Mao Shanming looked embarrassed.

"Fellow Daoist, I don't want to be pretentious now, save me."

prestige?Is it important to be alive and powerful?

I'm not good enough!

Jiang Lin reached out from the gap between the iron bars, grabbed a strand of Taoist robe on Mao Shanming's body, and shook it in front of Dabao.

what do you think this is?

Dabao's eyes stared at the robe, and at this time, his IQ was close to zero, and he could only see a pinch of chicken feathers.

Dabao threw his hands on the chicken feathers, and Jiang Lin happened to grab his hands.

Mao Shanming took off his Taoist robe when he got the chance, but Jiang Lin let Dabao go again.

The thief above has not come down.


Jiang Lin took off the key from his waist and opened the door.

He didn't stay far away, and it was estimated that the thief would not dare to come down.

Mao Shanming was so frightened that he lay on the ground, covered his head and upper body with a bamboo basket, and pouted) (Stock outside.

A typical ostrich, only cares about the head and ignores the belly.

"Alas! My fart) (the stock hurts!"

Dabao smiled slyly and rubbed Mao Shanming's big)... (Ass, bites down.

It doesn't really stink.

Seeing Dabao pressing down on Mao Shanming, Mao Shanming was crying, and Jiang Lin covered his eyes.

Can't see this picture.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin dragged Dabao away with one hand and relieved Mao Shanming's embarrassment.

With a flick of the ghost exorcism talisman and the immobilization talisman, Dabao settled in place.

In the prison, the thief broke the iron lock and went in to release the handcuffs of the captain and Dezai.


Because both of them covered their faces with cloaks, the thief didn't realize that they were fake.

The captain and Dezai took the rope and put a set on the thief's body and tied her.

There is Jiang Lin's blood on the rope, which directly broke the sorcery of the thief, and this time she can't fly again.


Hearing the shouts of the captain and Dezai, Jiang Lin immediately instructed Mao Shanming to hang the black panther and wild boar from the wall.


When the thief saw two horse thieves outside, she broke the rope and kicked the iron bars of the cell with one foot.

When she ran to the stairs to save the two horse thieves, she stepped on the trap, and the wooden board under the feet of the two horse thieves was immediately empty, and she was directly hanged to death.

At the same time, the fab was lowered all around, trapping the thief in the middle.

This time she was unable to escape.

The thief mother-in-law glared at Mao Shanming, the captain, and De Zai. She couldn't allow her to get angry, and a yang finger pierced her heart.

In the movie, Uncle Ninth had to work hard to deal with the runaway thief, but Jiang Lin didn't need that.

The peach wood sword is very sharp, the talisman paper can cure evil, and Maoshan Taoism is very handsome, so Jiang Lin chose to shoot.

The thief's mother spurted blood from her mouth, and she screamed, and the bats under the eaves outside flew out, removing the talisman on Dabao's forehead.

With a "bang", a big hole was knocked into the wall, and Fab was also scratched by the big treasure who rushed in.

"Do you still want to escape?"

Jiang Lin turned an eight-meter-long sword of light into the palm of his hand and slashed at the back of the thief.

However, the Yang Finger Sword did relatively little damage to the Yangren, and the slash on the thief only left a two-centimeter deep wound.


Jiang Lin also pointed and smeared the money sword, and the money sword was like an arrow from the string, piercing into the heart of the thief.

The thief stumbled and ran into the yard.

"Master, she's not dead yet."

"Fellow Daoist, she..."

Mao Shanming, De Zai and the captain were swept by the thief wife's resentful eyes, and suddenly felt like a thorn in their backs.

"She won't survive."

"I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!"

The thief's back was against the well. She held the hilt of the sword at her heart and took her own life. The corpse lost her balance and fell into the well.

"Crack! The corpse attributes have been integrated."


Why would killing this thief bring anger into the account?

Jiang Lin didn't react for a while, and after a few blinks, his eyes widened.

Attribute integration is complete!

"Captain, the bodies of the three dead horse thieves must be burned, otherwise there will be a big problem. Fellow Daoist, you look at them, and you have a share in killing a few of them. I don't need to say more, right?"

Jiang Lin believed that even if he was not around, Mao Shanming would clean up all the corpses.

When the dead horse thief burned the body before, Mao Shanming was more motivated than anyone else.

After that, Jiang Lin left the Yamen and Loujia Village. He wanted to see what attributes the system integrated.

Chapter two hundred and seventy first ghost upper body

After finding a secret place, Jiang Lin couldn't wait to call out the system.

Jiang Lin (code-named zero): the [-]th generation disciple of the Chen Dao School

Physique: Brutal body

Cultivation Realm: Celestial Master

Corpse Level: Green Zombie

Exercise: Yang Mian Jue (Level [-])

Body Refinement: Green Stiffness (Level [-])

Swordsmanship: Bone Sword (Fourth Stage - Triple)

Charms: Inducing Yang Talisman (Perfect), Yang Finger Sword (Perfect), Lightning Magic Talisman (Perfect), Secret Poison Slave Mantra (Perfect), Fire Collection Talisman (Perfect), Breathing Talisman (Level [-]), Antidote Talisman ( Level [-]), Fire Talisman (Level [-]), Voice Transmission (Level [-]), Wish-breaking Talisman (Level [-]) +

Violence: [-]

Jiang Lin found that an attribute bar appeared next to the task bar under the attribute interface: corpse attribute.

When he opened it, Jiang Lin was overjoyed.

Basically, the abilities of the zombies he has encountered are all above, of course, Western zombies and mummies are not included.

"Low-altitude gliding, this is awesome!"

"Photos from the air, six six six!"


Every time he saw an attribute, Jiang Lin's little heart thumped.

Except for the night of his first big wedding in his life, this time was the most exciting.

The remaining attributes include stealth, enhanced defense, short-range teleportation, and absolute self-healing.

"It seems that these are the attributes of native zombies, and they get the most from Ren Tiantang."

After the excitement, Jiang Lin was a little disappointed. Among these attributes, there was only low-altitude gliding, but no real flight.

However, even a weak Western zombie can fly, not glide.

Jiang Lin wanted to fly higher, not glide low.

"The system will definitely not let me down, I'm optimistic about you!"

There is also a circle spinning below the property bar, like the kind that happens when the page is loading.

It's definitely not over yet!

When he went to deal with Ren Tiantang, he handed over the research records of the foreign doctor Adolf to the system, which contained not only local zombies, but also information on Western zombies and mummies.

The attributes he can have must be more than that.

Click on the low-altitude gliding, and the description of the attributes appears below. It is really low-altitude gliding, but if you want to use it, you need to consume his own corpse energy.

After that, Jiang Lin also checked the descriptions of other attributes one after another, and the two of them were the most powerful—enhanced defense and absolute self-healing.

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