If you can prepare in advance, it is better to avoid the tragedy.

Although this Xu Dashuai is not a good person, the servants in his mansion and the fourth concubine who just entered the door should not be affected.

Jiang Lin remembered that after the evil spirit possessed, the Xu Dashuai family seemed to be almost dead.

Still drained of blood and brain juice.

Chapter [*] Xu Dashuai

"Miss Ren, Daoist Li Yang."

Just when Jiang Lin was about to turn around and leave, they were stopped.

"Captain Cao?"

Jiang Lin didn't expect to meet Captain Cao, the security captain of Renjia Town, here. This guy sold anti-corpse helmets after Nintendo's corpse, but he was not driven back to the countryside to pick up cow dung?

"Huh? Captain Cao, do you know this friend?"

Beside Captain Cao, Dashuai Xu's housekeeper and adjutant Li Zhaoji looked at Jiang Lin. When his eyes were about to shift to Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu behind Jiang Lin, Captain Cao stopped him.

"Adjutant Li, this is Daoist Li Yang, the son-in-law of Ren Da of Renjiazhen. He is very powerful in Taoism."

Seeing the wink from Captain Cao, Lieutenant Li didn't dare to look around.

Captain Cao Fu Er said a few words to Lieutenant Li. Now that Xu Dashuai is digging tombs everywhere, there is a lack of Taoist priests to help him. If Xu Dashuai can get to know Jiang Lin, maybe he can go to the county to develop.

Captain Cao knew Jiang Lin's ability to deal with zombies, so he told Adjutant Li, and Adjutant Li greeted Jiang Lin.

"Daoist, our commander has long admired the name of the Taoist. Today, the commander is overjoyed. I wonder if the commander would like to go in for a wedding wine?"

Jiang Lin raised his brows, it seems that Taoist priests are very popular now.

It just so happened that he also wanted to see the situation of the five ghosts in the commander's mansion, so he said, "Since it's a happy event for the commander, it's natural to have a wedding wine."

Then Jiang Lin asked Feibao and Xiaohai to go to Master Qinghai first, and he brought Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu into the commander's mansion.

Since the five ghosts are in the commander's mansion, Jiang Lin always wants to enter this mansion, and now he can enter freely, why not.

After Lieutenant Li invited Jiang Lin into the Dashuai Mansion, he made a report to Xu Dashuai.

This Taoist priest is an arrogant man, and he is all good at feng shui in subduing demons.

Xu Dashuai is a rude, illiterate man, but because of this, he is more polite to Taoist priests, and he also believes in Qimen Taoism.

On the contrary, scholars rarely believe in magic and the like.

Knowing that a capable Taoist priest came, Dashuai Xu also personally received Jiang Lin.

The first thing he saw was Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu behind Jiang Lin.

"Damn it, right..."

It turns out that a Taoist priest can marry such a punctual wife, or two.

Before Xu Dashuai could look at Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu, he suddenly felt a thorn on his back, which made his forehead sweat for a while.

Jiang Lin was looking at him with a dull expression.

Xu Dashuai broke out in a cold sweat. This Taoist priest is not simple and easy to mess with.

"I've heard the name of the Taoist priest for a long time, but unfortunately I haven't been able to see it. Today, the Taoist priest came to drink my wedding wine, I am really happy."

"Today, the great handsome is overjoyed, congratulations."

Jiang Lin also responded with a smile.

The commander touched his bald head, laughed, and led Jiang Lin to sit at the VIP seat, which was a separate table.

"Who is this man, how can the commander be so polite?"

"Isn't that the daughter of Renjiazhen? I heard that she married a very capable Taoist priest."

"I've heard that there was a zombie in Renjia Town, which was solved by Miss Ren's husband."

The eyes of the surrounding guests all fell on Jiang Lin. For them, the Taoist priest who kills ghosts and catches zombies is a capable person.

Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu appeared in the living room, which made some of Xu Dashuai's wives pale.

Jiang Lin joked in a low voice, "My two daughters-in-law stole the limelight from other brides."

The two sisters rolled their eyes at Jiang Lin. They were not shy either. They were both in the hall and in the kitchen. Even at the wedding banquet, they behaved well.

Xu Dashuai stood up to toast to the guests and said some toasts. Basically, he praised himself for robbing the rich and helping the poor and helping others.

What left Jiang Lin speechless was that, in order to please the fourth concubine, the wedding banquet was actually a vegetarian banquet, and he even served a dish of fried spinach, which he said was the fourth concubine's favorite.

It's easy to make jokes without culture.

Jiang Lin has never heard of a wedding banquet where all vegetarian dishes are served, and this Xu Dashuai does not believe in Buddhism.

With a chuckle, Jiang Lin ignored the vegetarian banquet and meat banquet and began to scan around the hall.

Ren Zhuzhu glanced at the table seat not far away, and said in a low voice, "Sister, we still have a good relationship with Sister Chili and the others. Look at the wives of Master Xu's wife."

Xu Dashuai's eyes changed when he saw the fourth concubine, and Dashuai even let the guests eat vegetarian dishes for her.

"Yeah, we don't have to be jealous."

Ren Tingting looked at Jiang Lin's profile with a happy face.

Jiang Lin smiled, this Dashuai Xu's women are more than jealous, and it seems that one of them is stealing people behind Dashuai Xu's back.

Marry so much, is it useful?

There is no way to make people give up, they are all hat weaving, green ones.

I don't know how this Xu Dashuai will feel when he finds out that his concubine has an affair with his adjutant.

"Neither the golden Buddha nor the ancient bottle are in the hall."

Glancing past Dashuai Xu and the others, Jiang Lin did not find any trace of the Golden Buddha, so he let go of his spiritual sense.

In a side room behind the hall, Jiang Lin found five ancient vases containing evil spirits on an antique shelf. Opposite the antique shelf, there was a golden Buddha the size of a human head.

The golden Buddha was chanting in bursts, but this kind of sound could not be heard by ordinary people.

"Although the breath is relatively weak, it is definitely comparable to the green ghost. Once it is in the mother's body, it is estimated that it will be better than the green ghost."

Having sensed the evil spirit of the evil spirit in the ancient bottle at close range, Jiang Lin was certain in his heart that as long as the evil spirit was born, it would definitely become a ghost general.

"I still need to meet Master Qinghai. I don't know how this evil spirit is in the mother's body."

It is impossible for the golden Buddha to be placed opposite the evil spirits all the time to suppress them. Once these evil spirits escape, it will really hurt people.

Jiang Lin also didn't intend to speak bad words to Xu Dashuai on his happy day. He was not afraid of Xu Dashuai's anger, but Renjiazhen was not far from the county seat, and his father-in-law was still there.

"Daoist, I really hate to meet the Taoist late. Come on, I respect the Taoist."

"Happy newlyweds, handsome."

Jiang Lin smiled, then glanced at Lieutenant Li behind Dashuai Xu.

He has the smell of a woman, or the smell of Xu Dashuai's third concubine.

This adjutant is good.

Xu Dashuai asked Jiang Lin where he stayed. He was going to talk to Jiang Lin in Japan to see if he could cooperate with the Taoist priest.

Jiang Lin informed the commander of the inn where he was staying, and if something changed, he would be able to arrive in time if someone notified him.

"NND, this Dao Chang is really fucking capable, and his wife is much more handsome than my most beautiful fourth concubine."

Xu Dashuai's heart is broken, and people are really mad at people.

But he only dared to complain in his heart, he really didn't dare to think about Jiang Lin's woman.

Looking at Jiang Lin, Dashuai Xu felt inexplicably flustered in his heart, which was a very strange feeling.

Holding soldiers and horses in his hand, he could be considered a murderer without blinking an eye, but facing Jiang Lin, he felt that he could not stand upright.

Chapter [*] He seems to be only based

The three of Jiang Lin returned to the inn, and Feibao and Xiaohai just came back. They knew about Master Qinghai’s Yizhuang in the suburbs. Because it was too far away, they came back first, and were going to look for it the next day. Master of Qinghai.

"Be prepared, the evil spirits are very fierce, and you can't be careless at all."

Jiang Lin gave Feibao and Xiaohai a vaccination.

Hearing what Senior Brother said, Fat Bao and Xiao Hai also started to make more preparations.

These five evil spirits must be hoeed, even if there is no money to take them, if they are allowed to be born, many people will die.

"Husband, the bed here is not as big as the one at home, and there is always a creaking sound."

Ren Tingting was worried that the movement would be too loud and affect others.

When people marry their new daughter-in-law in a bridal chamber, they also want a bridal chamber.

"It's okay, there is a soundproof array."

After some attacking, Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu were like octopuses, coiled on Jiang Lin's body.

On the second day, Jiang Lin made some ghost-repelling talismans and flaming paper cranes. The five evil spirits were temporarily suppressed by the golden Buddha, so Jiang Lin gave up the idea of ​​taking out the golden Buddha and the ancient bottle.

I don't know how the evil spirit is incarnated, and it is best not to touch it until you see the Master Qinghai.

On the same day, Lieutenant Li smuggled away the golden Buddha on the opposite side of the antique rack in the Grand Marshal's Mansion and replaced it with a gilded Buddha statue.

After Lieutenant Li left, the caps of the five ancient bottles containing evil spirits all flew up, and five light groups of yellow, red, blue, green, and purple flew out of the five ancient bottles.

Under the roar of the evil spirit, cracks appeared on the fake Buddha statue opposite the shelf.

That night, Xu Dashuai was separated by the five ghosts. In addition to paralyzing his four wives, there was also a maid who could not escape the devil's claws.

The entire marshal's mansion is full of women ummm) (Ah ah voice.

The hard-working Xu Dashuai was so tired that his legs were weak, and he lay in the courtyard.

All five evil spirits succeeded.

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