This time, Master Xudu was really angry. The Japanese had been lurking in Xiaoleiyin Temple for more than ten years, but he did not find that the other party was not Chinese.

The hidden hidden of painstaking efforts must be very big.

Bi Cong pulled out a chrysanthemum from his sleeve and threw it at Jiang Lin. He chanted the incantation silently, and his hands quickly formed a seal.

The chrysanthemum rotates in mid-air, like a hidden weapon, with petals radiating in all directions.

"Nine chrysanthemums! Jiang Lin, the petals are highly poisonous!"

When Jiu Shu saw the way Bicong made a seal, and then saw the chrysanthemum he used, he guessed Bicong's roots.

Nine chrysanthemums?Isn't that the villain in the exorcism police?How did it show up here?

Jiang Lin didn't think deeply either, and it was the most important thing to seize this Bicong now.

The bronze sword in his hand turned and resisted the flying needle-like petals. Bi Cong's hands joined together to form a hand bridge. Smoke erupted from under his feet, and his figure disappeared in place.

"Hmph, the vulture subtotal."

Jiang Lin threw the bronze sword into the air and slammed it into the open space on the side.

With Jiang Lin's current spiritual sense, he can break the invisibility of this demonic way without any tools at all.


Bi Cong screamed, and his figure appeared again.

"Say, where is the body of Master Kuhua?"


Bi Cong completely ignored Jiang Lin's questioning and laughed wildly there. Suddenly, his body began to glow, and he shouted: "Long live the Emperor!"

Jiang Lin's eyes widened, and he kicked Bicong out of the attic window.


Outside the window, Bi Cong's body exploded, turning into pieces of minced meat.

Surrounded by three alchemist-level masters, it was a waste of time for him to summon the shikigami, so Bi Cong simply blew himself up.

Jiang Lin squeezed the formula with both hands and chanted a spell in his mouth: "Detain the soul, take it away!"

He originally wanted to detain Bi Cong's soul, but he didn't expect that this Japanese brat would be extremely cruel to him, and he beat himself to the core.

"My teacher's body was stolen by the Japanese?"

Seeing that there were no clues, Mage Xudu was stunned.

"Senior, prepare yourself mentally."

Jiang Lin knew that if Master Kuhua's body fell into the hands of the Japanese, it would be basically the same as if it fell into the hands of ghost witches.

"Yin and Yang Dao, Jiuju and the faction have all come to our land."

Ninth Uncle's face was solemn, and it seemed that not only the army was going to fight, but their cultivators were also going to defend against foreign aggression.

"Yimei, I remember that the Nine Ju sect should be opposed to the Yin-Yang Dao in Dongyang."

Zhang Han tried hard to recall the knowledge taught by Master, but unfortunately he didn't remember much.

"The Nine Ju sect and the Yin-Yang Dao are originally a family, but they have different concepts. The former focuses on cultivating different techniques, which is equivalent to sorcery."

After a pause, Jiu Shu said again: "Yin Yang Dao and Jiu Ju faction appeared in Shenzhou at the same time, it can't be just to rob tombs, they are probably looking for our dragon veins in China!"

"I will also inform other colleagues about this when they come here."

Mage Xudu doesn't know much about the history of the Eastern Demon Dao, but since Uncle Jiu said so, there must be some basis.

"Senior, I think if the Japanese are lurking in your temple, there may be some conspiracy."

Jiang Lin reminded Master Xudu that the Japanese hidden in Xiaoleiyin Temple could not just steal Master Kuhua's dharma body.

"I see."

Although Jiang Lin didn't say it directly, Master Xudu also knew that the most precious thing in their Little Leiyin Temple was the Sutra Collection Pavilion, and most of the Japanese's purpose was there.

In the next few days, Jiang Lin and the others were also trying to find a way to find Master Kuhua's body, but unfortunately, they found nothing.

The comrades who came to express their condolences also knew about this, and they were all furious.

This incident also led to the outbreak of the war in the future, and many Taoist monks and monks also participated in the war against the Japanese.

It's just that they are not dealing with ordinary Japanese, but Japanese demons.

In the wars from ancient times to the present, there has never been a shortage of strange people and warriors, but their battles are rarely known.

"Mr. Ghost, I don't want to wait any longer. The people we planted in the temple have been exposed."

Yamada looked at the masked ghost witch, his tone was not very good, their people were exposed, and it was even more difficult to enter the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion.

"Tonight, you have to create chaos and at the same time break the barrier of the Sutra Pavilion for us."

"Your people are quite useless."

There was a look of contempt in the masked ghost witch's eyes, and then she completed the last witch spell on the body.

Yamada snorted coldly, if it wasn't for him and the masked ghost witch who couldn't help each other, he really wanted to make this arrogant guy his own shikigami.

"Come on, let's go to the play. When the old bald donkey wakes up, he will go to the place he cares about most by himself."

"Bald donkeys, your most beloved abbot is here to see you. Taoists, the Buddhist master is waving to you. Jie Jie..."

An hour later, the Xiaoleiyin Temple, which was once a Buddhist holy place, began to smell of blood.

Master Xudu was meditating when a young monk rushed into his meditation room with a panicked look, shouting, "Abbot! The old abbot..."

At the same moment, Jiang Lin in the guest room ran out the door, followed by Jiu Shu and Zhang Han.

"What a strong corpse aura."

After the three of them arrived at the back mountain, Jiu Shu and Zhang Han clenched their fists, and Master Kuhua's body was found.

Seeing the curse lines on the zombies, Jiang Lin felt the anger of leaving.

"Ghost witch! Nine chrysanthemum faction!"

Chapter two hundred and forty-six Buddha bones


Even a well-trained moral abbot, Master Xudu is unable to control himself at this moment.

His eyes were completely split, and he looked up to the sky and mourned.

The rest of the comrades who rushed over were also full of grief. Master Kuhua subdued demons and subdued demons all his life, but after passing away, he ended up being turned into a bloodthirsty zombie.

On the low mountain not far away, Yamada and the masked ghost witch watched everything in Xiaoleiyin Temple with interest.

Although the action was carried out in advance, not many people in the right way came to Xiaoleiyin Temple, but it was very good to be able to destroy them all.

"Mr. Ghost, I will trouble you later."

"It doesn't matter, it's just mutual benefit. Let's talk about it when they fight. The more chaos, the better."

Still waiting?

Yamada's face darkened, but he didn't say anything.

Suddenly, the masked ghost witch saw Jiang Lin's figure, he was stunned for a moment, and then he looked like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

"How is it possible! He can't be alive!"

The masked ghost witch's voice suddenly doubled. When he saw Jiang Lin, it was like seeing a ghost.

"Impossible, I must have read it wrong. Although I didn't use the pattern of the evil dragon's rebirth, I didn't make a fairy tale, but I opened the crack in time and space. He was sucked in, and he should be banished forever. It's impossible. from."

The masked ghost witch's mouth was broken, as if she was struck by a demon.

God knows how big the psychological shadow Jiang Lin has caused him.

Following the masked ghost witch's gaze, Yamada also found Jiang Lin, but what he couldn't imagine was that such a young offspring would cause such a big reaction from the masked ghost witch.

It seems to have been the opposite.

"Haha, did Mr. Ghost get shriveled on that young man?"

"Mr. Yamada, you're asking too much. I'm going to be shriveled in his hand? What a funny joke of yours."

Realizing his gaffe, the masked ghost witch let out a stiff laughter, and returned to a cold attitude.

Load up, load up.

Yamada chuckled lightly. There is an old Chinese saying, "There is no silver [*] taels here."

"In addition to helping you break the barrier, I can also use ghosts to help you smuggle classics, on the condition that Mr. Yamada help me deal with these Taoist monks. What do you think, Mr. Yamada?"


At the back of the mountain, the corpse-transformed Master Kuhua is not as stiff as ordinary zombies and can only jump. His speed is extremely fast, and the speed of his explosion is comparable to that of a wild leopard.

After becoming a zombie, Master Kuhua's physical potential seemed to be completely stimulated, and the surrounding monks could not stop him.

Even if there is a Dharma-blessed instrument that acts on him, the effect is greatly reduced.

In just a few breaths, more than [*] monks died in the mouth of the corpse.

Because it was born from a Dharma body and turned into a corpse, Master Kuhua is now a Dharma corpse.

"Clothing the Buddhist Array!"

Master Xudu scolded the disciples of the monastery, and now he is not allowed to have any hesitation. If he lets the body of his mentor absorb the blood of Buddhist disciples, it will become more powerful.

"Everyone, kill the corpse and bring down the devil! The master has already attained bliss, and what's left is just a useless body."

With a look of grief on Master Xudu's face, he ordered the monastery disciples and Jiang Lin.

Master Kuhua is the senior they admire, and he is also a generation of Buddhist monks. If he does not set an example, others will hesitate to even do it.

Soon, the monks of Xiaoleiyin Temple set up a Buddhist formation to stop the walking, temporarily trapping the corpse.

"Master and uncle, be careful, Master Kuhua is now a Buddha bone corpse."

Jiang Lin told Zhang Han and Ninth Uncle that if people who cultivate Taoism and Buddhism fall into the devil's way, they will become extremely powerful.

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