Jiang Lin was stunned and sensed Chen Yu's realm, and she turned out to be a Taoist.

Chen Yu buried in Jiang Lin's arms and sniffed the fragrance on his body, and said, "Husband, is it because my cultivation has improved so that we can have babies."

"You can do whatever you want, don't have this knot in your heart."

Jiang Lin pinched Chen Yu's nose and said, "Go, play chess with Uncle Shi."

"Jiang Lin, do you have any idea of ​​becoming a teacher?"

Jiang Lin was playing chess with Uncle Jiu, and the little zombie on the side lit a cigarette for Uncle Jiu and asked Jiang Lin this question.

Because the number of cultivators is far less than that of demons, ghosts, and monsters, after ordinary disciples have achieved something, they will choose to go to other places, one is to subdue demons and demons, and the other is to support their families with what they have learned.

"Uncle, I still have a lot to learn. You don't want to drive me away, do you?"

Jiang Lin has not considered leaving the apprenticeship for the time being, at least after going to Xiangxi next year.

"Why am I driving you away, you kid."

Ninth Uncle rolled his eyes at Jiang Lin. Now that Jiang Lin is here, he is much more relaxed. Sometimes the teaching of Fat Bao and Xiao Hai is taught by Jiang Lin on his behalf, and it is better than him.

Such a good apprentice, he can't wait to stay for a few more years.

"Then wait for Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai to be together."

Now Qiusheng and Wencai are more motivated than before, especially Qiusheng, who has a genuine affection for the little nun Shanshan, and is much more honest now.

However, compared to Jiang Lin, his concentration is still a little worse, and he still wants to see something good-looking.

Thinking of Qiusheng and Wencai, Jiang Lin wanted to give him a thumbs up and grab a woman from God.

Shanshan and Zhenzhen will no longer wish to renew their wish after the expiration of next year's wish period, that is, to return to the secular world.

Ninth Uncle used to be not very supportive of them, but as a result, the two made a generous statement and sang together, making Ninth Uncle stunned for a while.

After knowing that the nun was God's woman, Uncle Ninth supported the two of them very much and got out of the village without taking them back.

At this moment, the little zombie clapped his hands and moved Jiang Lin's chess piece.

Double cannons, directly take General Jiu Shu.

Just run.

Now the little zombie and Sanbaisan are playing very well. Both Yizhuang and Daotang are adults, but they are children.

"This little guy..."

Ninth Uncle looked at the little zombie and smiled.

"Uncle Shi, how are you going to settle the little zombie in the future?"

Ninth Uncle frowned. He hadn't thought about this problem carefully. The little zombie was born, not bitten. If there was a chance, he could be reborn, but it was too difficult.

"do not know yet."

Jiang Lin stopped talking about it.

"Master Hong Jinbao sent a letter some time ago, saying that he wants to look for the dragon vein, and if he finds it, he will protect it. In the letter, he also asked me to ask if you would like to come with him."

"Probably not."

Feeling Chen Yu's shortness of breath, Jiang Lin shook his head slightly.

He didn't plan to look for the dragon veins, he just wanted to quietly catch ghosts, kill zombies, and he still had his own business to do, so he couldn't leave.

"Uncle, is there really a dragon in the world?"

Jiu Shu mentioned the dragon veins, and Jiang Lin thought of the real dragon. In his mind, a strange memory appeared, which should belong to Gu Yue's master, Master Li Yang, that is, his last life.

In that memory, he was pierced by a dragon and closed his eyes.

Although Jiang Lin had seen the keel, he was still skeptical about the existence of a real dragon.

Uncle Jiu thought for a moment and said, "Yes. But I shouldn't be able to find it now."

"Is there a sect that drives real dragons to subdue demons and subdue demons?"

After crossing into the world of Mr. Zombie, Jiang Lin wondered if there was a Ma family with an exorcism dragon.

In this world, both generals and ministers exist.

"I don't know about this. There are still many sects of Taoism, and many of them are not visible in the world. I dare not say that there are none."

"Then Shishu, do you have the statement of Nanmao Beima?"

"Yes, I have."


Is there really a Nanmao Beima?Mao Xiaofang, Madonna?

"South Mao Bei Ma, on our side is Mao Shanshu, and in the north is the horse fairy, especially in the northeast, usually invites the fairy to possess the body, commonly known as the Great Jumping God."

Jiang Lin: "..."

Co-authoring is such a Nanmao and Beima?Going out of the horse and jumping to the gods?What the hell.

Jiang Lin didn't ask any more questions. He played two more games with Uncle Jiu, and went back to study the formation with Zhang Han.

Chapter [-] The problem of fat treasure

After the New Year, because of the custom of visiting relatives of her parents' family, Ren Tingting has no relatives here. Jiang Lin took the two sisters, Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu, to Ren Zhuzhu's hometown.

Master Ren felt relieved when he saw his daughter and niece Shui Lingling, Jiang Lin loved them very much.

Two days later, Jiang Lin brought his two daughters to Fat Bao's house.

"Senior brother, I didn't expect you to come. I'm about to write a letter to ask Master or you to come."

As soon as Jiang Lin heard Fei Bao's words, he knew something was wrong and asked, "What happened?"

"There are two important things, my junior brother and I feel that the cultivation base is low and can't be handled. Both are problems. The first is the appearance of water ghosts in the Qingshui River in the neighboring village; the second is that thirty years ago, Long Ci of the Tantric Yellow Sect There is a problem with the five ghosts suppressed by the mage."

Jiang Lin nodded. If there were water ghosts, it would be difficult to deal with the cultivation of Fat Treasure and Xiao Hai.

"Five ghosts?"

"Senior brother, I went to the county town before and met Master Qinghai, the [-]th generation descendant of the Tantric Yellow Sect. He invited me and Xiaohai to help. It was about the five ghosts. The two of us did not agree for the time being."

Saying that, Fat Bao scratched his head and said, "Although Xiaohai and I have gained a little reputation in Renjiazhen and Xiaohai in the past two years, we know that we can catch monsters and deal with ordinary zombies. Take everything to yourself."

Jiang Lin is still quite satisfied with Fat Treasure. It is good to have the heart to eliminate demons and defend the way, but he must also have self-knowledge, and he can only waste his precious life in vain.

"Tell me about Master Xia Longci. Tingting, Zhuzhu, go to the kitchen and help Xiaozhu."

Fat Bao poured tea for Jiang Lin and said, "These five ghosts are still a matter of the Qing Dynasty. Thirty years ago, due to natural and man-made disasters, many people pinned their hopes on ghosts, gods and even evil spirits. At that time, the White Lotus Sect had One branch and five ghosts, believers believe in five immortal evil spirits. These five evil spirits often reside on pregnant women. They can turn mother and child into demons, harm people and animals, and absorb their blood and brains. If these five demons If a baby is born, it will have boundless magic power and bring disaster to the world."

"White Lotus Sect, five ghosts?"

Jiang Lin has some understanding of the former. They are a group of believers who believe in lifeless mothers. In the Huang Feihong series of later Jet Lee (Jet Li) films, there are elements of the White Lotus sect.

However, Jiang Lin was not very clear about the Five Ghost Dao.

"Because the devil babies are not easy to harm people, the last five ghost Taoists were surrounded and suppressed by the government. At that time, the esoteric master Longci had a battle with evil spirits, exhausting his energy, and finally collected them into five ancient bottles. Among them, a golden Buddha was used to suppress them, and the followers of the Five Ghosts and their stolen goods were also buried underground. The five evil spirits would have been wiped out in twenty years, but Marshal Xu in the county town dug ancient tombs everywhere. The ruins were dug up, and the golden Buddha and five ancient vases were taken away."

"Didn't that Master Qinghai stop him?"

Fat Bao smiled wryly and said, "Why didn't you stop him, and he was shot. Fortunately, it was only a skin injury."

Jiang Lin knew the general situation. Blocking people's way of making money was like killing one's parents. When a Taoist encountered a soldier, he couldn't make a rationale. He had to eat peanuts if he talked too much.

"Golden Buddha? Five ghosts? A pregnant woman..."

How Jiang Lin felt that this information was familiar to him. After thinking for a moment, a light flashed in Jiang Lin's mind.

It seems to be some kind of cannibal, right, the devil cannibalize.

"Could it be the plot of this movie?"

Jiang Lin vaguely remembered that this movie was the most disgusting horror movie he had ever seen, and the belly could bite people.

"In that case, this afternoon, you and Xiaohai will go to the neighboring village with me to see the water ghosts, and we should be able to go to the county seat tomorrow."

Fei Bao really admired his senior brother, and decided the itinerary so happily?

It seems that the water ghost is not worth mentioning at all in the eyes of his senior brother.

"Senior brother, although the climate here is relatively warm, the temperature in winter is still quite low, why don't you go to the county first?"

"No need, the water ghost can be dealt with in the afternoon."

Jiang Lin understood what Fat Bao meant. He would deal with the water ghosts when the weather warmed up, but he wasn't going to stay here for that long, and he didn't plan to do it again.

Ordinary Taoists have a hard time dealing with water ghosts, because water ghosts generally do not leave the water, and if they do not come out, they cannot get rid of them.

Even Ninth Uncle and Zhang Han are reluctant to deal with water ghosts.

But Jiang Lin was different. What happened to the water ghost, he had the ability to hold his breath underwater.

Other Taoist priests have no way to go into the water, Jiang Lin, he can go into the water to fight the water ghost.

Being able to become a zombie is so capricious.

Ordinary zombies are afraid of water, but Jiang Lin does not.

An extraordinary Taoist priest, an extraordinary zombie, this is Jiang Lin.

After listening to Jiang Lin's words, Fat Bao was stunned, and solved the water ghost in the afternoon?

Brother mighty!Brother mighty!

At noon, Xiaohai also came to his brother's house to pay homage to Jiang Lin for a year.

After eating, Jiang Lin went to Qingshui Village, a neighboring village, together with Fat Bao and Xiao Haidai.

It was windy outside, so Jiang Lin asked his two daughters-in-law to accompany Xiaozhu. Anyway, with the King Mouse as his personal guard, Jiang Lin felt more at ease.

When he arrived at Qingshui Village, Feibao went to the village chief, promised to help them deal with the water ghosts, and also discussed the compensation by the way.

Of course, all the rewards depended on Jiang Lin's distribution. Even if Jiang Lin didn't give them a point, he and Xiao Hai would have no objection.

"Oh, Daoist, there are water ghosts under the Qingshui River. We usually don't dare to eat the water here."

The village chief complained to Jiang Lin, hoping that Jiang Lin and the others could solve this scourge as soon as possible.

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