But the severe pain could not cover up the itch, they still scratched their bodies, eager to take out their internal organs.

Jiang Lin stepped forward, kicked the horse thief about ten meters away, and pulled a few villagers over.

"Bind their hands and wipe them with the blood of the rooster's comb mixed with rootless water."

After instructing De Zai, Jiang Lin observed a few horse thieves.

"Blood Shifting Technique."

There is a blood line on the horse thief's forehead, which is a relatively common sorcery, which can transfer the true essence of others to their own body, and the attack they receive will be transferred out.

Even if it is bombed, it will not cause any harm to them.

"It's really necessary to draw blood with blood."

Jiang Lin bit his finger and wiped the long knife, then rushed up.

As for why he didn't use his own sword, Jiang Lin thought these people were dirty and didn't deserve his sword.

It can be easily solved, why bother with those fancy things.

"That's right, the technique of attracting blood and transferring essence. Using blood to attract blood!"

It was only at this time that Mao Shanming realized that although his cultivation was not enough, his insight was still higher than Qiu Sheng Wencai and the others.

The magic tricks used by these horse thieves can make themselves invulnerable, but it is not impossible to deal with them, just use blood to remove the real essence from them.

Mao Shanming felt ashamed when he thought that his legs were weakened by the fright of these horse thieves.

He was so frightened that he just wanted to play dead, and he didn't even think about how to deal with these horse thieves.

"Get out of the way!"

Jiang Lin shouted, although some of these villagers are not afraid of death, but they can only make unnecessary sacrifices, making it inconvenient for Jiang Lin to deal with the horse thieves.

Hearing Jiang Lin's shout, the villagers subconsciously gave him a way.

However, when he saw Jiang Lin, he took a knife, and someone reminded him, "Master, they are invulnerable."

They thought that Jiang Lin wanted to deal with the horse thieves, at least he had to open the altar like Jiu Shu did before, or use some kind of talisman, but Jiang Lin, like them, also wanted to rely on his own knife.

"Master, no way!"

"Don't be impulsive, we will help you set up the altar."

Jiang Lin turned a deaf ear to what these people said, and strode towards a burly horse thief.


This horse thief didn't know where he learned the foreign language, and he said things that Jiang Lin didn't understand.

"Come on, cut here."

Jiang Lin raised his brows, it was the first time he had seen a horse thief who knew how to cooperate so well.

Since you let me cut, can I still be polite?

With a sudden swing of the long knife in his hand, the horse thief smiled and asked you to cut enough, even if you shed a drop of blood, I would lose.

"Not bad, very nice."

Jiang Lin patted the headless corpse on the shoulder and praised him.

The neck of the corpse was completely turned into a well, and the purple-black blood inside the corpse was sprayed ten meters high.

I don't know how many drops of blood this time.

The head flying in the air opened his eyes wide, and he saw his body, but there was no head on it.


Why is my defense broken?

Lao Tzu is invulnerable!


The horse thief panicked now. He was not brain dead yet, and he could see his blood spurting out from the neck incision.

The intense pain made him howl like mad.

These warlocks are really popular, even with their trachea broken, they can still speak.

Before he could shout again, the surroundings became dark.

"Looks like I can't use that much force."

Jiang Lin took two steps back, not letting the blood that smelled worse than Yone Tiangong drip on himself, but others were not immune.

The surrounding villagers were stunned. How could Jiang Lin be able to chop off the horse thief's head? They even cut a gap with their knives, and they couldn't leave any scars on the horse thief's body.

"Senior brother is mighty! Come on, brothers! Ouch..."

When the captain saw that Jiang Lin had easily dealt with the horse thief, he made an ape-like sound like Mount Tai next door.

I'm so...

Jiang Lin really convinced this pig-like captain. He just wanted to make a quick decision and prevent the plot of the thief's wife's escape from repeating itself in the movie.

As a result, this pig, you roaring wool!

For fear that the horse thief will not know that his sorcery has been broken?

A horse thief not far away saw that his accomplice had his head beheaded, and looked at the knife in Jiang Lin's hand, knowing that he would break his defense.


Before the horse thief could retreat, several young men went up and pushed him to the ground, and eight people pressed his limbs.

"Daoist, hurry up!"

Jiang Lin: "..."

This picture is too easy to confuse people.

The horse thief was lying on the ground like a big character, his limbs were pinned down, and someone told Jiang Lin to hurry up.

"It made me feel like a criminal."

With a flick of the long knife in his hand, the blade flew over, directly cutting a hole in the horse thief's neck.

Glancing at Mao Shanming, who was about to retreat, Jiang Lin took two steps to arrest him.

The captain's cry just now may have attracted the attention of other horse thieves. He wants to prevent those horse thieves from focusing on himself.

And Mao Shanming has other functions.

If the horse thief saw an ordinary Taoist priest with a blood-inducing sword in his hand, he might subconsciously want to withdraw.

But if they saw Mao Shanming, [*]% of them would not withdraw.

They are afraid of Taoist priests, that is Taoist priests threatening them. Although Mao Shanming is also a Taoist priest, he is a coward.

It's like a coward who has a gun and his hands are shaking. At this time, anyone with a little courage will want to fight back.

"Fellow Daoist, good and evil are against each other, fighting for life."

Jiang Lin showed a harmless smile to Mao Shanming.

Mao Shanming smiled awkwardly, and Jiang Lin found out that he wanted to escape again.

Even if he knew that using blood to attract blood could deal with horse thieves, and wanted him to fight horse thieves, he still lacked courage.

Before allowing him to make a few words, show his good eloquence, and talk about escape in a grand manner, Jiang Lin took a knife from the villagers around him and left Mao Shanming's finger directly.


Mao Shanming cried out in pain, and then he found himself taking off.

He was thrown out by Jiang Lin.

"De Zai, captain, let the other horse thieves think that the accomplice was killed by this fellow Taoist, and attract the horse thieves' attention. I want to prevent them from escaping."

Chapter [*] Save?help you

"Also, the defenses of those horse thieves can be broken with blood-stained knives."

The captain knew what Jiang Lin meant as soon as he turned his head. He led a large group of villagers around Mao Shanming and pushed him to the center of the battle circle.

"Maoshan's first commandment, right and wrong, fighting for life."

Jiang Lin smiled and waved to Mao Shanming, who had a bitter look on his face.

Mao Shanming was about to cry, he was a cultivator, and he fantasized about being admired and admired, but now, even if everyone around him called him a hero, he couldn't be happy.

This is not what he thought, Nima is letting him go out to attract attention and pull hatred!

After Mao Shanming was pushed out, those horse thieves saw the bloody machete in his hand and his own cowardice, so they suppressed their thoughts of retreat.


"Help, help!"

As soon as the horse thief rushed up, Mao Shanming immediately hugged his head and ran away. He couldn't retreat, but he could run in other directions.

The captain, De Zai and A Fu A Shou got Jiang Lin's instructions, and they also smeared blood on the blade and rushed towards the horse thief.

Jiang Lin watched from the side, when there were horse thieves chasing Mao Shanming, or when other horse thieves didn't notice, he quickly took the horse thief's life.

"Kill that coward!"

The thief was mad, she couldn't stand her brothers being killed by Mao Shanming.

With a wretched face and a cowardly look, his brother died at the hands of these people, which is a shame!

Jiang Lin was in the dark, and while asking the villagers to strengthen the surroundings, he quickly dealt with the lone horse thief.

What he wants to do is to do everything, let the horse thieves be slaughtered here, and not let a single one escape!

For these maddened people, Jiang Lin would not have any psychological burden no matter how many he killed.

These beasts, like the Japanese, should be punished!

One person and one knife, Jiang Lin is the life-threatening charm of the horse thief.

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