He didn't expect that this sect was all women, and he was going to visit a sect composed of women.

Is this a story of a man and a group of women?

"If it's inconvenient, I can invite the head of your faction to talk elsewhere."

If Jiang Lin knew that this sect was all women, he wouldn't necessarily visit it.

"Originally, the microwave sect did not allow men to enter, but you should have a relationship with our sect, Taoist priest. I think the elder sister and the master should not blame me for bringing you here."

Not long after, the gate of the ancient tomb opened, and five or six young girls walked out.

"Second Senior Sister, you are back."

The girls greeted Caiyi, but when they saw Jiang Lin behind her, their eyes were a little weird.

Why did the second senior sister bring a man back?

Still so handsome!

There is a situation!

A slightly smaller girl looked at Jiang Lin and joked with a strange emphasis: "Oh, second senior sister, you went out and brought a man back."

Caiyi's face flushed, and she said angrily, "Ayan, don't talk nonsense. What about Senior Sister?"

"I'm taking care of Master in there."

"Master, please come in with me, and I'll inform Senior Sister."

"It's work."

Jiang Lin entered the ancient tomb, feeling the richness of the surrounding spiritual energy, and immediately confirmed his guess that this ancient tomb is really a paradise suitable for cultivation.

Jiang Lin was sitting in front of a stone platform, just about to take a deep breath to absorb some rich spiritual energy, he stopped.

Although there is a strong aura here, there is still a strong aroma in the air.

The fragrance of a girl.

Not long after, a tall girl in pink came over.

"Bai Min'er from Microwave."

"Chen Dao sent Jiang Lin, Dao name Li Yang."

"Master, please take a seat. Master Baimei is too sick to see guests. Can you allow Min'er to ask a few questions."

Jiang Lin frowned slightly. He came to visit the head of the Microwave Sect, but he didn't even see anyone?

Are microwave pie too big?

Jiang Lin is now a Celestial Master, no matter where he goes, he will at least respect him, regardless of how others call him.

What's more, he came here in the name of a visit, and the head couldn't come out, and asked him to answer questions.

Master Baimei?

Hearing this name, Jiang Lin couldn't help but think of the former Emei Sect's Changmei Master.

"Don't get me wrong, the Taoist teacher is sick. If the Taoist leader can answer Min'er's questions, I think the Taoist teacher will meet the Taoist leader no matter how inconvenient it is."

Seeing Jiang Lin's expression a little indifferent, Bai Min'er quickly explained.

Because of Caiyi, Jiang Lin's initial impression of the Microwave School was not bad, so he said, "May I ask you, girl."

"Can the Taoist priest talk about the characters of the Emei School or what happened."

Jiang Lin looked at Bai Min'er and couldn't help but laugh. It turned out that he didn't believe that he had any connection with the Emei faction.

It's no wonder that he looks like he is only in his twenties, and it is impossible for him to have any deep connection with the sect that was destroyed a thousand years ago.

Jiang Lin recalled the past and said: "The Emei sect used to be the master of Changmei, and then the Xuantian Sect of the Kunlun School also served as the head of Emei. His disciples include Dan Chenzi, Li Yingqi, and Lian Xing. The Master Zunsheng has teamed up to deal with the Old Monster Youquan and the Gorefiend, and there is also a secret place in the Emei Sect, the Sanyuan Palace."

When Jiang Lin finished speaking, Bai Min'er opened her mouth slightly, and her pretty face was full of shock.

"Master, please come with me."

Bai Min'er took Jiang Lin's hand and hurriedly entered the depths of the ancient tomb.

Jiang Lin's face was bewildered at this time, so they are holding hands?

what's the situation?

Girl, just pull my hand, why are your fingers intertwined?

Jiang Lin was quite speechless, Bai Min'er was so excited for some reason that she didn't notice that her plain hand and Jiang Lin's palm were tightly clasped.

Chapter two hundred and seventy-six one drink and one peck

"Master, Master!"

Jiang Lin was being held by Bai Min'er. Originally, if he was simply holding him, Jiang Lin would fall off as soon as he earned it, and he could also avoid the embarrassment in the future. he is.

This beauty's hands are still quite slippery.

Turning a corner, Jiang Lin found Shitai with white eyebrows sitting on the futon, with tears in the eyes of Caiyi and Ayan next to him.

When the two saw Jiang Lin and Bai Min'er, and their hands again, they were a little stunned.

Is this love at first sight?

Bai Min'er noticed the gazes of the two, and then looked at her hand.

How can this be?

She had never held a man's hand before, and Jiang Lin was the first man to touch her hand.


Bai Min'er had a sullen look on her face, and just as she was about to attack, she thought that it was Jiang Lin's hand that she touched.

She doesn't care at all.

How could you just hold someone's hand and hold it so tightly...

Jiang Lin's face was innocent, he really didn't do anything, and he still wanted to break free.

He doesn't carry this pot.

"Min'er, don't be rude."

Master Bai Mei looked at Jiang Lin. Since Bai Min'er had brought him in, it meant that this person was really related to Emei.

Moreover, looking at Bai Min'er's expression and Jiang Lin's appearance, Master Bai Mei felt that his guesses were inseparable.

"Daoist, do you know Master Changmei?"


Jiang Lin did not deny it.When he first came in, he saw that Master Baimei was a monk, and he lived to the present monk.After contacting Bai Miner's question before, Jiang Lin knew that the origin of the Microwave School and Emei was extraordinary.At this time, there is no need for him to hide anything.

"Master Li Yang, please accept the worship of the younger generation."

Master Baimei stood up tremblingly and bowed to Jiang Lin as a junior.

Caiyi and Ayan were instantly shocked and their jaws dropped.

Their master, an old man who lived for more than a thousand years, greeted a young man as a junior?

The two rubbed their eyes, this is not fake.

They really can't accept this fact.

If so, how old should this Daoist Li Yang be?

"Master, please get up too soon."

Jiang Lin hurriedly went up to support Shitai Baimei, her qi and blood had declined, and her life was about to come to an end.

Now think of a candle in the wind, which may go out at any time.

"How did the teacher know me?"

"My father is Master Changmei."

"Are you the daughter of Master Changmei?"

This time, it was Jiang Lin's turn to be shocked. He had guessed that Master Baimei was probably Emei's disciple, but he never imagined that she was the daughter of an old friend.

"I really didn't expect to meet my father's forgotten friend in my lifetime."

Baimei Shitai was quite excited, and now Jiang Lin's identity no longer needs to be verified. Whether it is appearance, temperament, personality, or Taoist name, it is consistent with what her father said.

"I didn't expect such a coincidence."

Jiang Lin smiled, it was a coincidence.

After that, Master Baimei sighed too long and talked about himself and Emei.

Baimei Shitai was born more than two hundred years after the Battle of Youquan, and she mostly listened to her brothers' dictation before speaking.

One hundred years after the Battle of Youquan, that is, not long after Jiang Lin left, because of the chaos of the Five Husbands, the world was in chaos, the ground was bloody, and the Gorefiend was resurrected again.

Master Changmei was seriously injured when he was preparing to deal with the Gorefiend. After the battle with the Gorefiend, he also injured the root cause.

After that, Master Changmei never left the Sanyuan Palace again. He retreated for two hundred years in order to make a breakthrough. Unfortunately, he failed. When he was dying, he gave his only remaining Shouyuan to Shitai Baimei who was born not long ago.

"A thousand years ago, the gate of the demon world was opened, all the disciples of Emei participated in the battle, and Wutai Mountain and other mountains also participated in the battle to subdue the demons. In the end, although the battle was won, Emei was destroyed, and the Haotian Jing and Tianlei double swords were also broken. Now, even Senior Brother Lian Xing.... The spiritual energy of heaven and earth has also undergone drastic changes because of that war, and gradually disappeared."

It turns out that the arrival of the Dharma-Ending Era gradually began a thousand years ago.

Jiang Lin sighed, the battle a thousand years ago was really a disaster for the cultivators.

Master Bai Mei adjusted his breath and continued: "Some people coveted the Three Treasures of Emei, and I couldn't protect it, so I found a dragon cave and hid the Three Treasures in it. Only the strength of the powerful demon king."

Hearing this, Jiang Lin's expression suddenly became extremely exciting. It turned out that the one who imprisoned him for seven hundred years was actually the daughter of Master Changmei.

I'm so...

Jiang Lin felt speechless. The father helped him, but the daughter made a small hole for him.

But Jiang Lin didn't care about these things anymore. Without those seven hundred years, he wouldn't have time to advance to become the Millennium Zombie King.

"More than two hundred years ago, I felt that my life was coming to an end. I wanted to get back the Three Treasures and break through with the power of the three elements, but the Three Treasures were lost. I don't know if they were found by secret people, but I think it should be No."

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