After that, Mao Shanming told Jiang Lin with his actions that he could really use it again, even if it was the altar of Longhu Mountain, he would still use it.

Of course, it's just that Mao Shanming can use it himself, and he is just pretending to open the altar.

"Okay, then set up the altar as soon as possible."

Mao Shanming doesn't care, he will shoot as soon as possible and change places as soon as possible based on the idea of ​​​​early pitting money and running away.

Seeing that Mao Shanming had no air at all, Tan Wanwan became more and more unbelieving in his ability.

People with ability have temperaments, but some people are obvious, and some people are not very obvious.

Tan Wanwan is a businessman, and he still understands this aspect. This chief is probably a pit. Let's take a look first. If you want to easily trick his money this time, there is no way!

Although Maoshan Mingkou is very good, his acting skills are too poor.

The place where the ghost appeared was in the hall, and the people carried the altar, which had been used for a few hands, and moved it to the front of the hall.

Mao Shanming and Tan Wanwan followed closely, followed by Tan Wanwan's wife and children.

Jiang Lin followed quietly by the side. He ignored Mao Shanming's tossing. He let go of his spiritual sense and sensed the inside of the mansion.

There is a lot of resentment in it, there are several strands, but they are not particularly strong.

At least not as good as a ghost who has killed people.

Ghosts are like zombies. They have killed and bit people, but they are basically invincible.

The difference is that there are exceptions to the former. If the ghost has to take revenge, the resentment can even be resolved by itself.

It seems that the ghosts here are the same as in the movie, they are only scary and not harmful.

Jiang Lin also saw two ghosts hiding behind the door, watching him secretly.

The ghosts in the Tan family's mansion are not simple, at least the ghosts of the Qing Dynasty have been able to sense that Jiang Lin can pose a fatal threat to them.

"Sister, I want to go to that big brother."

Tan Wan Wan's son spoke to his sister beside him. He was young and could occasionally see some unclean things.

Just now, he saw that the ghosts at home seemed to be very afraid of Jiang Lin.

Ghosts are afraid of Jiang Lin, Tan Wanwan's son thinks of him, and children are afraid of ghosts.

So, one of Tan Wanwan's youngest sons and three daughters followed Jiang Lin directly.

The two children were not very sensible, they were very close to Jiang Lin, and the two elder sisters were too embarrassed to drag them back. When they saw Jiang Lin looking over, the two girls immediately felt embarrassed and their faces turned a little red.

Hey, why are you following me if you don't follow your father?

There are two fifteen- or sixteen-year-old daughters who are shy and timid beside me. What do you mean?

There's something wrong with this style.

He came to exorcise ghosts, not to kidnap his daughter.

Jiang Lin felt speechless. He did nothing and sucked Tan Wan Wan's son and daughter over.

Although Tan Wanwan was not very good-looking, his two eldest daughters were still quite handsome. As for the eight or nine-year-old youngest daughter... Jiang Lin didn't look at it.

However, Jiang Lin didn't have any bad thoughts, the main reason was that he had a high vision, and he really had no shortage of resources.

If he wants a woman, how many wives does he have? If he wants a girl, it is not a problem for him to arrange Nianying in advance.

Boss Tan, your daughters have been following me, is there really no problem?

Although Jiang Lin didn't want to pay attention to it, if these two watery sisters kept pestering him, maybe he would also send two lollipops there.

"We have built this house for a year, but in the past year, no one in our family got up in the morning and was in bed. Every night, ghosts moved out of bed."

Tan Wanwan sighed as he spoke, since they lived in this mansion, they haven't had a better day.

Jiang Lin also admires this family, knowing that there are ghosts still living here, and he is not willing to move.

No support for the wall, just serve this big family.

It is estimated that this mansion was built. If you can't stop it, you will feel a big loss.

Jiang Lin kept Tan Wanwan's psychological speculations closely together, and it was really unlucky to have such a head of the family on the stall.

The whole family is full of faint black air between the eyebrows. If things go on like this, they will gradually become weak and sickly, with bad luck.

The most affected are a few children, whether they can grow into adults is a problem.

More importantly, this father is really incompetent, a Taoist priest chases ghosts, and even lets children follow him.

The two eldest daughters followed Jiang Lin with blushing faces, but he didn't care.

"Those who move people to the stage do what evil people do, and those who move people to bed are what evil ghosts do. You have to be afraid of evil people, evil ghosts... With me here, you don't have to be afraid."

[Note: to the stage, Cantonese, meaning looking for a dead ghost]

Mao Shanming stood in front of the N-manipulation altar and blew 13 to Tan Wanwan.

"You're the tenth Taoist priest who told me that, and the previous nine couldn't do anything about it."

Speaking of which, Tan Wanwan took out a stack of bank notes and was going to pay Mao Shanming and Jiang Lin first.

"The cinnabar on the silver note is so beautiful."

Under Mao Shanming's staring eyes, Tan Million counted the banknotes and took out the two small red envelopes below.

"Small idea, no respect."

Mao Shanming was stunned, as if he had been poured down by a basin of cold water in three or nine days.

Cool through the heart, the heart is flying.

Looking at Mao Shanming's dazed gaze, Tan Wanwan rolled his eyes.

I'm used to counting how much money I have in my pocket, can't I?

I thought it was for you?

Mao Shanming opened the red envelope, there was a big ocean inside, and he threw another red envelope to Jiang Lin.

After that, Mao Shanming showed his unique Taoist robe.

Jiang Lin watched a circus quietly, and when he saw the decoration of the altar, he knew that it was the altar of Longhushan practice.

Therefore, Mao Shanming is purely playing monkey opera.

You have lost all the face of Maoshan Patriarch, do you know that monkey play is bright?

Chapter [*] The Lord Appears

The method of opening the altar, the donkey's head is not the horse's mouth, and the altar of Longhu Mountain is used as the Taoist method of the Maoshan School.

It's not a practice, it's a dance.

Grandpa's coffin board couldn't hold it anymore.

However, Mao Shanming's eloquence is good. Although his acting skills are not very good, his lines are excellent.

Tan Wan Wan, who had been fooled, was stunned by what "a pillar in the sky wears money, and a magic symbol is used to town home", "purple river chariot, a tonic in the world, and oil paper, a treasure in the underworld".

Mao Shanming glanced at Jiang Lin and found that Jiang Lin did not seem to be interested in his approach.

"When the ghosts come out, I'll show you how good you are at catching ghosts."

He naively thought that Jiang Lin would only chase away the corpses.

Watch what I do, you keep performing.

Jiang Lin took out a breath-holding talisman in his hand, restrained his breath, and let the ghosts in this hall treat him as air.

Whatever Mao Shanming does to make a fuss.

Mao Shanming pretended to throw two oil-paper umbrellas into the hall. Half a minute later, two umbrellas flew out of the hall, and the door closed automatically.

Tan Wanyuan's family was so frightened that they hurried to the side to hide away.

Don't hide, you can't see the ghost when you run away, how can you prove that I took the ghost away.

Mao Shanming hurriedly brought a bowl of clear water, dipped it in pomelo leaves, and sprinkled it on Tan Wan's family.

There are cow tears in this clear water, which can open the eyes of ordinary people and allow them to see ghosts.

Mao Shanming carried a bowl of glutinous rice, carried the peach wood sword on his back, entered the hall, and started the ghost hunting show with seriousness.

Can glutinous rice cure ghosts?

Jiang Lin really opened his eyes.

In order to make enough special effects, Mao Shanming let his two ghosts, Dabao and Xiaobao, get some corpse gas on them. As long as they touch the glutinous rice, they will react, but for Dabao and Xiaobao, the damage is not big.

After Tan Wanwan and others saw the ghosts appear, they were so frightened that they didn't dare to see how Mao Shanming hunted ghosts again.

In order to make the effect more realistic, Mao Shanming specially instructed Dabao and Xiaobao to look alike.

However, what Mao Shanming didn't expect was that he asked the two ghost brothers to be more serious, but they came for real.


There was a sound like killing a pig in the hall, and Mao Shanming's Tintin was stabbed by Xiaobao's flying needle.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Lin felt that the pain was heartbreaking enough.

Mao Shanming pulled out the steel needle, and a big man burst into tears.

After mourning for a long time, Mao Shanming asked Xiaobao to go out and scare Tan Wanwan and the others and cheat them of money.

Little Treasure was a little reluctant to go. I don't know if it was his illusion. He felt that Jiang Lin outside was terrible.

In addition to his own cultivation, Jiang Lin has now reached the level of a celestial master, and his corpse level has also risen to the level of a thousand-year-old zombie king.

In addition, his body refining art level has now risen, and the power of the zombie king is no longer restrained, which is why Jiang Lin uses the breath-holding talisman.

Although ghosts and zombies are different, if the kid meets the zombie king, it will also have a cold war.

"Don't be afraid, there must be some magic weapon on him. If he comes with me, he will drive away the corpse. What's there to be afraid of."

In the end, Xiaobao was kicked out by Mao Shanming.

Seeing Jiang Lin ignored it at all, Xiaobao dared to scare the Tan million family.

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