When they arrived at Xiaoleiyin Temple, the three found that the monks outside the temple were all panicked. What happened?

A little monk came to greet Jiu Shu and the others, saluted and asked, "May I ask if this is a priest with a brow?"

"Exactly. I don't know what happened to your temple."

The little monk hesitated to speak, but he had to say: "The younger generation will lead the Taoist priests to see the abbot first."

When Jiang Lin and Jiu Shu met Master Xudu, who had become the abbot of Xiaoleiyin Temple, they knew that something big happened in Xiaoleiyin Temple.

The Dharma body of the Kuhua Mage has been stolen.

Chapter two hundred and forty-four cheat

"The legal body was stolen?"

Jiang Lin was shocked, and Jiu Shu and Zhang Han even screamed out.

Master Xudu was ashamed, he didn't even protect his teacher's body.

Uncle Jiu asked, "What's going on?"

Master Xudu pondered for a moment, and said: "It is very likely that the body of the teacher has been stolen. The magic circle of warding off demons has not been moved. Several monks in the monastery have also disappeared, and one of them was on duty to take care of the teacher at that time. Legal body."

"It was stolen, who would steal the body of Master Kuhua?"

"That's right, Master Kuhua's dharma body still has an effect on evil spirits, but it has no effect on humans."

Jiu Shu and Zhang Han looked at each other, they thought that the body of Master Kuhua was stolen by the demon king or the ghost king, but it turned out to be stolen by someone?

Jiang Lin pondered for a moment and said, "It works, refining corpses."

I don't know why, Jiang Lin's first reaction was that this matter had something to do with the ghost witch, but the ghost witch couldn't steal the magic body of Master Kuhua. He was an evil cultivator. invalid.

No wonder Jiang Lin suspected the masked ghost witch. This guy has too many previous convictions, and he is also a master who is afraid that the world will not be in chaos. If something bad happens, it will be difficult to miss him.

Hearing Jiang Lin's guess, Mage Xudu's eyes turned red. He also guessed that outsiders got his teacher's dharma body, either for the relics or for corpse refining. The latter is more likely.

"Senior, is it convenient to take us to the place where the incident happened?"


Ten minutes later, Jiang Lin and the others came to the attic where Master Kuhua's body was parked before. Jiang Lin moved his nose slightly and felt a strange smell in the air.

The attic is tightly closed and not ventilated, so the drug inside has not completely dissipated.


After looking around, Jiang Lin found that everything was intact. The people who came here were only to steal the corpse, and they didn't even destroy the formation.

"One eyebrow, this Jiang Lin..."

Master Xudu asked Uncle Jiu, he always felt that Jiang Lin was not the same as before.

Ninth Uncle also wrote to inform Master Xudu that Jiang Lin was safe and sound, so he was not surprised to see Jiang Lin, but this Jiang Lin seemed to be no longer the Jiang Lin he had seen before.

"Jiang Lin, he has become a Celestial Master."


After a while, Master Xudu realized his gaffe. He looked at Jiang Lin again, and said to Jiu Shu and Zhang Han, "I really accepted a good apprentice. If the teacher knew that there was a person of the same level as him, he would still So young, I guess it will be gratifying."

"Senior, according to what you said on the way, there was a corpse disaster in the village around the temple a month ago, and there was a fire in the temple that night. Is there such a coincidence?"

Jiang Lin made some inferences. It should be a day or two after Master Kuhua passed away. The monastery issued an obituary. Now the post office sends letters, it should be about [-] miles a day, and it is estimated that it will be six or seven days after it is delivered to Renjia Town.

In other words, as soon as Master Kuhua died, there was a corpse disaster nearby?

And you want to steal the corpse silently in the huge monastery, how much do you know about the monastery?

"When did Master Kuhua pass away, and when did the corpse disaster happen?"

Master Xudu responded to Jiang Lin's question, which was similar to Jiang Lin's expectations. He said: "I think this seems to be a premeditated corpse robbery, and no one else knows about the death of Master Kuhua, except for the obituary. If we assume that If it's reasonable, who brought out the news of the master's passing away in the first place? What about the monk who caught fire due to negligence?"

It was only at this time that Master Xudu came to his senses. After his master passed away, it seemed that there was a corpse disaster in the surrounding villages that day, but he only received the news after a few days, so he didn't care whether the two were connected.

The authorities are fascinated, and Mage wasted these days because she was anxious about her teacher's legal body, and she was so busy that she didn't think about whether there were any oddities in these consecutive events.

However, Master Xudu was originally a person of great wisdom. Now, when Jiang Lin woke up, he realized that there might be another mystery under the surface of the stolen master's body.

"Quick, let Bicong come over."

Master Xudu hurriedly asked his disciples to find the monk who caused the fire that night.

"Uncle, what do you think will happen if Master Kuhua's body is actually refined into a corpse evil?"

Although Ninth Uncle and the others were reluctant to think so, since Jiang Lin asked, Ninth Uncle still opened his mouth and said, "I'm afraid at least it's a zombie, no, it's the Zombie King, and if it sucks blood, it's the Zombie King."

Jiang Lin nodded and said: "I always feel that the things here are very similar to Tengteng Town. Master Kuhua has passed away, and there must be many people who came to offer condolences..."

Uncle Jiu, Zhang Han and Mage Xudu looked at each other and said in unison, "Ghost witch!"

At this moment, the masked ghost witch who was in the basement of the dilapidated house suddenly sneezed, and a lot of blood was spilled in his hands.

"NND, which son misses me again."

The masked ghost witch scolded, and then poured blood on the corpse.

These are the blood of people who were born during the yin year and yin moon, which can make the zombies become more ferocious.

Around it lay many corpses, some of which were not completely dead.

"Apart from the ghost witch and the Japanese, I can't think of anyone else who is so unconscionable."

If Master Kuhua's dharma body is really refined into a corpse evil, I don't know how many people will die.

Master Kuhua was originally a great virtue at the level of a Celestial Master. If he turned into a zombie, he would be far from being comparable to ordinary zombies.

Jiang Lin spat and said in his heart, "Damn, don't wear the same pair of pants for these two trash fish."

"Senior, if the disciple of your temple comes here in a while, please allow me to deceive him. If there is a crime, I will report the crime first."

Jiang Lin couldn't connect the ghost witch and the monks of Xiaoleiyin Temple together, so he could only try it first. If his guess was correct, there might be unexpected gains.

Such a coincidence, is there such a coincidence?

Master Xudu's eyes suddenly lit up, and after checking the surroundings, everything was intact, and he seemed to understand something.

Then he nodded. If there is really a conspiracy, it is the most important thing to figure it out. Just cheating the disciples of the monastery will not hurt.

Now Maoshan, Longhushan and other famous people from other temples are coming one after another. If it is as Jiang Lin guessed, Xiaoleiyin Temple will become an asura field.

Not long after, a middle-aged monk came to the attic, but he was not the one who appeared in the dilapidated house that night.

But he was equally unclean.

Bi Cong had already figured out a strategy to deal with on the way, and it was enough to ask three questions.


As soon as Bi Cong stepped into the attic, Jiang Lin drank at Master Xudu.

"evil creature!"

Master Xudu raised his eyebrows and glared at him.

Bi Cong: ? ? ?

Chapter two hundred and forty fifth nine chrysanthemum one faction

Before Bi Cong could figure out what was going on, Jiang Lin's bronze sword had already stabbed into his heart.

The shot is the ultimate move, and there is no ambiguity at all.

With Jiang Lin's current ability, he could guarantee that the tip of the sword would pierce Bi Cong's clothes without hurting him.

Jiu Shu and Zhang Han also turned over and blocked Bi Cong's way back.

Jiang Lin had already made arrangements with them, and it was as if they were cheating.

In addition to Jiang Lin's performance, it can't be seen that he is acting, and the acting skills of Master Xudu are not covered.

Jiang Lin's words made Mage Xudu realize the clue. When he came to steal the corpse, the materials for the formation had not moved. Isn't this method too clever.

It's almost like taking something from your own home.

So he was already suspicious.

I have to say that the acting skills of Jiang Lin and Master Xudu are both at the level of movie stars, and they can definitely win the Oscar statuette.

Moreover, the director and starring Jiang Lin must win the Best New Director Award.

"Bridge bean sack!" [Japanese: Wait a minute! 】

At such a critical moment, Bi Cong naturally used his native language.

As soon as the words came out, Bi Cong wanted to scold his mother, and now Huang Ni dropped his crotch.

"What sack?"

Uncle Jiu and Master Xu Du were obviously stunned for a moment, they didn't know Japanese.

"He's Japanese!"

Jiang Lin couldn't help it. Could it be that the ghost witch really had a nest with the Japanese snake and rat?

"Damn, you are cheating!"

Bi Cong wanted to scold him, but it turned out that everyone was playing him together.

I racked my brains to think of the answer, link by link, and it turned out to be useless.

This feeling is so damn good!

Originally, Bicong's mentality was: ask, if you can ask him if he is ugly, Yinmao will be considered a loser.

This Nima didn't ask questions, it's the ultimate move, who can stand it?

All this sounds long, but it actually happened in a very short period of time. Jiang Lin's body was still in the air, and his wrist was adjusted, leaving the Japanese alive, and maybe he could ask some clues.

"evil creature!"

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