Just when the masked ghost witch finished laughing, the sound of fierce fighting came from outside the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion.

Jiu Shu and Zhang Han have surrounded Yamada of Jiuju's faction and other magicians.

"Come so fast?"

The masked ghost witch frowned, that dharma body could not be subdued in such a short time.


Behind him, a voice came.

"Heaven has a way, I won't go, hell has no way, I will cast myself, I'm here."

Jiang Lin smiled, then his face changed, full of chills.

"Heaven... Heavenly Master?!!"

Chapter [-] Big Pit

The masked ghost witch was no more than two meters away from Jiang Lin, and he could feel Jiang Lin's aura like a mountain.

After Jiang Lin's killing intent broke out, his aura was no longer restrained.

The Master's breath is full.

"Good eyesight."

In the palm of his hand, the Yang Yan whip flew out, and in the blink of an eye, it wrapped around the masked ghost witch.

This is the entrance of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and he does not want to fight here.

As soon as he jumped up, Jiang Lin jumped off the second floor of the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion. As for the masked ghost witch, he was directly dragged down like a kite.

If it was an ordinary corpse cord red thread, it would definitely not be able to bind the masked ghost witch, but now Jiang Lin's Yang Yan whip can directly ignore the masked ghost witch's tricks.

With a squeak, the masked ghost witch was thrown to the ground, but her face was still on the ground.

Away from the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, Jiang Lin turned to look at the masked ghost witch.

This filthy thing that can't see the light, can still run this time?

Who can tell me why he became a Celestial Master and how did he come back?

The masked ghost witch roared in his heart, he obtained the secret method of ghost witch inheritance, swallowed and absorbed so many ferocious ghosts and ghosts, but he has not yet entered this level, why this little bastard broke through one step ahead of him.

Although he was restrained by Jiang Lin, the masked ghost witch was not good at all.

He is now a little strong who can't be beaten to death. Unless he is completely wiped out, he will still come back.

Yamada saw the masked ghost witch was tied and fell, and turned the corner of his eyes to Jiang Lin.


What he could not have imagined was that Jiang Lin was a Celestial Master at such a young age.

"Impossible, China is no better than Japan, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is already extremely scarce, and it is impossible for a celestial master to appear."

Yamada knows how difficult it is to enter this level, even their old friend Yin Yang Dao of Jiuju faction relies on external force to raise Abe Ye Wang to the level of the Heavenly Master.

If it is said that only relying on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, Jiang Lin can also become a celestial master, but it is absolutely impossible to be so fast. What supports his growth is the corpse poison in his body.

"Baga! This ghost who eats rice Tiangong actually made me deal with a celestial master, scumbag! Don't blame me if you don't do things for the emperor now."

Yamada didn't seem to care about Jiang Lin, the Celestial Master, and he never showed a flustered expression in the face of being surrounded.

He naively thought that Jiang Lin was the kind of power that Abe forced the king.

"It's a big deal to work with you a few more times."

The masked ghost witch supported the Yang Yan whip with the subdued ghost, and escaped from the shackles.

"You guys had a good time chatting."

Jiang Lin looked at Yamada and Guiwu, the two were calm, and had no idea what situation he was in.

Glancing at Yamada, Jiang Lin ignored him. He was alone, and it was not that easy to run away.


The masked ghost witch's cloak moved, and thirty Li ghosts and ten green ghosts got out.

"Shikigami, Giant Skeleton, Shuten Boy!"

Yamada made a seal in his hand, and behind him, a huge skeleton monster with a length of more than [-] meters appeared, and a giant with a body length of more than six meters and red hair.

The younger brother was summoned, and the ghost witch and Yamada Chengzhu were in their chests, looking down on everyone.

Without them doing anything, their little brother can settle these people.

The three ghosts and two shikigami immediately forced the surrounding Taoist monks to retreat forty or fifty meters.

Like Jiang Lin and others, they all came to offer condolences, and they basically didn't bring too many guys. It was really not easy to deal with the monsters summoned by ghost witches and demons.

Ninth Uncle and Zhang Han looked a little unsightly. Xie Xiu, because the master practiced crooked ways, often came up with endless methods, and at this moment, they seemed to be weak.

In fact, as long as Ninth Uncle is willing, he can also recruit big demons and even demon kings to train them, but he doesn't bother to do so.

Even after taking in a small zombie, Ninth Uncle just raised it as a son, and he didn't have the intention to make it into some kind of ghostly zombie king.

"Is this the reason you came to Xiaoleiyin Temple to be wild!"

The two monsters laughed so arrogantly that they started to allocate the number of people.

Jiang Lin looked at the giant corpse like a hill, and the young boy who was drinking from a glass, and opened it up.

The chirping resounded through the night sky, and the raging flames scorched the night sky. After the flames faded, a three-legged golden crow, ten feet tall, stood behind Jiang Lin.

The size of the three-legged Golden Crow can now be controlled, up to [-] meters, but the larger the size, the more spiritual power it consumes.

"That...that's the Phoenix!"

"No, it's the three-legged Golden Crow!"

Those present, including Master Xu Du, had never seen Jiang Lin use this method, and he was completely stunned for a while.

A Taoist who was acquainted with Uncle Jiu grunted in his throat and asked, "Daoist Master Li Yang must have become a Celestial Master, right?"

"Heavenly Master? Daoist Li Yang is a Heavenly Master?"

Almost everyone's eyes fell on Ninth Uncle.

"I TM..."

Zhang Han felt extremely comfortable in his heart, he was Jiang Lin's real master, but now the halo was taken by the ninth uncle.

"Daoist Li Yang has indeed become a Celestial Master."

Master Xudu solved everyone's doubts.

"Fortunately in the right way, Master Kuhua has left, and Daoist Li Yang has made up for it."

"The luck of Maoshan."

Zhang Han couldn't help but be jealous, but he still endured it. At first, he was going to beg Jiu Shu to teach Jianglin Maoshan Technique.

There is no Master's halo, it doesn't matter, he is not only Master Jiang Lin, but also his father-in-law.

"Daoist Li Yang is indeed a Celestial Master, and I am his father-in-law."

Zhang Han went up and stood side by side with Jiu Shu, ready to enjoy the envy of others.

However, he was disappointed. As long as the Taoist priests with daughters were present, they all looked at him sideways. There were a few little Taoist nuns and even one or two beautiful nuns, and there was some evil in their eyes.

The aura of Tianshi undoubtedly made Jiang Lin a new generation of male gods. As a result, at this moment, someone loudly announced that the male god had a daughter-in-law.

Zhang letter: "..."

Just as everyone was talking, the situation in the open space had changed.

After the appearance of the Three-legged Golden Crow, the giant skeleton monster and Shuten Douji summoned by Yamada became cowardly in seconds.

Just kidding, in the legends they heard, the three-legged golden crow is the body of their sun god, the supreme god of Yamato.

"Kid Yamada, you want to court death, and you will scare your grandfather!"

The Shikigami giant skeleton disappeared and ran away, while Shuten Douji was drunk and looked at the three-legged Golden Crow.

But in the next second, it was trampled into a puff of smoke by the Golden Crow and disappeared.

Afterwards, the three-legged golden crow had two wings, and two ghosts more than ten meters tall were cut into four pieces by the golden wings.

After that, more than a hundred Dao Yang fingers burst into flames, and the three ghosts instantly fainted.


Seeing this, Yamada felt as if he had eaten a big lump of rice.

He originally thought that the ghost witch was a pit, but now he found that he was wrong.

This guy is a big hole!

"Baga! Find me to deal with such a celestial master, your grandson is pretending to be a big brother!"

Chapter two hundred and forty nine

Yamada roared furiously. He was also a Celestial Master. Even if King Abe had a fire spirit, he did not have the horror in front of him.

This young man is definitely a real breakthrough.

"Hmph, it's useless to talk too much, let's think about how to break through."

Although he saw the terrifying means of Jiang Lin, the masked ghost witch still didn't have much fear in his heart.

It was impossible to fight, but to escape, he asked himself that he still had some means.

"When you leave this place, you must retreat and comprehend the inheritance!"

The improvement of Jiang Lin's cultivation has deeply stimulated the masked ghost witch. He wants to break through himself by any means and become the strongest ghost witch in history.

After solving the shikigami and ghosts, Jiang Lin stopped paying attention to Jiu Shu and the others, and they were still able to deal with the magicians of the Jiuju faction.

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