After listening to Mao Shanming's words, and then looking at the appearance of the female ghost in the sky, two young men fainted from fright.

Seeing that Jiang Lin didn't have anything in his hands, the female ghost in the air suddenly laughed.

"I said I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost."

The female ghost flew down from mid-air and rushed towards Jiang Lin.

This female ghost's flying skills seem to be relatively good, and the speed is very fast.

"Yang Zhiqi!"

Great to fly?

Jiang Lin likes to shoot planes with a gun.

The female ghost didn't understand the situation at all, so she dared to open the door and fly towards Jiang Lin.

When she was alive, Yang Zhiqi was like a pistol bullet, causing most injuries, but once she died, the power of Yang Zhiqi would more than double.

In addition to penetration, as long as it is stained with Yang Zhiqi, it will be corroded by Yang Qi.

Like a biological weapon.

When a bullet is fired, the internal organs of the victim will dissolve.

Not to mention the female ghost, a ghost general, even the ghost king, would not dare to be easily hit by Yang Zhiqi.

"Hey, ace pilot?"

The female ghost easily avoided the three yang fingers, and cut the knife to Jiang Lin's neck, but was blocked by Jiang Lin.

Because the female ghost is very powerful, Jiang Lin was also rushed and slipped back a few meters.

The female ghost landed on the roof of the yamen, she lifted her hands, the tiles on the roof were controlled by her, and shot down in a straight line, all of them greeted Jiang Lin.

After the tile, the female ghost rushed again.

"I hate people flying in front of me."

Jiang Lin was provoked by this female ghost.

What about your show NM?

Jiang Lin's corpse attributes are still only low-altitude gliding, and he is still far from flying, and his sword-fighting skills do not know when he will be able to fly with his sword.

He can't fly, this is a knot in his heart, but this female ghost is crazy in front of him.

To die or to die!

The ten fingers burst into Yang Zhiqi, and the tiles were smashed into pieces, and the Yang Zhiqi was castrated unabated, like a rain of arrows.

The female ghost rotated and moved, avoiding the golden beams.

"Xiu, show flying in front of me, come, test your flight qualification level."

Jiang Lin's ten fingers were like dragon claws, and the light flame sword extended from his fingertips, which was eight meters long.

The fingers of his hands trembled as if he were playing the piano, and the piano repertoire was: Death Cut.

The female ghost was like [*] alpacas rushing past.

How does this play?

No matter how good her flying skills are, she can't afford to hurt.


"Ace pilot? Why do you crash the plane for me!"

Jiang Lin's fingers suddenly folded together, and a large flame suddenly appeared on the female ghost's body, falling from the air.

The voice of the female ghost screaming makes people feel scalp numb.

Because the captain and Dezai couldn't stand this kind of sound, they held their heads and covered their ears.

Taking advantage of the ghost's illness, Jiang Lin drew a talisman in the palm of his hand and flew to slap it on the female ghost's back.

This is the forbidden space talisman that he has researched, and he is still trying to improve it, but after this talisman is attached to his back, the female ghost will not want to fly again for a while.

The Yang Finger Sword slashed out, and the female ghost was picked up in the air, and then four or five Yang Finger Swords flew out, piercing the female ghost's body.


Chapter [*] Are you practicing Emei Swordsmanship?

Since Jiang Lin returned from Xiaoleiyin Temple, he has been pondering how to use the Yang Zhijian, and now he has been able to combine the Yang Zhijian and Zhayang.

With a huge explosion in the air, the female ghost screamed, and immediately turned into a cloud of smoke and dissipated, completely disappearing from the world.

The real soul is gone.

"Pop, kill the ghost generals and get [*] points of suffocation."

"Young Master Nima, it's so useless, why don't you change to the ghost king?"

Jiang Lin secretly complained in his heart, wishing that the strength of the female ghost could go further, if he killed him, he would gain more ill-will.

The female ghost was a sorcerer who practiced sorcery during her lifetime, and her combat power was almost comparable to that of the previous ninth uncle.

As long as this kind of ghost finds a place with strong Yin Qi, it is not too difficult to advance to become a ghost king.

But she wanted revenge wholeheartedly, and she was extremely confident in her own strength, so she felt sad.

"I remember that in the movie, when my uncle dealt with this female ghost, he had no idea. In the end, he invited his master's Taiyi Fuchen to kill the female ghost."

Jiang Lin thought about it for a while. If Uncle Jiu met this female ghost now, he could win, but he would fight hard for a long time.

Because Jiu Shu often exchanged his experience with Zhang Han, and learned from the previous knowledge in the process of teaching Jiang Lin, he gained a lot of new insights. Now he is just like Master Hong Jinbao, and he is only one line away from the Celestial Master. .

But to take that step is basically impossible in this Dharma-ending era.

Unless you use the help of heaven and earth treasures or medicinal herbs, you may not be able to become a celestial master for the rest of your life.

In the age of the end of the law, no matter how good the talent is, it is difficult to achieve success without external force.

Not everyone has a system like Jiang Lin.

"When are you going to lie down?"

Jiang Lin looked at Mao Shanming who was pretending to be dead not far away, and the captain and De Zai who were lying on the ground with their heads on the ground. He really admired these guys.

Kneeling on the ground, hugging the head and kissing the ground deeply, is this practicing the buttocks backwards, flat sand falling wild goose pose?

Aren't you afraid that the female ghost will kill you for a thousand years?

"Daoist, where is the female ghost?"

"It's gone."

Captain and Dezai were stunned for a moment, and finally the two of them screamed like Taishan next door.

"Hum! The thunder is heavy and the rain is small. I thought it was so powerful that this thief turned into a ghost. Daoist priest, I suddenly had a stomachache just now, and I couldn't help you in time. Alas!"

"Master, we also have a stomachache."

All are talents.

Jiang Lin didn't bother to pay attention to these jokes and went back to the township office.

The villagers laughed again when they learned that the ghost that the horse thief had turned into was killed by Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin can not only kill horse thieves, but also ghosts, and his image in the hearts of the villagers is much higher again.

The captain and Dezai were bragging about how fierce and powerful the female ghost was, which scared the villagers for a moment.

"Fellow Daoist, look at that captain's stinky fart. He said it as if the ghost was killed by him. He's not so frightened that he hugged his head and pouted his butt."

Mao Shanming disliked this captain very much.

Jiang Lin looked at Mao Shanming quietly, didn't you pretend to faint from fright?

But don't laugh at a hundred paces.

Mao Shanming smiled and stopped talking.

The next day Jiang Lin went to the inn and called the driver to leave.

"Master, can you please stay away?"

"Daoist, have you married? My family's Qingqing is sixteen."

"My family's An An is only seventeen."


Damn, that's how you forced the ninth uncle away back then, don't you have any memory?

Jiang Lin was speechless. In order to keep him, Loujiacun sold their daughters one by one?

In fact, it is not to blame the villagers for this. Loujia Village’s geographical location is relatively remote, and the feng shui around the village is not very good. In this era, the population is still relatively sparse, and people’s yang pressure is not strong.

A village is not called a village if there is no haunted legend.

Therefore, if there are capable Taoist priests like Jiu Shu and Jiang Lin in the village, it can really ensure the peace of one party.

Jiang Lin politely rejected the villagers' good intentions. No matter how beautiful the daughters of other people's families are, he can't stay here.

The economy here is relatively backward, and the transportation is inconvenient. Even if Jiang Lin left Renjia Town in the future, he would not choose to settle in such a small village.

The villagers sent Jianglin out of the village and walked out of a section of land, and then they stopped sending each other.

Jianglin went west all the way, and he basically stopped in relatively wealthy villages and towns. He changed to a horse-drawn carriage or took a train. After seven or eight days, he came to the border of Sichuan.

"The world has not been chaotic before Shu has been chaotic, and the world has already been ruled. Shu has not been ruled. After a thousand years, we have finally come to the land of Shu again."

Jiang Lin was very emotional, not knowing what the golden top of Emei looked like back then.

Now that he has arrived in Shu, Jiang Lin has no plans to take a car. If he walks, he will be able to reach Emei in a few days.

Jiang Lin found that the spiritual energy between heaven and earth here in Shudi is stronger than other places. If he hadn't been able to see the brilliance of spiritual energy in his eyes, he probably wouldn't have noticed the difference between this place and other places.

"It seems worthwhile."

Jiang Lin smiled casually. Since the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is relatively strong here, it is easy to give birth to some relatively powerful demons.

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