"You are twenty-four or five."

Afraid of the sudden silence in the air.

"Senior, buy me clothes, perfume, and rouge tomorrow, all of which can't be missing!"

I don't know if a woman is over [*] years old, it hurts to mention her age!

Chapter [*] Yaochi Immortal Castle

A woman's heart needle!

Looking at Bai Min'er's back, Jiang Lin was quite speechless.

Just mentioning your age is enough to make friends?

A moment ago, I sincerely apologized, and the chat collapsed.

"Senior is really similar to what Caiyi said. There is no pretence, and it is relatively easy to contact, like a twenty-six or seven-year-old youth."

Bai Min'er moved gently, and turned her head to look at Jiang Lin again, feeling that she was not that far away from him.

She always thought that Jiang Lin had lived for thousands of years, and he had the same temper as an old monster.

After Bai Min'er was finished, Caiyi told Jiang Lin to hurry along. There was a town not far ahead where the inn could be settled.

One after another, Yue Jianglin and Bai Min'er followed the clues they had collected to find the trail of Yaochi Immortal Castle.

Finally, in a relatively remote Mao County, Jiang Lin found traces of the Yaochi Immortal Castle Ruins.

"I didn't expect it to be here."

Jiang Lin looked at the surrounding scenery and immediately realized that in his previous life, he had been to the Jiuzhaigou Scenic Spot in Sichuan, which is in the same geographical location.

"Yaochi Immortal Castle, Yaochi."

Jiang Lin thought about how great it would be if he could still use Baidu, so he didn't have to search for a month to find this place.

"Senior, is this where the Yaochi Immortal Castle is located? It's so beautiful."

Caiyi and Ayan had basically never left the ancient tomb, and when they saw the beauty of the world, they were stunned for a while.

"Let's enjoy the beautiful scenery here first, and I'll take a look around. There is a legend of the fairy castle here, maybe it has been buried under the loess."

"Senior, let me accompany you."

Bai Min'er wasn't as curious as the two junior sisters. She and Jiang Lin were better off looking for them than one.

"No need, I've been sleeping and sleeping in the open this month, Miss Bai, please rest too."

"Okay, senior, you can call me Min'er."

After more than two months of getting along, Bai Min'er and the others became much closer to Jiang Lin. Although they were still calling out their seniors, they dared to joke with him.

Jiang Lin took a compass and looked for the place where the underground spiritual power gathered.

If it used to be a sect of immortal cultivation, even if it is buried underground, the concentration of spiritual energy will be higher.

Jiang Lin was worried that the spiritual energy would not appear on the ground, so he could only use the compass.

After searching for more than an hour, Jiang Lin still found nothing. Just as he was about to leave, the compass responded and pointed to a lake.

"In the water?"

Putting his objects on the shore, Jiang Lin jumped off.

After diving to more than [*] meters, Jiang Lin found a hole on the side wall of the lake. After reaching out, Jiang Lin found that the water of the lake was separated by the hole.

There is no water in the cave.

Worried that Bai Min'er and the others would be in a hurry, Jiang Lin floated up first.

After landing, Jiang Lin returned to where Bai Miner and the others were, and informed them of his findings.

"Senior, since we found it, let's go take a look together. The three of us, sisters and sisters, are all water-based."

They found this place after a lot of hard work, and if they didn't go down and have a look, they would not be reconciled.


Dive into the water again, Jiang Lin took the lead and got into the hole.

As soon as you enter the cave, the inside is suddenly enlightened, and it is a relatively spacious passage.

Jiang Lin suddenly shivered. The temperature in this cave is very low, at least about minus [*] degrees.

The temperature here was a little unexpected for Jiang Lin. He was fine, but Bai Min'er and the others estimated that they would need to take care of themselves.

"so cold."

After Bai Min'er and her two junior sisters entered the cave, their lips turned white from the cold.

Because the clothes on the three of them were soaked in water and clinging to their bodies, Jiang Lin was full of happiness.

Ayan is still a vacuum...


Jiang Lin watched his nose and heart, and then released his own yang flames, wrapped the three girls, and after evaporating the water stains on their bodies, he released his own yang energy so that they could withstand the severe cold.

"It's a bit weird here, or else you should go up first."

"Senior, when you helped our master, did you hesitate a little bit, and when you helped us integrate the inheritance, you didn't say it was boring and unbearable."

Bai Min'er rolled her eyes at Jiang Lin, when they were disciples of the Microwave School, didn't they repay their kindness?

Caiyi and Ayan also looked at Jiang Lin with their small mouths pouted. Now that they are not cold anymore, and they were asked to go back, did they think they couldn't help at all?

"Okay, then be careful."

Seeing the three insist, Jiang Lin also nodded.

Caiyi followed behind Jiang Lin and took a deep breath of Yang Qi, which was warm and fragrant, much more fragrant than what she usually smelled.


"Be aware of your surroundings."

Jiang Lin turned her head to remind Caiyi, which made her face turn red.

Bai Miner and Ayan were also embarrassed.

The two of them also increased their breathing.

Bai Min'er looked at Jiang Lin, her senior was too much, how could she be so fragrant, more fragrant than her rouge, but not the smell of rouge. the taste of.

The four followed the passage to the depths of the cave, turned a corner, and the sight that caught their eyes made them all stunned.

An ice palace.

Inside were large chunks of ice, each almost the size of a house.

"Senior, there is someone inside!"

Jiang Lin's face also became serious. There were many women in strange clothes inside these huge ice cubes.

Seeing their panicked appearance, it was as if they were trying their best to escape before the ice block arrived.

"Senior, is this the Yaochi Immortal Castle?"

Bai Min'er felt a little shudder, what terrifying thing happened and caused all these women to die.


"Senior, is there a... man?"

Jiang Lin followed Ayan's finger to look, and his heartbeat seemed to stop for a while when he looked at it.

That's not a man, it's a zombie!

The face of the zombie has long been invisible, and it is covered in black ragged clothes.

What shocked Jiang Lin the most was that the zombie's feet were about ten centimeters off the ground.

A frozen fly!

"Pre... Senior, is it Fei Zong?"

Seeing the appearance of the zombie, Bai Min'er felt a little awkward when she spoke.

Compared with this flying zombie, the Millennium Evil Princess is really nothing.

Jiang Lin took a deep breath, calmed down slightly, and said, "It's flying stiff, but it wasn't frozen at the same time as these women."

Jiang Lin was temporarily undecided whether to move forward or backward. He did not act rashly, but only let go of his spiritual sense and probed around the Ice Palace.

On the wall of the Ice Palace, there was a two-centimeter crack in the door, Jiang Lin squinted and looked inside.

Inside is an inner palace. In addition to the collapsed goddess statues, there are also five frozen men.

It turned out to be five Maoshan Taoist priests.

Chapter two hundred and eighty fourth flying stiff recovery

The five Taoist priests were wearing authentic Taoist clothes from Maoshan, and the frozen situation was similar to the flying zombie outside. Could it be that they were dealing with the flying zombie?

Jiang Lin thought for a moment, then looked at Bai Min'er and the others.

"I'm afraid we're going back."

Jiang Lin needs to inform Jiu Shu and Master Hong Jinbao of the news of the existence of Fei Zong in the fairy castle, and let them gather all the cultivators in the world to discuss how to deal with the Fei Zong in the fairy castle.

This flying zombie is just frozen, and once it breaks out of the ice, it will be a nightmare.

"Senior, do what you say."

Although he really wanted to see if there was Lan Xinyan in the fairy castle, Jiang Lin still felt that it would be better not to touch anything here.

Taking another look at the scene in the inner palace, Jiang Lin's eyes widened.

The five ice cubes inside were surrounded by five groups of one-yuan coin-sized blue flames, and the ice cubes began to melt rapidly.

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