Seeing that Jiang Lin also has a whip, the thief also knows "witchcraft", thinking that he and himself are both warlocks, and immediately wanted to play the family card.

"Originally born from the same root, why is it too urgent to fry each other!"

"I'll fry you MMP! I'll put gold on my face."

Jiang Lin spat, and felt at home, he was actually regarded as the same kind by the warlock.

Then Jiang Lin replaced the yang flame with yin fire, wrapped around the trunk of the tree, and flew up into the sky.


The wild boar and the black panther squeezed the poison ball on their bodies, and the poison like glass slag scattered all over the sky.

Jiang Lin couldn't care less about chasing after the thief, and immediately landed on the ground, expelling Yang flames from his palms, burning all the white foam in the sky.

If these poisons fall on the villagers below, they can torture them one by one.

From the top of the tree came the screams of the thief mother, and when Jiang Lin rushed to the trunk again, the thief mother had disappeared.

"Run? If you can run, the monk can't run away from the temple."

Jiang Lin said to the captain, "Don't kill these two people, keep them as bait, the thief will come to save them."

These horse thieves are not doing human affairs, but they are quite loyal to each other.

But it was their business to talk about loyalty, Jiang Lin was only responsible for killing them all.

Although a thief had escaped, Loujiacun won a big victory this time, and the captain and Dezai cheered one by one.

In particular, Captain Doubi actually hugged Dezai, and Nima was still hugging like that.

Dezai's legs were tucked around the captain's waist.

I'm going!

Unlimited love!

Jiang Lin was a little disgusted with this posture, although he often held his daughter-in-law like this to do some kind of exercise at night.

"Master, let's go back and celebrate!"

Ah Fu and Ah Shou simply became Jiang Lin's little fanboys. From beginning to end, Jiang Lin didn't reveal much in killing horse thieves.

In the end, when dealing with the thief mother, the round of savage manipulations of burning stones with bare hands, turning a fire whip with one palm, and arranging fire with two palms made the two of them astonished.

"Master, I want to worship you as my teacher, please accept my knee! You are electricity, you are light, you are the only myth..."

Jiang Lin directly kicked the captain up to the tree.

Why does he still sing, and he will kill you again.

"Fellow Daoist, these sorcerers who practice sorcery should be fine if they die?"

Mao Shanming was not happy at all. When he remembered the eyes of those horse thieves who stared at him before they died, the crotch of his pants became damp again.

He is completely the culprit, he didn't kill people, but he couldn't talk to the dead.

Being trapped by Jianglin, Mao Shanming didn't dare to show anything at all.Facing Jiang Lin, what Xiaobao said was true, he couldn't even straighten up when he spoke to Jiang Lin.

Besides, Jiang Lin had spoken out the first commandment of their Maoshan Mountain, and even if he lost his teeth, he could only swallow it with blood.


Jiang Lin gave him an answer that was not an answer.

The smile on Mao Shanming's face became even stiffer, and his face was as sad as a chrysanthemum.

"If you are afraid, ask the captain and the others to bring back the body of the slain horse thief and burn it as soon as possible."

After Jiang Lin said this, he went to instruct the captain: "The two horse thieves who didn't die, you can take them to the streets."

Although they were hit with Yang Zhiqi, the two warlocks did not die. It wasn't because Jiang Lin's Yang Zhiqi was weak, but they just practiced sorcery. big.

After that, Jiang Lin returned to Loujia Village surrounded by a group of young people.

After a battle, it’s time to eat and drink.

As for whether the horse thief will become a ghost, Jiang Lin doesn't care.

These warlocks are still males, so Jiang Lin doesn't have a strong sense of their breath.

But if they turned into ghosts, I'd be embarrassed. Jiang Lin's grievances against Yin Qi were his own compass.

Killing the horse thieves won't get you a single bit of anger, but killing ghosts is different. Jiang Lin still wants to beat these horse thieves to the core, so he can take some anger by the way.

Chapter two hundred and sixty nine

Jiang Lin thought that Mao Shanming would not make things so complicated. After all, he was less courageous than a mouse. Even if the captain didn't let him burn, he would probably let two little devils steal the corpses and burn them in the middle of the night.

It's about his life, no one can let him burn.

"Burn the corpse! It must be burned!"

Jiang Lin's words reminded Mao Shanming that these corpses should be burned as soon as possible, lest they turn into corpses or become ghosts.

These horse thieves all died with grievances, and they were themselves warlocks who practiced sorcery.

For Mao Shanming's proposal, the captain refused. Why should these corpses be burned?

Take it back for the villagers to see, this is their merit.And if the news can get out, their Loujia Village will be well-known far and near.

"You are just parading in the streets. You two who are not dead are going to parade the streets. The dead people still need that car to pull, how hard it is..."

At this time, Mao Shanming took advantage of his eloquence again, and he flicked around to make people around work feel that if they didn't burn the corpses immediately, they would be in big trouble.

"real or fake?"

The captain was taken aback by Mao Shanming's words. Killing the horse thief is not finished yet?

"Of course it's true. Look at the blood on those corpses, where is the blood on people's bodies? It's bruised blood. If it doesn't burn, I'll go to you when I die. After the Daoist and I leave your village, what will you do? manage."

The captain pouted, you were the fastest when killing horse thieves, and you were too embarrassed to call them fellow Daoists.

Really shameless, invincible in the world.

Although he disliked Mao Shanming very much, he chose to believe what Mao Shanming said.

When Jiang Lin and the others returned to the village, it was already dawn. When they learned that the youth from the village had returned triumphantly, the men, women and children of Loujia Village came out to greet them.

"Guys, let's sharpen our knives to the pigs and sheep!"

"In the afternoon, we will parade the horse thieves to the public, and in the evening we will eat together to celebrate!"

The captain and Dezai arranged for the villagers to cook, and the rest of the people put the horse thief in prison and the corpse burned.

As for Jiang Lin, he went back to the house where his ninth uncle lived.

After the ninth uncle left, the mayor kept his residence and had it cleaned regularly.

At noon, the head of Loujia Village reserved a table in the restaurant and invited Jiang Lin to dinner as a token of gratitude.

The captain took Jiang Lin to the restaurant, and he was now full of admiration for Jiang Lin.

He kicked him up a tree with one kick. If he could learn this kung fu, it would be really mighty.

Unfortunately, as far as Jiang Lin's strength is concerned, it is impossible for him to get rid of the eggs.

As soon as they went upstairs, the two encountered Mao Shanming coming down from above.

Mao Shanming gave way to the captain, but he gave way to the left, the captain went left, gave way to the right, and the captain went to the right again.

"You coward, you are useless, what are you doing standing here? A good dog will not stand in the way!"

The captain directly pushed Mao Shanming aside and said to Jiang Lin behind him, "Master, please."

Jiang Lin nodded to Mao Shanming as a greeting.

After the two went upstairs, Dabao and Xiaobao showed their stature. Since Mao Shanming raised ghosts, there was a way for the two of them to appear during the day, as long as they were not exposed to the sun.

Dabao felt annoyed and said, "Uncle Ming, do you want to help flatten him?"

Although he was afraid of Jiang Lin, he didn't even pay attention to the captain.

It's just to lead the way for others, I really think I have a great prestige.

"No, let's ask for money, bear with him."

Mao Shanming didn't want to mess with the captain either. He wanted to cheat money in Loujiacun. If he messed with the captain, he might not be able to find food here.

When he thought that he was also a Taoist priest, compared with Jiang Lin, the attitude of the villagers towards them was a world of difference.

"People are more dead than people, and goods are thrown away."

At the banquet, the captain respectfully poured wine for Jiang Lin: "Master, please have a drink."

Jiang Lin drank a cup, and then said: "Captain, you should drink less wine. You take two horse thieves to parade through the streets in the afternoon. The purpose is to let the thief know that her accomplice is not dead. It is estimated that she will come to prison in one or two days."



By the way, there is another thief mother who didn't die.

The captain's excited expression suddenly drooped down, but when he thought of Jiang Lin's presence, let alone the thief, even if the witch was coming, he would have to wait.

Now only Jiang Lin can deal with the thief, the captain said quickly, "Okay, then stop drinking, eat food."

The village chief and the elders were also very polite to Jiang Lin. Uncle Jiu had done a lot for their village in Loujia Village, and now his disciples also happened to come here to help them resolve the disaster, so they must be treated as VIPs.

At the banquet, the village chief scolded the captain. According to the villagers' feedback, the captain did not listen to Jiang Lin's command at first, which resulted in unnecessary casualties.

In the end, the captain felt shameless, and he and Dezai found an excuse to leave the banquet.

As soon as the depressed captain came downstairs, he saw Mao Shanming.

Got a punching bag.

"You don't have any tutoring at all, it's your fault."

Mao Shanming happened to teach Dabao a lesson, and the captain just walked to the side.

"What did you say?"

Mao Shanming looked at the captain and explained, "I'm not talking to you."

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