After a year of forbearance without harming anyone, these ghosts can already be rated as advanced model families.

"The old and young of the Nujiadai family are very grateful for your understanding."

After receiving Jiang Lin's promise, the female ghost hurriedly greeted Jiang Lin and thanked him.

What they were afraid of was that Jiang Lin would deal with them regardless of right and wrong, otherwise they would have taught the Taoists here a lesson as before.

Now Jiang Lin will not interfere with their conflict with the Tan family, which the female ghost can't ask for.

I've been warned many times, but if I don't go, don't blame them for being rude.

Even if it doesn't hurt anyone, they can make the Tan family sleep well every night, and every one of them becomes insane.

Even if the Underworld Yin Division came to look for it, they could also argue for it.

"Aren't you leaving yet?"

Jiang Lin glanced at Mao Shanming, wondering if this guy wanted to avenge Tan Wanwan, or if he wanted to chat with the ghost.

When Mao Shanming heard the words, he immediately packed his things and wanted to leave. If he left late, he would be charged for debts.

"Master, don't go! Help us!"

When Tan Wanwan saw that Jiang Lin and Mao Shanming were leaving, he was so frightened that he stumbled and chased after them.

"You're looking for me? You want me to help? I'll give you a trick. It's up to you whether you choose or not, but the reward is two hundred oceans."

Jiang Lin stretched out two fingers, it is impossible to help, the most advice is.

A piece of advice, a hundred oceans, is so cheap.

Seeing Tan Wanwan's sad face and distressed appearance of money, Jiang Lin was also convinced by this guy.

Money or life.

If life is gone, one can still be reincarnated; if money is gone, nothing is left.

Although the female ghosts and the others will not directly harm the Tan million family, but if it continues like this, it will not be long before the Tan million family will either die on the street, or they will not die.

"I give."

Tan Wanwan's trembling hands took out two silver bills from his arms, and he didn't know whether it was because he was frightened or because he was distressed for the money.

"The first suggestion, you move; the second suggestion, you move the ghosts. Find a place with good feng shui, move all their bones and coffins there, ask people to do things, burn gold and silver ingots for them."

move place?

We finally built this mansion, but we didn't know it cost hundreds of gold bars, so we couldn't move it!

Move the ghost?

If you look for a feng shui treasure, you need to hire people and spend money; if you move the coffin and bones, you need to ask people to dig the ground and spend money; ask people to do things and spend money; you need to spend money to burn paper money ingots!

How much yellow croaker will it cost?

Tan Wan Wan froze in place, this money can't be spent!

"You are free, they won't hurt anyone anyway."

As soon as he saw Tan Wanwan's appearance, Jiang Lin knew that this iron rooster would not pluck for the lives of his family.

The world's great wonders.

When Jiang Lin and Mao Shanming left the Tan house, the sky over the Tan house was cloudy and windy, and thunder and lightning chirped.

"Do not die."

Chapter [*] Loujia Village

"Fellow Daoist, you really don't care about the ghosts in Tan Wanwan's family? The Chen Dao faction should be similar to Maoshan, right and wrong can't be divided..."

Jiang Lin took a look at Mao Shanming, a strong mouth king. How do you know that good and evil are not at odds with each other, and you still keep ghosts?

"Why do you care? How do you manage it? You took over [*] yuan from Tan Wanyuan. I think you should help deal with those ghosts."

Mao Shanming sneered and asked him to deal with those ghosts, even if he borrowed a few more courage from him, he would not dare.

He cheated food and drink along the way, and when he encountered difficulties, he still survived with the two ghosts he raised.

It can be said that Dabao and Xiaobao are both a tool for his survival and his greatest means.

The two ghosts he raised were not at the same level as the ghosts in Tan Wanyuan's family.

If you really deal with it, you will simply give supplements to those ghosts.

Looking at the overcast wind over the Tan house, Mao Shanming shivered involuntarily.

Mao Shanming knew that Jiang Lin was making fun of him, but he didn't have any temper. The person in front of him was an expert who was afraid of ghosts and ghosts. Even if he was making fun of him, what could he say.

"And you said that good and evil are incompatible, so why do you raise ghosts?"

Mao Shanming was suddenly speechless, his smile was stiff, and he couldn't answer these words.

It turned out that the big hand had already seen that he was raising a ghost.

Mao Shanming scratched his head and said, "I'm also trying to cheat two meals a day, just to keep two meals a day."

"The sky and the earth are huge, not to mention two meals, even three meals and one night is not difficult to ask for, with healthy limbs, hands and feet, are you still starving to death?"

Now is not the age of war, as long as Mao Shanming is willing to take a serious path, not to mention supporting his family, it is still possible to have enough food.

What's more, he is still a disciple of Maoshan, and it is not difficult to find a daughter-in-law by working hard to learn some skills.

Mao Shanming hesitated, speechless.

To put it bluntly, he is still lazy, even if no one continues to impart knowledge, as long as he has mastered everything he has learned, he will have no problem dealing with some evil ghosts.

"How did you live before those two things were not with you?"

"so sad."

"What about after raising it? Is it even more sad?"

Mao Shanming recalled his experience after raising a ghost, and nodded.

"Ghosts are ominous things. They combine poverty, sorrow, decline, and disasters. You don't know how to reconcile yin and yang, and go in and out with them. Even if you don't raise ghosts to harm people, will your life be better? Chen Dao Although Pai has a relationship with Maoshan, it is nothing more than that. I will not interfere with your raising ghosts.

Jiang Lin said so much to this Mao Shan, because of the origin of his teacher and Mao Shan.

Mao Shanming defrauded Tan Wanyuan of money, but Jiang Lin did not mention it.

Is it possible to let Mao Shanming run back and pay back the money?

He wasn't that leisurely.

Jiang Lin is not interested in knowing whether Mao Shanming still raises ghosts. As long as he doesn't raise ghosts to harm others, he will not force Mao Shanming to act.

Jiang Lin felt that it was fortunate that Mao Shanming raised two weak chicken ghosts, Xiaobao was the little devil, and Dabao was the weakest devil.

There is no resentment in them, otherwise it is Mao Shanming's way of doing things, and he will be attacked by the raised ghosts in minutes.

After that, Jiang Lin went straight to the inn. Tomorrow, he was going to inquire about the whereabouts of the gang of horse thieves, and dropped them by the way.

On the second day, Jiang Lin took a carriage to a village: Loujia Village.

He asked Xiao Er to inquire about the horse thieves. Since this group of horse thieves let him know, that's all.

"Now the world has a tendency to move around the corner."

Jiang Lin sighed, the change of dynasties and the invasion of foreign enemies were just a few years away.

This is the torrent of history, which cannot be changed by one or two people.

Once the war broke out, the monks closed their doors to avoid disasters, and the Taoists went down the mountain to save the world.

Many Taoist priests who practiced the Tao have fallen into the disaster of war, and the inheritance of Taoist monks has also been cut off a lot.

This led to the chaos of the war, and most of the rest were warlocks who had no real skills, and were deceived everywhere.

In the end, because of these people, even the Taoist priests who practiced in earnest were affected and innocently suffered.

"Friend, are you really going to Loujia Village?"

The driver drove the carriage and talked with Jiang Lin in the car.


"I heard that there is going to be ransacked by horse thieves. If it weren't for the high reward you gave, I really don't want to go."

"Don't worry, it's alright."

In the afternoon, Jiang Lin drove across the rivers and mountains outside the rivers, through a large forest, and soon came to Loujia Village, which is not a wealthy village.

This is the target that the horse thieves want to loot.

On the streets of the village, many villagers were busy, and the trunks of poplar trees were sharpened and held together.

Seeing that there were strangers entering the village, it was still a horse-drawn carriage, and the villager Dezai made a color on the people next to him.

"Go and call the captain."

Jiang Lin got out of the carriage and looked at the villagers on the street. These villagers were all injured with kitchen knives or hatchets. It is estimated that they also received news that horse thieves would come here to loot.

They are also afraid of the famous horse thief, but this is their home, and they cannot retreat except for defense.

In the movie, Uncle Ninth appeared here. Jiang Lin didn't know if there were any Taoist priests in the village.

At that time, men will basically be killed and children will be eaten. As for women, you don't need to think too much, just think with your toes to know what will happen.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

When there was no movement, a man of five and three thick men walked in front of Jiang Lin and surrounded the carriage with a group of people.

The strong man wore a pair of exaggerated glasses, and his appearance was very wretched. He looked up and down Jiang Lin, but did not immediately move rough.

Jiang Lin responded, "Do you have any Taoist priests in your village? I'll help you deal with the horse thieves."

Captain Ah Qiang looked left and right, feeling that Jiang Lin didn't seem to be a conspirator, and said, "There was one a long time ago. He stayed here for a few years and helped us, but he left many years ago."

"If only Ninth Uncle was still here, he would definitely help us."

Dezai next to the captain remembered the respected Taoist priest in their village.

Nani?Uncle Nine?

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