"Did you mean a long eyebrow?"

The captain was stunned when he heard the words, and said, "Yes. Do you know my master, Uncle Ninth?"

Jiang Lin squinted at this wretched man, is this guy his senior brother?So bad?

At this moment, someone demolished the leader's platform: "I still want to worship the ninth uncle as a teacher. The ninth uncle said that your qualifications are too poor..."

Then someone laughed.

After hearing Jiang Lin's words, the villagers relaxed their guards when they knew that he knew Jiu Shu.

The captain blushed and glared at a few laughing partners beside him.

I said, Uncle Shi's eyesight won't be that bad.

Jiang Lin was relieved immediately. If this wretched man was really Ninth Uncle's disciple, he would go back and ask Ninth Uncle what happened.

"It's a coincidence. I heard that there are horse thieves who know sorcery here, so I wanted to help the villagers deal with them. Uncle Ninth is my master."

"What? Uncle Ninth is your master?"

The captain, De Zai and several other young people suddenly widened their eyes, and it turned out that the disciples of Ninth Uncle came to their village.

Chapter two hundred and sixty-four horse thieves attack

Jiang Lin didn't expect Uncle Jiu's reputation in Loujia Village to be so high. The villagers all gathered around him when they learned that he was a disciple of Uncle Jiu.

"How is Uncle Jiu now?"

"Is his body still strong?"

In the crowd, De Zai and Ah Fu Ah Shou, who used to see Jiu Shu frequently before, asked about Jiang Lin Jiu Shu's current situation.

Jiang Lin also told them that Ninth Uncle was all right.

With the addition of Jiang Lin, the nervous hearts of the villagers were relieved.

In the past, when Uncle Ninth was there, he also helped the villagers through many difficulties. Now that Uncle Ninth's apprentices are here, they believe that they will be able to defend their village.

Later, Jiang Lin also learned about the situation of Loujia Village. The village is not very large, and it is relatively backward. There is not even a regular security team.

Now because of the horse thieves nearby, Captain Ah Qiang and the others have temporarily organized a number of [*] people to prepare to defend against the horse thieves.

"This security team can defend against ordinary horse thieves. If you want to defend against those warlocks, it is probably very difficult."

The equipment of the security team is all knives, kitchen knives, hatchets, and knives, but not a single gun.

Although the warlocks were completely invulnerable, the musket always had its power.

Even Jiang Lin didn't dare to open his eyes and let bullets enter his eyes.

If there is really a sharpshooter, shooting a shot in the eyes and mouth of those warlocks, it is estimated that the horse thief will be left with blood.

The security captain asked Jiang Lin, "Senior brother, what else do we need to prepare?"


Who is your brother?

Jiang Lin looked at the captain speechless, this guy really recognizes relatives.

"Women, children and old people, go to the center of the village, and young people set up traps outside. Divide a small team for investigation. Those horse thieves will go out at night, and there will be some time before nightfall. The security team can take turns to rest in order to refresh their spirits. "

The arrival of Jiang Lin directly became the spiritual leader of the security team, and even the captain accepted his previous arrogance.

He simply became Jiang Lin's younger brother.

But he didn't know that this little brother Jiang Lin really didn't look down on him.

Not at the level of the demon king, he is not qualified to be his younger brother or younger brother.

"Okay, I'll order it now."

"Guard the village well, and pay more attention if there are outsiders. Those horse thieves may be afraid of Taoist priests who have Taoism, and may send people to inquire about the news."

Jiang Lin didn't want the horse thief to know the news about him in Loujia Village. If the horse thief was really afraid of the Taoist priest and changed his target, Jiang Lin would spend time and energy if he wanted to destroy them.

That night, the captain and Dezai all gathered in the inn, waiting for them.

There were no pedestrians on the streets of the entire village, and it was quiet.

"Uncle Ming, who was that person yesterday? Did he tell you to stop me and my brother?"

Xiaobao followed Mao Shanming and shook his arm.

"Uncle Ming, don't drive me and Xiaobao away."

"No, we are just asking for money."

Mao Shanming smiled, he had no idea of ​​sending Dabao and Xiaobao away.

Although Jiang Lin had already told him the disadvantages of raising ghosts, but wanted him to give up raising ghosts?

Who will solve his problem of eating?

Don't look at the amount of more than [*] oceans that have just been cheated. If it is really spread into food and travel expenses, it will be spent in less than two years, and this does not include the cost of raising ghosts.

What's more, he walks outside all year round, without these two ghosts, it is difficult to solve any problems encountered.

"That person is really scary. I glanced at the old man when I was frightening him, and felt like he would eat me."

Thinking of the terrifying aura he felt from Jiang Lin, Xiaobao trembled with fright.

In fact, he felt pretty good. If Jiang Lin really wanted to eat him, he could swallow him alive.

"I hope I never meet him again."

Dabao also cast a shadow on Jianglin after knowing that Jianglin's road was high and deep.

"You two are cowards! Everyone said they wouldn't interfere."

"Uncle Ming, obviously you don't even dare to be tough when you talk to him."

Dabao and Xiaobao retorted Mao Shanming, making him half-dead.

But Mao Shanming really didn't want to meet Jiang Lin again. After all, in front of Jiang Lin, he jumped on the beam for so long, it was like getting a big axe in front of Lu Ban's gate, which was too embarrassing.

The most important thing is that he was found to be raising ghosts to cheat money.

"There is a village ahead, you come in, we are going to beg here to eat."

Walking into Loujia Village, Mao Shanming found that although there were still lights all around, he could not see a single person.

"There is no reason to be deserted, there is no one, what happened."

It's hard to find a place, if no one is there, no matter how high his deception skills are, he can't find a target.

Walking to an inn, Mao Shanming knocked on the door and found that the door was unlocked, so he pushed open the door and entered.

As soon as he entered, the surroundings were pitch black, and before he was allowed to look around, fire suddenly appeared on both sides.

The captain went up to restrain Mao Shanming's neck, waved the big knife in his hand, and said, "You must not be a good person when you enter the village late at night."

"Are you a good person, tell me! Are you a member of the Horse Thief Gang, tell me!"

Mao Shanming was choked by the captain, unable to speak, and he cursed Sabie behind him thousands of times in his heart.

Mine nut!Hold my neck, I can't breathe, what can I say?

The funny captain went on to interrogate: "If you don't say it, you will admit it. Are you coming to this village to test the truth? Say it! Don't say it? Your mouth is still very hard. In this case, the Fa will be rectified on the spot!"

The captain flicked his arm, Mao Shanming staggered back two steps, and was clasped by the man behind him.

The reflection of the hatchet suddenly enlarged in Mao Shanming's pupils.

Just at this time, Jiang Lin pushed open the door of the inn.

elder brother!

save me!

Mao Shanming, who didn't want to meet Jiang Lin again a few minutes ago, now seeing Jiang Lin is like seeing his own brother.

He was even more kissable than his own brother. My brother might not be able to save him at this moment, but Jiang Lin could.

Jiang Lin paused when he saw Mao Shanming, but when he saw that the captain's hatchet was about to fall on his forehead, Jiang Lin raised his arm.

The blade in his hand was attached to Mao Shanming's forehead, blocking the hatchet's slash for him.

Mao Shanming found that he could still see light in his eyes, and his face was almost full in an instant.


"Who is your senior brother, there is no evidence and no evidence, the Fa-rectification on the spot is too outrageous."

If Jiang Lin was one step late, Mao Shanming would be stunned.

Although this Taoist priest likes to raise ghosts and cheat money, he is definitely not guilty of death, not even a crime.

"Evidence? Search!"

Jiang Lin waved his hand and said, "No need, this is a fellow Daoist, a disciple of Maoshan, from the same sect as Master."

"Fellow Daoist, thank you for your help. What happened here? Why are you here?"

Although Mao Shanming was still in shock, he still greeted Jiang Lin, still very eager.

"There are horse thieves who want to sack this village. I'm here to help the villagers deal with the horse thieves."

As soon as Jiang Lin finished speaking, alarms and shouts came from outside.

"I'm coming!"

"Report, the horse thief has just passed the river and the mountains and has reached the big woods."

Ah Fu broke in from outside, panting from exhaustion, and reported the investigation to Jiang Lin and the captain.

"Let's go now!"

Jiang Lin didn't delay. Since this was the place where Ninth Uncle had been, he also wanted to minimize the casualties of the villagers.

After Jianglin went out, the captain issued an order: "The old ones stay here, the young ones come with me."

After that, he pulled Mao Shanming's collar again and said, "I heard that you are also from Maoshan, come with me. If you have to deal with horse thieves, if you dare to retreat, you will be killed!"

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