Jiang Lin stared at the masked ghost witch. This person is very slippery. He was killed twice and still survived in the world. He still has some skills.

"Thousands of Changes, Thousands of Magic!"

With a strange seal in his hand, the ghosts raised in the masked ghost witch quickly differentiated, each soul is the same as his appearance, and even the breath is exactly the same as his body.

He doesn't want to fight with Jiang Lin now, looking for every opportunity to escape in order to make a comeback.

Dozens of masked ghosts and witches scattered in all directions, ready to use the land to escape.

Jiang Lin snorted coldly, and at the same time drew a Tai Chi diagram with his feet and stomped on the ground. Dozens of ghosts seemed to have hit an iron plate, unable to sink into the ground.

Jiu Shu and Zhang Han had already set up a formation around them to prevent ghosts and witches from escaping. Now, as long as Jiang Lin activated the formation, the two of them would basically become turtles in a urn.

On the other side of the battle circle, Jiu Shu and Zhang Han did not go to deal with Yamada, and they, together with the Master Xu Ku who came over, were waiting on the side.

If you run wild, you will cut off your back.

Hundreds of meters around the open space outside the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion have been enchanted by hundreds of monks, making it impossible for these two to escape.

"Soul clone?"

Jiang Lin didn't even look for which one was the masked ghost witch's body. He shot with ten fingers and wiped out the substitutes one by one.

After noticing the disappearance of the substitutes, there was a faint trace of black air floating in all directions, and Jiang Lin no longer recovered his spiritual power.

He stretched out ten fingers, and the ten eight-meter-long Yang-fingered swords turned around and twisted his waist like a soul thorn, and all the remaining substitutes were completely killed by Jiang Lin.

"Haha, idiot! These stand-ins are useless in the first place. It's better if they don't kill them. Once they are killed, my spirit will be attached to the fly ash."

The masked ghost witch was complacent, he had nothing to do with Jiang Lin, but Jiang Lin wanted to keep him for a few more years.


Jiang Lin sneered, he had stayed in the monk era, and he had read the classics of that era, but the tricks used by this ghost witch were nowhere near as good.

In the past, when the monsters encountered a strong enemy and fled away, some would choose to turn into blue smoke, and as long as a trace of smoke escaped, they could save their lives.

This masked ghost witch didn't know where to learn the method, but he actually knew such a life-saving method.

If this ghost witch encounters Ninth Uncle, Hong Jinbao and the others, or even Master Kuhua who has not passed away, maybe he really escapes.

But unfortunately, he met Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin squeezed the tactic with both hands, and the Yang Mian tactic in his body moved rapidly. His body began to glow, and then the three-legged Golden Crow manifested again.

The flames on the three circles of fire around it spread out gradually, linking them into a whole.

The two intersecting rings of fire form a sphere.

"Master, uncle, step back!"

Jiang Lin shouted at Jiu Shu and the others.

When Master Xudu heard the words, he immediately made everyone retreat quickly.

"Daoist Li Yang has turned into light."

"It's so dazzling!"

"Daoist Li Yang, in addition to being able to know the seal of the heavens, is he also able to shine the Buddha's light?"

"It's so hot!"

The blazing strong light radiated toward the surroundings with Jianglin and the Three-legged Golden Crow as the core.

Ru Yang Xuanguang!


Yamada didn't understand why the group of monks suddenly retreated, and then he felt a strong burning sensation behind him.

When he turned to look at Jiang Lin, everything had turned white.

Such a strong light can even blind the eyes of titanium alloy dogs.


A wisp of the masked ghost witch's spirit shouted, and under the blazing light, no matter how clever his life-saving methods were, there was nothing to hide.

"Impossible, I would still..."

The surrounding black energy was completely scorched into nothingness by the blazing light, and the masked ghost witch's spirit became silent halfway through its screams.

He disappeared from the world forever, completely disappeared from the yin and yang worlds.

Even if it has the characteristics of blood Tai Sui's self-healing, it is also useless.

After a few breaths, Jiang Lin was completely paralyzed on the ground, and the liquid ball in his dantian completely turned into a small dot.

The spiritual power was almost completely dried up.

"Pop! Kill the ghost and get [*] points of suffocation."

"Hmph, will you come back? Why do you think you are a big wolf with a supporting role aura?"

Jiang Lin panted heavily, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, this time the ghost witch was completely killed by him.

Still want to come back?Really whimsical.

At this moment, a mutation occurred in Yamada's body. He fell to the ground, his face changed beyond recognition, and there were bloodstains on the corners of his eyes.

The radiation emitted by Jiang Lin is not only the nemesis of sneaky corpses, but also the nemesis of their evil cultivators.

There is a phantom above Yamada's body, protecting it, the phantom is like a big snake with four tails coiled together.

"Isn't this an Orochi Orochi? How can it only have four heads?"

When he saw Yamada getting up, he fled, and Master Xudu shouted, "Hurry up and stop him!"

"Don't stop, you can't deal with this guy!"

Jiang Lin reminded, but it was too late. The four snake heads of the phantom looked down, and the four monks and Taoist priests were bitten through their bodies.

Yamada staggered out of the barrier and fled towards the back mountain.

"No wonder this guy has been very calm, it turned out to be fearless."

Jiang Lin was very fortunate that he had forced out the trump card of this demonic way, otherwise, Ninth Uncle and the others would have been caught off guard.

It is also for this reason that when Jiang Lin deals with demons and crooked Dao in the future, he will no longer look down on each other.

"I hope it's not the eight-headed snake, otherwise, my lord, I will let you taste the authentic big snake!"

Jiu Shu and Zhang Han looked at their charred clothes, and the corners of their mouths couldn't stop twitching.

Who is this disciple of theirs?

Seeing Jiang Lin's appearance of collapse, the two of them hurried over to help him up.

Then the three of them faced the dazed eyes of everyone.

The two mages, Xu Du and Xu Ku, were sunburnt on their heads because they were so close.

There were also two or three little Taoist nuns with resentment on their faces. They didn't retreat very far, and their jet-black hair was tanned.

"Cough, sorry, everyone, I didn't expect this to happen."

Jiang Lin looked around and saw that all the weeds within ten meters of the ground had turned yellow, and the leaves of a large tree had also turned half yellow.

Chapter [*] South Mao and North Horse?

A man who shines?I have never seen it.

They have heard of the reincarnation of the Dapeng bird and the reincarnation of the golden cicada, but Jiang Lin... Could it be the reincarnation of the sun?

Ninth Uncle only revealed to very few people that Jiang Lin is a celestial body, so many people are still confused about Jiang Lin's previous performance.

"Everyone, since the Tibetan Scriptures Pavilion is fine, the ghosts and witches are slaughtered, and the demons escape, let's go back and rest first."

Master Xu Du spoke out to divert everyone's attention for Jiang Lin, and Jiu Shu told him that he was not willing to show off Jiang Lin's physique.

In fact, it was Jiang Lin who was unwilling to publicize it everywhere. He was not a celestial body.

After returning to the guest room, Zhang Han came to Jiang Lin to ask questions.

His son-in-law's ability to condense the Golden Crow with Yang Fire was enough to surprise him, and now he can still shine like a big sun, which made him want to know more about this disciple.

"Master, do you want to know more about me?"

Jiang Lin twitched the corner of his mouth and pushed Zhang Han out.

Master, your daughter can have a deep understanding of me, no matter how deep it is, you are exempted from it.

"Looks like it's time to look up the history of Japanese demons when I go back."

Jiang Lin recalled the phantom that appeared on Yamada's body, and felt that he didn't know enough about the cultivation culture of this enemy country.

In his opinion, the Toyo Yaodao, who was mixed with ghost witches tonight, although not at the level of a celestial master, is not much worse than that Abe forced king.

After collecting his thoughts, Jiang Lin sat cross-legged by the window, using the moonlight to grow his own corpse poison and refining it to replenish the spiritual power in his body.

On the second day, the three of Jiang Lin put incense sticks on Master Ku Hua and set off on their way home.

After going back and forth, almost a month later, Jiang Lin postponed the plan to go to Shushan.

Winter is coming, and it will snow soon. Shushan is thousands of miles away.

The husband of his family has basically been away from home for the past two months. Several daughters-in-law are attached to Jiang Lin and do not want to leave him for a moment. As a result, wherever Jiang Lin goes, it is either the big room or the second room, or Zhuzhu and Jingjing.

Jiang Lin didn't even have time to be alone.

As the weather turned cold and people became tired, Jiang Lin was not in a hurry to upgrade. In addition to eating and reading books all day, he was learning to make magical instruments, and of course, he was sleeping with his daughter-in-law more.

Zhang Han and Qianhe Dao went a long way to get the materials obtained by killing the red scorpion, and let them build a few spirit swords.

"Husband, look at how I have changed today."

Chen Yu jumped into Jiang Lin's arms happily and gave him a kiss.

"It's big and round."

Jiang Lin rubbed the place where Chen Yu was itching.

"Hate, people have also broken through."

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