Strengthening the defense is similar to strengthening the defense of other parts of the body to a local position. If this attribute is obtained, Jiang Lin can increase his local defense to a very terrifying level, and even fight Mao Zong closely.

"Although this attribute is very powerful, if you really encounter Mao Zong, you can't be like this."

Although Jiang Lin has been the King of Zombies for a thousand years now, his physical strength is not enough to compare with Mao Zong.

Even with the blessing of attributes, it can only be resisted for a short time.

As for absolute self-healing, Jiang Lin didn't dare to think about it.

The description of this attribute is that if the head is cut off, as long as the time is not long, his body can still move, and if the head is put on, he can still be like a normal person.

"I'll get together! It's so good! It's so good."

Although the attribute of absolute self-healing is limited to the head and body, it is still very defying.

"Children make choices, I want them all!"

Behind these attributes, there is a small box, which looks like a tick, Jiang Lin clicked on these boxes without hesitation.

After Jiang Lin finished clicking, a series of pop-up windows appeared on the system interface.

The remaining anger value is insufficient, and the attribute cannot be obtained.

Jiang Lin suddenly had an exclamation mark on his head. To obtain attributes, Nima also needs a grudge value?

"Gliding at low altitude, [*] points of malice."

"Photos from the air, [*] points of anger."

"Hanging, two hundred thousand."

"Stealth, [*]."

"Strengthen defense, [*]."

Jiang Lin's heart was completely cold, and teleportation also required [*]. As for the final absolute self-healing, [*].

All... I can't afford it!

Jiang Lin feels like a pauper standing in front of a villa, when will he be able to afford it? ? ?

Heart plug times infinity...

MMP infinite loop.

Looking at the remaining [*] points of anger on his attribute interface, Jiang Lin felt a sense of sigh.

"No, I can't afford it."

Even though he said so, Jiang Lin's heart was quite honest, and he had to build up his grudge!

He wished that a group of zombie kings would surround him now and let him harvest slowly.

If Ninth Uncle and Zhang Han knew what he was thinking, they would vomit blood.

Others would like to live without encountering zombie kings, but Jiang Lin thinks that there are few zombie kings.

When Jiang Lin returned to Loujia Village, he went straight to the village office, where the whole village was gathering tonight.

The captain and Dezai were watching from the yamen, but because they were busy for half the night, they wanted to leave their work to others and went to the township office first.

The horse thief's body was also burned before, and nothing happened, so they didn't take Jiang Lin's words to heart.

"We were very tired from dealing with the thief before, you guys have to deal with those corpses."

The captain said to Ah Fu, Ah Shou, and the others, and directly acted as a hand-slinger.

"Hey, these three horse thieves had a lot of grievances before they died. They should burn them as soon as possible. The bodies in the well haven't been fished yet."

Seeing that the captain wanted to leave, Mao Shanming hurried up to stop him.

The captain pointed his finger at Mao Shanming's chest and said, "A good dog will not stand in the way. You will have food after you finish all the work, or you can drink the northwest wind."

Seeing the captain walking in a strange way, Mao Shanming was so angry that his lungs hurt. This idiot has no idea how terrible it is to practice sorcery.

These three horse thieves were the leaders of the group of thieves, and they were so angry when they died that there might be problems in a while.

"It's really no tutoring, you deserve it!"

The remaining young people looked at each other in dismay, and said, "Let us go down the well in pitch black?"

"Let's get the two hanged first."

Mao Shanming was the temporary commander of these people, and when the firewood was ready, the others gave up.

Tonight's big party, the village slaughtered pigs and sheep, and if I went late, I could only eat pig tails.

In the entire yamen, there are A Fu A Shou and Mao Shan Ming.

"Hurry up and burn those two bodies, the one in the well has to be salvaged."

Mao Shanming felt like an MMP in his heart, Jiang Lin had clearly instructed these people before he left, but they slipped faster than each other.

"Untie the rope around his neck to make his death more comfortable."

Ah Fu and Ah Shou untied the rope around the horse thief's neck. Mao Shanming didn't know anything about it, he was still stirring the reels on the well.

The two horse thieves were hanged to death, and the resentment condensed in their throats. Once the rope around their necks was loosened, the resentment rushed into the heavenly spirit, and it was difficult to think of a problem.

After the two climbed down the pile of firewood, the corpses of the black panther and the boar opened their eyes.

Ah Fu and Ah Shou picked up the torches and turned around when they saw two ghost figures sitting up.


Before they could take two steps, two ghosts were attached to them.

Mao Shanming, who was still busy preparing to salvage the body in the well, was so frightened that his soul disappeared.

He turned his head and saw that Ah Fu and Ah Shou both had pale faces, and they didn't look like a living person.

They stood on tiptoe and moved awkwardly like machines.

Ghost upper body.


Mao Shanming no longer cared about the corpse in the well, and all he thought about was running for his life.

Let him deal with the ghosts these two horse thieves turned into?

He can only deceive people, and he can't catch ghosts. Even if he does, he will only catch the two little ghosts he raised.

Mao Shanming ran faster than a rabbit, thinking about Jiang Lin while shouting.

Thighs, help!

After the two ghosts were possessed, they moved very slowly. They couldn't keep up with Mao Shanming's speed, so they knocked down the wall and went to the village office following the popularity.

Chapter [*] a piece of cake

Jiang Lin was treated as a guest of honor at the village office, and around him sat an old friend from Uncle Jiu.

Comprador Hong, Wu Ma, Ye Rongzu and Yuan Kui.

Just hearing the names of these people, Jiang Lin knew that Uncle Jiu used to have a good relationship here.

"Daoist priest, thanks to you, our Loujia Village can be very safe and healthy. Since we have you, the world has become so beautiful, and since we have you, life is full of miracles..."

After the captain came to the village office, he sat on the table where Jiang Lin was and started to toast Jiang Lin, singing while toasting.

The black line at the end of Jiang Lin's singing is obviously ugly, and he has no consciousness at all.

He thought of the captain in the movie, who also likes embarrassing songs, such as "Only Master is good in the world" and "Everyone's unity is strength".

Hearing goosebumps.

"Sing again and I'll throw you out."

The captain immediately covered his mouth and smiled awkwardly.

Jiang Lin ignored this funny comparison and chatted with Comprador Hong. He also wanted to hear about the deeds of Uncle Ninth here in the past.

"Everyone, listen to me, it was the Taoist priest who came to our Loujia Village that saved us from being looted by horse thieves and completely eliminated the horse thieves. We must respect the Taoist priest a few more cups!"

After the captain laughed, he got up and asked the villagers to toast Jiang Lin.

"It's really good for Ninth Uncle to have such an apprentice."

"Yeah, if there is a teacher, there must be an apprentice."

Jiang Lin did not appear to be arrogant, and he got along with the villagers.

Gradually, Jiang Lin discovered that the villagers in Loujia Village were so enthusiastic that he even asked him if he was single.

What if I'm single?

Do you want to say kiss to me?

Jiang Lin couldn't bear the enthusiasm of these villagers. He heard from Jiu Shu's friends that the real reason why Jiu Shu left Loujia Village was that there were too many people who wanted to match him.

"It turns out that Uncle Shi left Loujia Village and fled in the desert..."

Jiang Lin almost spit out the drink he drank.

"By the way, have the horse thief's body been disposed of?"

Jiang Lin vaguely felt that the direction of the yamen was a little wrong, so he asked the captain.

"Don't worry, Daoist, my subordinates will definitely handle things perfectly..."

Before the captain had finished blowing, a few young people entered the village office, and they were all the ones he ordered to get the corpse before he left.

"Hey! You guys, why did you come so quickly, have the bodies been disposed of?"

"Captain, don't worry, A Fu and A Shou will handle things perfectly..."

A few unreliable young people also did not finish their words, and there was a cry from outside the village office.

"There's a ghost!"

It's so complete.

Jiang Lin folded his arms and looked at Captain Doubi.

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