lin seems to have mentioned to Uncle Ninth and the others that he will go to the tomb in the coming spring. Hurry up and come to the spring. The King of the Mouse is very much looking forward to his performance.

Jiang Lin went to the commander's mansion in the county seat and took thousand-year-old ginseng. Of course, he didn't take the commander's things in vain. In addition to the capital, he also posted some talismans to the commander's house, arranged a few small formations, and protected them. his safety.

The most important thing is that Nianying is still in Dashuaifu.

When Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai saw Nian Ying's delicate posture after meeting Jiang Lin, they felt that they were attacked again.

The commander told Jiang Lin that several ancient tombs have been identified within his jurisdiction, but the exact location still needs to be explored, and it is estimated that the location will be determined after the New Year.

Jiang Lin was still quite satisfied with the attitude of the commander. In addition to the thousand-year-old Changbai Mountain ginseng, the red navel incense that had been guarding the palace for [*] years had settled down.

"Commander, I will follow me when I go to the grave. You can rest assured that I am here."

"Okay, okay, I said that Shiying's apprentices are the best."

Wen Cai suddenly smiled and said to Qiu Sheng, "The commander praised us, as expected of painting the wall together."

Jiang Lin: "..."

On the way back, Qiusheng and Wencai started to gossip, why didn't Jiang Lin bring Nianying home.

It's also my daughter-in-law that I brought home. You don't have to watch or eat, so why are you excited?Besides, Nianying has to take her nephew and can't leave.

Jiang Lin didn't quite understand the brain circuits of the two brothers.

It was only after listening to Jiang Lin that he knew that these two living treasures planned to have a wedding with him.

"You don't have a word for it, right?"

"With that, Zhenzhen and Shanshan are both willing to return to the vulgar."

"Yeah yeah."

The two were so excited that they were going to be grooms tomorrow.

Jiang Lin had to give two thumbs up for the two senior brothers, and criticized!

When he returned to Yizhuang, Jiang Lin saw Jiu Shu and Zhang Han with sorrow on their faces.

"There is an obituary from Xiaoleiyin Temple, Master Kuhua has passed away."

Ninth Uncle's mood is very sad. Master Kuhua is a senior who is admired by the right way. Some time ago, because of Jiang Lin's affairs, he called on Buddhist disciples to investigate the traces of ghosts and witches.

The news came so suddenly, Jiang Lin was also deeply regretful that he had not been able to meet this respected senior.

"We will set off tomorrow, hoping to catch up to pay homage to his old predecessor's remains."

Jiang Lin felt a sense of loss in his heart. He once received a large repayment pill and a withered bodhi from Xiaoleiyin Temple, and he also planned to go to Xiaoleiyin Temple to visit Master Xiakuhua after the Daoist woke up.

It's a pity that God didn't want it.

Chapter [*] I'm so caught in the bone-melting palm

Jiang Lin didn't know how to comfort Jiu Shu and Zhang Han.

He just came back, and he has to leave the next day. He wants to rectify the medicinal materials.

"Uncle Ping, go to the town to buy five pigeons and an old hen, and let Aunt Yang cook them separately."

Jiang Lin instructed the housekeeper and went straight to the kitchen.

Uncle Ping and Aunt Yang were the housekeepers and servants of Ren Tingting's house, but now they have been invited back by Ren Tingting to take care of their daily life.

The thousand-year-old ginseng, the navel red incense, and the materials on the body of red glutinous rice are all valuable and invaluable. Jiang Lin is not worried about handing it over to Aunt Yang, so he will handle it himself.

The essence that Jiang Lin left in Ren Tingting and the others could not be absorbed by them. They had to rely on these medicinal materials. Fortunately, they did not have to have all the medicinal materials before they could use them.

After being busy for a long time, Jiang Lin went up the mountain by himself again, and he had to distribute the suffocation of killing Hongyao.

Jiang Lin (code-named zero): the [*]th generation disciple of the Chen Dao School

Physique: Brutal body

Cultivation Realm: Celestial Master

Corpse Level: Green Zombie [Attributes are being integrated...]

Exercise: Yang Mian Jue (Level [*])

Body Refinement: Green Stiffness (Level [*])

Swordsmanship: Bone Sword (Fourth Stage - [*]st Layer)

Charms: Inducing Yang Talisman (Perfect), Yang Finger Sword (Perfect), Lightning Magic Talisman (Perfect), Secret Poison Slave Mantra (Perfect), Breathing Talisman (Level [*]), Antidote Talisman (Level [*]), Fire Talisman (Level [*]) level), set fire symbol (level [*]), sound transmission (level [*])+

Violence value: [*]

"The attributes are still being integrated, and I don't know when the integration will be completed."

Jiang Lin felt that his guess was good, and the system would not let him push the back of the zombie for no reason.

Overthinking is useless, upgrade first!

"The upgrade of the cultivation technique should be [*] points of hostility."

Clicking the arrow behind Yang Mian Jue, the consumption value is the same as Jiang Lin guessed.

Perhaps it was because the three-legged Golden Crow provoked the Sun before and suffered a big loss. After these upgrades, the Golden Crow formed by the flames became more honest, and no longer wanted to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Sun.

After Yang Mian Jue was upgraded to the third level, Jiang Lin seemed to see that some of the fine hairs on Jin Wu's body began to appear.

"I don't know how powerful these three-legged Golden Crows can be when they are fully visible."

Jiang Lin had some small expectations in his heart. Maybe he could use the ruthless Yang Xuanguang to make the zombies alive.

Excited to think about.

Looking at the remaining hostile energy, Jiang Lin took another look at the Body Refinement Art, and he was immediately a little frightened.

The last time he upgraded the Body Refinement Technique, it felt like a cannon fire.

"Go to Shushan as soon as possible."

Jiang Lin always felt that time was not waiting for him and wanted to visit Master Hong Jinbao, but Master Hong Jinbao had an accident and wanted to visit Xiaoleiyin Temple, but Master Kuhua passed away.

After staying in Mount Emei for more than [*] years, Jiang Lin also had some feelings for it, not to mention that there were two kinds of strange fires in Shu that he needed to find, so he had to go this time.

"I don't know how to get Lan Xinyan and Qilin Yan. Can you find them?"

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Lin still spent [*] points of anger to fill up the fire-collecting talisman.

Nanming Lihuo, Samadhi True Fire, and Sun True Fire did not use the fire-collecting charms. He only collected them all thanks to Li Yingqi and Master Changmei. It is estimated that the remaining strange fires will not always have so many good things. .

Jiang Lin felt that the level of Yang Mian Jue was raised this time, and the strange fire in the body was estimated to be raised enough, and it would be completely transformed into the corona layer, and it was imperative to collect the strange fire.

The effect of the set fire charm can be improved a little bit, so be prepared.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Lin was mentally prepared.

Man, you have to be tough on yourself!

Then he clicked on the body refining technique to upgrade.

No matter how cool it tastes, it has to be upgraded.If there is another situation like Hongyi, with Master Hong Jinbao and Ninth Uncle present, Jiang Lin will not be able to corpse easily.

One person can't find the clue, but if there are too many people, it might be possible, so Jiang Lin still has to rely on the Body Refinement Art to obtain the benign attributes of the corpse.


This time it's really bone marrow and bone.

Jiang Lin could clearly feel that his bones were being polished, not with a knife or an iron file, but with the scorching qi.

The bone marrow also appears to have been boiled.

The corpse poison in his bones also overflowed, and the refined essence was attached to his bones, as if coated with a layer of enamel.

"Nima, upgrading the Body Refinement Technique is like being hit with the Bone-Bone Palm. I'm so caught in the Bone-Bone Palm!"

The rocks under him were smashed by Jiang Lin with his fists, and the intense pain made him need to release brute force to move.

There was a crackling sound in his body, his bones were growing, and his tendons were being stretched.

An hour later, Jiang Lin's position was full of potholes, which were smashed by his fist.

Countless bone fragments came out of Jiang Lin's muscles, yes, this time it was slag discharge.

Just like ironmaking in a blast furnace, after finishing, the slag is discharged.


Jiang Lin let out a long roar, his muscles tense, and the bone slag seemed to be forced out by internal force, hitting the surrounding rocks and trees, making a low or crisp sound.

The bone is like jadeite marrow like pulp, and the white jade cast body is like fermented blood.


After rinsing in the pond, Jiang Lin seemed to have forgotten the previous pain. Looking at the reflection in the pond, Jiang Lin felt that he was about to be fascinated by himself.

The height has grown a little, and even the outline has become extremely harmonious.

"Gao Fushuai, not bad. Go home and fascinate a few daughters-in-law."

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