"Oh, Fairy White, welcome and welcome."

The fat Zhuge Kongping went out to greet him and was extremely polite to Bai Miner.

He wanted to match his son, but the target was not Bai Miner, but Bai Miner's junior sisters.

Now the microwave faction is basically dominated by Bai Miner, you are welcome.

Although Jiang Lin was prepared, the corner of his mouth twitched when he saw Zhuge Kongping who was like a mountain of meat.

This Nima weighs nearly three hundred pounds.

When catching ghosts and catching zombies, can you still move?

Bai Min'er returned a salute and introduced Jiang Lin to Zhuge Kongping.

It's just that she just said that Jiang Lin was her friend.

If she still called Jiang Lin Senior in front of outsiders, it would be a bit shocking.

This was also what Jiang Lin had requested before, lest others explore his roots.

"It turned out to be fellow Daoist Li Yang. Please."

When Jiang Lin entered Zhuge Kongping's Taoist hall, it was a real eye-opener.

Unseen technology.

Robots are used to serve tea and pour water, but the material is wood.

There is also an elevator-like lift near the stairs.

Zhuge Kongping poured tea for Jiang Lin and Bai Min'er, and then he boasted about his research results and inventions to Jiang Lin and Bai Min'er, and even let them visit his laboratory.

"Let me tell you, I'm currently researching a new method of corpse control, and I don't need to stick a talisman at all. As long as I succeed, I'll be a myth in the spirit world."

Jiang Lin almost choked on the tea.

He felt that Zhuge Wuhou's coffin board couldn't hold it.

Marquis Wu was well versed in the technique of the Qimen Dunjia, but as a result, he had such a descendant.

What is Qimen Dunjia, technology is the last word.

Do be Frankenstein.

Because he wanted to get some information from Zhuge Kongping, Jiang Lin also talked to him.

In later generations, science and technology are the primary productive forces. Zhuge Kongping showing off technology in front of Jiang Lin is similar to playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong.

Jiang Lin slapped Zhuge Kongping's face with his simple physics knowledge from junior high school and high school, which immediately shocked Zhuge Kongping into a heaven and a man.

"Brother Li Yang, confidant! It's too late to meet you!"

Zhuge Kongping couldn't wait to let Jiang Lin and Bai Min'er visit his research results.

Seeing that the fat man was so enthusiastic, Jiang Lin also nodded and followed him into the elevator.

If you want to get closer, you have to do what you want.

Jiang Lin wanted to get the information he wanted from Zhuge Kongping, and he had to get closer to him.

Otherwise, Zhuge Kongping would not have any intention to visit a dead man more than a thousand years ago for him.

Although Bai Min'er had no interest at all, she still followed Jiang Lin.

Everything is up to the seniors.

On the second floor, Jiang Lin felt that Zhuge Kongping's ancestor was so angry that he vomited blood.

Downstairs there is still a bit of Taoist appearance, but upstairs, it is simply a laboratory, with beakers and flasks generators.

In addition to these, there are two large iron cages. One zombie is placed in the cage, and the hands and feet are connected to wires. In the other iron cage, there is a basket of mice.

This time, not only Jiang Lin, but also Bai Min'er felt that this Zhuge family had been tricked by the descendants of Zhuge Kongping.

After inheriting the family of Qimen Dunjia, he was addicted to technology and could not extricate himself.

It is not good for children to be obsessed with technology, and most of them are useless!

"Brother Dao, I only invented this 'human corpse shroud' with amazing courage and superhuman wisdom. If this experiment is successful, I can directly control the actions of zombies with human thoughts. Isn't it great? "

Zhuge Kongping introduced his laboratory equipment to Jiang Lin with a stinky face, but Bai Miner was ignored by him.

The matchmaking for his son was also completely forgotten by Zhuge Kongping.

"Dad is great!"

Zhuge Xiaoming, who was cleaning the dust on the side, flattered his father. Whether his marriage could be successful or not depends on his father's mouth.

"Brother Dao, it will be a moment to witness history."

Jiang Lin quietly watched Zhuge Kongping make his move, and he would make a refined zombie later, so he could play.

Zombies have dead body meridians, physical currents, and chemical agents, all of which may be opened up.

Once these dead body meridians are opened, the zombies are similar to those who practice martial arts rushing through their own meridians.

It is not impossible to become the strongest man on earth in seconds.

The original royal zombies and Ren Tiantang all became a ferocious mess because of the mutation of their dead body meridians.

Zhuge Kongping toggled the button of the generator to debug the next experiment.

He wanted Jiang Lin and Bai Miner to witness the historic moment with him.

Chapter [*] This son, I'm afraid he didn't pick it up!

Zhuge Xiaoming pointed to the big "danger" letters on the generator and asked his father, "Dad, why are the patterns on this generator so long?"

"I don't know, this is the brand of the generator. It is pronounced as danger in English, and in Chinese it means 'to withstand'. Your father's corpse psychic cover is all withstood by this 'danger' brand generator. "

Zhuge Kongping made some popular science about his son.

"Brother Dao, Fairy Bai, my son doesn't understand anything. Compared with me, he is far behind."

God resists so much, that means danger!

Jiang Lin held back his laughter and almost suffered internal injuries.

Seeing Jiang Lin's smirking expression, Bai Min'er asked in a low voice, "Senior, why do I think he's fooling around?"

"Fairy Bai, you're right. Science and superstition both start with fools, but science is bold and careful to verify, so science is making continuous progress, while superstition is sticking to the rules and blindly taking the old path. The spirit world is looked down upon by others. , that's the reason. Brother Daoist, does what I say make sense?"

"Yes, yes, you are right."

Don't argue with the fool, Jiang Lin recited this sentence three times in his heart.

"Then it's time to witness history!"

With Jiang Lin's affirmation, Zhuge Kongping worked hard to shake the generator.

The zombies stimulated by the electric current began to move their mouths and noses.

"Brother Dao, look, zombies really react!"

Jiang Lin hummed and continued to watch Zhuge Kongping's performance.

The zombie reacts because the current is hitting its body and the internal meridians, as well as the body's natural response.

The Zhuge Freak really thought that his experiment had an effect.

However, the zombie's response did not last for half a minute, and then stopped.

Zhuge Kongping seems to have suffered quite a blow.

What about witnessing a historic moment?

Why don't you move, move now!

An embarrassed smile appeared on his bloated face, and Zhuge Kongping babbled for a while, not knowing what to say.

Bai Min'er hid behind Jiang Lin, took a seat, covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Dad, the zombies don't move anymore. These mice have such a small head and no ability to think. It's better to find someone to try it."

Zhuge Kongping slapped his thigh, causing all the fat in his body to tremble.

"Yes, it must be so! I thought so too."

Zhuge Xiaoming's face was full of sunshine, and he finally let his father recognize his words once.

But the next moment, he cried.

It's just crying.

Zhuge Kongping threw his son into an iron cage and performed experiments on behalf of the mice.

This son, I'm afraid he didn't pick it up!

Jiang Lin really couldn't think of other possibilities.

For his own experiments, he treated his son as a guinea pig and had to receive electrical stimulation.

This dad must be a real dad!

"Brother Dao, will this be dangerous?"

Although Jiang Lin vaguely remembered that the plot of the movie also developed like this, he still chose to remind him.

Aren't you afraid to make your son an SB?

"Fellow Daoist, you can rest assured that Xiao Ming can personally participate in this historic moment, which is something to be proud of and brilliant."

"Stinky boy, you are not afraid of mice so small, what are you afraid of!"

Zhuge Kongping completely ignored the cry of his son in the iron prison, and reassured that he would succeed in the future.

What an unbearable father he is, he doesn't even care about his son's safety.

The generator started running again, and the needle on the dial jumped wildly, sending electricity to Zombie and Zhuge Xiaoming.

This time the current lasted for a long time, and the zombie's reaction was also more violent. As for Zhuge Xiaoming, he became an epilepsy patient and foamed at the mouth.

A minute later, the eyes of the zombie in the iron prison glowed green, and his face was no longer full of death.

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