"Not talking to me, who are you talking to? I'll give you two paths now..."

The captain stepped on the stool and broke Dabao's new shroud, so he was tragic.

Not everyone is blessed to be punished by ghosts.

In the movie, Uncle Ninth came down to help him solve Dabao and Xiaobao, but now, he can only enjoy the caress of the two ghosts.

When Jiang Lin came down, he found the captain lying on the table, foaming at the mouth.

Playing handstands, swallowing chopsticks, and crutches, most people really can't stand it.

"Are you fed up?"

"It's too much. Dao Master, what if those dead horse thieves turn into ghosts? It's so easy for ghosts to see us, but it's hard for us to see ghosts."

The captain didn't complain to Jiang Lin that he was punished by a ghost. He was afraid that Jiang Lin would say he deserved it.

"If you want to see ghosts invisible, you can just smear the bottom of the pot all over your body. As for seeing ghosts, you can also wipe your eyes with tears."

Jiang Lin paid no attention to the captain's appearance, and he still had to go to the yamen to watch, waiting for the thief to enter the urn.

The captain got Jiang Lin's prompt, so he went home and drilled into the bottom of the pot. The whole person got into it.

Just in the evening, the captain in black was wandering in the street, and the bottom of the pot was more black than black.

He was going to spoof Dabao and Xiaobao. Uncle Ninth's house still had some talisman papers to exorcise evil spirits. In addition, he had been glued to Uncle Ninth's apprenticeship for several years, so he could still draw a gourd and draw a scoop to collect the little ghost.

"The body odor from there?"


The captain took a talisman paper with the back covered with pot ashes, stuck it directly on Dabao's body, and put it into the altar bucket.

"Uncle Ming, help..."

When Dabao was taken away, Mao Shanming jumped off the second floor and chased after him.

However, as soon as these two unlucky people ran out of the village, they met the thief.

Jiang Lin set up a trap in the yamen, this time as long as the thief dared to come over, he would let her come and go.

He also put on the Taoist robe left by the ninth uncle, which fit perfectly.

At this moment, the warning horn sounded outside the village.

"Master, the thief stole the body and the ghost boy."

Knowing that he was in trouble, the captain didn't dare to hide anything, and informed Jiang Lin who came.

Jiang Lin only remembered that there was such a scene in the movie when he saw the captain who was in ashes.

"This thief will use corpses to save people and use ghosts to mess with people."

Recalling the plot, Jiang Lin was sure that the thief would definitely come to rob the prison.

"Fellow Daoist, my Taoist robe was also stolen by her."

Mao Shanming clutched his chest, although he really wanted to beat the captain, but in front of Jiang Lin, he still held back.

Just got robbed of the robe?

Jiang Lin looked at Mao Shanming and couldn't hold back his smile.

Mao Shanming's Taoist robe was gone, even his trousers were stripped off, and he was hit by the female dragon's claws in the chest.

Did they come back later...

The way the thief mother expresses her hatred seems a bit weird, could it be that she wants to make Mao Shanming stronger first)...(kill later?

Seeing the strange eyes of the people around him, Mao Shanming's face turned red, this time it was Huang Ni who dropped his crotch.

"Captain, return to the yamen immediately to prevent fire in the rear."

Jiang Lin then instructed the captain to rush to the village. He didn't kill the boar and the black panther, just to lead the thief to prison. If the two of them were rescued, it would be difficult to deal with them.

After returning to the yamen, Mao Shanming became Jiang Lin's striker, and he did not dare to stay away from Jiang Lin at all.

Although he had burned the horse thief's body, he didn't have the courage to let him leave Loujia Village.

If he encounters the thief again on the road, he will be [-]% hiccups.

The captain and Dezai took the initiative to ask Ying, and pretended to be black panthers and boars in the prison. If the thief mother came to save her, they could trap her in the cell.

In the barren hills, a lizard was pinched in the hands of the thief, and its head was pulled off. The blood gurgled and dripped into her mouth.

"Black Panther, Boar, wait for me, I will definitely save you!"

The thief collected a lot of bats and cockroaches, and after making full preparations, she rushed to Loujia Village.

She never thought that Jiang Lin had already set up a trap for her to drill.

Chapter [-] Attribute integration is complete!

In the yamen, Ah Fu and Shou were helping to kill the chickens, and Mao Shanming collected the blood of the roosters in the wooden basin.

These rooster blood can be used to deal with thieves, and can also relieve the poison of the five poisons.

Jiang Lin took a bowl and said, "Fellow Daoist, borrow some chicken blood."

"This bowl you are carrying is so small, is it enough?"

"The mountains are not high, there are immortals, and there is not much blood, but there are materials."

Jiang Lin smiled, he used this chicken blood to draw a few breath-holding talismans, a little chicken blood was enough.

"By the way, let's take off this robe."

Jiang Lin just took two steps when he remembered that Mao Shanming's Taoist robe was snatched away by the thief, and it was estimated that it was used for an article.

"Why did you take off your Taoist robe? Mine is gone. If you don't wear it, lend it to me."

Mao Shanming saw that Jiang Lin wanted to remove the robe, so he came to borrow it. Jiang Lin usually does not wear a robe, but when he put on the robe of Jiu Shu, he immediately became a master.


Mao Shanming also wanted to wear it and try it on, to get a little immortal.

"If you like it, use it."

Jiang Lin just wanted to focus on the thief mother, this Mao Shanming wanted to put on a Taoist robe to help him attract the attention of the ghost corpse, which is naturally excellent.

"It's a little different."

"Really cool."

After Mao Shanming put on the Taoist robe, Ah Fu, Ah Shou and others went up to praise him.

I hope you don't cry after wearing it for a while.

Jiang Lin shrugged and sat upright in front of the prison door, still holding the peach wood sword that Jiu Shu had used before, and inside was the money sword.

Mao Shanming looked at Jiang Lin's sitting posture, Nima was so handsome, so he also posed in the yard according to Jiang Lin's posture.

Not long after, the door was knocked.

Mao Shanming and Ah Fu Ashou suddenly became nervous, Mao Shanming held a wooden basin full of chicken blood and let Ah Fu Ashou open the door.

As soon as the door opened, chicken blood was poured out.

Spilled a takeaway boy.

Jiang Lin was speechless. With him here, what are these people afraid of?

After killing the chicken for a long time, the blood of the chicken was splashed on the human body.

Can you be more professional?

Mao Shanming looked stunned, and then blushed, he gave the takeaway brother two big oceans and asked him to send another one.

As soon as the door was closed, someone knocked on the door.

"Is there not enough money?"

Just as he was about to open the door, the gate of the yamen was pushed down.

The zombie possessed by Dabao appeared in front of everyone.


"Don't be afraid, everyone." Mao Shanming soothed everyone's emotions, then looked at the ghost corpse and asked, "Dabao, why have you become so ugly?"

"Don't be afraid, he recognizes me."

Dabao blinked and looked at Mao Shanming, but in his eyes, it was a fat eagle.

"Dabao, what are you doing? Crazy?"

"Oh, help..."

Jiang Lin looked at Mao Shanming who was struggling behind the iron gate, and murmured, "You want to be majestic yourself, it's none of my business."

Eagle, eagle, don't run, let's play chicken and catch eagle.

Dabao only has Mao Shanying in his eyes, and he has no interest in others.

"Fellow Daoist, why is this happening? So many people just don't catch me, just catch me!"

Mao Shanming was rubbed against the iron gate by Dabao, and asked Jiang Lin inside for help.

Jiang Lin responded calmly: "You will be fine if you take off the robe."

"You know this, and you lent me the robe to wear?"

Mao Shanming was about to cry, why did this fellow Taoist cheat so naturally.

"You want to be majestic, wearing a robe is very impressive."

Jiang Lin pretended that the old god was there and joked with Mao Shanming, but in fact he didn't want to let the thief in the sky run away.

Before, he used the breath-holding talisman to restrain his breath, and the thief came here with confidence. If he found that Jiang Lin was vigilant, he would not have entered the Internet.

This thief can fly, Jiang Lin didn't want to make such trouble.

Come in, I didn't see you.

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