Jiang Lin just nodded, and then asked Fat Bao and Xiao Hai to learn how to deal with this water ghost.

Even though Feibao and Xiaohai didn't stay in Yizhuang for a long time, the two of them were really diligent in their studies. It was just that the opportunity for Ninth Uncle to lead them was a little less.

The two of you spoke to each other, and the answer made Jiang Lin satisfied. He also reminded the two of the possible situations from time to time.

For Ninth Uncle's disciples, as long as they want to learn, Jiang Lin is still willing to teach them.

Jiu Shu and Zhang Han are his good teachers.

After that, Jiang Lin let Feibao and Xiaohai busy, and he quietly became a beautiful man by the river.

Pure technical guidance, equivalent to the kind of office.

The two were not as lazy as Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, they knew that Jiang Lin was increasing their experience.

It took the two of them two hours to lure the water ghosts, and one hour to catch the water ghosts, but they still failed to capture the water ghosts.

The village chief and the people in the village looked anxious.

"Okay, come back."

Jiang Lin waved to the two people who had become chickens. Yang Yan was in a row, drying the water stains on their bodies.

After that, Jiang Lin commented on the performance of Fei Bao and Xiao Hai, and the village chief and the villagers were stunned.

Isn't it catching water ghosts?This water ghost didn't catch it, why did he start chatting on the side.

However, the village chief did not dare to speak much. In this season, he wanted to invite the Taoist priest to catch the ghost, but he still caught the water ghost. Basically, no one answered.

It's not that they don't want to make money, they don't want to subdue demons and slay demons, but it's winter, and water ghosts are very difficult to catch.

Fat Bao and Xiao Hai were trained by Jiang Lin to nod their heads like chickens pecking at rice.

Then Jiang Lin looked at the sky, walked to the river, and was plunged down by a fierce man.

"Daoist! It's nothing to catch a water ghost, don't commit suicide!"

The village chief turned pale with fright. He thought that Jiang Lin had thrown himself into the river because he couldn't deal with the water ghosts.

Even Feibao and Xiaohai are confused. Which one did their senior brothers sing?

Jiang Lin, who had entered the water, had a black line, who committed suicide.

Catching this water ghost is a small case for him.

He possessed Yin Huotan Qi, which could be transformed into Yin Huo Whip. In addition, he had a peculiar sense of Yin and Evil Qi. Five minutes later, Jiang Lin brought the water ghost up.

Three hours of teaching, five minutes of catching ghosts.

Fat treasure and Xiaohai: "..."

Can a water ghost be caught like this?It's completely irrelevant to his senior brother's teaching.

Jiang Lin is so unusual.

Chapter two hundred and fifty second strong resentment

After landing on the shore, Jiang Lin's clothes were covered in smoke, and after a while, it was as if he had never touched water.

"What are you looking at? I have my method. If you catch a water ghost, you have to follow it step by step."

Seeing Fat Bao and Xiao Hai almost stunned, Jiang Lin threw the water ghost in front of them.

The appearance of the water ghost is definitely a combination of disgust and terror. It is sloppy, its body is soaked white, and it is still flowing with pus, and its face is so rotten that it cannot be seen.

Originally, Jiang Lin wanted to remind the villagers not to go up and look, but when he saw the villagers all retreating, he didn't say anything.

Who knew that curiosity killed the cat, and the villagers who retreated saw that the water ghost had been subdued, so they snuggled up again.

As a result, one by one, they even vomited out the New Year's Eve dinner.

"You don't have to watch what it is doing, do you still want to sleep at night?"

Jiang Lin also felt speechless to these villagers. It's okay to say that children are very curious. These are all elderly people who are still very curious.

"Fat treasure, Xiao Hai, get rid of it."

This water ghost left the water, and now it's daytime again, even if you don't kill it, it won't live long if you don't return to the river.

But even so, it is not easy to kill him with Taoism, and Jiang Lin left this task to these two junior brothers.

Killing water ghosts requires more steps than killing ordinary sneaks.

Because some water ghosts may escape through mist, it is generally necessary to set up a prison cell before killing them.

However, for Jiang Lin, these efforts can be saved. His attack power is too strong, and he can directly beat the water ghosts to pieces.

The water ghost is more resentful, so even if the ninth uncle is more merciful, he will not choose to overthrow it.

As long as it is not revenge, once the water ghost kills a person, then it can only be the end of the soul.

"Okay, brother."

Fat Bao and Xiaohai are no longer confused. This is because their senior brother gave them a head.

If a Taoist priest can kill a water ghost, it is a work experience worth boasting about. If the peers know that they have killed a water ghost, then the other party's positioning of them will be much higher.

The two quickly followed what Jiang Lin had taught before, first completely trapping the water ghost, and then using the fire and sun charms, and within a moment, the water ghost in Qingshui Village was eliminated by them.

After the disaster was eliminated, the village chief and villagers of Qingshui Village breathed a sigh of relief and immediately delivered their rewards.


Seeing Fat Bao and Xiao Hai happily, Jiang Lin frowned slightly, is this the end?

"By the way, water source!"

Fat Bao patted his head, if it wasn't for Jiang Lin's reminder, he would have really forgotten.

The grievances of the water ghosts are too heavy, and this water area has to be purified, otherwise, if the villagers drink the water here, there will still be problems.

Even the villagers who had drank water before, Fei Bao told them to eat more boy's eggs to absorb sunlight and yang energy, otherwise they would be very sick.

After the matter here was completely resolved, Jiang Lin nodded in satisfaction.

On the way back, Fei Bao and Xiao Hai completely became Jiang Lin's fans, and it was totally fine to take a Tianshi brother as an idol.

As for the reward, Jiang Lin didn't ask for much. He took one-third of it, and he had to accept it. No matter how small the mosquito's legs were, it was still meat.

Jiang Lin is really the boss now, only to know that firewood is expensive and poor!

Collecting medicinal materials for Ren Tingting, Uncle Jiu and others, that is to say, it is completely spent with money, and there is no negotiation.

In addition to money, but also to use contacts.

Jiang Lin has now started to sell Explosive Flame Talismans, to support his family and earn money!

After returning to Feibao's residence, Jiang Lin and Feibao set the time to go to the county town tomorrow, and took their sisters home with them.

Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu snuggled up in Jiang Lin's arms, clamoring to go to the county town with him.


Jiang Lin took a sip on the faces of the two daughters-in-law.

The custom here is to save relatives, there can be no husband and wife life in the woman's home, and the two daughters-in-law have not been loved by her husband for several days.

Jiang Lin was also quite speechless about such a custom, but since it is a custom, it is better to follow the local customs.

I can’t do it at home, let’s go to the city)… (Go to the room.

On the second day, Jiang Lin went on the road lightly, and took Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu to meet Feibao Xiaohai, and went to the county town together.

Xu Dashuai's mansion is on the street in the county town. Jiang Lin wanted to check the specific situation, so he took his two daughters-in-law to go shopping.

Fei Bao and Xiao Hai honestly worked as small attendants, following their senior brothers, they were able to draw knowledge and experience.

"The Commander's Mansion is doing a wedding."

Coincidentally, Dashuai Xu married his fourth concubine today.

On the street, the sedan chair stopped at the entrance of the Grand Marshal's Mansion, and Xu Dashuai in military uniform happily kicked the sedan door open.

Xu Dashuai is quite foreign, with a pair of small sunglasses on the bridge of his nose.

It's a pity, it is estimated that in a few days, all four of his concubines will be incarnated by evil spirits, and both mother and child will be demons.

Although Jiang Lin also wanted to prevent living people from becoming alien monsters, he had no good idea and was powerless.

This Xu Dashuai is obviously a person who doesn't listen. Even the master of Qinghai has eaten his gun. Jiang Lin himself can't come to the door and say bad things on people's happy days.

"Husband, I think that girl is only eighteen years old, so she was accepted as a concubine. I don't know if she really likes handsome."

"Zhuzhu, love is a luxury now, and I think she is mostly forced to be helpless."

As the two sisters talked, they both snuggled up to Jiang Lin. Compared with other women, they were very happy.

Fat Treasure asked, "Senior brother, have you seen any problems with this Commander's Mansion?"

Jiang Lin pressed his eyes with his spiritual power, and inspected Xu Dashuai's mansion.

"What a strong resentment!"

Jiang Lin took a deep breath. The five ghosts in the commander's mansion were definitely the most resentful ghosts he had ever seen.

These evil spirits have all been trained with the power of faith, and are much more powerful than ordinary devil babies. Jiang Lin initially estimated that the strength of each evil spirit is equivalent to a green ghost.

No wonder Fat Bao said that once these demon babies were born, they would have boundless magic power and bring disaster to the world.

If these evil spirits were really born safely, they would most likely become five ghost generals.

At that time, even if Uncle Ninth comes, it is estimated that there will be no way.

"There are five evil qi and one golden qi, this handsome really got the evil spirit and the golden Buddha into his home."

Jiang Lin didn't reveal too much to Feibao and Xiaohai. Even if they knew, they would just be in a mess.

"Senior brother is really amazing, I can't see it."

Seeing Xiaohai looking around, Jiang Lin tapped him on the head, and he could see it when his work was done naturally, and he practiced to a certain extent.

"Let's go, you go to inquire about the Qinghai Master first."

Jiang Lin needed to know how powerful these five evil spirits were, but the Grand Marshal's Mansion was holding a wedding ceremony. They were all outsiders and couldn't get in, so he could only ask the insider for some information.

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