He didn't use the Yang Finger Sword, these warlocks were much more flexible than zombies, and in case he shot, it was easy to accidentally get hurt.

And without breaking the sorcery first, it is estimated that the effect of the Yang Finger Sword is not very big.

A horse thief was slashing at the young man on the ground with an axe, and Jiang Lin immediately kicked the corpse on the ground.

The corpse flew over and knocked the young man away, causing the horse thief to hit the stone on the ground with his axe.

But the guy was too strong, and the axe was shaken back and hit him on the head.

Even with such strength, he couldn't leave scars on his body, no wonder the muskets couldn't help them.

The horse thief lost the head of the person he had obtained, and with a fierce look on his face, he rushed towards Jiang Lin, but it was Jiang Lin's knife that entertained him.

"Is it so easy to kill horse thieves?"

"I can't see it wrong, is the horse thief fake?"

Behind the horse thief, the two young men even thought that the horse thief Jiang Lin killed was fake.

Jiang Lin thought that these two buddies were really funny and couldn't understand the situation at all.

These horse thieves not only have their own invulnerability through sorcery, but their own strength is also very large.

Even if the defenses were removed, it would not be a problem for them to fight seven or eight villagers one at a time.

If it wasn't for the fact that he had practiced the Body Refinement Art, his strength had already surpassed that of ordinary people. Even if he had broken the sorcerer of a horse thief, it would have been a mere dream to kill him so easily.

"In a while, I will break the sorcery of the horse thief, you go up and kill."

If you think it's okay, go ahead.

After hearing Jiang Lin's words, the two of them shook their heads like a rattle.

Jiang Lin continued to look for the next horse thief. It didn't take long for three of the ten horse thieves to remain. The Wang Po at the head and two more powerful men - the black panther and the wild boar.

The black panther grabbed a villager and turned the villager's neck twice by pure brute force. The wild boar on the other side was even more powerful. With one punch, the young man's stomach was pierced.

When the captain saw this scene, he felt that he was about to vomit out the food he had eaten.

Mao Shanming, who was behind him, even felt that his bottoms were a bit damp, and he was scared to urinate two drops.

Now Mao Shanming is really scared and Ding Ding is scared. Although he didn't kill a horse thief, the dead horse thieves thought they were killed by him.

Jiang Lin shot so fast that five of the seven horse thieves stared at Mao Shanming with wide eyes before they died.

These horse thieves are warlocks. Even if they die, they will not live in peace. Mao Shanming is afraid that the dead horse thieves will turn into ghosts and come to trouble him.

Fellow Daoist, didn't I just lie to you for a meal? Will you treat me like this when we meet again?

Mao Shanming was about to collapse.

The wild boar who had just stabbed to death was about to be aggressive. Jiang Lin jumped out and slashed his neck with a knife.

Because the blood on the long knife was almost used up, and Jiang Lin didn't use much strength to cut the trachea of ​​the boar.

The wild boar screamed and slapped Jiang Lin's temple with both palms, but Jiang Lin only lifted his foot and kicked him seven or eight meters away.

Most of the villagers did not know that the other horse thieves were killed by Jiang Lin, and they were stunned when they saw this scene.

If you lift your foot, you will kick a person seven or eight meters away. Is this still a person?

Even Ninth Uncle, who is very skilled, can't do it.

"Master, you are so mighty!"

"Senior brother, please accept my knee!"

"The other horse thieves were killed by the Taoist priest, and the Taoist leader is in full swing!"

Captain and De Zai shouted at the side. If it wasn't for Jiang Lin's appearance this time, they would have died in battle.

"How lonely is Wudi, how empty is Wudi..."

Doubi's captain actually sang there again, and Jiang Lin had goosebumps when he heard it.

The three horse thieves looked around and saw that all their brothers were dead, and only then did they realize that they had been deceived.

It wasn't the coward who killed their brother at all.

The black panther roared and charged towards Jiang Lin. Although he was very jealous of Jiang Lin, he was more confident in his own strength.

"Eagle head!"

After the black panther rushed to Jianglin, the wild boar knelt on the ground with his neck covered, calling for help from the thief.

The thief vomited and spit out a few maggots from her mouth. She twisted one and rubbed the wound on the boar's neck.

The thief mother made the sound of vomiting, and the villagers also made the sound of vomiting. This Nima was too disgusting.

They've seen this stuff in the shithole, but there's this stuff in its mouth, vomit!

In the movie, the thief mother relied on these disgusting things to heal the wound of the wild boar, but here the wild boar was injured by Jiang Lin's blood. If it was cured by two bugs, then Jiang Lin's blood would also be healed. So worthless.

Out of the corner of Jiang Lin's eyes, he glanced at the thief's wife, "What?Treat it as you like, and when it is cured, Jiang Lin will immediately go to the south wall.

"Black Panther, be careful!"

After the thief found out that she couldn't save the wild boar, she already knew how powerful Jiang Lin was, and immediately reminded the black panther who had just fought with Jiang Lin.

But it was still too late.

Although the Black Panther is fast as his name suggests, in front of Jiang Lin, he is nothing.

Jiang Lin was faster than him.

As soon as the black panther punched, the knife in Jiang Lin's hand slid under his armpit, and after he punched his leg, the blade circled around his knee and popliteal fossa.

With a knife in the stomach, Jiang Lin kicked him out.

"Help me."

Jiang Lin looked at the thief coldly, the Buddha had already crossed the river, still want to save others?

The thief mother really smeared the black panther, trying to stop the bleeding.

Still can't help.

At this juncture, the long knife in Jiang Lin's hand was thrown out and flew towards the heart of the thief.

But the black panther pushed her away, and the flying knife hurt her arm.

Jiang Lin didn't care that he didn't succeed in this attack, he had already broken the body refining magic of the thief.

The [*]th chapter can run the monk can't run away from the temple

After the thief was injured, she chanted a spell silently in her mouth. Jiang Lin frowned and pointed his fingertips at her.


The yang refers to the qi shot out, directly to the heart of the thief.

The boar on the side flew over, blocked a move for the thief, and was pierced through the body.

It was just such a delay that a hairy whip like spider legs appeared under the thief's cloak.

The velvet whip shot out and dragged on the ground. A slight explosion occurred on the ground where the velvet whip slid, and more than ten red-hot stones drilled out from the ground.

Is sorcery really so popular?

Jiang Lin had never seen such a sorcery, even with his current cultivation level, Ninth Uncle couldn't do it.

"You back away!"

Jiang Lin also did not forget to remind the surrounding villagers that the temperature of these stones exceeded six hundred degrees.

There was no need for Jiang Lin to remind them, the captain and De Zai hid so quickly that they were just running away.

If these stones fell on the body, they would be crippled even if they didn't die.

With a cloak of the thief, the high-temperature rocks on the ground suddenly flew around.

Jiang Lin's figure flickered, like a superman, and in a very short period of time, he shot down all the stones.

Although these stones are hot, they can't burn him.

When Mao Shanming saw this scene, his chin was about to fall.He really felt that he was a little ashamed to call Jiang Lin a friend.

Compared with Jiang Lin, he is simply a little ant.

Others also sucked in a breath of cold air. This is the real horror.

The captain's eyes were about to bulge out. He had heard of empty-handed hand-to-hand shooting, but he had never heard of bare-handed hand-to-hand burning iron-like stones.

"How lonely it is to be invincible..."

The captain started singing again. He had left a bad impression on Jiang Lin because of the problem with the conductor, and now he is always looking for opportunities to flatter Jiang Lin.

He doesn't want to recognize Jiang Lin as his senior brother now. If he can't worship Jiang Lin, it's good for him to worship Jiang Lin.

However, as soon as he started, the captain was beaten back by Jiang Lin.

Can you stop singing?

Jiang Lin was completely uncomfortable with the singing, as if he had brought his own background music on stage, and it was still unpleasant music.

"Want to run?"

Jiang Lin looked up and saw that the thief had already lifted the wild boar and the black panther to a height of more than ten meters in the air with the help of the velvet whip.

With a cold snort, Jiang Lin stretched out his ten fingers, and Yang Zhiqi shot at the thief in the air.

"Eagle head!"

The black panther and the wild boar stood in front of the thief mother and blocked the attack for her.

It was for this reason that the two were shot down.

"Black Panther, Boar!"

You have a whip, but I don't?

Jiang Lin turned out the Yang Yan Whip, rolled up the stone on the ground, and restored the temperature of the stone almost instantly.

A few scalding stones, like cannonballs, blasted towards the thief.

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