"The Taoist priest is not a Buddhist practitioner, so how could he have the seal of the heavens?"

"I think Daoist Li Yang must be from the city. Compared with him, I feel like a countryman."


Master Xudu was speechless, one or two were watching what Jiang Lin was doing, please help!

"Take out the fire talisman, fine fire talisman, and thunder and lightning talisman!"

Ninth Uncle gave a drink to the crowd. Although Jiang Lin was indeed very dazzling, he always had to be surprised.

After being reminded by Uncle Jiu, everyone came back to their senses and started throwing talismans into the air one by one.

Just a minute later, Jiang Lin felt that only half of the spiritual power in his body was left, and this move was particularly exhausting.

But the good news is that the incantation on the body of the corpse in mid-air began to gradually disappear, and the relics in the body almost moved under the skin.


Jiang Lin was in a hurry and increased the guidance of his spiritual power.

"Sure enough, the output depends entirely on roar..."

Jiang Lin clearly felt that after he yelled, the power of the pillar of fire seemed to have increased a lot.



After hearing Jiang Lin's roar, Jiu Shu and Zhang Han also roared.

The surrounding Taoist priests and monks all roared.

Jiang Lin's face was speechless. I yelled because I was making waves. You guys are yelling.

Uncle Shi and Mage Xudu are no problem, they are exporting spiritual power, anyway, it is related to the output, those of you who lose the talisman in your hand and draw a circle under your feet, roar a wool!

After a few breaths, all the incantations on the Fa's body sheet dissipated, and the relics were also refined.

If it weren't for the fact that Jiang Lin had a small ball of true sun fire in his body, it would have been a fool's dream to refine the relics from Fa's corpse in such a short period of time.

Chapter [*] Come to an urn to kill the turtle

Jiang Lin took Paiyang's palms, and the corpse finally breathed a sigh of relief, I can go down!

But the next second it was stunned again.

Jiang Lin stretched out his ten fingers, and the yang fingers slammed wildly.

Humanoid Gatling.

"Did you see it? Daoist Li Yang is doing a pistol."

"His gun is really good."

Not far away, there are several little Taoist nuns and nuns, their cultivation is too low, and they dare not get too close to the corpse.

Now they see Jiang Lin's fingertips spraying Yang Zhiqi, and they are all talking there.

Jiang Lin's head is full of black lines. He is a man with several wives. Does he need a handjob? ?

Glancing at a few little Taoist nuns and nuns out of the corner of his eyes, Jiang Lin suddenly felt a little evil in his heart.

Daoist nuns and nuns smell like, cough cough.

"My gun is very powerful, I don't know who of you want to try its power."

Although some thoughts were crooked in his heart, Jiang Lin did not stop in his hands, and the corpse in mid-air had been beaten into a hornet's nest by Jiang Lin.

Without the protection of ghost witch spells, the damage of Yang Zhiqi is still very considerable.

The corpse roared wildly, it was really too aggrieved, it was regarded as a living target, and it did not miss the target at all.

"There is a kind of don't shoot!"

Jiang Lin thought in his heart, this corpse thought he could only shoot a pistol, bah, shoot a gun.

Jiang Lin threw two lightning runes out of his hand.

Sorry, in addition to being a sharpshooter, he is also a blasting expert.

After the Thunder and Lightning Rune, there is the Flame Paper Crane, and then the Explosive Flame Rune.

Having used the blasting sun so many times, Jiang Lin's knowledge of the power of the blast is estimated to have been searched all over the world and could not find a second one.

He can blow the corpse up vertically and then fall.


Fa Zhe wanted to strangle Jiang Lin below, and let him experience the feeling of flying all the time.

After a while, it's going to burp as it's flying.

Xudu Mage and the others consciously didn't go up to help. It would be better if the zombie king didn't come down.

With one third of the spiritual power remaining in his body, Jiang Lin wanted to try the Taoist technique he had figured out.

Combine Yang Finger Sword and Fried Yang.

This was still his sudden whim after seeing the Golden Crow spread its wings.

So Jiang Lin was once again transformed from a blasting expert to a Jedi Knight.

Palm Huayang slashed upwards with his sword, and the corpse was knocked into the air, and then Jiang Lin slashed a few times in the void.

Several Yang Finger Swords were detached from the fingertips and nailed to the mage's body.

The first attempt was not too successful, and there was still a lot of difficulty in shooting the Yang Finger Sword like sword energy.

But even so, there are still several Yang Finger Swords stuck on the body of Fa Corpse.


There was an explosion in the air, and the corpse was blown to black, and even the cassocks became rags.

After the corpse fell to the ground, Jiang Lin tried to fly out a few Yang Finger Swords again and nailed it to the ground.

"Wudu Mage."

Jiang Lin did not go to harvest Master Kuhua's Dharma body, so it is better to leave this kind of thing to his direct disciples.

"Daoist Li Yang, Xiaoleiyin Temple owes you a favor."

Master Xudu solemnly thanked Jiang Lin. If Jiang Lin hadn't been present this time, I don't know how many people in the right path would have died in the hands of this corpse.

What would it be like to be killed by the corpse of an old senior whom he respected.

"Senior is polite."

Jiang Lin immediately handed over his hands, and he had to accept the favor, and the courtesy should not be less.

Although there is still one last step left to solve the zombie king, all the people present did not feel joy in their hearts.

There was only grief and anger in their hearts.

Master Xudu, his junior brother, and several moral monks in the temple set up the Seven Buddhas Refinement Formation together, directly refining the body of Master Kuhua into ashes.

The body of the fellow who was killed by the corpse also could not be left behind, and was smelted into ashes.

"Old abbot..."

The monks of the entire monastery fell to their knees, whimpering or weeping.

Jiu Shu and Zhang Han couldn't help sighing.

"Abbot, it's not good, there are outsiders invaded in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion!"

A little monk covered in blood staggered over and shouted loudly.

"Junior brother, you are here to help the injured visitor deal with the injury."

Master Xudu quickly arranged the matter, and then he turned to look in the direction of the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion.

King Kong glared.

"All the monks in He Temple, join me in slaughtering ghosts and witches, and beheading demons!"

On the other side, the ghost witch who was cracking the barrier of the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion had no idea that because of the existence of Jiang Lin, the corpse was subdued in such a short period of time.

Using the ghosts he absorbed, he began to gradually nibble away the enchantment with the magic of ghosts and witches.

Yamada was sitting cross-legged in the open space outside the Sutra Pavilion, with a few chrysanthemums standing upright on the ground around it.

He must pay close attention to the movement around the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and once someone approaches, he will immediately kill them with a different technique.

"Senior, I suggest that the monks of your temple handle the various exits of the temple and distribute them. Let's kill the turtle in a urn."

Regardless of whether the ghost witch is with the people and dogs of the Jiuju faction, Jiang Lin has the confidence to deal with it, and there are Jiushu Zhanghan and the others.

This time, if they don't attack, they will have no way to go to the sky and no way to go down.

Jiang Lin didn't want to let the ghosts run away again. The last time Master Hong Jinbao and Jiu Shu did not finish the fight against the ghosts and witches, it was because the thousands of ghosts and ghosts had not been broken, and there was still a rebirth of the evil dragon in Tengteng Town.

The more important reason is that Ninth Uncle and the others have not reached the level of the Celestial Masters. Evil cultivators at the same level are often stronger than righteous cultivators.

This time, Jiang Lin won't let the ghost witch run away again. He has now broken through to become a celestial master, and he can't kill the ghost witch any more.

The ghost must die!

Otherwise, there is always a gun in the dark, which is hard to guard against.This bastard, who is afraid that the world will not be chaotic, can do anything.

"it is good."

Now, Master Xudu no longer regards Jiang Lin as a junior at all, and the latter's cultivation and insight have surpassed him.

"Master and uncle, you are mainly responsible for cutting off their back roads. This time, I will kill them all!"

The ghost witch, who was breaking the barrier outside the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, suddenly felt a chill all over his body, and he had a strong premonition that there would be great danger if he did not leave this place immediately.

But he was still too confident. Now that he has refined the blood Taisui, as long as he has a remnant of his soul to escape, he can hope to recover.

Besides, in the presence of the Zombie King, if he didn't kill Jiang Lin, it would be almost tasteless if he devoured ghosts.

"Thirty years of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi, I said that I would come back. It's true that there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you come to vote, and let me run into it again. Jie Jie..."

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