Originally, Jiang Lin thought that Tan Wanyuan's family had been moved by ghosts for a year, and he must have become resistant to ghosts, but now he realized that he thought too much.

"Father, Mother, God, Lord, God..."

Tan Wan Wan was so frightened that he cried and called his mother and begged God to call on the Lord.

"Sister, those ghosts are afraid of that big brother."

His two children were smarter, and they didn't run anywhere else, they hugged Jiang Lin's thigh directly.

This big brother, even ghosts are afraid of him.

Although Mao Shanming said that Jianglin was not in any danger, Xiaobao didn't dare to approach him at all, so he ran after others.

This led to Tan Wanwan's two eldest daughters also imitating their younger brothers and sisters. The cat was behind Jiang Lin, and the front chest was on the back.

"Help me..."

"His face with a bank note."

In the hall, Mao Shanming was cleaning up his big treasure just now, while looking at the situation outside. Seeing that Tan Wanwan had been chasing Xiaobao and was about to urinate, he reminded him in time.

"Silver note?"

"There's cinnabar on the bank note."

Tan Wan Wan, who was half down on the steps, felt distressed at this time, took a silver note and stuck it on Xiao Bao's forehead.

But Xiaobao was still moving and didn't stop.

"How much ocean do you use?"

"Fifty oceans."

"Fifty oceans are not enough, use five hundred oceans."

Tan Wanwan's heart is bleeding. Usually, he doesn't even want to spend a penny, but this time he asked him five hundred oceans.

It's so long!

But Tan Wanwan still took out the bank note again according to Mao Shanming's words, otherwise he would really die!

He stuck the bank note with the denomination of five hundred oceans on Xiaobao's head, and Xiaobao finally stopped moving.

When Mao Shanming saw the bank note in his hand, he quickly took Dabao, and when he left the room, he opened the oil-paper umbrella and took Xiaobao in.

He naturally put the two silver notes into his pocket.

"Fellow Daoist, these two ghosts have reached the level of ghost generals. It's really hard to catch them. Fortunately, the poor Daoist has a little bit of trouble, so he took these two ghosts."

The effect of self-conscious performance was still very good, Mao Shanming boasted to Jiang Lin.

Don't look at the fact that he received five hundred and five ocean bills, but there is more than one small yellow croaker in Jianglin's baggage.

"Hey, worship, the money in my purse is mine, and the money in your purse, as long as I fool around, it's not mine too."

Mao Shanming made a small calculation in his heart. Tan Wanwan's cheating was over, and he also showed the skills of catching ghosts. When the time comes, he can teach Jiang Lin casually and charge some tuition. Isn't that a beautiful thing?

"Boss Tan, the ghosts have been taken away, and you won't be dragged out of bed by ghosts in the future."

Although Tintin was pierced by a steel needle, but the income of more than [*] yuan, Mao Shanming felt that it was worth it, and he was in a good mood.

"Master, that's not right, what we saw was a female ghost. Also, my son said he could see other ghosts and was very afraid of your friend."

"Girl ghost?"

Mao Shanming suddenly looked around vigilantly. If there is a female ghost in Tan Wanwan's house, it would be better for him to run away as soon as possible.

Under normal circumstances, female ghosts are often much stronger than male ghosts.

In the world, men are stronger than women, but in the underworld, the conditions of female ghosts are more dominant.

As for what Tan Wanwan said about being afraid of Jiang Lin, Mao Shanming took another look at Jiang Lin.

"Is this kid a master? Dabao and Xiaobao always say he's scary."

Then Mao Shanming denied the idea, he must have a magic weapon.Otherwise, it would be too unsafe for an offspring to walk on foot.

I'll wait to see if I can let him use that magic weapon as tuition.

If Jiang Lin knew what Mao Shanming was thinking, he would laugh until his stomach twitched.

"Ghosts are ever-changing. You must have read it wrong. The child must have been frightened and hallucinated."

Mao Shanming was a little flustered. He thought that there was a ghost in Tan Wanwan's house. The big deal was that the ghost would go its ghost way. He cheated him of money, and Qiu did not commit any crime.

But if there is a female ghost, [*]% of them will be very fierce, and it is difficult to think that Qiu has not committed any crimes.

"do not be afraid."

Jiang Lin, who had been silent for a while, spoke up.

"Yeah, my friends said you don't have to be afraid."

Mao Shanming thought that Jiang Lin was talking to them, but the next second, a woman's cold voice came from behind them.

"Sir, do you allow the slave family to show up?"

Chapter two hundred and sixty-two want money or life

When Tan Wanyuan's family heard this voice, they immediately shouted ghosts.

Jiang Lin nodded, and then a female ghost in white appeared and gave him a blessing.

Seeing the figure of the female ghost, Tan Wanwan was so frightened that he was stunned, and his family members and servants fell to the ground one by one.

This is the female ghost they often see.

On the other hand, Mao Shanming's mind was blank and his body was stiff in place. What was the situation?

The female ghost actually called Jiang Lin an adult?

Mao Shanming looked at the figure of the female ghost and swallowed. This female ghost Nima is so strong, so she is still called Lord Jiang Lin...

Tall... Tall man!

Until now, if Mao Shanming didn't know that Jiang Lin was an expert with a high level of morality, he could have been killed by a single blow.

When he thought that he was still in front of Jiang Lin in all kinds of clothes and wanted to charge other people's tuition fees, Mao Shanming felt that his legs were a little weak.

It was as if an arrow had been shot in the knee.

Originally I wanted to be a small follower, and I also wanted to lie to them for tuition fees, but it turned out to be a big guy!

But he jumped all kinds of beams in front of this big hand.

Mao Shanming couldn't wait to have a crack in the ground and drilled directly into it.

Jiang Linduan measured the female ghost in white, her appearance was not bad, there was not much resentment on her body, but her strength was not weak, similar to that of Xiaohong in his family.

Although Mao Shanming was extremely embarrassed, facing such a female ghost, the other side would die.

He could feel that if this female ghost wanted to kill him, it would not be too simple.

Cheeky, Mao Shanming approached Jianglin.

Is face more important or life is more important?

With thighs and thighs, go to hell with your face.

"Fellow Daoist, people live in Yang's house, ghosts live in Yin Cao, is this female ghost messing up Yin and Yang?"

Mao Shanming thought about it, and first tagged the female ghost. If the female ghost went mad, Jiang Lin would not be indifferent.

The female ghost's Qingli face suddenly became frosty, she glared at Mao Shanming, and said, "We messed up yin and yang? It's because they messed up latitude and longitude first!"

The female ghost glanced at Tan Wanyuan's family, even though they made it impossible for her family to live in peace.

Being glared at by the female ghost, Mao Shanming felt that all the hairs on his body stood up.

And Tan Wanwan and the servants of another family were even more frightened.

"Okay. Let's talk about the situation. You haven't hurt anyone, so don't be afraid of me."

The female ghost nodded slightly, looked at Tan Wan Wan, pointed at him, and said, "He built the house on our family's grave, sir, how can you feel comfortable being pressed by people all day long? I have endured them for a long time, and I showed up to warn them, but they have been ignoring them, just to press us!"

"If you are uncomfortable alone, the whole family will be uncomfortable, isn't it too much?"

After listening to Mao Shanming's p words, the female ghost's eyes spit fire, this stinky Taoist priest, when she talks to the adult, where is it his turn to interject.

If it weren't for the fear of Jiang Lin, the female ghost would have let Mao Shan know why the flowers were so red.

Seeing the female ghost endure her anger, Mao Shanming covered his mouth and didn't dare to bbw any more.

At the same time, he moved behind Jiang Lin again, and he couldn't help thinking that Jiang Lin was so young that he dared not let such a powerful female ghost get angry. It was simply a fantasy.

"Sir, it's not just me who is uncomfortable, but also my grandfather, grandma, father, mother, and brother..."

At the entrance of the hall, one ghost after another appeared.

Because they were afraid of Jiang Lin, they didn't dare to come into the courtyard at all, they just stood at the door and bowed to Jiang Lin from a distance.

Tan Wan Wan was so frightened that he almost had a myocardial infarction and stretched his legs.

There are so many ghosts in his house!

"How do you feel when your whole family is being held down all day long?"

Mao Shanming didn't dare to say a word anymore. These ghosts were all afraid of Jiang Lin, but they were not afraid of him at all.

"Okay, I understand, let them go back. I won't interfere more with your affairs, and Tan Wanwan didn't ask me to do anything."

Jiang Lin didn't mean to help Tan Wan Wan, he gave him a big ocean and let him contribute?

And even if he gave money, Jiang Lin would not deal with this family of ghosts.

Tan Wanwan suppresses other people's cemeteries in Yangzhai, which is to confuse Yin and Yang, and female ghosts come out to make trouble. This is the result, or the present.

Jiang Lin would not choose to interfere in the cause and effect of heaven for an iron rooster like Tan Wanwan.

If Tan Wan Wan was a good person, Jiang Lin would reconcile the conflicts between the two families, but unfortunately, he is not.

Totally hairless iron cock.

Don't talk about Jiang Lin, even Ninth Uncle's heart, he wouldn't deal with these ghosts for money.

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