He asked the servants to bring all the livestock in the mansion and throw them to the eldest lady.

Not long after, a mage without hatred dressed like Fa Hai entered the Grand Commander's Mansion.

"This evildoer is very angry, let me meet her."

Master Wukan took the bowl and bowl in his hand, entered the room, and began to strike the bowl.

But within two minutes, a large amount of blood was spattered on the door lattice.

"What should we do? Daoist Li Yang, hurry up, go find Daoist Li Yang!"

Jiang Lin was sleeping comfortably when he was woken up by the servants from the Grand Marshal's Mansion.

"There are monsters, there are monsters!"

The servant was so frightened that he fainted with foaming at the mouth.

"Fat treasure, Xiao Hai, fellow Taoist Qinghai!"

After a drink, Jiang Lin instructed the Rat King to protect Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu, and ran to the commander's mansion.

Fat Bao and the other three also brought the guy behind him.

"Daoist Li Yang is here!"

Seeing Jiang Lin entering the Grand Marshal's Mansion, the servants who were about to get out of their minds and shouted loudly.

As if seeing a fairy, Dashuai Xu almost fell to his knees when he came to Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin stepped forward to look at the eldest lady who was eating livestock in the lobby, and suddenly felt a little nauseous.

In fact, his ability to bear is already very strong now, at least he has seen many disgusting zombies.

Jiang Lin would have this kind of reaction, mainly because of the shadow from watching this movie in his previous life.

The eldest lady, who has become a demon, has become like a fairy, with forked eyebrows and black lips, which is completely the appearance of a snake and scorpion woman.

The most disgusting thing is that her belly is like the petals of a piranha, and inside it is a demon baby like an alien ET, and her mouth is full of fangs.

The teeth are longer than those of zombies, just looking at the mouth of the teeth, it looks like a shark.

"Fellow Daoist Qinghai, you and my two junior brothers go to other places."

Now that the eldest lady has become like this, Jiang Lin believes that the other ladies are not much better.

There are five evil spirits.

"Okay, be careful."

"Master, I'll help you solve this evildoer, but I'll get paid."

Since this Xu Dashuai was not gnawed to the point of being left with only a skeleton like in the movie, Jiang Lin wouldn't mind squeezing him.

To get rid of evil spirits, it is better to have money.

"Don't worry, Taoist priest, give as much as you want."

"Okay, Madam, this is a thousand oceans."

Xu Dashuai nodded again and again, what is a thousand oceans, and what is life important.

The eldest lady looked at Jiang Lin and stopped yelling, she could feel that Jiang Lin was in mortal danger to her.

Although this lady is quite innocent, Jiang Lin can only hand over his soul to Qinghai after the demon baby is removed.

"Magic baby, don't die yet!"

Jiang Lin snorted coldly, the demon baby in this lady's belly disturbed his mind by crying.

The demon baby crying in hell is ineffective, and directly throws out two sticks) (The flesh of the blood is more leathery, like the vines of an old tree.

Just now, the Master Wuyan died on this vine.

When the Fabu on his back was exhibited, a tall Tantric talisman appeared.

"Break the will!"

Chapter [*] There is one more!

The tantric talisman emitted a scorching golden light, shining on the body of the eldest lady. The demon baby and the mother's body seemed to be scorched by poisonous fire, and yellow smoke appeared all over their body.

Those vine-like meat leathers were also roasted black, like withered vines.

[Note: whip to remove the word, prevent repair]

"This tantric talisman is so sharp?"

Jiang Lin couldn't believe it, just a huge magic talisman, how could it be able to bask the evil spirits like this?

The tantric talisman in his hand has the blood essence left over from the Master Longci, which can destroy the power of belief in evil spirits, and the damage to evil spirits is much stronger than that of ordinary ghost talismans.

Even if Jiang Lin has now entered the realm of Fu Yun, it is difficult to replicate the power of the talisman. This talisman is injected with the power of belief that he has acquired, and Buddhism is also called the power of wish.

Generally only a moral monk can make it exert its power.

Of course, Jiang Lin is not without a way to copy it, he has a system, this kind of wish-breaking charm should be able to use the system to upgrade.

When the golden light of the talisman dimmed, Jiang Lin pointed out three and shot the demon baby in the womb.

"Crack! Kill the evil spirits and get [*] points of suffocation."


Jiang Lin took out a bamboo tube from the cloth bag and put the spirit of the eldest lady in it.

"It's really disgusting that people don't pay for their lives."

Looking at the eldest lady's body, Jiang Lin really felt sick to his stomach. Fortunately, he didn't eat at night.

After Jiang Lin dealt with the eldest lady, screams were also heard from the other direction of the mansion.

With the help of Fat Treasure and Xiaohai, and the magical tools left by Master Longci in Qinghai, they can still deal with evil spirits.

"Daoist, how could this be? Although I had people to scare the mage who came with you, I didn't mean to hurt him. I never let Jinfo stay away from those five bottles."

It seems that this Xu Dashuai does not completely disbelieve Qinghai's words.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "Then you have to ask your adjutant why."

"Adjutant Li? Someone! Call me Adjutant Li!"

"Report to the commander, Adjutant Li has been bitten to death by the third lady."

"Tsk tsk..."

Jiang Lin didn't expect Lieutenant Li to die like this, and was still eaten by the demon baby in the third lady's belly.

It's all right now, both heads are in the stomach of the third lady.

Jiang Lin immediately went in the other direction, and the aura of the evil spirit was not far away.

Xu Dashuai and a group of servants all followed in Jiang Lin's footsteps.

"What are you doing with me? I'll remove the demon."

Xu Dashuai was the first to speak and said, "It is very safe to follow the Taoist priest."

In Xu Dashuai's eyes, no guns and firearms can compare to Jiang Lin. Several of his subordinates used guns to deal with the demon baby just now, but they were of no use at all. Instead, they were dragged away and eaten as a snack.

"It turns out that I feel so safe."

Since these people wanted to follow, Jiang Lin didn't stop them. It just so happened that he was short of manpower right now, and after he left, he couldn't ensure the safety of these people.

Two minutes later, Jiang Lin saw the second lady who also became a demon.

Eliminating evil spirits by three and five is as simple as that.

It's also because these devil babies have just been incarnated and can only use their mother's body to play their role, which is much easier to deal with than the real green ghosts.

However, because the age is long enough, the hostility transferred to the system is higher than that of the average green shooter.

Jiang Lin likes such evil spirits, and the price is very high.

"Senior brother, run one. Master Qinghai has already gone to look for it."

Fat Bao and Xiao Hai rushed over and reported the situation to Jiang Lin.

"You two stay to protect Xu Dashuai and the servants."

The evil spirit hid, and Qinghai and Fat Bao couldn't find it for a while, but for Jiang Lin, as long as the evil spirit in the evil spirit did not subside, he could not escape his perception.

Just after Jiang Lin left, the maidservant who had been strengthened by the commander hid in a house not far from the commander's mansion.

This evil spirit is smarter and knows how to grow in a vulgar manner. It would be very stupid to just go out and roam.

Because the evil energy on its body was contained in its mother's belly, and the place where it stayed was some distance away from the Grand Marshal's Mansion, Jiang Lin didn't sense its existence for a while.

Now as long as it is born safely, it can obtain magic power and reach the level of a ghost general.

In the commander's mansion, Jiang Lin and Qinghai came to a house at the same time.

Inside is the newly married fourth concubine of Xu Dashuai, who has also become a demon.

"Daoist, you can't let it be born. Once it is born, you must use the vows contained in the golden Buddha to make a magic talisman."

As soon as the words fell, a meat ball flew out.

"Go back to me!"

Jiang Lin was about to chop the meat ball with his Yang Finger Sword, but Qinghai turned over and shot with an upside-down golden hook, kicking the meat ball back into the mother's stomach.

But the national football team is so unsatisfactory.

The meatballs bounced around the room and couldn't stop at all.

Jiang Lin looked at Qinghai quietly and asked, "How long has it been since you washed your feet?"

Pi this time, are you happy?

Obviously, he also has a sword on his body, which can slash evil spirits upright, but he has to get on his feet.

Do you think you are Ronaldo or Beckham?

Qinghai smiled embarrassingly, and was about to enter the room to make up for the mistake. At this moment, the meatball finally happened to bounce towards the fourth concubine's property lying on the bed]... [said.

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