"No, master has touched my bone sword, which means it can't be touched by women?"

Jiang Lin suddenly thought that when Zhang Han learned that he could transform the Zhengbone Sword out of his body, he held his Zhengbone Sword and looked at it for a long time.

He also kept praising him for his unparalleled talent.

"What am I..."

This kind of feeling is really uncomfortable, the whole body is weak, the limbs and even the fingers are completely incompetent.

Why does this situation look like the tail of a Saiyan mid-level warrior...

As soon as he was caught, he was completely powerless, and his combat effectiveness plummeted.

After Jiang Lin decided to recover by himself, he must find out what was going on.

This has never happened to others who practice Sword Mastery, and there is no record of similar problems.

Could it be because of grinding the tailbone into a sword?

Jiang Lin thought hard and could only make such a guess.

From ancient times to the present, it is estimated that he is the only one who has used the coccyx bone to grind into a sword.

Ayan came to the bed with the bone sword in her arms, and her eyes were full of concern.

She put the bone sword aside and asked, "Senior, what's wrong with you?"

You must have touched my sword.

Although Jiang Lin wanted to speak very much, unfortunately, he was intentional but powerless.

"Is it sick?"

Seeing that Jiang Lin could only move his eyes, Ayan bent down and put the back of her hand on Jiang Lin's forehead.

Little girl, why don't you like wearing a bellyband...

Ayan is gone.

Turning her head to look outside the door, Ayan said to herself, "I can't tell if I have a fever."

Then she put her smooth forehead against Jiang Lin's forehead.

Jiang Lin: "..."

Ayan, are you sure you are here to see if I have a fever?

Jiang Lin was quite speechless, he was taken advantage of.

"I don't seem to have a fever."

After that, Ayan put her face on Jiang Lin's heart again, euphemistically, listening to the senior's heartbeat.

Is this necessary to listen to the heartbeat?Can't take the pulse?

Ah Yan's face was shy, Jiang Lin's chest was really warm.

She couldn't figure out what happened to Jiang Lin, so she wanted to pull the quilt to cover Jiang Lin, and then slipped in the same place.

The location of the chicken blood splash is particularly good!

It's like when the shot didn't work well, the kiss before) (The scene doesn't work, do it again, action!

Jiang Lin felt that his peach blossom luck was particularly good this year, and Caiyi and Ayan's first kiss was planted on him.

Ayan stood up and covered her hot cheeks.

But she didn't run out like Caiyi.

Looking back again, no one came yet, and then she bent down again.

I met the female version of Yin Zhiping...

See I can't move, wipe my oil.

Be bold!presumptuous!

It's like being tapped on acupuncture points and unable to move at all, what to do, wait online!

Jiang Lin's whole body was soft, and only one place was rocked.


Finally, Jiang Lin's fingers were able to move, and he wanted to let Ayan know now that the price of wiping was very serious!

"What happened to him, senior?"

When Bai Min'er's voice came from outside, Ayan stood up immediately, her face more beautiful than a peach blossom.

Bai Min'er entered the room and saw that Jiang Lin was lying motionless. Seeing the two girls, Ayan and Caiyi, with their pink faces, she couldn't help but cast a strange look at Jiang Lin.

Senior, what are you doing?No, what did these two junior sisters do?

Jiang Lin's eyes met Bai Min'er's and rolled her eyes at her.

I can't even move, what are you looking at me for?

After a while, the room was full of people, Bai Miner and the others were still very concerned about Jiang Lin's situation.

When asked about Caiyi and Ayan's specific situation, Bai Miner couldn't find the reason why Jiang Lin was dead.

Five minutes later, Jiang Lin's limbs could move slightly, and he could speak.

"My sword you..."

He originally wanted to say that his sword should not be touched by these girls, but halfway through his words, Bai Min'er picked up his sword and asked, "Do you want a sword, senior?"

Jiang Lin: "..."

An hour later, Jiang Lin was finally able to take control of his body. He explained to Bai Min'er that this sudden situation happened because his bone sword was touched by an outsider.

Knowing that the senior was fine, Bai Min'er and the others also had a false alarm, and they all went back.

Caiyi and Ayan also left, especially Ayan, who ran very fast and did bad things, so of course she had to run away quickly.

The next day, Bai Miner came to find Jiang Lin. She was invited by someone else and wanted Jiang Lin to go with her.

"Zhuge family? Zhuge Kongping???"

Hearing this name, Jiang Lin almost choked on the tea.

"Is it a big fat man?"

"Senior, do you know Zhuge Kongping? After Zhuge Kongming, he is proficient in astronomy and geography and likes to make some impractical inventions. This time he invited me to visit his inventions. I didn't want to go, but he said in the letter that he knew There is a very powerful zombie in Shu, so I specifically came to ask the senior."

Bai Min'er also knew that Daoist Chunhua and Fei Zong lost news, so after receiving the invitation, she came to Jiang Lin.

Hearing Bai Min'er's words, Jiang Lin felt a little better.

The land of Shu, the family of Zhuge, is indeed the plot of the movie ghost hunting and family fun.

The Zhuge Kongping inside is the big fat Zheng Zeshi.

Is it possible that there is a flying stiffness?

Jiang Lin remembered that there was a very powerful zombie in the movie, the Xishuangbanna Bronze Armored Corpse, but it is hard to say if there is a deviation in the plot, Jiang Lin.

No matter how the plot develops, Jiang Lin wants to take a look. If there are zombies, he can reap the evil spirits. Even if there are no zombies, he still wants to meet Zhuge Kongping.

Zhuge Wuhou, the ancestor of Zhuge Kongping, was in the same era as Zuo Ci. Maybe he could get some information about Zuo Ci from Zhuge Kongping.

Chapter [*] Addicted to technology and unable to extricate themselves

"Zhuge Kongping invited you to visit his invention?"

Although he hasn't met this Marquis yet, Jiang Lin feels that he should have a general understanding of him.

I guess it's also a great flower.

Bai Min'er's cultivation is already at the level of an alchemist, and inviting such an expert to see her own invention is such a pain in the ass.

Most of the experts invited by others are to inquire about the problems of cultivation.

"Cough, I think it should be a matchmaker for his son."

Bai Min'er pouted, as if she didn't like Zhuge Kongping very much. If it wasn't for the fact that the Zhuge family had some connection with the Microwave School, she would have burned the letter directly.

Jiang Lin snorted, looked at Bai Min'er, and whispered, "It's time for you to get married, it's twenty-four or five."

"Senior, don't let your sword fall into my hands."

Bai Min'er smiled brightly, but Jiang Lin clearly felt a suffocating aura in the air.

What's wrong with twenty-four-five, what's the difference between me and an eighteen-year-old girl?

People are beautiful!

With a light cough, Jiang Lin said, "Let's go, let's go."

He didn't believe that Bai Min'er would be the same as Caiyi Ayan when he got his bone sword.

So, quickly turn to the previous topic.

Bai Min'er looked at Jiang Lin's back, slightly nudging red lips, an old monster over a thousand years old, still despised her age?

But when she thought of saying that Jiang Lin was over a thousand years old first, Bai Min'er felt that even if she got angry, she couldn't be righteous.

The two went out of the ancient tomb, and when they arrived in the town, they hired a carriage and drove to Chengdu County.

The two were in the same car. Although Bai Min'er was very reserved, facing Jiang Lin, she turned into a curious baby and caught Jiang Lin to ask this question.

Bai Miner herself didn't realize that in the process of getting along gradually, she always wanted to know more about Jiang Lin.

As long as it didn't involve his own secrets, Jiang Lin would still answer Bai Min'er's questions.

However, he ignored some of the more personal questions, and when Bai Miner asked, Jiang Lin put on a cold look.

I am your senior.

Bai Min'er was so angry that she pouted, looking more and more like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl.

The girl's heart gradually returned.

Two days later, Jiang Lin and Bai Min'er came to the dojo of Zhuge Kongping in Chengdu County.

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