In addition, the dharma body is a corpse evil tempered by demons, ghosts and witches, and now it is probably even more difficult to deal with than the zombie king of Tengteng Town.

"Understood, you are also careful."

Ninth Uncle and Zhang Han also knew that it was a big deal. This time, they came purely for condolences. They only brought the peach wood sword and bronze sword with them, and they didn't even bring much talisman paper.

To deal with this Dharma corpse, one must not be careless at all.


Because of the scattered memories of Master Kuhua's life, the corpse did not stay trapped for a long time, and the blocking Buddhist formation was broken by it.

"Senior, I'm sorry."

Jiang Linji pointed out that two yang fingers fell on Fa Shi's body.

But a strange scene appeared again, the ghost head incantation on the corpse flickered, and the power of Yang Zhiqi was absorbed by most of it.

"Separate Yang Mantra."

In the case of this corpse, like the Western zombie in Jiuquan Town, it can immunize most of the blasting sun's power.

Because the special Yang-inducing Talisman made by Jiang Lin was already in circulation, the masked ghost witch's consideration at that time was to prevent the Buddha's corpse from being bombed by Baiyang.

"Everyone, don't waste the sun-inducing talisman and the flaming paper crane in your hands. Master Kuhua's body has a ghostly sorcery that isolates the yang energy."

Jiang Lin reminded everyone aloud.

"Daoist Li Yang, Daoist Li Yang, he is safe and sound."

After arriving at Xiaoleiyin Temple, Jiang Lin didn't move much. In addition to the news of his return, Uncle Jiu and the others only notified Master Hong Jinbao and Xiaoleiyin Temple, so now many people don't know that he is still alive in the world.

Jiang Lin nodded to the crowd, and he considered it to have seen it before. After that, he transformed into a bone sword and rushed towards Fa Corpse.

"Hidden the sword in the body, that is the swordsmanship!"

"Daoist Li Yang actually practiced the swordsmanship."

"It's really a genius."

Seeing the green long sword in Jiang Lin's hand, their eyes were filled with envious brilliance.

Some comrades who were familiar with Ninth Uncle cast envious glances at him.

To accept such a disciple, what can I ask for?

well!The apprentices are all good people.

I don't know how many people sighed and sighed. They were also masters. Compared with Ninth Uncle, they were more dead than others.

If you think about your apprentice again, you have to throw things away again.

What kind of a blessing is this Nima? After accepting a disciple, he can improve the Yang Yin Talisman, make the Yan Zhi Crane and the Exploding Flame Talisman, and also touch the realm of Fu Yun.

Now that he can hide his sword in his body, this Nima is not a disciple, but a monster.

Thinking of Jiang Lin's performance in Tengteng Town, they really wanted to ask Jiu Shu what brand of incense he usually burns.

They also went back to burn.

Such a monstrous genius of Taoism, how could they have no luck to meet him?

Jiang Lin's stunning audience was just a small episode. Now that the corpse has not been removed, these people all pressed their different emotions and began to work together to deal with the corpse.


The bone sword in Jiang Lin's hand slashed at Fa Zhe's shoulder, but even with the sharpness of the bone sword, it only left a shallow wound, not even a centimeter deep.

"It's a very strong defense, a little bit stronger than the thousand-year-old red scorpion."

Jiang Lin's face became solemn, this corpse was much weirder than ordinary zombies.

The strength of its physical body is not comparable to that of the red scorpion, but when the bone sword fell on it, a layer of black light appeared on its surface, which resisted most of the attack power.


Chapter [-] Can Taoism still play like this?

At this juncture, Fa Shi suddenly folded his palms, his fingers intertwined, a pair of index fingers and middle fingers joined together, facing Jiang Lin Dantian a little.

"King Kong Finger!"

Before Jiang Lin could retract his sword, his left arm sank and used his forearm to hold the finger.


Jiang Lin's body shot backwards, and his left hand was completely useless.

After his body fell to the ground, Jiang Lin stopped his retreat. In this short period of time, another five or six monks and Taoists suffered disasters.

"This method cannot deal with the relics in the corpse unless they are removed."

Jiang Lin shook his arm. If the blow from the corpse just now fell on Ninth Uncle and the others, it would definitely cause a smashing perforation of the arm!

With the strength of his current bones and flesh and blood, the single arm that had been tapped was temporarily unconscious, and one could imagine how terrifying the Vajra Fingers that Fa Corps used.

In a certain way, this corpse is very similar to Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin is a corpse of Taoism, while the corpse of law is a corpse of Buddha bones.

If this corpse cannot be dealt with by Jianglin, then there is basically no one in the world who can deal with it.

"It's really hard to deal with."

Jiang Lin immediately felt that this corpse was the most troublesome corpse he had ever encountered, the Yang Finger Sword and Yang Finger Qi were useless, and the body's defense was very strange.

The most important thing is that its attack is very strong. Although other zombie kings are very powerful, they do not use it flexibly.

Like this corpse, the strength of the whole body converges into one finger, which is much stronger than the attack of the ordinary zombie king.

With two thunder and lightning runes in his hand, Jiang Lin threw them away.

But because the corpse is very fast, a thunder and lightning rune is empty, but the explosion still affects it.

"Daoist Li Yang, thank you very much."

The Taoist priest at Longhu Mountain would have died after the catastrophe if Jiang Lin hadn't acted in time.

"The relic doesn't leave the body of the corpse, and even I don't have a good way to deal with it."

Thinking about how to hide the corpse, Jiang Lin rushed over and kicked the corpse ten meters away.

There, Jiu Shu and Zhang Han had already arranged the formation, just waiting for the corpse to enter.

When the corpse entered the battle, the ink bucket line, the corpse rope, the peach wood sword, and various talisman papers all greeted the corpse.

However, the effect is not great.

Whenever a Taoist attack falls on the corpse, a black light will appear on its body to protect itself.

"Mage Xudu, that is the relic in the body of Master Kuhua. If you don't try to take it out, I am afraid it will not be so easy to bury the corpse."

The ninth uncle also saw the clue, that Wuguang should be the golden light of Master Kuhua's body protection, but now he has become a corpse, and the golden light has also become Wuguang.

"Buba Lotus Penal Karma Formation! If you want to make the relics in the master's body separate from the body, you need to use the Samadhi True Fire and the Red Lotus Karmic Fire to refine the master's dharma body."

As soon as Master Xudu's voice fell, the corpse wrapped the rosary on his neck with both hands, and the rosary shot towards the four directions with the corpse as the center.

The formation arranged by Jiu Shu and Zhang Han was also cracked by the corpse at the same time.

"You set up!"

Jiang Lin blocked the corpse, otherwise the zombie king would be a wolf entering the flock.

"The rumor is true. The zombie king in Tengteng Town was executed by Daoist Li Yang."

"I can't believe it."

"One person blocks the zombie king, is there anything he can't do?"

There are rumors that Jiang Lin killed the zombie king in Tengteng Town, but not many people in the circle really believe it.

A junior, how could it be possible to kill the zombie king.

Now, when these people saw Jiang Lin's majesty, blocking the corpse with flesh and blood, they were finally willing to believe it. "Jiang Lin, the formation has been arranged."

When Master Xudu and Ninth Uncle resisted the corpse in Jianglin, they also arranged the Eight Lotus Penalty Formation and Lihuo Formation respectively.

Jiang Lin was pushed back by the corpse. He suddenly stomped the ground with his hind feet, and fell backwards, a rabbit kicked an eagle.

The speed of the corpse is too fast, if you don't send him into the air, I am afraid that the formation will not play any role at all.

The formation is fixed, and the corpse can run.

When the corpse flew into the air, Jiang Lin flew under it, just in the center of the two formations.

The palms and wrists met, Jiang Lin mobilized the corona in his dantian, and a pillar of fire with the thickness of a bucket lined up from his palms.

The corpse was resisted by the thrust of the fire column in mid-air, unable to land, its palms clasped together, and the relic on its abdomen began to glow again.

"Come on, confront me! Tenfold Turtle School Qigong!"

Jiang Lin was ready, his own spiritual power and inner yang kept gathering his palms, and the diameter of the fire column suddenly increased a lot, and it was almost the same as the diameter of a car tire.

Just don't let this corpse come down.Want to come down?Right Bo.

As long as Fa Shi dares to show his sword, Jiang Lin will let him know the consequences of confronting Bo with the Jiang family.

Against waves since ancient times, the bottom side wins.

"it is good!"

Master Xu Du never thought that Jiang Lin would have such a means to prevent the corpse from falling to the ground. He did not delay at all, and immediately let the monk launch the formation.

The eight monks pinched the Demon Seal and Qi Ke Seal in their hands, and around them, a phantom image of the Buddha Lotus appeared faintly, drifting toward the air and meeting with the pillar of fire in Jianglin.

Then the Lihuo formation in the inner circle was also activated, and the Lili fire was wrapped around the Fa corpse that couldn't get down in the air.

Master Xudu and his apprentice brother also held the instruments, and the Buddha's light shone into the sky.

The surrounding visitors did not cooperate immediately.

They are still in shock.

Can Taoism still play like this?

"Daoist Li Yang, is that... the legendary Buddhist monk Fantian Yin?"

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