So, in broad daylight, in front of Bai Miner and Ayan, Jiang Lin was very professional for Caiyi.

Just after rescuing Caiyi, Jiang Lin remembered that the technology of artificial respiration was difficult to understand in this era.

Jiang Lin looked up and saw Bai Miner and Ayan were looking at him.

What are you doing, senior?

Jiang Lin coughed lightly and said, "I'm saving her..."

Chapter two hundred and eighty seventh emergencies

Jiang Lin not only sucked the water out of Caiyi's body, but also absorbed the corpse poison into his body.

Other methods of Chongyang Formation are troublesome and painful, Jiang Lin is too lazy to use it, and Caiyi can't wait, Fei Zong's corpse poison is not a joke.

If you can solve the problem in one bite, why not do it.

"Let's go back as soon as possible. After I get the Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword and the Sun Divine Pearl, I will assist Daoist Chunhua to bring down the corpse."

Bai Min'er raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "That evil princess..."

"Don't worry, I'll be back."

Lan Xinyan had been found. Although Jiang Lin wanted to find out the whereabouts of another strange fire, he had no time to spare.

Now there is a flying stiffness, and more than a month later, there will be a powerful enchantress. Jiang Lin will rush back to the county seat to lay the tomb for the commander, and he will return to Xiangxi in the second half of the year.

The schedule is full.

Because of time constraints, Jiang Lin chose to take a carriage back to the ancient tomb.

After arriving at the ancient tomb, Jiang Lin didn't stop there. After writing a letter to Uncle Ninth and sending it out, he rode on horseback to look for Daoist Master Chunhua and the others that night.

He was worried that Daoist Chunhua and his disciples would be killed by Fei Zong with a carbine.

"Caiyi, how is your progress with senior now?"

Bai Miner came to Caiyi's room and wanted to ask about the relationship between this junior sister and Jiang Lin.

Caiyi's face turned red, and she said ashamedly, "Elder Sister, what are you talking about, what's the progress?"

"It's the marriage between the senior and you. He already kissed you, and you haven't pierced the window paper yet?"

Caiyi still didn't know that Jiang Lin gave her artificial respiration.

After learning about this, the little girl was so ashamed that she covered her head with the quilt.

"I told you, I asked you to help senior integrate the Emei inheritance, don't you know what it means?"

Bai Min'er was speechless. She let Caiyi get tired of Jiang Lin's side every day, didn't she just want them to develop a relationship, but two months later, you are still me and you are still standing still.

"I always thought you guys... oh, I'm also my fault for not saying that, before the death of Master, let me find you a man who speaks loudly in the new year, the moon, the moon, the sun, and the sun within a hundred days, and marry you. This is the master. will."

When Caiyi heard this, she was so anxious that she wanted to cry. How could she marry someone else now? Her love has already opened, and she fell in love with Jianglin.

Moreover, she had never been an inch in front of Jiang Lin, she would rather not marry someone than marry someone else.

But what about the Master's last wish?

Seeing Caiyi's aggrieved appearance, Bai Min'er shook her head and said a few words to her.

Bai Min'er didn't want to force Caiyi, after all, their senior was really perfect.

When she thought of Jianglin's performance in dealing with Fei Zong in the fairy castle, the light was so dazzling that it could capture the hearts of a large number of girls.

Even Bai Min'er didn't notice that in the immortal castle, when she looked at Jiang Lin, there was a slight splendor in her beautiful eyes.

"Don't say that Senior Sister doesn't hurt you, Senior Sister has told you what she should say."

It's okay not to marry someone else, unless...

Half a month later, Jiang Lin returned to the ancient tomb with a tired face.

In the past half month, he did not know how many horses he ran to death, and he ran almost the entire Shu land ten times, from south to north, from west to east, but he could no longer find any trace of Daoist Chunhua and the others. .

Fei Zong also evaporated in Shu.

Jiang Lin had inquired about many places, but there was no sign of the stupor.

"It's impossible to leave the land of Shu, so when I returned to the ancient tomb, I rode over there on horseback."

Jiang Lin really felt a headache, but Yang Yu did not dim, indicating that Daoist Chunhua was not in danger.

But what about people?

What made Jiang Lin even more unexpected was that in the following years, there was no news of Daoist Chunhua and his disciples in the world.

It was not until more than ten years later that the Oriental Demon Dao found the location of Huaxia's dragon veins, and he did not meet Daoist Chunhua again.

This is already a story.

Jiang Lin asked if any outsiders had visited the ancient tomb of Caiyi, and the answer made him doubtful.

The letter he wrote to Ninth Uncle should have arrived long ago. If Ninth Uncle came over, it should have arrived a few days ago.

Because of the inconvenience of communication, Jiang Lin didn't know that during the period after he left, Jiu Shuyi connected several big businesses, and left Renjia Town with Qiusheng, Wencai and Feibao Xiaohai.

As for the letter, it was sent to Zhang Han, but Zhang Han went to the county seat. Jiang Lin's daughters-in-law were well-informed and did not have the habit of peeking at other people's letters, so no one knew about Fei Zong for the time being.

"Senior, Senior Sister told me that I want Senior to help me change the inheritance of Emei into a spell that we can practice, and record it in books. Senior Sister, she is too embarrassed to trouble Senior, Caiyi will tell you something, and I hope Seniors, don't be annoying."

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "It's just a small matter. You guys helped me run for a month. I can't even help me with this little thing."

Caiyi stuck out her tongue, Jiang Lin agreed, and she could sit next to Jiang Lin again.

Meimei fell asleep, and Jiang Lin made some changes to the inheritance of Emei on the second day, organized it into words, and kept it as the inheritance of the Microwave School.

"Senior, did you practice swordsmanship by ossifying the sword?" Caiyi, who was practicing drawing talismans beside Jiang Lin, asked softly.

Jiang Lin always answered questions about the cultivation of the disciples of the Microwave School, so Caiyi asked questions whenever she wanted to talk to Jiang Lin.


Jiang Lin saw a bone sword in his hand, and talked to Caiyi about the different ways of practicing swordsmanship and their advantages and disadvantages.

"Senior's spirit sword quality is much higher than ours. Is it because of zombie bones?"

Bai Miner and the three of them knew about Jiang Lin's ability to become a zombie, but they didn't regard Jiang Lin as an alien because of this.

After a long period of time, people can see people's hearts. What Jiang Lin did for their microwave pie is vivid in his mind. Whether it's zombies or people, seniors are seniors.

The three of them had never mentioned this secret to outsiders. Jiang Lin had never revealed this identity before, so they naturally wouldn't make a statement.

Everyone has their own secrets.


Caiyi was very curious, she stretched out her plain hand and took the bone sword on the table in her hand.

At the same time, Jiang Lin suddenly seemed to be struck by a thunderbolt, and his body seemed to have been emptied of strength and froze there.

As if the body was hollowed out.

How is this going?

Jiang Lin's heart was filled with countless question marks, he couldn't move at all, he lost the slightest strength, and even his spiritual power was sluggish.


Jiang Lin fell on his back, the talisman paper on the table was knocked off, and the chicken blood was knocked over and splashed on the ground.

Caiyi was startled and said anxiously, "Senior! What's wrong with you?"

I do not know either.

What kind of emergency is this?

Jiang Lin couldn't even speak if he wanted to, only his eyes could move.

Caiyi looked helpless, and quickly helped Jiang Lin up, but Jiang Lin's body had lost his balance, so she had no choice but to help Jiang Lin to the side of the bed.

As a result, the large amount of chicken blood under her feet made Caiyi's feet slip, and the two of them both fell on the bed.

Time seemed to stand still, Jiang Lin was lying, Caiyi was lying on his body, and the four lips were pressed together.

Seeing the fluttering eyelashes so close, the girl's fragrance entered his nose, Jiang Lin seemed to be tempted by this beautiful girl.

"This place where chicken blood is sprinkled seems to be pretty good."

At this time, Jiang Lin remembered what Daoist Chunhua said, Caiyi was married to him.

Chapter [*] Zhuge Family?Zhuge Kongping?

Caiyi stood up with an "ah" sound, her pink face was like red paper, her mind was blank, and after a few breaths, she recovered a little.

"I... I'm going to find the big sister."

Caiyi didn't dare to face Jiang Lin's eyes anymore, she grabbed the bone sword on the table and ran out.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Ayan heard Caiyi's cry and came to the door.

"This... this is not my sword."

In a panic, Caiyi mistakenly thought that the sword on the table was hers.

"I went to see the senior sister, and the senior suddenly couldn't move."

Caiyi was afraid of being questioned by Ayan, so she directly shoved the Zhengbone Sword to her and ran out.

In this short time, Jiang Lin felt that he had been bombarded twice.

He finally knew what was going on.

The zheng bone sword was touched by someone else.

Can't be touched by others or can't be touched by women?

Jiang Lin was completely stunned. He had never encountered such a situation since he practiced Sword Mastery.

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