
Jiang Lin's fangs bucked out, and he rushed over like a cheetah. He flew and kicked Fei Zong ten meters away, and then hugged Caiyi, which was covered in red fruit, in his arms.


Glancing at the blood on the corner of Caiyi's mouth in his arms, Jiang Lin frowned. This flying jerk can suck blood out of the body without clenching his teeth.

Jiang Lin comforted: "Don't be afraid."

Then he put down the Caiyi, tore off his own robe, put it on her, and then protected it behind him.

At this time, Jiang Lin's mood was very heavy. He joined forces with Daochang Chunhua, who was at the peak of the Celestial Master, and with an artifact, he could only suppress this Fei Zong, and it was impossible to kill it.

If it weren't for the limited space in this immortal castle, once Fei Zong exerted its ability to control the void, it would be difficult to suppress it.

Chapter two hundred and eighty sixth

"Fellow Daoist, are you alright?"

Daoist Chunhua stood side by side with Jiang Lin again, and he was glad Fei Zong didn't absorb human blood, otherwise, even if there were two Celestial Masters, most of them would have hated them.

Jiang Lin shook his head and said that there was no serious problem. Now that his corpse has reached a thousand years, the upper limit of the corpse poison has been raised a lot, and the corpse poison of Fei Zong has little effect on him.

"This flying zombie was injured by us when it advanced, and its strength is weaker than that of ordinary flying zombies. It must be supported by blood when it swallows corpse poison. . If I and the four disciples have all the instruments, with the help of fellow Daoists, we might be able to seriously injure it. But right now..."

Daoist Chunhua did not say any more, Jiang Lin also knew that they had lucked out without any other equipment, and they were still unharmed.

But it seems impossible to deal with the beheading of this flying zombie.

The severed limbs on Fei Zong's body had grown back, and he looked at the Evil Punishing Sword in the hands of Daoist Chunhua, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

After looking at Jiang Lin, Fei Zong felt that his threat was not small.

It turned out to be its kind, and Nima can still do Taoism?

Now it desperately needs blood to strengthen itself, but it doesn't seem to be easy to get here.

As long as it sucks blood, it can replenish its own losses and make it stronger.

Fei Zong was a general before his death. It has grown to the level of Fei Zong, and his spiritual wisdom has been enlightened a lot, and he knows a little about the choice.

strategic retreat.

After a long whistle, Fei Zong's figure jumped straight up, and he even chose to escape.


Jiang Lin was sluggish for a moment, really guessing the beginning but not the ending.

If there were no accidents, Jiang Lin and the others would definitely have to sacrifice, but Fei Zong ran away...

"This zombie is very cunning, storms, thunder and lightning, chase!"

Daoist Chunhua took the Divine Sword and was about to follow.

Are these guys trying to kill zombies?

Although it is necessary to kill Fei Zong, it does not mean unnecessary sacrifice.

"I said brother, are you sure you want to chase?"

Daoist Chunhua: "..."

Can we have fun fighting zombies together?

Chasing in front of you is chasing, and following is also chasing.

In the end, Daoist Chunhua still accepted Jiang Lin's suggestion to restore his spiritual power first.

At the same time, he also asked Jiang Lin what happened in the past few hundred years and the current situation in the outside world.

Jiang Lin also learned from Chunhua Daochang's mouth that when they were fully equipped, they were able to suppress this flying zombie, but it was difficult to eliminate it.

In desperation, they drove the Flying Zombie to Shu, and with the help of the power of the bronze mirror of the Yaochi Immortal Fort, they frozen themselves and the Flying Zombie to prevent the Flying Zong from harming the world.

Daoist Chunhua also said that even if Jiang Lin and the others didn't come, Fei Zong's freeze would be lifted.

They didn't expect to freeze Fei Zong permanently.

Surprisingly, they all survived.

"The aura is getting thinner and thinner..."

When Daoist Master Chunhua learned that there seemed to be only one celestial master left in this land, Jiang Lin was also very emotional.

It's getting harder and harder to kill this Fei Zong.

"Brother Dao, that Fei Zong has the sword energy of the Evil Execution Sword on his body. Within a day, the Evil Execution Sword can sense its position. Let's leave this alone. This corpse evil spirit has been enlightened. Its traces, I am afraid that it will continue to grow in secret, and there will be no peace in the world by then."

"In this case, you go to track it first. After Pindao takes the Emei treasure, he will join you. At the same time, Pindao will also notify the division and gather the strength of the righteous way to rise and fall."

For Daoist Chunhua, Jiang Lin sincerely respected him.

He really deserves to be a model of righteousness and a pioneer of the Taoist altar.

"Pin Dao thank you first. This is Yin and Yang jade. You and I are one piece. As long as you are within a radius of five miles, both Yin jade and Yang jade will react."

After Jiang Lin took Yang Yu, Daoist Master Chunhua looked at Jiang Lin and the three girls behind him, and said softly, "Brother Daoist is very blessed."

The four apprentices also smiled and joked with Jiang Lin quite familiarly: "If you don't die in a big disaster, there will be bright blessings."


Three girls: "..."

Daoist Chunhua patted Jiang Lin on the shoulder with a deep meaning, and left the Immortal Castle with his four apprentices.

Before leaving, he left a message to Jiang Lin.

These three girls are married to you.


real or fake?Why didn't I see it?

Jiang Lin glanced back. In terms of facial features, he only focused on studying death and fierceness. He really didn't know much about husband and wife.

Jiang Lin didn't take Daoist Master Chunhua's words seriously, and Quan thought he was joking.

"Min'er, Caiyi, Ayan, are you all alright?"

"Senior, we're fine."

Jiang Lin felt a little ashamed, but he didn't expect to encounter Fei Zong this time, and almost put the three girls in danger.

Fortunately, this time, luck is on the line, and the rest of the life is after the catastrophe.

"Senior, since Daoist Chunhua and the others can be released from the ice, I don't know if other people in this ice palace are also saved."

"Let's go to the inner palace to see."

After the four entered the inner palace, they found that there was a huge broken bronze mirror facing the stone gate. There was still a huge ice cube behind the collapsed goddess statue below it, which was exactly the same shape as the ice cube outside.

Among the huge ice cubes sat a beautiful woman.

Jiang Lin felt that there seemed to be a change in the cloth bag. He reached in and took out two fire-collecting charms, which were in the shape of blue flames.

Clouds of blue heart flames got rid of the shackles of the fire-collecting talisman, melted into the ice cubes, and finally entered the woman's body.

Jiang Lin had blue veins on his forehead. After working hard for more than a month, he also hit a flying jerk, and ended up with a bamboo basket for water?

Lan Xinyan has returned to the master's body.

Obviously the woman in the ice is the castle owner of the fairy castle.

Jiang Lin put his palm on the huge ice cube, trying to see if he could melt it with Yang Yan.

The effect is not very big, unless the sun is really fire in the condensed sun.

But even if the ice is melted, if you want to get Lan Xinyan, you have to burn the body of the woman in the ice.

Jiang Lin doesn't really want to do something that destroys flowers.

Just when Jiang Lin was about to give up and leave, the blue heart flame in the ice flew out again, and finally fell directly into Jiang Lin's dantian.

At the same time, a woman's soft voice appeared in Jiang Lin's mind.

"So it is."

Jiang Lin finally understood why the Yaochi Immortal Castle was frozen.

At the same time, he also learned some unknown things.

Why did Master Changmei get hurt when he dealt with the Gorefiend? After the Emei Sect was destroyed, who was coveting the ternary power of the Emei Three Treasures?

The power of rebirth in the three elements has always been secretly plotted.

Zuo Ci, I don't know if you are lying in the Immortal Burial Coffin, are you comfortable?

Jiang Lin really wanted to find this old demon's cemetery now and dig its grave.

"Let's go, the people here have been frozen for too long and can't be resurrected."

The people who are frozen here, as long as the time limit does not exceed [*] years, as long as a destined person comes in, they can still recover.But it's too late.

Speaking of which, Daoist Chunhua and the others were able to lift the ice block because of Jiang Lin's arrival.


I don't know if it was because there had been many explosions in the fairy castle before or because the last trace of the fort master's primordial spirit dissipated, and the entire Yaochi fairy castle began to collapse.

"Come on!"

"Senior, I..."

Caiyi's head was dizzy, her feet crooked, and she fell into Jiang Lin's arms.

She was poisoned.

Jiang Lin picked up Caiyi and took Bai Miner and Ayan out of the Immortal Castle.

After landing, Jiang Lin's first reaction was to give Caiyi artificial respiration.

In later generations, as long as people have common medical knowledge and the will to save people, the first reaction to seeing a drowning person is almost always artificial respiration.

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