Chapter [*] To combat the four evils, everyone is responsible!

Among the three, only Bai Min'er's cultivation level has reached the alchemist level. Master Bai Mei taught her the Emei Finger, which is not small in lethality, similar to that of the Yang Finger, but not comparable in power.

Without Swordsmanship, it would be more difficult for them to deal with cockroaches.

Jiang Lin watched and pointed at Bai Min'er and the others.

Anger is anger, and they don't rely on swordsmanship. Their strength is not enough to see, and they can't do without pointing.

The big cockroach no longer begged for mercy, its two tentacles were like steel whips, shaking and piercing Bai Miner and the others.

If you can capture a woman, you might have a bargaining chip to escape.

For Bai Min'er and the three, this cockroach demon is really difficult to kill. The shell of arthropods is inherently hard, and after becoming a demon, its defense is very abnormal.

Their spirit swords can only attack at the junction of the shell joints, which is not only laborious but also very labor-intensive.

The three of them tried their best, but they were only on par with the cockroach demon. This was under the premise that Jiang Lin secretly protected them from being hurt.

Seeing the three girls dripping with sweat, Jiang Lin stopped watching dramas. Grinding was not something that happened overnight.

"Soul Sword!"

The eight-meter-long light sword swept in midair, and the two tentacles on the big cockroach's head were immediately cut off, and a turquoise liquid spurted out from the fracture, giving off a disgusting smell.

The tentacles, which were as hard as iron bars, were cut off by Jiang Lin at once, and fell to the ground, where they were still meandering.

Ayan's eyes widened, unable to believe what she saw.

Their spirit swords could only leave white marks on the tentacles, and sparks flew.

However, such a powerful physical weapon, the cockroach demon was simply beheaded by Jiang Lin.

"Senior is amazing."

Ayan's big bright eyes seemed to be filled with small stars.

"Senior is of course amazing. The zombie king was kept motionless in front of him."

Caiyi looked at Jiang Lin's back, and only thought that it would be great if the inheritance of Emei had not been fully integrated.

That way, she could sit next to Jiang Lin every day and help him do something.

"I can't get rid of this big cockroach at close range, or I'll drop a bomb into the cesspool."

Jiang Lin was glad that his weapon was long enough, otherwise he would have been sprayed with this green liquid.

"Ah... stinky man, I'm fighting with your woman, what are you doing with a man! Don't you know that good men don't fight women?"

Seeing that he couldn't capture Bai Min'er and the others, the cockroach demon also became fierce.

Bai Min'er really wants to go crazy, she's not a senior's woman!

But she's so angry, she can't do anything about the cockroach demon, and even if she uses Swordsmanship now, she can't achieve anything.

Bai Min'er wanted to curse, but was afraid that the more she explained, the more embarrassing she would become, so she could only grit her silver teeth there.

Although Caiyi and Ayan were also embarrassed, the resistance in their hearts was not as violent as their senior sister.

"A good man doesn't fight with a woman? You really understand the culture of the world."

Jiang Lin was amused. A female cockroach could call herself a female?

"I'm also responsible for fighting the four evils!"

Jiang Lin shot out his body and quickly turned into a corpse. His legs volleyed into the abdomen of the big cockroach, and the [*]-[*]-pound cockroach demon was kicked seven or eight meters away by him.

Afterwards, the light-flaming sword in Jiang Lin’s hand slashed, and each time, a one-meter-long yang-fingered sword shot out, piercing into the body of the big cockroach like a golden javelin.

"Shangxian spare your life..."

Feeling the threat of death, the roach demon screamed and begged for mercy.

"The little demon can be a cow and a horse for you, Shangxian spare your life!"

Accept a cockroach to be a cow and a horse?

Jiang Lin almost vomited just thinking about it.

"As a good citizen, it is everyone's responsibility to combat the four evils, and it is our duty!"


As soon as Jiang Lin finished speaking, a violent explosion occurred nine meters away.

A large lump of green paste scattered in all directions.

"Isn't it enough for such a long distance?"

Jiang Lin was dumbfounded, it was like a septic tank explosion.

Immediately, he turned into a gust of wind, holding Caiyi and Ayan's wrists with both hands and running back.

"so close."

Jiang Lin avoided the explosion center more than [*] meters away, and was not touched by those filth.

By the way, Bai Miner!

Jiang Lin only had two hands, so he brought Caiyi and Ayan over, but Bai Miner could only be left behind.

Just thinking that there is another senior sister, a startled scream came from behind Jiang Lin.


Jiang Lin turned around and saw that Bai Min'er was just...

The flowers are green and red.

Bai Min'er couldn't hold back any longer, she was utterly disgusting and dirty.

But she is a woman who loves cleanliness the most, and is almost obsessed with cleanliness.

"Why did you forget me!"

Bai Min'er even omitted the word "senior", and her anger value reached the highest level.

It's even higher than being messed up by a big cockroach.

Originally, she was shocked by Jiang Lin's methods, but this senior took her two junior sisters and ran away, leaving her behind.

Jiang Lin really didn't know that Bai Miner, who had always been reserved and calm, would have such a side.

Just lost my mind.

"That... the big cockroach is far enough away, I really didn't expect it..."

Halfway through, Jiang Lin didn't explain anymore, let's talk about compensation.

"I'll buy you clothes, I'll buy you perfume, find a pool, and I'll get you hot water for a bath."

Jiang Lin felt that he couldn't bear this pot because he had made a mistake.

"You take off your clothes first, take off that coat."

The smell on Bai Min'er's body was a disaster for Jiang Lin. His sense of smell was too sensitive.

"Senior, the most unbearable thing for Senior Sister is that others despise her for being dirty."

"Our Microwave School disciples have to shower every night, according to the regulations of the elder sister."

Seeing Jiang Lin's index finger lying flat among the people, Caiyi and Ayan reminded in a low voice.

Are you doing this to hide your embarrassment or are you disgusting?

Bai Min'er's eyes were bright, and she had never been disliked by anyone since she was a child.

After removing the coat, Bai Min'er threw it out.

"You give me a bath! No, you get me hot water!"

Abandoning these words, Bai Min'er went to the water pool.

"Elder Sister, you don't have any on your skin or hair."

"Just go and taste."

Caiyi and Ayan hurriedly chased after them to comfort them.

Jiang Lin touched his nose, let go of his spiritual sense, and looked for water sources around him.

Fortunately, there is a square pond a few hundred meters away.

In order to make up for it, Jiang Lin showed a unique skill. He stretched his hands into the pool of water. Half an hour later, the five-meter-square pond began to smoke.

"Senior, I'm really sorry today, Min'er is too presumptuous."

In the evening, after removing the odor from her body, Bai Min'er put on her colorful clothes and came to Jiang Lin to apologize to him.

Bai Min'er was also very embarrassed when she thought of what she did after being stunned. She even called her senior's name.

At that time, Jiang Lin could only take two people away, and Caiyi and Ayan were relatively close together. Bai Miner felt that she was making trouble unreasonably.

"I didn't expect this. Sit down."

Jiang Lin smiled and patted the hollow tree trunk he was sitting on.

Seeing that Bai Min'er's waist-length hair was covered with water stains, he said, "It's windy, do you mind if I help you dry your hair?"

"Blow dry?"

Jiang Lin flicked his palm slowly over Bai Min'er's hair, and the water stain on it disappeared in less than half a minute.

Better than a hair dryer.

"Senior, you are really convenient. You really have an old family, if you have a treasure."

"Am I very old?"

Jiang Lin was a little speechless, and he really regarded him as an old man.

And what the hell is a family member?Who is your family?

"You are over a thousand years old."

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