"Come in, come in!"

Qinghai was like a lottery player who had bought millions of football lottery tickets. He was so excited that he cried in the middle of the night.

Unexpectedly, the fourth aunt clipped her legs and closed the goal directly.

"It's really blind."

Jiang Lin covered his eyes, this Qinghai is really a disciple of Master Longci, not a funny guy invited by Monkey?

He pointed at the meat ball with a single palm, and the sword brush with the yang finger stretched out, piercing the magic embryo.

The shrill screams of the evil spirits and the screams of the fourth concubine spread all over the Grand Marshal's Mansion.

"Pity the fourth concubine to marry a concubine."

Jiang Lin took her soul and threw it to Qinghai, so that she could save for the fourth concubine as soon as possible, and help her pray for a good family in the next life.

"What are you?"

Jiang Lin finally couldn't bear this Qinghai base, and if he looked at it again, he really wanted Qinghai to become a blind monk.

"The Daoist is very powerful, but fortunately it has been solved."


Jiang Lin almost laughed out loud. Is math taught by a physical education teacher?

Then Qinghai counted with his fingers. It looked like he was counting, but he was actually counting.

After a few seconds, Qinghai shouted: "I've suffered, there is one more!"

Jiang Lin doubted how Qinghai had reached this level of cultivation.

Ignoring this joke, Jiang Lin closed his eyes and let go of his spiritual sense.

The result was nothing.

Of the five evil spirits, four had been eliminated, and there was no reason for all four to stay and the other to escape.

"Look around."

Jiang Lin and Qinghai went to the compound and asked Fat Bao to go with them to find the last trace of the evil spirit. Xiaohai stayed to protect Xu Dashuai and the others.

Five minutes later, in a house not far from the Grand Marshal's Mansion, a maid with magic marks on her forehead was holding a baby in her hand.

The baby was born.

Chapter [*] Sorry, you are so disgusting!

After the birth of the demon baby, its own evil energy erupted, and it was simply resentful.

It has endured for so long, and finally it can come out.

"That direction is Qinghai and Fat Treasure."

Jiang Lin quickly turned back, this was the strongest ghost he had ever encountered other than Gui Yan, and Qing Hai and Fat Bao couldn't deal with it.

Even if Uncle Ninth deals with ghost generals, he has to bring all the guys along, otherwise he might overturn the car.

Qinghai looked at the mother and child of the demon baby, and his face became very dignified.

A step too late, the evil spirit was born.

"Qinghai, the twenty-eighth-generation descendant of the Tantric Yellow Sect, is here, and today I will act for the heavens."

Qinghai seems to be righteous and righteous, but in fact, he is panicked.

He is stalling for time.

Daoist Li Yang, come quickly, help, the devil baby is born!

Now that his master, Master Longci, is reincarnated, it is difficult to subdue this evil spirit.

Fat Bao's forehead was also sweating, and his fat hand holding the peach wood sword was sweating.

This evil spirit is really strong.

"Bah! If it wasn't for your master meddling in his own business, I would have accomplished my cultivation long ago."

The maid, who has become the devil mother, is full of resentment. The five brothers absorbed a lot of faith power back then. If it wasn't for Master Longci, they could go further.

"You monsters can cultivate to a righteous fruit? Look at the countless murders you have killed and ruined your life. How can you achieve a righteous fruit like this?"

Qinghai and the magic mother theory, can drag one second is one second.

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, today either you die or I die."

The magic mother waved her long sleeves, and a strong yin wind suddenly rose, and the bamboo frames in the yard burst into pieces.

Qinghai and Feibao were pounced by the gloomy wind and flew out, hitting the door wall.

Blood spilled from the corners of their mouths, and the blood baby in the demon mother's arms let out a demonic cry and flew out.

Its fangs were like piranhas, and with a flash of blood, Qinghai and Feibao, who had just stood up, were torn out of their legs.

The two struggled to stand up, each with a sword, to resist the attack of the blood infant.

Just when the blood baby was about to fly towards Qinghai's chest, Jiang Lin arrived.


A golden light shot out suddenly, and the blood baby's fangs were broken several times and flew back to the arms of the devil mother.

"Daoist Li Yang, you are finally here. If you come a little later, I will never see you again."

Jiang Lin: "..."

"This is a golden Buddha. I came back from a pawn shop. It is necessary to turn the golden Buddha into gold paint and paint it into a talisman to remove the power of faith from this evil spirit."

Jiang Lin took the golden Buddha in his hand and stared at the magic mother.

The Demon Mother looked at Jiang Lin coldly, she could feel that Jiang Lin was stronger than the Master Long Ci back then.

But seeing the golden Buddha in Jiang Lin's hand, the devil mother laughed wildly: "You are stronger than the old bald donkey Longci, but what can you do to me? Kill me, I'm afraid your wife and son will be separated in the next half of your life."

The magic mother is very proud. Only by melting the golden Buddha into golden paint can break the power of faith in her body, but she will not give the Taoist time.

"It's just that you have the power of faith on your body, so you are so cowardly?"

Jiang Lin didn't know who gave this magic mother the confidence, more confident than using Rejoice.

Peak ghosts have killed him, not to mention this little evil spirit?

Qinghai and Feibao on the side were busy setting fires, so they could help Jiang Lin melt the golden Buddha.

However, the magic mother's long sleeves waved, and there was a strong wind, and the fire was extinguished as soon as it got up.

Jiang Lin stomped on the floor with one foot, and the bamboo pole wrapped around the wet sheet was shaken and hung on the bamboo frame.

The yang flames in his body jumped into his hands, and the golden Buddha in Jiang Lin's hands was surrounded by the yang flames, and the melted gold lacquer reached his fingertips.

Qinghai was stunned for a moment, what is this operation?

Alchemy Buddha?

Jiang Lin drew the talisman with his fingers, but his eyes stayed on the magic mother.

Qinghai and Feibao set fire to fire, and the devil mother immediately put out the fire, but he didn't need to set fire to practice Buddha at all.

Evil spirits are afraid, if the magic talisman is completed, it will be in danger.

A piercing cry came from the blood baby's mouth, and then, the blood baby was like a cannonball, straight towards Jiang Lin's chest.

Xue Lili's teeth opened and closed, trying to bite off Jiang Lin's heart.


The golden sword energy passed directly through the blood baby's mouth, punching a hole on the other side.

The blood baby screamed and whirled, flew back, and drilled back into the mother's belly.

Blue-black blood flowed out of his mouth, extremely disgusting.

The magic mother can't believe it, there are Taoist priests in this world who can seriously injure it with a single blow?

"If I kill you, my wife will be separated, and you think too highly of yourself, but you're just a demon baby!"

Jiang Lin showed the magic talisman he had drawn in his hand, and the golden light immediately shone, and bursts of Brahma chants came out from the magic talisman.

The magic mother and the blood baby in her belly were illuminated by the Buddha's light, and it was like being scorched by a cannon.

An invisible force broke away from their mother and son, and the Buddha's light directly broke the power of belief in them.

"Shangxian, I was wrong, spare my life! I can be a bull and a horse for you..."

The Demon Mother immediately knelt down to Jiang Lin and begged for mercy. Although it was the servant girl who was talking on the surface, the blood baby in her stomach was actually the main body. Both were evil spirits.

Without the power of belief, as long as a cultivator has no scruples about them.

If the amulet is lost, I admit it directly.

"Sorry, you're so disgusting."

Even if Jiang Lin accepts ghost generals or ghost kings, he wouldn't want this.

Ugly is nothing but disgusting.

Even without this reason, Jiang Lin would not let this evil spirit go.

These evil spirits killed all of them with one corpse and two lives, and the souls should be dissipated.

With one hand he turned the Yang Yan whip, and the other hand spurted out blazing flames. Jiang Lin directly refined the evil spirit into nothingness.

"Pop! Kill the evil spirits and gain [*] points of hostility."

As for the souls of the maidservants, Jiang Lin also took them away and handed them over to Qinghai, so that he could save them for these women.

Back at the commander's mansion, Jiang Lin came to the lion's mouth and asked Commander Xu directly for [*] oceans.

Although Xu Dashuai was in pain, he still gave it to him. He dug a tomb and got a lot of treasures. He could still afford more than [*] large yellow croakers.

The main reason was that there was always the sound of ghosts coming from the bamboo tube in Qinghai's hand. Xu Dashuai was afraid that if he didn't give it to him, Jiang Lin would let the ghosts bite people.

"Master, although the problem is basically solved this time, you have been possessed by evil spirits before. I'll get you some talisman water for you to drink. But remember, don't marry a yellow flower girl. If you like it, Master , go to the Yihong Courtyard and lead the oiran as the concubine. Otherwise, I'm not sure if such a thing will happen again."

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