He can harvest a wave of malice.

In the evening, Jiang Lin was lying on the fork of a big tree, watching the three trolls below play tricks.

"Senior brother, what are we playing today?"

"Come here, of course, to play zombies."

Before the cave, a fat senior brother with eyes and two junior brothers smiled wretchedly, preparing to catch the zombies in the cave for entertainment.

Fatty Deng Tianguang grabbed his junior brother's hand, put a bowl of blood, placed the porcelain bowl at the entrance of the cave, then wrapped the rope around his junior brother and kicked him into the cave.

Not long after, Deng Tianguang's junior brother was covered in little zombies and ran out.

"It's time to play!"

The three trolls put the rune paper on the foreheads of the captured little zombies and made them headbutt.

"I don't know who these three funny masters are, but they are really brave and dare to play with little zombies."

In the cave, in addition to the breath of the little zombies, there is still the breath of the zombie king. It is estimated that he went out to find blood food.

When the zombie king comes back, these three jokers will have to play.

Jiang Lin was thinking about whether to wait for the zombie king to come back and ask him about the situation in Shu, when a red light appeared in the woods.

"Why does this look like the Emei School of Swordsmanship?"

Jiang Lin took a closer look and saw that it was a pretty girl driving a spirit sword through the woods.

"Could it be the sect of Shushan?"

The dress on the girl's body was very different from that of the women in the Republic of China, which made Jiang Lin guess her sect.

When the girl saw Deng Tianguang and the three of them playing tricks on the little zombies, she landed on the ground and confronted them coquettishly, "Hey, why are you three here harming people?"

Deng Tianguang turned his face and saw that it was actually a girl in Caiyi, the second senior sister of the Microwave School.

"Beautiful girls, those are not people, they are zombies."

"Aren't zombies living? You play with them like that."

Caiyi was very disdainful of Deng Tianguang's behavior. Killing zombies was nothing, but it was too much to play with them.

"Are you going to give birth to zombies?"

When Deng Tianguang got the chance, he verbally took advantage of Caiyi.

"Why don't you have one with us."

The two junior brothers also had sly smiles on their faces, and two pairs of thieves looked at Caiyi's body.

Jiang Lin broke off three branches from the tree and flicked the three people's foreheads.

Deng Tianguang and his junior brother immediately covered their foreheads and wailed.

Caiyi was stunned for a moment, looked up at the tree, and found Jianglin on the tree.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "Stinky mouth, it's time to teach me a lesson."

"Thank you."

After thanking Jiang Lin, Caiyi pointed and chanted a spell, and the talisman paper attached to the little zombie's head suddenly fell.

"go with!"

A row of small zombies jumped back to the cave.

"do not run."

When Deng Tianguang saw all the little zombies fled back to the cave, he stared at Caiyi with four eyes and said angrily, "I've been busy all night, but you let them all go. Brother, beat her!"

"Okay, do it) (she!"

"Yes, Qiang] [Jian her!"

The three of them angrily approached Caiyi, all of them looked wretched, especially Deng Tianguang, wretchedness was not enough to describe him.

"When did the Taoist monks in Shu become this virtuous?"

Jiang Lin jumped down from the tree and gave the three of them six slaps, which immediately made them dizzy.

Then Jiang Lin picked up the rope on the ground and tied them into a ball, kicked them away, and disappeared.

Caiyi looked at Jiang Lin with her beautiful eyes, and felt that this person was very strong, stronger than her senior sister.

"Girl, please forgive me, are you practicing the swordsmanship of the Emei school?"

Chapter [*] Microwave School

Jiang Lin bowed to Caiyi. Although it would be rude to ask others about the source of the spell they practiced when they met, Jiang Lin decided to ask.

He has a long history with the Emei School. Even if this cultivation school has disappeared for a thousand years, it would be good to meet the Emei inheritance school.

"You... how do you know about the Emei faction? How do you know that I practice Emei's swordsmanship?"

Caiyi's face was astonished, the Emei Sect was destroyed a thousand years ago, and no one should know about it now.

Moreover, Jiang Lin could actually see that her sword-fighting skills had something to do with the Emei School, which was incredible.


Jiang Lin was not very good at explaining how he knew about the Emei sect, so he said, "I have some connections with the Emei sect."

Caiyi looked at Jiang Lin up and down, and felt that the other party really didn't look like a bad person, so he said, "The sword-fighting technique I practiced was modified by Master with reference to Emei's sword-fighting technique, and our sect also has a great relationship with the Emei sect."

"What's the name of the road leader?"

"Chen Dao faction Li Yang."

"Microwave Pie."

Microwave pie?

Jiang Lin thought for a while and said, "I don't know where the Microwave School is located? Pindao wants to visit."

"The microwave sent the mountain gate to the mountain outside the cave outside the Tianwaitiandong. If someone hadn't led the way, the average person would not be able to find it. If the Taoist priest wants to visit, come with me."

Caiyi thought about it, and then proposed to take Jiang Lin to meet her master at her teacher's door.


At this moment, a zombie in the woods roared and flew towards the cave.

"Hey, it's the zombie king!"

Caiyi was so frightened that Huarong paled, and her current ability was unable to deal with the zombie king.

The zombie king was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, he was five meters in front of the two of them.

Caiyi looked flustered and said anxiously: "Daoist, you go first!"

Jiang Lin was quite speechless. When he was in danger, could he, a gentleman, leave a girl behind and go first?

What's more, he didn't need to go at all, he was just an ordinary zombie king.

Younger brother, you scared this beautiful woman beside my eldest brother, do you know that?

Jiang Lin stepped out a few meters in one step, kicked the zombie king in the chest, causing it to fly upside down, and several poplar trees the size of the mouth of the bowl were knocked off.

Caiyi was so shocked that Cherry's small mouth opened slightly. Is this the power of a human being?

When her eyes fell on Jiang Lin again, Jiang Lin had bitten his finger and drew a corpse-suppressing talisman with blood essence on the talisman paper.

With a flick of his wrist, the corpse-suppressing charm was attached to the forehead of the Zombie King, letting it stay there.

Originally, Jiang Lin wanted to ask this zombie king some questions, so he had no intention of killing it.

"It can be fixed for about a quarter of an hour. Lady Caiyi, please lead the way."

Can you fix the zombie king for a quarter of an hour?That's the zombie king.

Caiyi doubted Jiang Lin's words, but she looked at the immobilized zombie king, and she did not move.

This Taoist priest is too strong, he raised his hand to restrain the zombie king?

For a quarter of an hour, the Zombie King could not move. Does this mean that he wants to kill the Zombie King, and there is no difficulty?

Caiyi stared at Jiang Lin blankly, with a cute expression on her face.

Thinking of how flustered she looked just now, and let others go first, her cheeks turned red.

I was worried for nothing and made a fool of myself in front of this Taoist priest.

"Pindao is just good at dealing with zombies."

Jiang Lin kindly explained.

Caiyi's cheeks were flushed red, probably because she thought she was being ridiculous.

"Master, please come with me."

Jiang Lin followed Caiyi, walking all night and day, until the afternoon of the second day, he arrived around the Microwave Pai Mountain Gate.

After walking a hundred miles, Jiang Lin had nothing, but Caiyi was probably used to flying with Yujian, and her feet hurt.

"How did the Microwave School's Swordsmanship achieve the flying of the Swordsman in the Age of Apocalypse?"

Jiang Lin was puzzled. Now the spiritual energy between heaven and earth is very scarce. Flying with the sword requires a lot of spiritual energy. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to fly, unless the mastery of sword control has reached a very high level.

"It seems that the Microwave School should have taken a different approach in the swordsmanship."

Pressing the doubts in his heart, Jiang Lin felt the aura of heaven and earth around him, which was much richer than the outside world.

There seems to be a spirit gathering formation at the bottom of the mountain.

"The foundation of our Microwave School is in an ancient tomb. Master and sisters and sisters usually practice in the tomb."

Caiyi lit a firework and shot it into the air to inform the sect teachers and sisters.

"What about your senior and junior brothers?"

"We microwave pie are all women."

Jiang Lin: "..."

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