Mao Shanming looked confused, he was a good guy from Mao Shan, but how could he deal with horse thieves?He can't do anything except deceive people!

However, the captain did not allow him to struggle at all, and dragged him to keep up with the large army.

After Jiang Lin came to the big forest, he had someone put out the torches, walked to the front, and avoided behind a big tree.

There was the sound of horses' hoofs ahead, and the ground raised a burst of dust.

The horse thief practicing sorcery is here.

Chapter [*] The captain like a pig

Jiang Lin roughly calculated that there were ten horse thieves.Although there are not many people, these horse thieves know sorcery. With these people, even if the security team of a village has muskets, there is no way to deal with them.

In the end, the whole village was bloodbathed and suffered disaster.

Each of these ten beasts is full of blood debts, and everyone gets it and kills it.

The captain who had rushed over with the crowd held a machete and made a look that he thought was very majestic.

Jiang Lin looked at him speechlessly, because his appearance was too wretched, this captain was very funny even when he was arrogant.

If you can endure the years and come to Hong Kong to start filming, the comedian is estimated to have unlimited star careers.

But the horse thief was just a few hundred meters away, and was about to enter the trap. Was this idiot afraid that others wouldn't see him?

"Captain, get down."

Vice-captain Dezai directly pushed him to the ground. There was an ambush in front of him, and the horse thief would not be tricked if he saw someone.

All the security guards were crouching in the grass, and they didn't dare to make a fuss. They had never killed anyone before, and they had never seen a big scene. Now they have to deal with horse thieves, and few people are not nervous.

Mao Shanming had a bitter look on his face. He was dragged to deal with the horse thieves, but everyone else had machetes and long knives in their hands, but he was empty-handed.

No, hold your thighs!

Mao Shanming crawled forward and climbed towards Jianglin.

As for?The horse thieves are still far away.

Seeing that Mao Shanming didn't even dare to get up, Jiang Lin was quite speechless.


Mao Shanming smiled, and he finally came to his thigh.

"Why are you afraid of being like this?"

Mao Shanming had an embarrassed look on his face, but he still pretended to be tough: "Who said I was afraid, it's not a big mistake."

Believe in you.

Jiang Linruo gave Mao Shanming a meaningful look, which made him very embarrassed.

"Fellow Daoist, how are you going to deal with these horse thieves?"

On the way here, Mao Shanming also heard from the villagers that these horse thieves seemed to know sorcery and were invulnerable to swords and guns.

"Look first."

Jiang Lin didn't know what level of combat effectiveness these horse thieves had. Only those who practiced the right way were called apprentices and teachers. Those who practiced evil methods were all called warlocks. Some powerful warlocks were even more powerful than Jiu Shu and Zhang Han. powerful.

In the movie, Ninth Uncle took a lot of effort to deal with the horse thief leader Wang Po, but she finally escaped.

"I think we should concentrate our strengths to deal with these horse thieves. It is better for me and fellow Taoists to work together."

After babbling for a while, Mao Shanming still had the cheek to express his thoughts.

In fact, he was afraid that Jiang Lin would dump him and let him deal with some little devils and weak chicken zombies. He still had some way to deal with sorcerers, so he was one of the top two.

Jiang Lin looked at Mao Shanming quietly, he could say it in such a grand manner with his thighs in his arms, this eloquence is really six.

Concentrating the dominant force, the policy is good, but you are also the dominant force?

Seeing Jiang Lin looking at him like this, Mao Shanming was immediately sweating.


Ah Fu, who was pulling the rope not far away, called out. Jiang Lin looked at the distance of the horse thief, pressed his hand on him, and waited.

Half a minute later, Jiang Lin waved at Ah Fu.

Ah Fu and the others used all their strength to pull up the thorns that were buried in the ground.

These thorns are wooden stakes with a sharpened end, more than one meter high, and the horses can't jump over them.

The thorns on the other side were also pulled up, directly blocking the horse thief's retreat.

The two horses also fell directly into the trap, but the horse thief stepped on the back of the horse before falling and jumped onto the back of another horse.

"They have an ambush, hurry up!"

When the leader Wang Po saw that the situation was not good, she wanted to withdraw first. They knew sorcery, but they were not invincible.

At this moment, the large stones and wooden piers set on the big tree were also lowered, and the horse thieves were shot down from their horses.


Under the leadership and shouting of the captain, the young people rushed towards the horse thieves with torches and machetes in their hands. Although they were also afraid, they had to rush forward.

Otherwise, they will be killed by horse thieves, which is not enough, their families, young and old, will inevitably suffer bad luck.

Fathers and uncles are killed, younger brothers or sons are eaten, and women are treated as bitches.

Knowing this consequence, as long as a man is not afraid of death.

Are you throwing coins?

The blue veins on Jiang Lin's head were protruding. He didn't know how many times he had told the captain that after the horse thief fell into the trap, he went up to find a way to deal with the horse thief.

In the movie, the use of blood to attract blood is not suitable for all body refining magic. If you find the right method, you can pay a small price and wipe out this group of horse thieves.

It turned out that the goods were good, and with a loud drink, everyone rushed in.

No wonder Ninth Uncle is unwilling to accept this product as a disciple, it is not without reason!

The youths in the village were imposing like rainbows, and they went up with their knives and slashed at the horse thief.

But the result made their hearts cold.

Whether it's a machete or a kitchen knife, the slashing on the horse thief is like slashing on an iron plate, making a crisp and clinking sound.

There is no softness.

Horse thieves don't need wolves to enter the flock, these baa baa sheep have surrounded them!

In the blink of an eye, a dozen villagers were hacked alive by horse thieves.

The horse thieves used the axe and the Xuanhua axe, each of them mighty like the rebirth of Cheng Yaojin.

"Help me..."


There were screams and calls for help one after another, as well as the sound of horse thieves shouting happily.

The wanton splashes of blood stimulated their brains, killing, killing!

Some of the villagers know kung fu, but the sorcery of those horse thieves has made them look like black zombies.

These security guards were formed on an ad hoc basis, without any discipline, nor did they know how to cooperate.The person in front was frightened and wanted to turn around and run, but was hit by the person rushing up from behind.

The scene was completely chaotic, almost like a sheep farm.

Before half a minute had passed, there were corpses lying on the ground, all with severed limbs and internal organs.

Some people who have not seen the bloody scene can't hold the knife in their hands and can't help but vomit.

This kind of battle is not something ordinary people can bear.

"Captain, these people are steel and iron bones, they can't be killed!"

"Let's retreat first!"

"No retreat! Defend our homeland! Unity, we must be united! Unity is strength..."

The captain was there screaming and singing.

God-like opponents are not terrible, and pig-like teammates are not the most terrible. When you see a pig-like captain, you will know what despair is.

If you go up, you will die, and you are not allowed to retreat.

"Go back first!"

Jiang Lin had already rushed up at this time, and he simply wanted to stab the pig captain.

Mao Shanming, who followed Jianglin, saw the blood and corpses all over the ground, and felt that his legs were weak.

The horse thief is so powerful, how can this Nima fight?

Looking at the fierce gods and horse thieves not far away, some of them were tearing up the villagers. Mao Shan Mingzhen wiped some blood on his face and pretended to be dead on the ground.

But Jiang Lin was here, he had to bite the bullet and follow.

"Can't go back!"

Jiang Lin glared at the pig captain and said, "You have the final say or I have the final say? Who asked you to call the villagers to rush? It caused heavy casualties!"

It was only at this time that the captain thought of Jiang Lin's instructions, and said angrily, "You have the final say."

Chapter two hundred and sixty-six blood draws blood

"Haha, kill!"

A horse thief took an axe and slashed at the villager's head. The axe went straight down to the waist and crotch and got stuck.

He turned out a few balls in his hand and crushed them into white foam like glass slag.


The villagers who were recruited only felt unbearable itching all over their bodies. They scratched their faces and necks with their fingers, and their fingernails were full of shredded meat.

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