"Brother, Master Qinghai is here."

Jiang Lin opened the door and saw a middle-aged man in a blue shirt standing behind Fat Bao, whose cultivation was only one line away from the level of an alchemist.

"Li Yang, I have seen fellow Daoist."

"It's a great honor to meet Daoist Li Yang."

Qinghai never imagined that the legendary Daoist Li Yang would be so young.

"This Daoist Li Yang should already be an alchemist."

Qinghai was even more shocked when he realized that he could not see through the depths of Jianglin.

Looking at his own cultivation, Qinghai really felt that he had cultivated into a dog.

In fact, it was rare for him to reach this level at his age, but he met Jiang Lin who was like a monster.

He even compared with Jiang Lin in his heart.

"Master Qinghai, senior brother, let's go over there to discuss the five ghosts and evil spirits."

The four entered Feibao's room, and Jiang Lin couldn't stand Qinghai's gaze.

You are a cultivator of Buddhism, or someone with a handle, what are you always looking at me?

Is it possible that he is a disciple of the Yellow Sect of Tantra who likes to see men?

If this Qinghai was a little nun, Jiang Lin wouldn't mind the gaze, but he wasn't.

A full-blown big man.

Jiang Lin coughed and directly asked Qinghai about the five ghosts.

Qinghai realized that he was being a little rude, so he snorted and said, "These five evil spirits were personally subdued by Master Longci and suppressed with the golden Buddha, but now both the golden Buddha and the ancient bottle have been taken away, very It may lead to the escape of evil spirits."

"Then how will these evil spirits escape after they escape? How can they be prevented?"

Qinghai shook his head and said, "If you let them escape, they will basically be [*]% attached to them, and there is no way to prevent them. They will attach themselves to men and enter women through the essence of masculinity by having sex with women. In the womb, a fetus is formed."

I am!

Jiang Lin did not expect that the way the evil spirits would take refuge would be like this.

Borrowing my father's body to get myself out, this Nima...

I'm going!

If this is the case, it is really too difficult to prevent, and we can't help making the couple happy.

Fei Bao and Xiao Hai glanced at Jiang Lin. Last night, their senior brother should have been arguing with their two sisters-in-law very late.

Is there any risk...

What do these two guys look like?

If it wasn't for the presence of outsiders, Jiang Lin really wanted to give his two junior brothers a shudder.

"Daoist Li Yang, I heard that you entered the Grand Marshal's Mansion once before, did you gain anything?"

"If my expectations are correct, if these five evil spirits succeed, they should be on a par with the green ghost. If they are born safely, they can reach the level of ghost generals."

I admire you!

Qinghai treated Jiang Lin like a big deal. He went to the Grand Marshal's Mansion to drink a glass of wedding wine, and he was able to detect the strength of the evil spirit. I don't know how many years he would have to practice to achieve this.

Qinghai stared at Jiang Lin again, this legendary Taoist priest is really a monkey race.

Jiang Lin had a black line, and he really wanted to speak the Northeast dialect: What are you looking at?

Fat treasure and Xiaohai looked at each other again, this Qinghai mage is not crooked, right?

Staring at their senior brothers, have you asked their sister-in-law?

Jiang Lin frowned and asked, "Fellow Daoist, how are you going to deal with these evil spirits?"

"I'm here tonight for this reason. Although the Taoist priest is highly skilled, I'm afraid ordinary methods can't really kill these evil spirits. I suggest that the three Taoist priests follow me to the outskirts of Yizhuang and do a good job. Prepare."

Fortunately, Qinghai said that the three of them would go over. If Jiang Lin was only called one, Jiang Lin felt that he was about to explode.

This Qinghai Master looks like a capital "base".

Seeing that Jiang Lin did not say anything, Qinghai was worried that Jiang Lin would not believe his words, so he explained: "These evil spirits have been worshipped by the common people, and they have the power of faith. Otherwise, even if you are executed, it will be harmful to yourself and will generate karma."

It turns out that, similar to the demonized spirit baby, the karma that Buddhism talks about should be the yin virtue that Jiang Lin understands.

Some demons cannot be simply killed, even if it is to eliminate evil for the people, to subdue demons and eliminate demons.

Doing good deeds is also harmful to oneself, and sometimes that's just how bad it is.

Xiao Haidao: "Since the evil spirits are hard to guard against, we can just steal the golden Buddha and the ancient bottle, and destroy them before they escape."

"Stealing can be stolen, but the golden Buddha has already been stained with human hands and stained with filth, and people who cultivate Buddha need to take it, otherwise it will only make the Buddhist power of the golden Buddha disappear faster. I have been there twice and almost got caught. I was shot. I have told them to not separate the golden Buddha from the ancient bottle. Can Daoist Li Yang come to Dashuaifu with me tomorrow and try to bring out the golden Buddha and the ancient bottle?”

Jiang Lin nodded and let him explain that Master Qinghai took the golden Buddha and the ancient bottle, and the best situation was that Marshal Xu was willing to return it.

If he insisted on dying, no one could stop him.

"Let's make preparations to conquer the demons first, only the Golden Buddha can't hold down the evil spirits for long."

Afterwards, the four of them rushed to the suburbs overnight. Fat Bao and Xiaohai sandwiched Jiang Lin in the middle and whispered, "Brother, don't worry, we will protect you."

Jiang Lin: "..."

It turned out that not only he looked at the Qinghai Master as gay, but even the two junior brothers felt the same way.

He seems to be the only one.

Entering the dilapidated Yizhuang, the four of them extended the spiritual talisman left by Master Longci back then.

Only after the evil spirits have been illuminated with the spirit talisman can they be safely removed.

Chapter [*] Evil spirits come out

On the day of the day, Jianglin and Qinghai came to the front of the commander's mansion.

Although he didn't like Qing Haiji's gaze very much, Jiang Lin could only feel wronged because he was saving the people from misfortune.

"It's broken, the five ghosts have escaped."

Qinghai was shocked: "Five ghosts escaped?"

Jiang Lin's face was solemn and he nodded.

"The worst situation has occurred. We quickly bring back the golden Buddha, in case the devil baby is born, we need to use it."

"it is good."

Jiang Lin and Qinghai entered the commander's mansion to explain the situation, but they were received by Lieutenant Li, and Commander Xu was still paralyzed.

Lieutenant Li has repeatedly shied away from making a decision after waiting for Xu Dashuai to wake up. He only replaced the golden Buddha yesterday, and it is absolutely impossible for people to find out that the golden Buddha is fake.

Jiang Lin and Qinghai had no choice. When the Taoist encountered soldiers, they said nothing.

After the two left the Grand Marshal's Mansion, a cook in the mansion followed. Jiang Lin and Qinghai had the identity of Taoist priests. The cook heard what the two of them said in the mansion.

Lieutenant Li is not afraid of death, which does not mean that others are not afraid of death.

Hearing what Qinghai said about evil spirits and demon babies, the cook was so frightened that he dared to hide anything.

He whispered: "Two Taoists, I saw Lieutenant Li take a golden Buddha to the pawnshop yesterday. The golden Buddha in the house was rotten. I don't know what happened."

To die, to die in earnest.

Jiang Lin shook his head slightly. As Taoist priests, sometimes killing ghosts and corpses doesn't feel very tiring, but in the face of people who want to die and fail, they simply want to swear.

Ninth Uncle often has to troublesome things that could have been done easily because of someone's bad things.

"Let them toss."

Jiang Lin didn't worry about eating radishes. Anyway, he gave the address to Xu Dashuai, and when something happened at night, someone would look for it.

It's better to go back to the inn and hug my daughter-in-law.

Back at the inn, Jiang Lin took Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu to go shopping on the street and lived in his three-person world.

"Daoist Li Yang, I still want to ask you..."


Jiang Lin really wanted to beat Qinghai violently. He answered all the questions along the way. Now he wants to accompany his wife, and the blind one still follows.

Seeing that there was no one in the left and right alleys, Ren Zhuzhu gave Jiang Lin a kiss.

She was also annoyed by this person, and now she directly enlarges her tricks and abuses single dogs.

Eat dog food without leaving.

Qinghai watched for five minutes before scratching his head and leaving.

"Don't you all need to breathe? I'll just go."

After getting rid of Ji Ge, Jiang Lin walked around the street with his two daughters-in-law, shopping and buying.

After half a day, Jiang Lin returned to the inn with a large bag of clothes.

Ren Tingting couldn't admire Jiang Lin. When his husband bought clothes for them, he never needed to try them on. Once they were bought, they fit.

"Sister, my husband knows the height and circumference of our bodies."

Jiang Lin turned his head and added, "There is still depth."

The two sisters immediately became red-faced.


In the evening, the situation of Dashuai's mansion appeared. First, Dashuai Xu's second wife came to the door of the kitchen. In less than a minute, only bloody pieces of meat were left in the chicken coop by the kitchen; The eldest lady's stomach bulged, and a slit was opened directly from the middle, revealing the bloody mouth inside.

The pet dog held in the arms of the servant was sucked in directly and let out a tragic bark.

For a while, the entire commander's mansion was in chaos. The awakened commander rushed to the lobby with someone, and saw a puppy's skeleton spit out directly from the crack in Madam's stomach.

"Hurry up and invite Master Wuyan!"

Xu Dashuai is also a person who has seen the big scene. Although he is shocked, he is not as flustered as the servant.

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