Xu Dashuai repeatedly said yes, he thought he would not be able to touch women in the future, and he would bring the oiran back tomorrow.

Later, Dashuai Xu also asked about Jiang Lin's cooperation, and Jiang Lin directly reported the name of another Dashuai and sent him away.

For the reward, Jiang Lin gave Feibao and Xiaohai one big yellow croaker each, and four to Qinghai.

"Fellow Daoist, two of your four items are sent to the fourth concubine of the commander and the maid's house. You deserve the extra, and even if you help me give them two extra allowances."

Chapter [-] There are ghosts in the umbrella

Qinghai received a few large yellow croakers, and originally wanted to discuss the matter with Jiang Lin, but he was injured and needed to be recuperated, so he parted ways with Jiang Lin and others.

Jiang Lin, Fei Bao and others returned to Renjia Town and stayed there for a few days.

On the one hand, Jiang Lin wanted his daughter-in-law and family to reunite for a few more days. On the other hand, he also took advantage of this time to give some guidance to Fat Bao and Xiaohai's cultivation.

When Jiang Lin returned to the Taoist Church, the taste of the year had already passed.

"Master, I'm going on a long trip. If you don't come back recently, the commander in the county will come, you can take Jerry to help them visit their graves."

Now that the ghost witch has been eliminated, Zhang Han and Jiu Shu have recovered to their original health, and even younger, Jiang Lin can rest assured to go to Mount Shu.

After all, he and Emei had a karmic relationship, and he had to go there to find the strange fire. It is better to go early than to go late.

"Okay, be careful along the way, I'll watch it for you from the commander of the county seat."

Zhang Han nodded. What Jiang Lin told him was that he encountered a bottleneck in learning the swordsmanship, so he went to find the Shushan faction back then to ask for the swordsmanship.

Several daughters-in-law looked unhappy, and Jiang Lin didn't even spend the fifteenth day of the first lunar month here.

After hugging a few daughters-in-law, Jiang Lin said to Three Hundred Thirteen on the side: "Cultivation well, and don't fall behind in the arts of civil and martial arts."

Three hundred three blinked and stretched out his arms.

Hug, kiss, hold high.

He was used to Jiang Lin's embrace now, and after the Daoist left, Jiang Lin often hugged him to sleep.

When they arrived at Yizhuang, Jiang Lin threw the letters on Uncle Nine's desk into the brazier and burned them.

These are letters from others to Jiu Shu, but the contents are all related to Jiang Lin.

After the battle of Tengteng Town and Xiaoleiyin Temple and his party, Jiang Lin's reputation has become quite loud among his fellows, so many people wrote to Jiu Shu, asking Jiang Lin to subdue demons and subdue demons.

"Do all the monsters and zombies in the world let me down alone?"

Jiang Lin shook his head, he was just a person, even if he hung up, he was not a god.

He also wants to live and support his family, and he is not a sage who has been saved by Cihang.

When it's time to shoot, he will shoot, but he doesn't owe anyone else.

Ninth Uncle also understands Jiang Lin's attitude. Jiang Lin is a righteous person, and he is unequivocal in subduing demons and eliminating demons. If he asks him to dedicate and take responsibility, will he still be regarded as a human being?

At that time, the ancestor of the Chen Dao School, Master Yan Zhidao, also made a name for himself with the sword of Yan Zhijian.

Knowing that Jiang Lin was going to travel far, Jiu Shu also reminded: "Be careful with everything."

"Uncle Master, there are monsters that are more difficult to deal with, so join hands with Master."

Jiang Lin specially told Uncle Jiu to pay more attention to safety.

After saying goodbye to Ninth Uncle, Jiang Lin brought some entanglements, the Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword and the Sun Divine Pearl, and set out on the road lightly.

After the Emei Amber Mirror flew away from Kunlun, I don't know where it landed. Jiang Lin guessed that it might appear in Emei. With these two treasures, maybe he could sense the whereabouts of the treasure mirror.

Three days later, in a cave, Jiang Lin was checking his system.

Jiang Lin (code-named zero): the [-]th generation disciple of the Chen Dao School

Physique: Brutal body

Cultivation Realm: Celestial Master

Corpse Level: Green Zombie [Attributes are being integrated...]

Exercise: Yang Mian Jue (Level [-])

Body Refinement: Green Stiffness (Level [-])

Swordsmanship: Bone Sword (Fourth Stage - [-]st Layer)

Charms: Inducing Yang Talisman (Perfect), Yang Finger Sword (Perfect), Lightning Magic Talisman (Perfect), Secret Poison Slave Mantra (Perfect), Fire Collection Talisman (Perfect), Breathing Talisman (Level [-]), Antidote Talisman ( Level [-]), Fire Talisman (Level [-]), Voice Transmission (Level [-]), Wish-breaking Talisman (not entry level) +

Violence value: [-]

"It seems that the Wish-Breaking Talisman, like the Secret Poison Slave Spell, can be included in the system's spell column."

Jiang Lin didn't hesitate to place the upgrade symbol behind it, consuming [-] points of anger.

"It should be similar to the situation of the Secret Poison Slave Curse. It requires external force, so it is difficult to get started."

Looking at the attribute interface, Jiang Lin decided to start with two levels of Swordsmanship. The last time he upgraded, the time interval for improving Swordsmanship was relatively short, so he was not in a hurry to level up.

"Yang Mian Jue, upgrade!"

The movement caused by the upgrade of the cultivation technique this time was relatively large. The Yang Yan in Jiang Lin's body condensed on the surface of his body, directly baking the inner wall of the cave red, and the rocks were like fluorite.

Because of the upgrade of the cultivation technique, Jiang Lin's ability to resist high temperature has been greatly improved. At least in this cave like a brick kiln, he does not feel any discomfort.

"Hehe, what Uncle Shi said at the beginning was probably true. Dacheng's Tianyang body can walk in magma, and it is estimated that the same is true of Ruiyang body."

Jiang Lin felt that if he changed careers in the future, he could consider firefighting. He was like a man who was born to be the most suitable firefighter.

"I really need to look for the strange fire, and the small arrow of the practice method has dimmed. In this case, the body refining art, upgrade!"

After the flesh and bone marrow, the internal organs were upgraded this time. In addition to detoxification, Jiang Lin's internal organs basically belonged to the kind of qualitative changes that had been replaced by materials.

I dare not say that a gun cannot penetrate through, at least if you stab with a knife, you may not be able to pierce through.

The internal defense is far inferior to the external defense. This is true of the zombies, and the same is true of the zombie king, and the thousand-year zombie king is no exception.

Even though Jiang Lin's green stiffness has now been upgraded to the third level, his internal organs are still not too abnormal.

"Under Level [-], I don't know how many levels of Green Stiffness. The hostility value is less than [-], poor."

With the baggage on, Jiang Lin continued to march westward.

When he arrived at a village, Jiang Lin was on the tip of an inn and heard someone talking at the next table.

"Did you know that a group of horse thieves appeared [-] miles away. They were burning, killing, looting, and doing all kinds of evil."

"Are you talking about those horse thieves who know sorcery? It's simply dehumanizing. Men kill, boys eat, and women and daughters spoil."

"That's not it. The leader is still a woman, she's really a woman of snakes and scorpions. Yesterday I heard that their group of horse thieves went to the mountains outside the mountains and the rivers in the rivers."


Jiang Lin frowned. A horse thief who knows sorcery is not something ordinary people can deal with.

"Wait a minute, mountains outside mountains, rivers in rivers? Horse thieves who know sorcery, is the leader still a woman?"

It sounds like the gang of horse thieves in the movie Mr. Phantom.

While thinking about it, an oil-paper umbrella fell from Jiang Lin's feet.

This umbrella has ghosts in it.

Jiang Lin looked up, a slick-looking middle-aged man smiled apologetically at him, and said, "I'm sorry."

After looking at the middle-aged man, Jiang Lin found that he was the same as himself.

The middle-aged man was carrying a cloth bag with a Tai Chi pattern on it.

The Taoist priest who keeps ghosts?

Could it be that Mao Shanming who likes to cheat and cheat?

Mao Shanming picked up the oil-paper umbrella on the ground, and when he saw the cloth bag on Jiang Lin's table, he was also stunned.

"Fellow Daoist, do you mind if I sit here? Pindao Maoshan Maoshanming."

Although it is said that peers are enemies, it is in a fixed place. If you meet your peers outside, you still feel more cordial.

"Brother Dao, please do it yourself. Chen Dao sent Jiang Lin."

Out of the corner of Jiang Lin's eyes, he glanced at the oil-paper umbrella in Maoshan Ming's cloth bag. This Maoshan Ming raises ghosts, but he doesn't know how to reconcile Yin and Yang, and his cultivation is not at home.

No wonder he likes to cheat food and drink everywhere.

"Oh, the Chen Dao faction has a lot to do with our Maoshan."

Mao Shanming was very familiar, so he picked up the wine bottle on the table and poured himself a glass.

This wine is fragrant, this Taoist friend is rich!

Chapter [-] Mao Shan Ming

Jiang Lin felt that his positioning of Mao Shanming was a bit wrong. This person not only cheated to eat and drink, but also liked to eat and drink.

The housekeeping skills are not very good, and the cultivation base is not good at home. This skill is not bad.

If you don't spend a little bit of skill, learning is somewhat useful. If you just want to live on the two ghosts you raise, and don't cheat and cheat, you probably won't be able to eat.

He can't even compare to Qiusheng.

"Alas, I am a stranger in a foreign land alone, and I miss my relatives more often when I am in the same way."

Seemingly feeling that he was too familiar, Mao Shanming recited a poem to express his kindness to Jiang Lin.

Don't put your clothes on, I've seen through you.

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